
Caesar’s Empire

Oc died and is thrown into the war torn world of the star wars universe, but watch as our oc turns this curse into a blessing as he forms a new empire to carry out his will.

Gs9Gosohard · Película
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3 Chs

The steps taken

6 Months after arriving in this world I realized I was force sensitive my midichlorians were over 8,000 , revealed through a blood test i did a few weeks ago , through illegal and secretive means of course i don't want ISB and palpatine's lackeys hunting me now do I?

And after days and hours of meditation and training i could slightly feel the force flowing all over my body and in the surroundings .The force didn't revolve around me or atleast i didn't emit any of its power even though it flowed through my body.

It stayed inside me and didn't release the slightest amount of force energy like a normal amateur force sensitive would but instead the force improved and heightened my senses, increased and improve the strength and durability of my body . I could hear whispers from over 40 meters away, i could run at speeds of over 80 km/h twice as fast as the fastest man back on earth and i had the endurance of a horse to go with that.

I was also 8 times stronger than a normal human , lifting weights up to over nine hundred pounds.

And with this new found power i stole. For weeks I stole coaxium from the nearby corellian shipyards and from rival gang, going in and out of their bases and factories without anyone even noticing i was even there.

One small vile of Coaxium or hyper fuel cost up to 600 credits and i got my hands on over 5 kilos of this rare compound .

All of which i evntually sold for 2,000,000 credits, enough to even buy my own fleet of small ships and get off this junk of a planet and go to a proper world but i didn't, all my plans would begin here.

After getting the money i needed ,I bribed government workers and got my id chip and other official documents as quick as possible I didn't have the patients for waiting in lone lines so it was the most efficient way , establishing bank accounts and from there i moved on to buy an small old abandoned factory from the city for 100,000 credits it was closer to the prosperous capital of Corellia ,Coronet city but was still on the outskirts.

I would need to hire workers, architects they weren't hard to find on an industrial planet like corellia, but to bring in resources and and materials to build my factory wont be cheap and the two million credits seems like a lot yes but building a business to which you need to pay for power, water, plus taxes to the government wont be cheap and my funds will blow out in no time.

As days turned to weeks and weeks to months after purchasing materials and resources hiring architects, engineers , builders and even workers from the slums, the factory was finished. i even had the designs for the container of the coca cola which would be in the regular small cans just like back on earth. And the price for one can would be 1 credit and one case which contains 24 cans would obviously cost 24 credits

Large equipment were brought in such as distillers, broilers, large conveyors, labelling machines ,fillers and large tanks for holding the liquid

and within four weeks after installing the large equipment .The factory was officially opened, and small amounts of coca cola were being produced and sold to some of my first time customers who i convinced of this new drink personally.

I had to start small about 200 cases a day, its a new drink on the market so potential buyers were a bit skeptical of this new beverage but after 3 weeks of marketing and exposure to the public this beverage became one of the most popular beverage of Corellia within the next month and the factory was producing to the max churning out over 350,000 cases of coca cola a week, which would make 50,000 cases a day .

So i was making 8,400,000 credits a week, production would obviously increase over time but; if we deduct employees pay , tax, water, and power from the 8 mil i was still making over 6 million a week.

If this continues i will eventually be one of the many young billionaires in the galaxy.

The newfound popularity of this drink had drawn in a lot of attention, potential investors such as some Corellian Banks and surprisingly The InterGalactic Banking Clan (IGBC), also known simply as the Galactic Banking Clan or as the Banking Clan,i was surprised when they wanted to invest in my company, well they were one of the most influential commerce guilds during the waning days of the Galactic Republic and the most important organization in the Outer Rim , well of course they would be involved who would want to turn down such a profitable deal.

Even though I was the head of the organisation and founder of the beverage My identity remains hidden no one really knows who i am, some representatives hardly get to see my face.

And important dealings i left to be done by my trusted representative and my good friend , a former soldier in the republic army Nox Vernan.

I found him a few months ago while going through resumes for hiring some staff members, when i came upon his and i have to say I was impressed.

He served in the republic army as a logistics officers on one of the venator class star destroyers for 3 years during the war against the separatist alliance at that time but retired at the age of fifty due to him being tired of fighting in constant wars.

(Mr Vernon looked similar to kevan lannister from game of thrones .)

I chose him because he was experienced, he knew the importance of supply and demand and could work very efficiently so i made him the face of my company .

Every big venture or large deals that were made was through him. People even thought he was the founder and that was my intention. Manipulating from behind the scenes was all i would do.

Vernan would report to me from time to time but i always monitored and kept close tabs on the company even though my office is not at the factory.

Speaking of my office, I bought a small skyscraper a few weeks ago , one within coronet city to be precise and for 10,000,000 credits, it costed me a lot yes but it was cheap compared to some which would value to over 50 million to a 300 million credits but those buildings were the tallest and largest in the city so no wonder it cost so much.

i was brought out of my thoughts when my holo communicator started beeping .

I switched it on and a small blue image of an imperial security droid appeared, he served as my secretary and my body guard, i bought him from a corellian droid factory.

" Yes GS9" i answered

" Sir Head Manager Nox Vernan is here to see you" replied the droid

"send him in"

the droid nodded then hang up the call

A few minutes later the doors to my office opened as the elderly man walked in

I stood up from my chair and greeted him with a hand shake "Mr Vernan its good to see you , i believe your here to report about the company's progress so far "

"Indeed lord Caesar " he said as he sat down in a chair in front of my desk.

"So tell me Mr Vernan how is the company fairing".

"Well lord Caesar our investors have poured in over a billion credits combined, the IGBC has bought 24% of our stocks which had a value of 600 million credits and 4 other local banks had bought five percent of our stocks each, which had a net value of 500 million credits and we expect them to earn double of that amount within the next year, as stated in the porfolio " he said as he handed to me a holopad showing the portfolio of investors and stocks bought and sold.

"Well Mr Vernan with our potential investors backing us we can now truly expand we will use this huge amount of capital to create more factories , and i want you to make preparations to establish factories on Rendili, Naboo , Corusant , Hosnian Prime, Vardos we need to buy land and properties on these planets for our factories to built , i estimate they will generate over two billion credits in profit after they're built and are producing to the max. We will use the same design as our first factory to preserve our funds and resources , but to also establish a form of identity for our corporation ,we cant have our factories all looking different now can we?"

" well no lord caesar, I agree with you on that, it saves money which we could allocate into purchasing more transports from the Corellian shipyards to move around our products"

I nodded in understanding

and as minutes passed we continued to talk about the next step of the company until Nox was finished with his report and left .

I got up from my desk and stared out into the ever bustling city and even as the sun was setting the traffic of speeders and small airbuses passing by seems to increase , the view was beautiful .

I took one last glance of the city before heading off to the elevator which brought me to my apartment quarters , which was at the very top of the building.

I took a shower ate some food and headed off to bed .

"Another hectic day tomorrow" i mumbled as i drifted off to sleep.