
Celestial Chronicles: Crimson Ascension

Akira was abandoned at a small church in the woods and was raised by a nun. He was taken to a temple when he was 5 to awaken his mana and there he met Jake and Naomi and the three of them were trained by David. When they reached he age of 10 Akira, Jake and Naomi awakened their mana property. Soon after, they were attacked by five assassins and where able to take down four of the assassins but were badly injured during the process. The last assassin left was Dexter, Who was stronger than all of them and his main purpose was to kill David and the nun Sesilia. Akira tries to fight, but he is outmatched and got pierced through the chest, leaving behind a huge hole. Without hope and on the brink of death, a mysterious power overflows in him when he sees sesilia and David impaled. Unleashing the mysterious power, Akira reaches a new level of power which helps him defeat Dexter. They all escaped through a portal made by David and find themselves in a strange building surrounded by people.

Void_Fox_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs


"A person can only go through wakening their mana property once and for normal people they normally awaken one property" David explained.

"But there are some who awaken two different properties. Those are regarded as prodigies among prodigies"

There are 37 different mana properties which are ranked from common-to-mythical. Glass, Illusion, Mind control, Explosion, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth are all under the common tier. Magnet, Ice, Magma, Acid, Taming, Sealing are all under the uncommon tier. Metal, Lightning, Bone, Petrification, Weapons, Sound are all under the epic tier. Blood, Wood, Poison, Curse, Necromancy, Healing are all under the rare tier. Spirit, Nature, Space, Gravity, Light, Dark, Weather are all under the legendary tier, while Time, Cosmic, Atomic, Creation are all under the mythical tier.


A ground breaking explosion was set off, some parts of the temple were blown up. 

"What's that? What's happening?" Sesilia said

"It was an explosion. We're under attack" David said

"Quickly everyone gather around me" David activated his space property 

"PORTAL" A huge rift in space formed,, and a portal formed in front of them.

"Everyone goeses through the portal,," Sesilia said.

All of them, including David, entered the portal, and it closed. The temple fell shortly after. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ 

Outside the temple, five people who were dressed in black from head to toe were seen.

"Where is he?" The man in the middle, who seemed to be in charge, yelled.

"Sir, I think he got away." One of the men replied

"Let's move; we have to find him no matter what,," the man said.

_ _ _ _ _ _

In the church in the woods, a portal forms inside the church, and they all step out of it.

"That was close," Akira said

"What's happening? Who blew up the temple?" Jake asked

"I don't know. Probably assassins,," David said

"Assassins? But why will they be after you??" Jake asked

"Wouldn't you like to know??" David said sarcastically

"Alright, I need all of you to go grab some weapons.." 

"Weapons, are we going to fight them?" Akira asked

"You're stronger than you think.." David said,, "With the level of power you showed in the sparring session, I would say you are a moongrad warrior.."

"HOLY GROUNDS,," Sesilia said as she activated her light property.

Suddenly, the area surrounding the church lit up, and light particles were going up from the floor.

"I've set up a defensive barrier.." 

"Let's help," David said

"SPATIAL AWARENESS" A huge, transparent dome covered the whole church.

"Spatial awareness? What does that do?" Akira asked

"It's a move that scrambles the space around the caster. So, you might be going straight and suddenly turn left, but you won't know. And I also know where everyone in the transparent dome is,," David explained.

"When can I use cool moves like that?" Akira asked excitedly

"Akira! Don't forget, we have enemies coming, so go and prepare,," David said

"Akira Go to my room; by the corner,, you'll see a rectangular box with a pendant on top of it. Bring it" Sesilia said

Akira hurriedly goes into her room and gets the box and pendant.

"Now, I want you to wear the pendant and open the box.." Sesilia said

Akira did as she asked, wore the pendant,, and opened the box. As he opened it, he saw an old katana in it. David saw what was in the box and the pendant.

"Aren't those…" David said in shock

"Yeah, it is the Yasakani no Magatama and the Chaos Blade. I thought those two treasures were lost; what are they doing with him??"

"I saw it beside him when I found his outside 10 years ago,," Sesilia said

"You know what that must mean; his parents must have been very strong warriors, I wonder why they left him here.."

~those two weapons weren't they last with... I'll look into that later, but for now, I bet get ready for the fight~ David thought

David suddenly sensed some people entering the spatial awareness

"Everybody get ready, they're here" David said

_ _ _ _ _ _

Outside the church, the five assassins are seen. Three of them run towards the church and suddenly turn back and run outside.

"What's happening?" One of the men asked

Their boss walked close to the church and stretched his hand. He felt that his hand was in another space, not the same one that others are.

"It's a space warping spell. Let me handle it" The man said.

He then stepped back "UNHOLY EXECUTION" He activated his dark property. Suddenly, a huge executioner's sword formed above the church and fell upon the barrier, breaking it in the process. The sword then disappeared.

"Now go!!" The man yelled.

His four underlings ran towards the church, and they made it there since the spatial awareness was broken.


The church exploded, with all of them in it.

"Are they dead?" an assassin asked

"What caused the explosion?"

Suddenly a portal appeared behind the five assassins. David tried a sneak attack on their leader but it failed. The sneak attack on the others worked. Sesilia killed her target, Jake killed his target but Akira and Naomi couldn't kill theirs, making them to escape.

"Shit" Sesilia said

"Sesilia go deal with the other assassins I'll handle this one" David said

The two assassins suddenly shot a lightning and fire attack at Naomi. But Akira being the fastest one there, got there in time to shield Naomi. As he waited for the attacks to hit, nothing happened he then turned his head to see Sesilia, who protected him from the two attacks. She then fell to the floor.

"Sesilia!!" Akira shouted "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I couldn't finish him and now your hurt" Tears fills Akira's eyes

"No, it's also mine" Naomi said with tears in her eye

"I'm sorry, I'll finish them now" Akira said as he stood up and unsheathed his new sword.

He then activated his aura, tears still in his eyes. He was screaming as if he were powering up. The amount of pressure released was so strong that it made the two assassins hesitate a little before attacking

"DIE" Akira said.

The two assassins suddenly dropped dead.

"What, dragon tongue" the assassin fighting David said as he saw what happened to the two assassins.

David was panting heavily, as he looked tired, but the assassin looked like he hadn't even broken a sweat.

"Its been fun, but I need to take that boy out first. He seems to be the most dangerous here" The assassin said

"No, Sesilia protect Akira!!" David yelled

"To late" The assassin said

"SHADOW SPIKE" spikes came out of the surrounding shadows.

David was caught off guard, and the spike impaled him and was about to impale Akira, who took a defensive stance, getting ready to block the attack, but Sesilia stepped in front of him and took the attack, making the spike impale her

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