

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Case 1 (closed) : Heist of Black Orb (3)

Ronin had just took his T-Phone . T-Phone is a special type of device only designed for a specific purpose. By using T-Phone , Ronin could get access to a community chat. The community name was "Demonic Thieves" . The only way to access in this community chat was to have a T-Phone. Here there were about 34 members. The T-Phone was specially designed to communicate with the other community members of the Demonic Thieves. This T-Phone really looked very simple. Yet it was the most necessary device for criminals. Different criminals have different T-Phones which could help them to access their communities. So, a murderer have his own T-Phone which could access to his community. Every community had a community leader. In other words, every community works like a clan for specific criminals. There were definitely criminals with no community. They were called , Wolfz . Wolfz always works alone.

Ronin now entered the community chat .

Shaya : I've heard that Ronin had stolen the Black Orb from Beuronuma Museum.

Kai : He definitely didn't do it without my help.

Ronin : It was quite easy . Not gonna lie.

Michael ( Community Leader ) : It's a very good achievement for our community. So, as a reward of this heist Ronin will receive 10,000 Silver Watch .

Ronin : My pleasure.

Shaya : Will you tell us the way you steal it?

Ronin : Every information is already given to the community leader. You can directly access it after a few minutes. And @Kai thanks to you for helping and diverting the police officers over there.

Kai : Thanks my brother.

Micheal : So, it's community update time. @everyone listen,

Recently Shaya had stolen the jewellery of a infamous landlord named Karasuma and Ronin with Kai had stolen the Black orb. As a reward the Channel had given us 30,000 Silver Watch. Here by calculation 5,000 Silver Watch will be given to Shaya and 10,000 Silver Watch will be given to Ronin. So, congrats to all of us.

Here the Channel means a whole group of specific type of criminals. For example, every thieves communities except wolfz in this world are part of Channel Thieves . Every murderer communities except wolfz in this word are part of Channel Murderer. Every armed robbers communities except wolfz are part of Channel Armed Robber . A channel has a lots of communities. Communities are mainly formed like a faction and Channels are like a whole team. All communities of a channel had to report their crimes and the details to that channel. For example,

Demonic Thieves is a community which is a part of Channel Thieves. So, the crimes of Ronin and Shaya and others will be written in a detailed format and will be given to Channel Thieves. The details will be submitted by the community leader. After the details submission, the channel members will review it and according to the rate of the crime, they will reward the community leader. And then the community leader will distribute the rewards to his community members and he will spend it for resources. But this has nothing to do with the things that are stolen. Like , the community leader can't do anything with the black orb which was stolen by Ronin. But the rewards will be decided according to the methods and details of the crime by which Ronin had stolen the black orb. That's how things work. Just like this, other thieves communities are also part of Channel Thieves. Every communities had their own areas. In Jianx, Demonic Thieves community is situated. They can also shift their locations but can't choose an already taken location. In Pochinki, Zu Zhin Thieves community is situated. Every community is submitted to their channel. So every thieve community is submitted to Channel Thieves. In other words, the thieves of Zu Zhin Thieves community are also rewarded by Channel Thieves.

Channel Leaders > Channel Members > Community Leaders > Community Members

That's how things work. Silver Watch is the currency of underworld. They are turned into real money from banks. Not all banks do this. There are some banks who manage the finance of both light world and underworld. There are also banks for Underworld only. In those banks, the silver watch is exchanged with real money. In this world, the currency is Watt .

1 Watt = 1 Silver Watch .

It seems completely normal. But the value of silver watch is much greater than the value of watt. ...,.....


After further investigation, Ramp Force could receive no clue. While drinking a coffee, Aiden said , "It's no use. I don't think we can find him right now."

Kim asked , "Why ?"

"Everything from the very beginning was planned by the thief. Also he is a master of disguise. We don't even know his real face. And this case isn't like the other cases where a criminal tries hard to conceal himself. There was already a warning notice of the heist which indicates the personality of the thief. Also the thief had targeted every blind points of the museum. Look, there was literally not a single finger printing device or an eye scanner for the identification of the owner. Like seriously?? They didn't even know that there was a thief among them. And they didn't even have the devices to identify the real owner and the fake one . Also , their double disguise strategy was pretty stupid. They could have done something better not gonna lie. "

"So, you're gonna give up on the case ?"

"Well no. I won't be giving up on the criminal. But it's really stupid to investigate the case right now. We should wait for another challenge. Also brother is calling me. I don't know why. So, I'll take the leave. "