
Catalog of Unfinished Stories (And Short Stories)

A list of stories that I've made over the years that I'd would like to share to you all. And if you like it just tell me and I'll make either a remake of it or just continue it somehow.

Mr_Darkness · Cómic
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 The Entering of the Hidden Void realm and A Dream?

In depths of morph's dream in an endless sea of his own realm called the void. A mirror image of himself more like an angelic demon stares at him before even speaking at him. Sending him a chill of ki and immense pressure to hold him down and yet he doesn't feel none of that but just staring and walking slowly towards him.

"Humans are always selfish and yet also selfless whenever they want to. But when it comes to the needs of themselves and others. One has to pick a side to choose their choices. Choices that are bounded by their own FATE. Where Fate dictates who wins and who loses." As the angelic demon becomes more faceless and body likes to become an avatar of some sort to him.

"And yet you're still here."The figure points at him with a gaze that stares at the abyss of his soul trying to stop him moving. Only that Morph kept on moving closer and closer to him, staring him down trying to find a meaning of what he's actually saying.

"Here defying fate itself not for your own gain nor out of your own will to ascend past it."

"But through your own acceptances of death and reincarnation, and finally your willingness to accept what the void truly is to you."The figure becomes more and more of a god like being staring down at him like its just small mortal. With its divine presence attempting to demolish him entirely or stop him in his tracks if he keeps on moving. But to morph the feeling as if this place is a dream or not will keep moving onwards.

Onwards into the unknown void of uncertainty. Not caring if it hurts him or benefits in the slightest just keeping on walking and only passively listening to gods speech now.

"A void of which didn't kill you nor benefit you at all. One that could have very much been false or true or both in between who knows since I don't at all. Even with everything I have under me. Only you do closer than any other being can and yet you're walking aimlessly without any true goals but finding your own purpose….Defying even every concept and existence beyond that tried to impose on you. And yet with everything i threw at you kept on rising up like a cockroach that needs removal and yet inevitably will be my own demise." A the figure kept on talking longer and longer trying to throw everything at him.

Morph kept on walking like nothing was happening still aimlessly towards nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

"And with all the ramblin I'm saying you're not even listening to me one bit aren't you."The figure sighs as it tries to go beyond its limits to affect him in anyway.

And yet nothing works on morph as he'd kept on walking endlessly.

"Ha i guess I'll have to end you here before you wake up again don't I?" As the divine figure tries to use every last bit of his power to kill him.

Beyond an instant as morph finally walked to him he'd passed by him doing nothing but walking. Only to deal major damage to the figure almost dying on its last breath once again.

"AGH you'd didn't let me…ha i guess it seems to you im a insignificant speck of-"Before the god like figure could say something else it died along with the realm itself breaking down to nothing but the void itself.

As Morph after walking for awhile sits down and meditates for however long he needs to.

Until a moment later before he can even reach true peace with himself. He'd suddenly woken up his eyes and yawned loudly, feeling like he had a insanely vivid dream about killing some god without even trying. As he wonders what the hell that god just said for a moment before getting interrupted by Sorven with multiple notifications and him talking directly to his mind now.

[Morph what the hell you did doing both an evolution breakthrough at the same time increased your power to unimaginable highs so quickly i don't even consider genius but an insane anomaly now. An anomaly that terrifies the hell out of me with your fast growth of power. Not only that but how the hell did you even kill a God Realm being in the first place? when you were dead asleep the whole time for 12 hours straight?]

"God Realm being? The hell is that first of all? And secondly thank you but I really don't care about knowing my power if i have to well-" Morph was confused for a moment and paused not knowing what the hell to say.

[Well whatever the hell you did. Your definitely surpassed the power of a true god stage in the god realm of cultivation funny enough if you're hiding such a transcendent power. Or was the void itself that allowed you to do so-]

"CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A MOMENT SORVEN!! I DON'T NEED YOU RAMBLING LIKE A FUCKEN PHYLOPSER WHO'S WRITING A GOD DAMN GREEK BOOK FOR GENERATIONS BEYOND IT! WHAT I NEED IS MY FUCKEN TWO QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED PLEASE FOR FUCK SAKE MAN!!!" Morph yells and interrupts him not talking no bullshit from his speech since he just want to know those two questions and the rest could go to hell if he could think about it since all he wants is the useful info right now. Not useless information at the moment he couldn't comprehend at the moment.

[Sigh- Right I short start at the fact that there are 4 realms with the last one really unknown to me as well. Which are in this order of power really. Mortal realm < Immortal realm < God Realm < and finally the myth of the Endless Realm. Where even the god of the buddha derives from and exists still to this today. Where a small few can even manage to reach such realm of power. As if you know with each breakthrough it gets harder and harder to get to the later stages of power till you reach a realm peak point of power. A rank so strong that you need more than just a regular breakthrough to get through but a realm tribulation from the heavens themselves to break through from a mere mortal to immortal cultivator gaining major power beyond recognition to the point you can one shot any peak power of the mortal at the lowest possible power of a immortal cultivator power. Hence the name a realm difference power if you'd ever experienced it. But even then 2 realm difference is nothing but impossibility even for your standing of power to do. Not even the gods could be able to hold or fight back against a realm difference level of such power, let alone kill someone of such realm difference power no matter how possible it is for your caliber of power. Mann something about you just made me think your a focal point of everything and-]

"Alright stop, Sorven. Im am not the mc, nor a hidden op god. But I am…Morph. Ban na na."Morph kept on singing his phonk songs named i am not a king, i am not god, i am worse. As to him he's really not that special in the grand scale of things. If he only he'd knew the what's about to happen next in the coming hours and beyond that of such grand things.

[...What is that song you're horribly singing?]

"Its called… Well damn i actually don't know the full name. But i do know its called I am not a king, I am not a king, I am…worse. Which if you have something equivalent to the internet if you have access to it then it'll be easy." Morph says as he kept jamming it out in his head telling if he had the internet then its possible to find it very damn easily.

[You mean the one you'd used to have. to do various things with. *Wink* *Wink*]

"Yes that internet is more so the world wide web where there is near endless stream of content. Websites and so forth that you can do with various different things if you have a pc especially windows man its the best there is for all sorts of downloads…Well kinda of for a shitty company tho…But not another word into various things Sorven. A man got his own demons to dealt with in the past and i don't want to remember the various things i did there some i'm way less proud off than others." As morph expression became dead pan into soulless face quite serious and joked about such things he did in his degenerate past.

[Some things are meant for the past itself. But I don't get actual access to things you call the internet you know. So I'll try to find a way to get access to it somehow later on. And while I do that you should check your stats and gamble your gacha tickets to see what you get. Since you'll need to start training your foundational fighting skills to gain actual combat experience in your realm, morph.]

"Right, I forgot about checking it…Ima do it right now." As morph checked his status a sudden shock came on his face about what he was saying. As he rub his eyes twice to see if its false or not in any way.

NAME: Morph

Title: None

Race: Abyssal Demon

Cultivator Type: Void Cultivator

Spiritual Root: None

Sect: None

Cultivation rank: Rank 2 Martial Refinement Level 7

Power level: 140M or 140,000,000

Exp: 0/ 66M



-Eternal Warmth??? (Mastery:???)

- Ice Manipulation (Mastery: Beginner)

- Voidless Absorption

- Endless Sea (Mastery: Beginner)

- Domain of the Void

- Void Aura (Mastery: Intermediate/Semi-Limited use) [Mastery UP]

- Unusual Ki Natural (Mastery: Advanced)

- Deep Cultivation (Mastery: Advanced)

- Absolute Temperature Converter 

-General Ki Manipulation (Mastery: Beginner)

- Metal Ki Manipulation (Mastery: Intermediate)

- Ice Ki Manplation (Mastery: Advanced)

- Encased Frozen Shell (Mastery: Intermediate)

- Iced Iron Rain (Mastery: Beginner)

-Blizzardran Dash (Mastery: Advanced)

- Duel All of ?@!@#@ [Sealed]


Innate ki: Void Ki (Mastery: Intermediate/Semi-Limited) [Mastery UP]


 → Pure Dark Factor(Mastery: Advanced)[Mastery UP]


 → Abyssal Manipulation (Mastery: Beginner) [NEW] 



Owned Titles:

-The One who'd Overcame Death

-One with the Void


-Impossible Giant Slayer 

-True Underdog 

-God Slayer [NEW]

- True God Slayer [NEW]

-Impossibility Breaker [NEW]

- High Realm Slayer [NEW]

- Error Anonly [NEW]

- One of a Kind [NEW]

-Duel Breaker [NEW]

- Effortless Breakthrough [NEW]


Benefits the host has:

-Ageless Immortal

-Pain immunity

-Mental Immunity

-Parital regen Immortality 

- Exp gain is (Total enemy exp gained through its life + defeated enemy exp x 3 from overachiever x 3 from voidless absorption= total exp gained) 

- 3x all quest rewards

- Death related attacks immunity

-One shot kill immunity

-Void realiated skills are easier to level up and obtained

- No Fatigue Feeling 

-2x extra damage towards stronger opponents stronger than you base power

- 50% damage reduction towards stronger opponents than your base power

- 4x Exp gain when dealing with opponents stronger than your base power

-Luck will favor you even more the more stronger the opponent is 



Extra inventory

-Unique Advanced package (unopened)

-150M System points

-2 medium grade Health potions

-6 random skill gacha ticket

-1 random weapon gacha ticket

- 4 rare or higher rarity gacha ticket

- Frost Blizz Armor (RARE!) [NEW]

- Ultra Rare gacha ticket [NEW]


Morph taps open what is Etc. and all he sees is nothing but benefits working with one another more than he could even understand and yet so broken he could deal with people way above his power if trained enough to wield it.

"Holy shit thats alot of benefits and titles…At this point i'm a walking cheat code once i grasp everything of my abilities… but for now I shall train or look at my surroundings if anyone is near." Morph says to himself before using ki sense to detect any enemy that might try and sneak attack him while he is meditating there in that realm.

Only to notice no one is even strong enough to approach him nor go against him at all anyways in this planet. Which to him is a good thing since he can go into his void realm without worry and understand more about it. 

As he enters the void realm existing his whole spiritual body into this realm. What he sees is the place of his dreams and yet more vivid of the emptiness of space itself where the void is devoid of all color. Senses besides his own, the feeling of weightlessness and so forth.

And yet at a moment's notice he could have his own footing onto his realm with ease. And walked around it only hearing his own footsteps or making it soundless as he wants it to be. That is the void he's in a creative mode-esque realm where anything is possible to create here if he wants to or nothingness at all.

But for now morph is putting up a focused front wanting to train his own skills at first. With the first foundational skills being [General Ki manipulation] and [Unusual Ki Natural] to see what his limits are or get a bit more closer to them. As Morph tries to feel his body in and out where his focal point would be to see what changes he could do with it. Only to find nothing but void within his body hollow as a shell and yet limitless storage of handling everything like its endless void of the sea itself. Which morph tries to figure out how to expel where his inner core to feel the ki all around. Only to feel nothing again and he had to try something else to feel such a core of his being.

"A core of my being…A core of my own being….THATS IT!" Morph yells excitedly before calming down himself to a near tranquil state. As he sits down and mediates to himself feeling the inner body of himself. The Entire inner body of his own void that's nothing and everything at the same time. A core that isn't the core of himself but the entire void that is innately coreless at all.

Being bounded by nothing allowed him to understand that his limited knowledge was holding him back. 

Where there is a boundless amount of ways to cultivate outside the means of breaking through and yet at the same time being one way to truly cultivate at such high levels.

Where the self must come to a conclusion to go beyond their own way of beliefs,knowledge,understanding and so forth to reach a new level of everything beyond their own understanding.

An understanding that doesn't come from others but themselves to obtain a power that transcends everything they have. A power that comes with more responsibility and misuse of there free will to use for themselves. Where the concept of good or evil doesn't matter for such powers to choose one or the other but their own desires and wishes to do so.

What matters is there own understanding of things always changing like the sea that doesn't stays in one place.

Morph's understanding about his ki gets refined outwards and forms a voidless core all throughout his body where an endless amount of ki flows in and out of him. To a sea that is always endless and boundless in nature in the void realm itself.

His grasp of his ki loosened and formed more naturally giving him a more refined form his ki. A form of which he's skills skyrocketed towards such mastery to newer heights than before. As show on his screen where it says.

[Where mastery is at the forefront of power.]

[So is understanding to gain such mastery]

[Where wisdom lies to push the bounds of known knowledge to a new form of knowledge and understanding of things.]

[General Ki Manipulation] Mastery: Beginner -> Master [MASTERY UP]

[Unusual Ki Natural] Advanced -> Grandmaster [MASTERY UP]

As he felt excited about the bounds of gaining a new understanding of such ki. He feels the ki around him his realm more vividly around his own body and the lackluster amount of ki around his void giving host to endless amounts of ki potentially being stored here.

"Hmmm..Before i do anything else ima use most of my gacha tickets here at the very least." Morph says nonchalantly as he's feeling like he wants to gamble a little bit. As he does he'd uses the following on the screen as the results came instantaneously.

[Using up 3 regular random gacha skill tickets]




1.[Kings Body Full Contact] (Rarity: Legendary)

Description: An Body that passively increases there overall physical body many folds and can become more refined through self mastery. With the user increasing it's overall power even more than before by combining with full contact karate and fundamental forces both included passively in this skill (More info the more the user understands it's limits)

2. [Super Chaos Mode] (Rarity: Unique)

Description: The user is able to go into a Super Saiyan like state for however long the user ki can keep up for with a upside of increasing there power many folds even more than a Super Saiyan multiplier. (More info through finding it's limits or increasing the users understanding)

3. [Word Magic] (Rarity: Common)

Info: Word magic allows a user to manipulate words and their meanings, giving them the power to control others or even alter reality itself. (More info by finding its limits or through understanding it better)


[Using up 2 Rare or high skill gacha tickets]


1. [Oxen King] (Rarity:Rare)

Info: By utilizing the Charyeok of the Oxen King Uma they can use that entity to increase the users strength utilize its abilities and so forth related to the Oxen king Uma (More info by finding its limits and through understanding)

2. [Death Counter] (Rarity:EX)

Info: The User can inflict death onto a target that counts by passing time and through the number of hits the users uses or instantly if the user wishes. (More info by finding its limits and through understanding)


[Using up 1 random weapon gacha ticket]





1. [Murakumogiri] (Rank: Legendary)

Info: One of the 12 supreme grade weapons ever to be held by an yonko named Edward Newgate. An Legendary blade that clashed with the likes of the king of pirates and able to deal such destructive and devastating power to those who get in there way. Not only that but an added bonus is use of the tremor tremor fruit inbueded within such a weapon free to use by the holder its user to increase its power even more than it already is. (More info by finding its limit and through understanding)


[Using up 1 unique or higher gacha ticket]



Please wait a moment to fix up and send you the results


As Morph reads all of the results given to him. As he reads upon the last one he was quite shocked it wasn't quick but at the same time well. He could just try out his new skills to see how amazing it is especially that super form since it's like being a better version of a Super Saiyan maybe to him.

But first and foremost he should just get used his skill named [Kings Body Full contact]. Where his over speed is a lot faster than before. With a slight naturalness to the way to send out a punch. 

Causing a massive loud boom, a powerful shockwave being sent out in his own void realm. Where if he had anything to as a test dummy there would have been a high chance that he could have demolished it in one punch.

But as he tries to figure out what more he could do with his skill. A notification came up that shocked his whole being that it was even possible.

[Power comes in many forms.]

[Many through external sources of progress]

[But one has transcends all methods]

[A method of which comes from the self]

[Where only the self can chose to gain or lose power as they see fit]

[Where Creation comes from destruction]

[And Destruction creates Creation]

[The Creation of the Entire DC universe in question]

[But an Being of which is subservient to its user]

[And yet has desires of its own]

[Desires that might be aligned or completely opposite of its user goals entirely]

[Summoning the void entity…]

With a long winded speech upon the system itself. He'd felt the entire realm shaking before him just slightly to feel such a difference of power. Where an massive portal in front of him rising up before him was a powerful entity overflowing with insane power before him. Maybe even causing him to shake if he wasn't calm at all in the first place.

[Summoning Completed]

[Entity name: Perone Lilith]

Title: [The Lustful Presence]

[Race: Void Entity]

[Gender: Female]

[Summon Rarity:EX]

Estimated power level: 20 billion to 200 Billion

Cultivation: Rank 3 Core Foundation

True Cultivation Power Rank: Half Step into Rank 6 Nascent Soul

Loyalty Rank: ??? (Above known loyalty levels given by the system)

Known Powers: [DC Power set: The Presence Stage 1], [Lust???], [Shared powers with the user],etc.

At this point morph isn't even surprised that he'd got such a powerhouse. But at the same time he took his gaze towards her. Something burning within his inner being. Getting more hotter and feeling his emotionless expression with calmness into a new feeling.

"Hello there master." Perone's charming voice would have won over most men instantly. Not only that but her figure was beyond the standards of most men dreamed for. A serene Goddess that descended from the heavens. But the one that came from the depths of hell with her horns only adding to attractiveness with her elegantly figure exposed with skin but at the same time clothed quite decently to look stunning on any dress.

And yet to morph he wasn't sexually attracted to her figure at all. But a burning feeling that far surpasses the loves of lust of dominating her to submission. But an feeling of which making his blood pumping all throughout his body to do something else. Filling a new sense of purpose that he'd never had before.

As within an instant without command of his mind, flames hotter than the void itself formed onto his hands. Flames of which that was the same familiar feeling he had when he'd first mediated and naturally accepted. As his body and mind accepted such a feeling warmth naturally and went to summon his weapon.

The Murakumogiri a spear like weapon that is held by the world's strongest in the entire one piece universe. A spear of which that Morph would have loved to used if he was used to its reach and range.

"Sigh..Its time…Fuse with the warmth of my body and become greater than its intended purpose." Morph with a burning passion and his heat ever increasing fused the flames of his warmth warping into something greater than ones self.

[From its Former Glory to its Fall.]

[The heat of the users skill Eternal Warmth???]

[Transforms its former glory to a transcendent weapon]

[One befitting for its host]

[An Weapon that will be forever named.]

[Embrace of the End]


[Type: Sword]

Transformed and forged by his [Eternal Warmth???] transforming into a Sword that she couldn't comprehend. Only that the maker could with little understanding of his own that he barely comprehend as well. But with a sense of familiarity of such a weapon having at his hand. Posed with his stance he's naturally used to get into the groove with one his skills.

A boom of flames bursted out him overflowing with unimaginable heights of power. And the void realm forming cracks around his own domain. And Causing Perone to dodge it with a hair of its breath smiling lustfully at him like it ticked one her fetishes.

"Perone…"Morph Glare was quite serious and excited, honed in like a warrior lusting for battle itself.

"Yes master 💗" Perone with an excited tone wants to know her first order. As will it be a service she must provide or something more than she expected it to be.

"You Shall Prove your worth through…"Morph ready his stance with flames bursting out him. Not harming but in harmony with one another of his body. Flames of which burned across his Arua breaking parts of his own void into something new entirely. He'd dashed forth bursting with more power than before and flames of his blades followed forth with a brimming passion towards Perone.

As She'd automatically readies herself to deflect and defend against her master attacks.

"BATTLE!!" Morph yells at Perone raising his blade high and slashing downwards with great speeds with his flames blocking an obvious attempt to dodge such flames.

The only thing she could do was deflect with the wave her own fists using both a mixture of void and using his passion against him. Reversing the flow of his attack right back at him with her own power in the mix straight towards his gut.

Morph uses his own ki and speeded up his own attack speed to set off her fist off course to lessen the blow. Working with him slightly in his favor as he'd done that. But the intel impact of it was so great for the first time of his life he'd coughed out blood for a slight moment.

Only to recover quite quickly, air dashing towards her once more with excitement. Using one of his techniques combining 2 of the fundamental forces dubbed attraction and gravity + 1st stance fist of black turtle + [Kings Body Full Contact] to its Physical Strength and Supernatural Limits of his knowledge and understanding + [Void Aura] + [Oxen King] Power Enhanced + [Endless warmth??] = Another technique that would surpass his first original technique he'd used in his first fight.

An Technique that brimming with such power that its currently breaking apart his domain into a brand realm foreign to him and Perone. A realm that has no light,.no darkness, no senses, no footing, nothing at all similar to his own void but this time nothing is felt but his body here. With the same feeling that he'd felt before but with the warmth besides him here. That created a possibility to ascend further than he'd always has been currently.

As He'd dashed forth with the only sense Perone seeing is a flicker of light coming faster and faster to her. Within an instant coming for her entire body in a fell swoop of such power straight across like butter itself.

Causing her to deflect it with similar power of her own. A foreign and unknown power that she'd used to clashed with such a power. And then attempt to do the same trick again sending back his own attack against him with her own.

Only this time morph smiling like he'd caught her in her own trap.

"Formless Blade Art: Stance 2." As the flow of her attack gotten swept up by his flames, ki, power, and by the void itself giving morph the height of power itself. Holding upon a blade that brims with dazing and maybe even blinding power overflowing from it. With a pose of his face of a duality of both seriousness and joy of the demonic being.

As Perone uses part of the speedforce, hell, superman powers, and the part of the combined power of presence to enhance her own attack. Using the void ki, and her desire of her lust skill increases her excitement and power to help enhance it even more.


Both powers clashed with each other creating a big bang esque blast within its center. But both unfazed and unmoving from its clash that lasted for a brief moment inside the realm.

But its power boomed out insane amounts of ki outside its realm causing everything within the planet to melt instantaneously. Killing almost every single inhabitant instantaneously on planet Arktura except for one being.

One being within the planet that has been sealed here for billions of years. An Being of which is hidden calamity within the entire Murim world as a whole. A calamity that's about to be unsealed for better or for worse depending on what happens in the next few hours.

The next few hours will decide the fate of west galaxy as a whole.

All the while Morph and Perone Kept on fighting within the void realm. With no track of time of the being only that entirety of both being evenly matched in power. In battle that might draw out for a long time if they choose to.

While upon Cooler's side things got a bit more messy than usual. As their ship goes into a harsher landing coming down faster into the atmosphere of a vastly different planet climate they were told about. With it causing cooler and his squad to abandon ship and use the escape pods to crash land into the planet Arktura. 

Last chapter for today since i'd barely feel like doing another chapter edit for today. Unless this story gets enough views and what not. But still if you read this far thank you.

Mr_Darknesscreators' thoughts