
Celestial Chronicles: Crimson Ascension

Akira was abandoned at a small church in the woods and was raised by a nun. He was taken to a temple when he was 5 to awaken his mana and there he met Jake and Naomi and the three of them were trained by David. When they reached he age of 10 Akira, Jake and Naomi awakened their mana property. Soon after, they were attacked by five assassins and where able to take down four of the assassins but were badly injured during the process. The last assassin left was Dexter, Who was stronger than all of them and his main purpose was to kill David and the nun Sesilia. Akira tries to fight, but he is outmatched and got pierced through the chest, leaving behind a huge hole. Without hope and on the brink of death, a mysterious power overflows in him when he sees sesilia and David impaled. Unleashing the mysterious power, Akira reaches a new level of power which helps him defeat Dexter. They all escaped through a portal made by David and find themselves in a strange building surrounded by people.

Void_Fox_ · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The Dawn of Dexter

"What are we going to do?" Naomi asked in a trembling voice.

"We'll fight…." Akira said 

But he wasn't able to finish his speech because he felt a sharp pain in his chest and throat and coughed out blood, falling to the floor. While Jake sneaked past the assassin and went to meet David, Naomi froze in place out of fear.

"Stupid boy, you should have known that there would be a price for forcefully using an advanced technique when you're not up to it" The assassin said.

"Who are you anyways?" David asked as blood poured from his stomach.

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to tell you since you're going to die here. You should know me. My name is Dexter." The assassin said

David and Sesilia were shocked to hear his name.

"You mean Dexter, the assassin who performed all his assassination flawlessly?" David said

"And doesn't leave any trace behind" Sesilia said

"Your right on the money" Dexter said

Akira stood up from the floor "Not yet; I won't fall yet."

He charged at Dexter, using his new sword to attack him at high speed, Dexter dodges all his attacks. 

"Wow, David really trained a monster" Dexter said "You should be able to beat a Sun-grade warrior."

~I'm sorry, Akira, but please just keep him distracted a little longer~ David thought.

Akira attacks relentlessly, but Dexter just dodges them with ease.

"You wanna know my grade, kid? I'm Heaven-grade, so you have no chance in beating me" Dexter said

"DON'T MOVE" Akira yelled, using dragon tongue once more. 

Dexter wasn't able to move.

"Akira, I've opened a portal. Carry Naomi and run. Jake has already carried Sesilia away" David said

"It will only last for 10 seconds, the immobility" Akira said

"That's enough time" David said as he threw a black ball toward the immobile Dexter.

Once the ball touched him, a black dome surrounded Dexter.

"In that dome, there is no air in it. It's my ultimate VOID" David said

There was no air in the dome; it was a void, and Dexter was slowly freezing.

~Shit, I can't breathe~ Dexter thought ~And I can't talk. This would be my last attack~

_ _ _ _ _ _

Outside the Void, Akira is seen comforting Naomi. And the shadow spikes disappeared due to Dexter being trapped in the void.

"You don't need to worry anymore. See, David took care of it. Now let's go and help him" Akira said

Akira holds Naomi as they both walk towards David.

Suddenly spikes came out from the surrounding shadows and were about to impale Naomi, but Akira noticed the incoming attack and pushed Naomi out of the way, getting pierced through the chest. The event made David lose his concentration, and the void was broken.

The shadow spike that pierced through disappeared.

"You had your chance, but you wasted it. Now is the time to end you" Dexter said.

Akira fell to the floor, gasping for air, in a pool of his own blood. David fell unconscious due to losing too much blood.

"David, come on, David, wake up. Please don't die" Naomi said in a trembling voice, tears in her eyes

"I know my mistake, I'll change, so please don't die"

Dexter gets closer to David and Naomi.

"No, David" Akira grunted as he was on the floor


Something in his consciousness broke, and suddenly he released a burst of mana, along with a blue pillar made out of pure mana, into the sky. Then Akira rose up and the big hole in his chest got healed leaving behind a huge scar. Dexter saw this and it was giving him goosebumps.

"What, how would this small child intimidate me" Dexter said. He then charged towards Akira as he brings out his weapon, a pair of daggers.

Seizing the opportunity that Akira had created, Naomi took David and ran towards the portal. Seeing Naomi taking David, Dexter tried to get close to her, but he was immediately stopped by Akira who appeared in front of him and kicked him away.

"Akira, come now's our chance" Naomi said

"Go, I'll catch up with you later" Akira said "Hurry, I don't know how long this mysterious power will last" 

"SHADOW BIND" Dexter said. Chains of shadow flew towards Akira and Naomi.

Akira then pushed Naomi into the portal, but the shadow bind trapped him.

"Now to for you to die" Dexter said

"SHADOW CAGE" spikes of darkness came out of the ground and formed a cage around Akira.

"UNHOLY EXECUTION" A huge sword of darkness formed above the cage and was falling down on the cage.

Akira broke free from the shadow bind and raised his hand to the sky.

"WEAPONERY: SCYTHE" Akira said as he activated his weapon property. Mana started gathering on Akira's hand, taking the form of a scythe, then solidifying. Then the pillar of mana started gathering on top of his head forming a crown.

Akira grabbed the scythe and looked at it as he squeezed it tightly, then he swung it vertically. The shockwave from the attack broke the cage then he threw the scythe at the sword of darkness. Both weapons clashed, but the scythe destroyed the sword, then it came back to Akira.

"No, that's' not possible" Dexter said as he was in shock

"Time to die" Akira said

"SHADOW BIND, DARK SLASH, SHADOW SPIKE" Dexter said while swinging his dagger. Simultaneously chains made of shadow flew toward Akira, accompanied by spikes and a cross blade slash of darkness flew towards Akira.

"ULTIMATE MOVE: CRITICAL SLASH" Akira said as he throws his scythe horizontally at Dexter, the scythe flies and destroys all of his attacks and cuts him in half, then it comes back again to Dexter, cutting him with flurries of attacks till there is nothing left.

"It seems like I win" Akira said as he makes the scythe disappear then walks through the portal.

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