
Challenge in the Forest Part 2.

She team was resting on a large branch, Genji arranged the meat and cut it into smaller pieces to make it easier for him to move around and discreetly kept some in the deposit. Meanwhile, Naruto and Sakura were drinking some water.

The assault against the two bears was not too tiring, but that was due to the wear and tear that both bears had and they may later find themselves in a situation that could worsen that is why they rested as best they could.

The birds sang throughout the forest of death while they rested, but from one moment to another, the tranquility was broken by a huge explosion that was heard throughout much of the forest causing an excessive amount of air that caused a huge curtain of dust. and gusts of air through the place.

This caused the trio to raise their wariness for their surroundings. They all saw each other and made only a shake of the head to move to the place where the explosion occurred.

Naruto and Sakura moved first and started moving at a regular speed while Genji followed them from behind and covered them from the rear in case they attacked.

As they moved they stopped on a branch to observe a destroyed team and a single person fighting a shinobi from the grass village. Genji's eyes changed as he recognized the person fighting Sasuke

- Orochimaru! -.

It was the only word he thought when he saw the damn snake that was playing cat and mouse with a tired Sasuke, but apparently, they were not the only ones who fought because there were some bodies thrown and brutally destroyed by the battlefield a few meters from the fight.

Genji looked closely at Orochimaru and thought about his next move because he had no chance against Orochimaru right now.

With his focus being distracted, his body cooled as if a huge stream of icy air was freezing him inside, his body cooled in seconds as his skin turned sweet and warned him to flee as quickly as possible...

Genji looked to the side to find a smiling face and a tongue joyously moving across his face. Genji's eyes widened in astonishment and then changed to panic as he looked into Orochimaru's eyes.

"So you are Genji-Kun, Anko-chan's new emotional support." Orochimaru said to Genji with a voice of emotion and continued speaking "I wonder what face he will have when he looks at how his little companion died at the hands of his former master!". He said with you happy and sadistic with a crooked tongue that tasted the blood present in his body and gave off an intense thirst for blood to Naruto, Sakura, and Genji.




Sasuke's POV.

Sasuke's team picked up their scroll from the ground and headed for Gate 32, to start the second part of the exam.

While they waited for the prompts for the second test to begin, Sasuke had a bad feeling, as he noticed a gaze focused on him, but ignored it moments later.

"START-UUP !!!!" Anko yelled.

Sasuke and his team moved quickly after hearing the signal. With each step they took, Sasuke's discomfort didn't go away, it even caused the opposite reaction.

It was a few hours after the start of the test and nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Just a little shinobi who ran into them by mistake and ended his poor life in a few seconds.

"It was a poor soul." One of his partners said to Sasuke as he cleaned his kunai from the blood adhering to the blade.

"I don't detect anyone other than the one we murdered, what do you think Sasuke?" The other partner of his interrupted.

Sasuke didn't care much about what happened, he just concentrated on searching for his opponent from the sand village and his rival from the blade. But Sasuke's thoughts were interrupted by a powerful air element jutsu that sent his companions and Sasuke flying.

The members of Sasuke reacted quickly and did not let the powerful current of air take them too far away and the three of them settled into fighting position.

"This fight can promise a lot, don't you think Sasuke Uchiha." He told them the shinobi from the grass village, placing his hand on the hat on his head as he removed it.

Orochimaru watched Sasuke's team closely, but as he watched them another group of shinobi approached and Orochimaru couldn't help but smile at the new prey that appeared.

Orochimaru took out his scroll from the sky and showed it to the two teams, "They're interested in my scroll from the sky, right! Because they're not all coming for it." He spoke provocatively to the two teams and opened his mouth to devour the scroll.

This annoyed both teams a bit and without taking many precautions for the person in front of them they launched themselves to face Orochimaru directly.

"Shinobi tend to be very hyperactive sometimes, but sometimes things can change the course of their lives. That's why they try to take the roll away from me… THROUGH THEIR LIVES !!" She told them with a big voice Orochimaru, placing her hand on her face and revealing her serpentine eyes.

Everyone present was paralyzed by the intense amount of bloodlust emanating from her body.

Orochimaru did not stop when he saw that no ninja moved because of the intense bloodlust, but first, he moved quickly to the shinobi who were unlucky enough to meet him and leave Sasuke and his team for last.

Orochimaru moved to the first shinobi paralyzed with fear. He performed a spartan kick, the poor shinobi could not move and could only be at the mercy of Orochimaru.

With the spartan kick, the shinobi tried not to fall, but Orochimaru threw a strong punch on the back of his head, causing the shinobi to hit the ground, but the blow was so strong that even the body bounced like a ball, but he did not fall to the ground, as he was grabbed by both Orochimaru's arms and lifted to then be nailed headfirst to the ground.

The shinobi was defeated in a few seconds and even with his internal bleeding that Orochimaru caused in his brain, the shinobi would be dead in a few seconds.

Blood splattered Orochimaru a bit as he recreated an excellent combination of kicks and punches. The emotion of the blood motivated him to want more blood and without waiting he approached the body of the shinobi who had his head stuck in the ground and his body twisted in some parts, but he did not care and with one leg he stomped on it. the vertebral column that connected to the skull, breaking it.

Orochimaru not only stopped by breaking his spine otherwise he would not be met with someone extremely dangerous and sadistic. With his foot on the head of the dead shinobi, he held both legs, and in a single pull, he brutally detached the head from the body causing a huge red spring to run across the ground and an excited smile on his lips.

Everyone present felt despair over the shocking scene that Orochimaru created in a few moments.

"JUJUUHU maybe, it would have been better if he slowly detached his head so that he could hear the screams of pain from him, oh, what do you think?" Orochimaru told everyone.

- Who is this man?! -. Sasuke thought and tried to look at his team, but as much as he struggled to say a few words he could not bear the pressure of blood and more with the brutality he witnessed.

- We are finished if the situation continues, we can only flee! But I need to escape or we will all die! -. Sasuke thought desperately, as he tried to move his hand and grab his kunai.

- A little ... Just a little MOVE DAMN YOU! -. Sasuke thought, watching as Orochimaru addressed the remaining shinobi.

Orochimaru did not bother with them much and from his two arms came two snakes that moved to the poor shinobi.

One of the shinobi managed to move at the last moment, just to prevent one of the snakes from biting him and holding him like his partner.

The poor shinobi who was subdued by the strong skin of the viper could only produce a few painful moans as most of his body thundered like a small branch.

The eyes of the snake had great joy when listening to the beautiful melody produced by the body of its victim and without enduring, it began to devour the body of the shinobi, but the snake had greater joy when starting from the lower part of the body, while he watched with his eyes the suffering of his prey as it was slowly eaten while he slowly appreciated its death.

With the only shinobi that managed to move, he tried to run but was intercepted by Orochimaru who had a speed much greater than him and the shinobi crossed his arms to withstand the blows as best he could.

Although he managed to protect himself some basic blows from Orochimaru, he could not match the extensive experience that Orochimaru had and without warning one of the legs of his throne from the low kick that Orochimaru performed.

The shinobi had a surprised face that prevented him from reacting to what happened since at all times he defended himself quite well from the blows and legs he received from his attacker, but from one moment to another one of his legs was useless.

Orochimaru had a huge smile on his face when he noticed the face of the shinobi, however, it was all over, since Orochimaru wanted the main dish known as Sasuke.

Orochimaru approached the injured shinobi and broke the other missing leg, but continued his attack by hitting his chin with his fist, lifting him into the air. to crash it to the ground.

The collision of the body with the ground produced a small split in the ground and a huge mark of blood. In a few seconds, a pool of blood was pouring out of the shinobi's head.

Orochimaru watched the slaughter of him and with a happy smile turned to continue with his next prey, noticing the efforts made by the Uchiha to move.

"You seem to be still paralyzed, let me help you a bit with that!" Orochimaru said to Sasuke's team as he took out from his back some kunai that he threw at the team.

Sasuke when looking at the kunais a lot of adrenaline ran through his body and with great luck he managed to stab one of his knees to escape the panic to take out of his ninja bag some kunais to cancel the kunais that were approaching his team, producing some metallic sounds from the collisions of both kunais.

Sasuke's team with difficulty managed to avoid death thanks to Sasuke, they underestimated Orochimaru's cunning, the only one who managed to move was Sasuke.

Sasuke took out some kunai from his bag that had friendly explosive tags on them and threw them at Orochimaru as he threw them at him and a loud explosion ensued. Sasuke held one of his companions and then moved to help the other.

A few meters from its last partner a thin snake came out of the ground and opened its jaw and then closed it on the neck of its partner, the snake shook its body and with a strong shake, it detached all the meat from its partner's neck causing jet bloodshot to the ground and the body fell to its knees as it bled to death.

Seeing the situation of his partner Sasuke withdrew from the place the best he could and lamented his terrible luck, he lost his partner so that he could qualify in the second part of the Chunin exam and this would delay him in his revenge against his older brother.

The dust was cleared by the explosion caused by the explosive tags and a completely fine Orochimaru appeared, - He managed to hurt himself so that the pain made him forget about the panic and he quickly knew how to handle the situation of his fallen companion. That can be very good for the future, it seems that it is not easy prey -. Orochimaru thought of his mind.

Sasuke carried his last companion on his shoulder while he ran as fast as possible while his brain worked on the best solution to escape from the brutal ninja that is chasing them and even though he thought he only had some idea to have a chance to live.

With slow, silent steps he slowed him down to find a place to hide or trick Orochimaru while he rested and regained energy.

With his mind working its best he could only sigh and look at his partner differently.

With slow but continuous movements a snake was moving towards Sasuke, but his partner yelled at him loud and tired, "A-A SNAKE SASUKE !!!".

Sasuke snapped out of his mind as he grabbed his partner to jump onto another branch avoiding the snake's deadly mouth. "STAY AWAY!". Sasuke yelled as he stepped away and moved his remaining hand to draw and launch several shurikens that pierced the snake.

The snake growled as it collapsed onto the side of one of the branches. The death of the snake put Sasuke at ease - SHIT! The damn bloodlust could have damaged my senses… Because I haven't felt it coming! -. Sasuke thought internally.

The body of the snake began to move and a small part of the body was opening to show a shinobi with some kind of slime all over his body that gave off a disgusting smell. Sasuke did not care so much about the appearance of the shinobi what he most feared was the same shinobi who brutally killed the participants.

"It seems that you are a little clueless Sasuke. But it is natural that because of your situation, you only think about fleeing ... But the prey would only think that when they face the definitive predator". Orochimaru said in a sweet tone to Sasuke.

- Damn it, if this continues like this, we are both going to die. But…-. Sasuke thought as a solution occurred to him and a smile formed on his face.

"How about I give you the roll and in exchange you let us go ?!" Sasuke tells him because he has nothing to lose by giving him the role, since in the end he is disqualified for losing one of his classmates, but if he has a chance to live, he can take the exam later.

"It seems like your instincts are working. The only way for the prey to free itself from its predator is…". Orochimaru stopped his words to give suspense, but Sasuke did not wait for it to finish, since he took out the scroll and passed it to his partner to give it to Orochimaru.

"It seems like your instincts are working. The only way for the prey to free itself from its predator is…". Orochimaru stopped his words to give suspense, but Sasuke did not wait for it to finish, since he took out the scroll and passed it to his partner to give it to Orochimaru.

Sasuke's partner took it as he nodded and moved slowly to deliver the scroll. Just a step away Sasuke's partner stopped in fear to hand the scroll to Orochimaru, but Sasuke's words left him stunned.

"The only way for the prey to free itself from its predator is to leave another victim at the mercy and then run away," Sasuke said with a serious face as he jumped back like that.

Sasuke's partner understood the words they said to Orochimaru and could not curse anything because a large number of explosive seals caught on the part of his back.

* BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! * The explosion covered the two shinobi as Sasuke fled as if there was no tomorrow, but he was hit hard by a huge serpentine tail that stopped him shortly from fleeing.

* AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! * Sasuke yelled at the heavy blow that he couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

His body, when he was hit hard, crashed against some small branches that he smashed in his wake and fell to the ground while his body rolled on the ground, causing several bones in his body to dislocate or fracture leaving some marks of blood around the place...

"I was expecting more of you Sasuke, but it wasn't that bad. You managed to run away and analyze your best chances of survival." Orochimaru said approaching Sasuke's body "And I can say that you need to mature in what is strength, but I think that if the future allows it, you will become someone very powerful and intelligent."

Sasuke felt an enormous pain throughout his body as he struggled to look into Orochimaru's eyes, - Power, I need power! I can't keep living with a pathetic ninja! Runaway, run away, hold on to my life! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! -. The most heartbreaking thoughts motivated Sasuke to slowly get up and open his eyes again to face his opponent with his active Sharingan showing three commas in each eye.

- It seems that he has awakened the blood of the clan from him and completely. This is more than enough to know that he has great potential. Orochimaru thought.

Sasuke used all of his willpower to endure what was to come but Orochimaru's words confused him.

"You are worthy of the Uchiha surname and I am very clear about it… I love you, Sasuke." Orochimaru told him as he placed his hands to perform some hand signals "I have enjoyed contemplating your strength and it shows that you have more potential than your brother Itachi".

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!". Sasuke yelled upon hearing his brother's name.

"My name is Orochimaru and if you wish to see me again. He uses my power…". Orochimaru told him as he finished performing various hand signals and his neck stretched out to bite Sasuke on his neck, marking him with the curse mark.

"Sasuke I know that you will come to me… Because you seek power and I can grant you the power that you have always dreamed of." Orochimaru said to a poor Sasuke who was enduring the pain.

"Consider it a parting gift Sasuke-kun jujuju." He ended up saying as he sank to the ground, but he noticed certain presences at the top of the branch and a smile showed when he noticed the shinobi who were looking with interest.

- Anko-chan's little companion -. Orochimaru thought.


