
Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger

This story is about a man who lives solely for himself. A man who travels from world to world for sole reason of leaning new things and bettering his skills. (fair warning I'm a first time writer and English isn't my first language) (all content within this story belong to their respective authors) (If the owner of the cover wants it removed just let me know)

MasterBeast7016 · Otras
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66 Chs

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: Starting Signal

(MC Clone POV)

I landed inside the library. Looking around at all the many floors this place had, I nodded. This place seems like an Oasis in the desert for those who seek knowledge. The place was peaceful and quiet. Done admiring the place I spoke.

"You must be the Spirit of knowledge." I said, turning around to face a huge black-and-white barn owl.

"Indeed, I am Wan Shi Tong, he who knows ten thousand things, and you are obviously a human, which, by the way, are no longer permitted in my study." spoke the owl.

After hearing his words I realized I was too late Zhao had already been here. Guess I can try restore it all.

"Why is that?" I asked anyways, already aware of the answer.

I didn't bother commenting or reacting to his stroking of his own Ego.

[A/N: It's important to note that Wan Shi Tong means "he who knows ten thousand things" and the phrase "ten thousand things" comes from Buddhist/Taoist teachings where ten thousand things means everything or all. So when Wan tells Team Avatar that he knows ten thousand things, he's essentially claiming that he knows all. Everything. He's the smartest spirit ever.]

"Humans only bother learning things to get the edge on other humans. Like that fire bender who came here a few years ago looking to destroy his enemy.

So who are you trying to destroy?" he asked, glaring at me, with clear hostility in his tone.

I simply chuckled before releasing a powerful momentum, causing the owl to step back in fear. "If I wanted to destroy my enemies, I am more than capable of doing so myself."

"You're the one who released that powerful spiritual Energy. Why have you come here?" he asked, his former domineering attitude replaced with one of extreme caution.

"You can relax" I said retracting my Reiatsu. "An ancient one granted me the gift to bend all the elements, so I came here to learn how to use them properly."

"Very well, I'll let you peruse my vast collection on one condition. To prove your worth as a scholar, you have to contribute some worthwhile knowledge."

Pulling a sniper rifle from my inventory, I gave it to the owl. It was only one of many. I was definitely a hoarder. I had 'borrowed' them from a few arms dealers in the MHA world. I owned enough guns and weapons to littraly arm multiple countries, simply cause I could.

Taking the weapon the owl flew off telling me to enjoy the library. Making a few thousand clones, we began sweeping through the entire library.


I was given a proper tour of the ship, afterwards I spent the day training. Not being able to do much, I simply circulated all my diffrent energies throughout my body using thought partitions to focus on each one. I would make all the diffrent energies more dense, and circulate them faster and faster, through every possible avenue. This increased the speed at which I would be able to activate my techniques, as well as refine and strengthen the diffrent energy pathways.

The following day I attended Iroh's classes when he was teaching Zuko the basics of fire bending. When all was done I decided to check who was my target.

'Keiser who's my main target in this world?'

{There isn't one. The God of this world wants you to just stop the stagnation of this world. As you know that the world has barely developed the past 10 000 years.}

'Well the only thing I can do or more accurately am willing to do, is let them go through war.

Currently the avatar has always worked to stop wars from happening. When Aang dissapeard from the world and a war actually broke out. The world experienced rapid evolution after the war. War may bring with it pain, suffering and meaningless death, but it is essential for progress and will usher an era of relative peace as well as development when it reaches its conclusion.

I would have to end the avatar cycle and seperate the human and spirit world once more. If I don't the spirits will take over the world again, after I remove the avatar.

Killing Raava and Vaatu would be a waste, if I absorb them they may prove useful later when I need to comprehend the laws of Order and Chaos.'

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a bright ray of light shooting into the sky. It seems the siblings have found the Avatar and freed Aang from his iceberg. Seeing the distant light, Zuko ordered his crew to change course and sail towards the light.

It took some time to get close to were the light was. However our search bore no fruit. Just like that Night fell without there being any results. Iroh, advised his nephew to sleep as he would need his strength if it indeed was the avatar. I followed in the old man's footsteps and went to my room. When there, I got in a comfortable position, and my soul entered the soul world.

Inside the soul world. Things were quite lively. The young ones as well as their self proclaimed mother were mostly with Lady Matatabi. They got along quite well. Matatabi was actually quite kind and unlike the other two, she hit it off well with the others. After sometime watching them, a smile unconsciously made its way on my face, taking a final look I took my leave. I went and joined Black and Hōzukimaru, having ourselves a three way battle. With Hōzukimaru wielding himself, Black wielding Zangetsu and myself using Wabisuke. The battle was an intense one. Fighting on two fronts was no easy task, especially when both your opponents weren't weaker than you in any way. Neither had advantage over the others, if you were to let your guard down you would be cut down by the unoccupied party. The battle continued for a long time. We were currently staring each other down, not a single one unscathed, none of the wounds were fatal, when either of us would be cut either way, we would take the hit and protect our vital points, however my face darkened when I heard what the two said next.

"Bankai!!" ×2.

Hōzukimaru spun his Shikai overhead before slamming it into the ground as steam and trails of black-red Reiatsu emanate from it.

"Bankai, Ryūmon Hōzukimaru (Dragon Crest Demon Light). "

His Bankai fell from the sky and crashed into the ground around him.

Black pointed Zangetsu forward his other hand touching his wrist. The wraps began unbinding.

"Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu (Heaven Chain Slaying Moon)."

The Bankai shrinked his sword down to a daitō (Japanese long sword) with a white blade, crossguard, and handle instead. The crossguard has four prongs bent out to form the shape of the manji (which is the kanji for "ban," meaning "full", as in "full release").

In turn I released my Shikai.

"Raise Your Head."

"Wabisuke(The Wretched One)!!"

The blade lost its curve and straightened, and where a normal katana would end, Wabisuke's blade made two 90 degree angles, forming three sides of a square, reminiscent of a hook and has its cutting edge on the inside of the angles. I took the initiative and immediately struck out at the two. Like that our battle continued.