

The young woman's gaze clouded and they could feel how much it cost her to consent to feed on them. She shivered violently and closed her eyes for a few moments, dizzy. It was imperative that she eat quickly to recover, and despite her qualms, she accepted their offer. Estheniel pulled her against him and hugged her, putting the young woman's fangs against his throat to make it easier for her. He could feel her tense and fight the temptation before she reluctantly relented and bit him, only partially quenching her thirst before pulling her head back and freeing herself from his arms. Leifr took off his shirt, pulled her against him, kissed her on the forehead and hugged her in turn, putting her fangs against his throat and encouraging her tenderly. He too could feel her struggle and finally give in to the thirst that gripped her. As with the demon she only partially satisfied her hunger, categorically refusing to take more than she had to, to strengthen the bond between them. Letting her step aside, he noticed her paleness and, along with the demon, set out to find her something to eat and recover from what she had created. The two men could feel the power vibrating within them and most importantly, each other. The crossbreeding that was the young woman had made possible what neither could have done: they were a triumvirate, a bond existing between each member of the trio. As they walked through the living-room they could notice that some of the vampires of the nest were staring at them, envious of the power they exuded. Shrugging, they burst out laughing and prepared a platter of meats and salad, accompanied by a bag of blood that the vampire had warmed up before heading back to the room whose destroyed door lay on the floor. They walked through the wall of power that stood in place of the door and entered the room, noticing the young woman's absence. The noise coming from the bathroom reassured them immediately, she was gone for a shower and would soon be out, and they moved the coffee table to the bed to put the snack they had prepared.

A few minutes later, Blue came out of the bathroom wearing a long black sleeveless tunic, the fabric of which closely resembled the pants the demon had given him. The smile she gave them was tender and, despite the presence of her mental shields, they could feel her relaxed and calm, far removed from her fearful and tense demeanor she still had a few weeks earlier.

"How do you feel, my friends? I tried to be as gentle as possible whether it was bonding, sharing my powers, or when you fed me, but I admit I had a little struggling to control myself."

"You don't have to worry, my Lady. Your control over abilities that weren't yours to begin with is absolutely astounding, as is the gentleness and kindness you have shown."

"I confirm, my Queen, I haven't felt this good in a very long time let alone feeding you is a pleasure that I plan to repeat as often as possible."

"You're just a vile flatterer, Estheniel, my friend, do you know that? She danced towards him and stroked his cheek. Listening to you, one could almost think my bite is nice, which it's not."

After kissing him on the cheek, she moved away from the demon to settle in the middle of the bed with the tray they had prepared. In a playful and teasing mood, she used the link to invite them to join her and share her meal, which they did, laughing heartily. Once the snack was swallowed and the tray placed on the table that was returned to its place, she opacified the wall of power that served as the door to her room, reinforcing the rune of protection for the night, before looking at them.

"You're the one to decide what happens next, Blue. If you wish, one of us can stay by your side, see the two if you prefer. This room is yours only, you don't have to share it if you don't want to, Estheniel and I have our own rooms now. "

"Tonight, and as often as you like, you are welcome. You have no idea how much I missed you during these five weeks at Lucifer. I often wanted to contact you but could not. not until I was stabilized, not wanting to see certain incidents repeat themselves."

"My Queen, you don't have to apologize for something you didn't control, that you didn't understand. Being neither of Empire nor of demonic ancestry, you had no way of knowing what was happening to you and shocking your aura of mine certainly made it worse. "

"Five weeks ago, my state of mind was not the same as today and that's good. Being afraid of everything and everyone is not a life. In the meantime, who stays with me? Apart from the three of us, no one can enter this room, not even your bloodlines and if it were up to me, I would keep you both."

The two men could sense that she sincerely wished they both stayed, eager to feel them by her side as on the first day. They looked at each other, undressed and settled themselves under the sheets waiting for him. The radiant smile with which the young woman rewarded them, putting an end to any doubts they might have had. She took off her tunic and slipped between them, letting out a sigh of relief: she had feared that they would not want to stay.

A certain tension emerges after a while and the young woman understood the cause quite quickly: almost naked between them, she could see that she did not leave indifferent but that they held back out of respect for her and her young age. . Although he had no experience, in his veins flowed four bloods whose sensuality and appetites were no secret. Sitting up slightly, she reached out to grab the tunic on the nightstand when the vampire's arm closed around her, preventing her from completing her gesture. The two men stood up on one elbow in turn, doing everything they could not to frighten him.

"You don't have to get dressed for our comfort, Blue. Leifr and I knew this could happen and we're not blaming you, on the contrary. You are an extremely attractive young woman and just being our skins against yours is enough for us."

"Estheniel and I will never force you to do anything, you don't have to worry about that. Are you embarrassed or disgusted by how we feel about you?"

"Neither embarrassed nor disgusted, just astonished. I had never seen myself as attractive or as likely to interest either of you, anyway, just as I had no idea that each of you would include the other in any relationship about me."

"You were already carrying his blood when I took you in, my Lady. His arrival helped me understand you. Why exclude him?

"You were already living with him when you freed me from the spell of the Fae, my Queen. His blood contributed to what you have become. Why deny him this right?"

Blue lay back between them, one hand resting on the vampire's arm and the other on the demon's chest, realizing that she was not immune to the charm of either of the two and that she couldn't either. imagine one without the other. The two men relaxed and lay down again, attentive to any change in her attitude.