

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Real
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29 Chs

Case 2 : Unknown Screams (1)

In a big hall, there were countless books placed in a circular pattern in the bookshelves, making a beautiful scenario, perfect for the reader couples. People were reading, some were searching for books and some were buying books.

Among them, there was one tall guy with white hairs, no beard. He had a muscular body with a firm form . His suits were making a visible sceans of his muscles. From others point of view, he looked like a person with great aesthetics more like greek gods. And his body was of a shape like V. He had V-taper. His name was Conan. Aiden had entered the hall. He was a detective. So the first thing he would do was to observe the scenario. There he found his brother. Conan was a cousin of Aiden. They didn't have parents. Aiden's blood related brother had died in an accident . Conan's father, mother and sister were also in that car along with Aiden's parents. Aiden didn't go with them as he was extremely sick. Thus he survived. Conan survived because of his will . After that, it was Conan and Aiden only. Conan was much older than Aiden. So, he had to take the responsibility to take care of Aiden. Conan put the book in the shelf and went outside alongside with Aiden. Conan was a government spy. And Aiden was a private detective. It was Conan's decision to make him a private detective for a particular reason. Otherwise, Aiden would have applied for an official detective. While walking, Aiden asked , "Why did you call me brother?"

"I have a job for you. That's why"

"No. I'm not interested."

"Well, it's more of a case than a job."

"I'm in"

"You didn't change at all"

"I know brother. What's the case then?"

"You came from a crime scean right?"

"How did you know?"

"It's obvious. The pen in your chest pocket is a secret camera. You use this to record the stuffs of crime scean. You only use these when you are about to go to crime scean."

"You're right. But how are you so sure ?"

" We did meet a lot of times . When you're free from case, you never put this pen into your chest pocket. But whenever we met in the crime scean you put it"

"Well, what if it was a normal pen instead?"

Conan took out a device from his pocket. It was like a small phone. The screen was green. But in the green screen , there was a small red dot.

"It's a special device which would alert me from any kind of spy cameras and other electronic things. It's only made for us spies. And everytime that pen was in your chest pocket, this device had warned me and gave signals that it had detected a secret camera. The red dot is the indicator."

" The technology had been updated but never thought it would be that advanced that could even detect spy devices."

"It's 2077 after all"

"Yeah. Well brother. There are only 13 people around us. And they are all your spies. Am I right?"

"Amazing. You've improved a lot. "

"Better than you indeed"

"Then solve this case. Recently an antic piece was stolen by a thief. It's name is Black Orb. It was placed in the Beuronuma Museum. But unfortunately the owner and the Fire Force were stupid enough. I want you to take the case. I'll manage the Fire Force."

"Brother. I've already taken the case. There were no clue at all. After interrogating the real owner , we had only reached a basement where the real owner was kept. But it still didn't have any clue. The thief was a master of disguise. It's still investigating but I don't think the Ramp Force can make any developments "


"The thief also have high resources. So, he did basically erase everything that could lead us to him."

"Got it."

"Finally he is definitely a member of a community. That's why he was able to pull something like that. Wolfz don't have much resources compared to a community."

"Got it. I can help you with something then."

Conan took out a list of items named there. It was written in a digital paper. Aiden took it. On that list, there was Black Orb too. Aiden asked , "Can you explain?"

"I doubt that these are the next targets of that thief."

"Are you sure?"

"I can be when the next heist will take place."

"Oh! What's the connection between the items of the list ?

"I can't tell you that. But do whatever it takes to catch that thief. I'll do best on my side. "

"I don't like things with incomplete details."

"I'll definitely tell you but not right now. Well if you catch the thief faster than me, you can interrogate him personally about it ."

" You don't have to tell me that. But yeah, I'll accept the case and the challenge."

"See ya then"


November 29,2077.

Ronin was looking at a house with his binocular. The house was modern. There were walls surrounding the whole house. There was a long tree besides the house. It was looked like the average houses of Japan from earth. It was two stored basically.There was a garage too. It could fit a truck here.

A few days ago , an open challenge to all the thieves was given. Which was to steal the Golden Pen from this house. The owner of the house is a man named Pentak. Pentak was basically an wolfz. His challenge was limited to Jianx area and as a reward of winning this challenge, the Demonic Thieves will get 3,00,000 Silver Watch from Channel Thieves and get the renowned Golden Pen. Although Golden pen seemed like a normal thing, but in underworld, this Golden Pen had a great value. By this Golden Pen, the holder can access to a certain power. Pentak had challenged all the thieves including con artist, scammers , armed robbers, expert tress passers, thieves etc in the area of Jianx. After this challenge, about 5 murders already took place. These murders were done by Pentak himself and the victims were none but the thieves who had accepted his challenge. But the most and illogical thing about this topic was

"Why in the first place , Pentak made such a decision?

What was the purpose of his challenge?"

No one knew the answer. But it was obvious that the rewards of this heist was huge. With Ronin, there were 5 members who had made a faction among themselves in Demonic Thieves. There were other factions too. They had to take the job because the community leader was the one who had accepted the challenge along with other community leaders. It had been 5 days since the battle began.

Shaya , a girl from Ronin's faction who is 6 years younger than Ronin. She was intelligent, cunning and beautiful. She had short hairs and a tomboy build with a muscular body. Although she seemed a little bit masculine but she was feminine enough in her personality and behaviour. Her skin was white, she had hunter eyes and her brows were thin. Her thighs were thic along with her breasts. Her regular outfit was a black tight t shirt under a black hoddie and a long gym pant. Shaya and Ronin knew each other for a long time. She had joined the Demonic Thieves with Ronin. Kai was another friend of Ronin. He had red short hairs , average height. His build wasn't much muscular yet he wasn't that thin. But with some specific outfits he would definitely look like a muscular guy. that's why when he had appeared as a Fire Force officer in Beuronuma, he looked muscular as he was wearing the outfit of a Fire Force officer. He had an athlete like body more like badminton players or runners. He was manly enough in his behaviour. He had a sharp jawline, a thin nose, hunter eyes . His eyebrows were also red in colour which he got from his genetics. His pupils were red too. In Jianx, he alone looked so unique that people would consider this man a man from Heaven. Even with his red hairs, his facial harmony, beauty and cheekbones gave him a aura which cannot be described by some simple words. Kai is actually boyfriend of Shaya. In simple words, Kai and Shaya are like husband and wife while Ronin is like their adoptive father. As the leader had accepted the challenge, Ronin's faction consists of Ronin, Shaya , Kai , Loid , Xander had gone to observe the place.

Shaya took out the last 3 attempts related to this incident and a report card related to Ramp Force getting involved with Pentak.

The report:

[ 24 November, 2077, the neighbours reported that in the house of Pentak , strange and scary sounds were often heard. Something like someone was being tortured. So, Ramp Force was involved. But Aiden was busy with another case with Kim. So the other officers didn't find any clue on the house and counted it as a normal case. So, it got ignored by the leader of Ramp Force A.K.A Kim. Even if it was a normal case, it had a name which was ,

"Unknown Screams" .

25 November, 2077 After further investigation and interrogations , Ramp Force still didn't find any clue. There was also another reason for their poor investigation. In absence of a strict officer or the leader or Aiden , never ever any officers would look into a case carefully. They always neglect their duties. Most of them were like this. Because of their negligence the crime rate of Rozhok was never low. These officers mostly stay loyal to their jobs until they earm a specific amount of money and reputation . Most of them didn't have a good feats of emotional understanding. So Pentak could easily get away with the interrogations.

On 26 November, 2077, After hours of investigation the case was closed and recognised as a misunderstanding between Pentak and his neighbour ]

The whole information was collected and given to Ronin. Ronin read it. Next he had read the 3 attempts.

The report about the last 3 attempts of heist given by Shaya :

[ First was armed robbers. There were total 3 armed robbers. But as they tried to break into the house , unknowingly they all lied down in the garden, doorways and rooms of the house. Nobody knows why. There was no witness at all . Why ? Because the house was in such a place. The house was in a private land. There were several houses beside it. But they were quite far from Pentak's house. So, it created a possibility. Which was, if armed robbers directly tried to attack without being sneaky, they could be countered by Pentak's soilders or other snipers from the other homes besides Pentak's house. Also armed robbers won't risk the probability of other party being involved. So, they would first attack sneakily and after grasping the situation, they will declare their attacks. Although it would be different when a bank is being lotted. Because in that case , the armed robbers will directly attack if they are powerful enough . Power decides everything after all.

Second attempt was a regular thief who tried to break into the house sneakily but he was never seen after that .

Third attempt was a con artist. He was a wolfz. So, no one knows when, how he had attempted and never found again ]

Ronin's faction had come here in the 29th November. So , Ronin couldn't even observe any special details about the methods of previous attempts. By the methods of previous attempts, Ronin could have deduced something. Now he had to wait for another attempt. If Ronin came a few days earlier, he could observe those details by his own eyes .

Xander had collected the information related to device. In other words, Xander and his friends could hear everything Pentak Says in a phone call and see the recordings of the house through the webcam of the phone. Also Xander had access to the microphone of Pentak's computer and webcam. They only had this much preparation. Xander earlier tried to hack Pentak's phone and laptop but it's not really easy. Still he was trying. Right now he could only hear and see and listen to phone calls. And they didn't get this much information. It seemed like Pentak was careful enough. So, he didn't use these electronic devices. Other than phones and laptops, Xander tried to access the TV of Pentak. But it seemed like the TV was already disconnected. It sounded like a huge advantage to the faction Ronin. But it's so common that all the other criminals who had accepted Pentak's challenge had the same information. In simple words, other factions from Demonic Thieves, other communities of Armed robbers channel and communities of Con artist channel could also hear the same voice, same phone call recordings and could see the same video recording through webcam of Pentak's electronic devices.

So, in the afternoon, Pentak had received a phone call. According to that call, he would deal with 1,00,000 Watt with a person named James. It was scheduled in 30 November. It meant tomorrow. In their conversation, James asked about the confirmation of Pentak's identity and a photo of him to recognise whenever he reaches to his house. Which made everyone think that James and Pentak never met each other. To avoid thieves and recognise each other Pentak gave a code to James. But little did James knew, the thieves had access to Pentak's phone so they could easily hear the code. The code james had to use was

,"Rakhshakabaj" .

David, Lara , Kang , Yusaku, Heneda , Robert, Rever ; a faction of Demonic Thieves. Earlier using the resources of Demonic Thieves they had access to the electronic devices of Pentak. So, they , after hearing the phone call recordings had traced the number of James and found his location. James lived quite a far from Pentak's house. So, it was easy to make any move. David was the leader of David's faction of Demonic Thieves. David was tall, athletic build, with a slim waist, V-taper back . He was quite good looking and his hairs were curly and short. He had slim nose with prey eyes . His face shape was like Damon from Vampire Diaries, a well-known webseries from earth. His plan was

1) Take down James first

2) Be James

3) Enter Pentak's house and subdue him

4) Steal the Golden Pen

This plan was also devised by Ronin's faction. Shaya told , " Why don't we try ? It's a clear opening"

By twitching his eyes , Ronin looked at her and smilingly told , " It's not a good plan to apply right now"



Ronin was explaining.....

On the other hand, David's faction went to James house.So, the first part comes first. James house wasn't big. He lived alone and surprisingly there was only three low tier surveillance cameras which could be hacked by average hackers of Jianx. Which was pretty surprising. So, David would attack James at night. But before that, they had to make sure if anyone else was going in the same direction. This plan wasn't uncommon or anything unique. Rather it's a common plan and most other thieves would use it as an opening. With the help of Lara, David got access to the surveillance cameras of James house.