
Card System In Naruto.

Novel in English, if you read in Spanish, look at my profile where you can read the novel in Spanish!!!. I'm new to writing and this will be the first fan-fic I've ever written and I hope you like it. Synopsis. After the death of our protagonist, he found himself inside a white room, where he was allowed to reincarnate, but he did not want to reincarnate, but due to some inexplicable event he is reincarnated in the Naruto anime, not understanding how it happened. Luckily he got a card system, They offer abilities from different worlds ¿How you face your enemies and what decisions you make in this new life? He will decide whether to change the course of history or stop interfering in the events that marked the anime's history or discover the mysteries of his reincarnation and the problems that may appear for his future. Disclaimer: The photos were found on the internet and I took the liberty of editing them a bit. The original images do not belong to me, as does the content of the original manga, anime, and novels. All belong to their respective creators and owners, I just took ideas from different works to create the skills of the main character and develop a bit of the plot for his fan-fic. ... .. .

Tuyomi · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Challenge in the Forest Part 3.

I do not know, but today you will have an additional chapter that I dedicate to people who leave their stone of power, thank you very much for reading this little story that you enjoy reading.




"So you are Genji-Kun, Anko-chan's new emotional support," Orochimaru told him as an enormous amount of bloodlust paralyzed the three of them.

"What the heck, even in the fight we had in wave country against Zabuza's team, it can't be compared to the bloodlust this bloody creeping snake gives off."

Genji felt at Orochimaru's mercy and that made him very uncomfortable because he couldn't move his body because of the fear caused.

"I wonder what face Anko-chan will have when looking at your dead body Genji-Kun?" Orochimaru said with a sadistic face to Genji.

Genji felt that time seemed to slow down as his mind was somewhat freed from the bloodlust as he activated his adrenaline ability card and the release card.

His pupils dilated a little to see better and his senses heightened to another level.

Naruto and Sakura found themselves paralyzed with fear, but Genji noticed that Naruto showed some movement of his hands which meant that he was controlling his emotions better and getting used to the intense wave of pressure that Orochimaru emanated.

With a small smile on his face, I wait for the right moment as he clenches his fist. Orochimaru approached Genji's team a bit, but you noticed his movements and knew immediately that Genji was pretending to be paralyzed however it was too late.

Genji who was in front of Orochimaru only moved his left hand to use his telekinesis and attract more Orochimaru. With Orochimaru's body approaching Genji, he only covered his foot with Haki and performed a kick like that back.

Orochimaru had a tiny smile on his face as he took the kick and showed him a clear experience between the Genin and the strong on the food chain.

The kick performed by Genji sent Orochimaru back hitting part of the tree, but in the next moment of taking a fighting position he noticed how he had a kunai pierced in the back of his thigh, but the amount of adrenaline that circulated through his veins It helped the pain to be less.

This surprised him because by looking at Orochimaru's smile he could know that he had the opportunity to create more damage and he would not have had the opportunity to know how he was injured or worse killed.

Genji made a mental note not to underestimate anyone, as he normally dealt the blows and it was rare for someone to hurt him because of his failures. But seeing how Orochimaru hurt him so easily that he could not perceive his rapid movements, he knew that in the major league's shinobi acted on instinct and that if they had certain death they would make sure to hurt their opponent or drag him with them to death.

With a single movement of his hand, he removed the kunai from his body and placed it in his hand to continue the fight. Orochimaru also placed himself in a fighting stance, the two looked at each other for a moment, and as if waiting for a signal to start their match the two looked at each other for a moment.

There was a small sound of birds flying away and that was just the beginning of their fight.

Genji pulled out of nowhere some kunai and shuriken that he threw at Orochimaru. Orochimaru was offended at receiving such a jokeless attack that he just easily avoided them.

"Right, I forgot to tell you that I'm not fighting alone," Genji said with a funny face.

"JUTSU SHADOW CLONES !!!" Naruto yelled as he placed his hands to create a hand signal and let a huge army of Naruto attack Orochimaru from all sides.

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows a little as he was surrounded by a small army of blondes, but not caring much he used the minimum of his effort to throw in some kicks and punches.

The clones did not last long with an opponent like Orochimaru, but even he could tell that each clone that struck and disappeared changed the movements of all the clones.

- I see, use the clones to spread their knowledge to others and use it to suit my fighting style. He had heard rumors that the little demon acquired the jutsu of a scroll that he stole from the old man hehe. Interesting -. Orochimaru pondered in his mind.

In a few minutes, Naruto managed to hold onto Orochimaru for a while, but Orochimaru is not good at fighting for nothing, so he summoned small snakes that attacked the clones, allowing most of the clones to explode into smoke.

With the great fight that Naruto had against Orochimaru. Genji performed various hand movements that only Naruto and Sakura knew about.

He knew that he couldn't win against Orochimaru, only delay him long enough to be able to safely escape with everyone.

Sakura and the real Naruto understood Genji's directions.

Sakura came down from the tree and picked up Sasuke from the ground to start to escape, but she waited for Genji's signal to escape with Naruto, while the clones faced Orochimaru. Genji devised his next plan and launched into a fight while he gave them time.

Genji knew that he could die against Orochimaru, but within his team, he was the one who had a greater chance of living without much damage compared to Naruto or Sakura.

He didn't think of throwing his life away from him as a hero. Genji did so because he appreciated and considered Naruto and Sakura as his friends.

Genji watched as a huge ball of Naruto clones was created. - System changes the skill card for flora friend and after 5 minutes it changes the cards as they were -.

[Cards have been successfully exchanged by counting time before changing cards (0.03 seconds and counting)].

Genji could not sign because in the three months that he hard trained he discovered that the system can automatically change the cards from time to time which makes it easier for him to make certain changes.

The Naruto clones obstructed Orochimaru's vision by the absurd amount of clones that trapped him in a small ball of Naruto clones.

With the changed letter he took out from his deposit a huge wasabi whip with a flaming tip and with a clear affinity with the plant, Genji began to run in circles around the clones, when he finished he made some strange signal so that Naruto as Sakura was removed from the scene with an unconscious Sasuke.

"Let's show him our lethal move Naruto." He told the clones.

"Ohhhh!" The clones screamed with excitement and began to produce an absurd amount of smoke and it was not because the clones were hit and turned into smoke.

It was because the clones had grabbed several explosive papers and with Genji's special plant the heat produced was enormous when joining with the paper of the clones.

* BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! *. The explosion produced by the fusion of hundreds of paper bombs and the wasabi flames was so intense that part of the surrounding trees suffered from the explosion.

Genji managed to distance himself far enough to avoid the explosion but was still surprised by the outburst. He pulled out a small bandage to slightly bandage the wound on his leg.

"It may take him more than one big blast to kill Orochimaru," Genji said as he activated his unfocused assault card, transforming his body into dark particles as he disappeared from the scene.

Orochimaru's body was mostly mangled with a large amount of burned skin, if one looked closely at it one could guarantee that the cursed snake was killed by the blast.

Genji moved slowly but surely around the place looking for the trail that Orochimaru left to avoid the damage that Naruto and he caused.

The body began to move grotesquely as a part of blood seeped through the body and a completely annoyed Orochimaru with pale skin was reborn, with his snake senses he tried to track the traces of his prey, but he could not locate Genji.

This bothered him a lot and yet he had a slight clue as to the direction of Naruto and Sakura. He brought his hands together to perform an enormous amount of hand stamps.

Orochimaru inhaled a huge amount of air, his cheeks swelled so much that he looked like a frog from the powerful jutsu he was about to release. Genji, noticing the direction he was pointing, alerted him to move as fast as he could behind Orochimaru's back.

Genji nullified his unfocused assault ability and supplied the dark sickle of his right arm with too much chakra to manage to wound Orochimaru. The black sickle pierced Orochimaru's body with ease.

Genji looked at him with a surprised face because he didn't feel any resistance from Orochimaru and even thought that spending almost all of his chakra on this attack was too much.

"Desperate measures, require rash actions * Cough *. You don't think so Genji-Kun. " Orochimaru told him and his neck twisted to look Genji in the eye with a small smile on his face.

"Sasuke was excellent * Cough * you performed quite well, it almost makes you want to examine yourself Genji-Kun. Too bad you have a connection with Anko-chan. " He said calmly as he sometimes coughed up blood.

Genji noticed Orochimaru's calm and instinctively tried to withdraw his hand from the pierced back in Orochimaru did not give him a good thorn in the situation, but Orochimaru's handheld the dark sickle and held his arm, denying him to escape or move his body. of your position.

"What's the rush Genji-Kun ?!" Orochimaru said giving him a wicked smile.

"If the trap is clear to the naked eye, don't take it." He manifested another voice of Orochimaru a few meters from Genji.

- This son of a bitch read me completely and I fell completely into his trap when I saw how he pointed in the direction of Naruto and Sakura. The bastard is simply at another level -.

Genji in his mind was cursing himself for how stupid and hasty he acted, but when he saw the signals that Orochimaru repeated, his face lost color in his face.

Orochimaru watched him with amusement as he finished his hand signals.

"WIND STYLE: TORNADO STRIKE !!!!!" Orochimaru yelled as a huge tornado shot out of his mouth in the direction of Genji.

Genji felt great fear for Orochimaru's powerful Jutsu, however, he joined his last efforts to protect himself from his possibly imminent death. With his hand clamped on the clone, he used his last pool of Chakra to reduce the clone's mass and move it to use as a shield.

"AYYYYYYY!" Genji let out a painful cry as he was pushed back by the excessive attack of the wind element.

The body rose to an immense height as it flew off like a small rocket. The jutsu caused several cuts all over his body and with a little Haki in some parts of his body, he managed to counteract the jutsu a bit.

The worst was yet to come after flying aimlessly hitting some branches and rolling hundreds of meters across the ground to stop on the ground.

"AAARGH". He let out a tiny voice of torment from the wounds inflicted by that bastard Orochimaru.

With blood all over his body, he dragged one of his arms to move a little, but his arms and legs left him falling unconscious in the place.

Time passed and Genji was able to open his eyes to look around him, but luckily the intense gust of wind could scare the animals.

"UGH what a pain !!" Genji let out a few words as he got up with crawl steps and with a muscle ache all over his body. He took a small stick that he used as a prop to walk through the dense forest.

- The creeping bastard wanted to destroy me with that technique, I know I'm not as strong as some shinobi, but it was necessary to possibly use a rank A or B Jutsu. With a poor soul like me, luckily the card to corrode the bones improved my bones and I have a little slight healing for my body -. He argued in his mind Genji but left his thoughts by a sound.

"Bero bero bero bero… Bero bero". There was the sound of one of his snails and with the pain, he answered the call as he placed the snail on his shoulder and continued on his way.

* Kachap * "Genji, where are you, are you okay, did you manage to escape, how long is it ... ?!" Sakura's voice asked with an altered tone and concern.

"Ask one question at a time first, as I have a huge headache."

She was heard on the other side of the call to Sakura breathing to calm down because she had spent approximately 4 hours since the separation from the team.

"Ok, are you okay?" Sakura asked him.

"Yeah, the damn snake caught me off guard and ended up flying in a direction I don't know."

"It's good to know that you're okay, so what do we do next, I mean we don't even know if we could meet in this vast forest," Sakura says to him, while they rested leaning on a tree branch.

Sakura and Naruto moved fast at Genji's signal, but minutes later they heard the sound of a small dust storm rising high up in the forest.

The team decided to have a small camp to place Sasuke in a safe place.

Sakura and Naruto waited for hours while they tried to communicate with Genji, but he did not answer the call and as time went by they became anxious about what had happened to Genji, but it was a great respite to know that he was fine.

"What we can do is wait until the next day because there are just a few hours until the place is completely dark. Sakura you already know what has to be done to make the place safe at night and as for Naruto ... find a good place where they can eat or have a source of water to drink. "

Genji would tell him by jumping a low branch and moving cautiously, as he noticed bear marks on some trees, but the claw marks were very small than the bears they faced at the beginning of the exam.

"I understand, but if you find a river on your way, I want you to know that we are not very far from one, since Naruto went fishing. What you could do if you are in a place with a stream is to set fire or communicate with smoke signals, as you taught us. " Said an excited Sakura.

"That's different Sakura. In a place like a forest, the little signs are a strong light for the shinobi to know your position. As for creating a fire, it's the same, better to tell Naruto to gather some grass that they can use as a bed and at the same time as something that can keep them warm because any hint of fire will cause them to attack them. " Genji told you to Sakura.

Sakura was a bit discouraged, but she accepted Genji's advice in a good way since if she weren't for him, she would not have a good handle on the situations that usually present themselves for the team.

"I understand I will call Naruto, to do or look up the things you said," Sakura told him with you tired.

"That will be the best for you while I look for how to reach you safely...". Genji told him but stopped as he watched as a Shinobi struggled to survive a small herd of bears and snakes.

"Sakura something came up, I'll call you later or tomorrow and be very careful with her surroundings, not because it is a shinobi that you know trust him or her, since it may be a disguised shinobi. Goodbye Sakura!". Genji said as he placed the snail in his bag, but he heard Sakura's goodbye voice on the other side.

"Be very careful Genji, bye!"

Genji watched as the animals surrounded a kunoichi with red hair in bad condition and with her clothes torn in places and tired.

- Who would think that we would meet Karin -. Genji thought in his mind as he moved carefully and took something out of the tank. "I hope you like my new little gift."


