
By Chance by Anjelica Doone

Emma Smith didn't want to leave New York. There were so many beautiful yet tragic memories she just can't leave behind. But she knew there is more to explore and she wants to have a better future. Opportunity knocks in and a door was ready to open for her. New Jersey wasn't really her plan but she doesn't have much of a choice. Going to a big university, maintaining a scholarship, looking for a new place to stay in, applying for a part time job and meeting new faces makes it more hard for Emma to adjust. Just when everything is about to go smoothly, Drew Payne steps in and changes went in to Emma's life.

Anjelica_Bernales · Adolescente
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: Is This For Real?

We stopped by at Georgio's Pizzeria and I can tell that the food here is delicious since I can already smell the cheese and pepperoni here. I am starving and my tummy is rumbling. We went inside and we sat down near the table of an old lady with his husband. I can't help but envy relationships like this. After what happened to me and James, I don't think if I could still go on for another relationship. I can't deny the fear I have in my heart. I'm afraid to get hurt again and I don't think that my heart can handle another pain anymore. My heart has been through a lot and getting it broke again is the last thing I'd be doing. The waitress went near us to ask for our order.

"We'll have the usual, Marian." Drew uttered with a smile.

"Oh that wouldn't surprise me. Welcome back Drew." The lady beamed and Drew smiled in response.

"So do you come here often?" I asked.

"Way back when Andrea and I were still together." He replied. He still seems upset about it.

"Oh." I just smiled. I don't want to ask anymore. It might just ruin his mood.

Minutes later, the waitress was back with our food on her left hand.

"Pepperoni and cheese huh?" I beamed.

"Yep. My favorite." He smirk.

"Me too." My eyes looked surprise.

"Oh I didn't see that one coming." He smirk and I just giggled.

"So what course did you get?" I looked at him as I took a bite of my pizza.

"Literature." He replied.

"Oh, what a coincidence! Me too." I responded.

"Well I think we will see each other more often then." He beamed and I can feel the heat coming up to my chin. Why do I always have this feeling? My heart beats so fast whenever he's around. I hate it when he smiles yet I also hate it when he smirks. What is this? I can't focus on my food cause' I'm thinking about this silly things. Well I guess this semester will be a big dilemma to me most especially that I'm going in to the same classes with him. 'Stop it Emma. Focus on me.' The pizza looks at me and I can tell that he is really furious. I am really going crazy.

"You must be really rich huh? That Audi R8 costs a fortune." I finally spoke.

"Oh no no." He laugh. Why is he laughing?

"What's so funny?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. It's just that your eyes... they look funny." He giggled.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked.

"They're so big." He chuckled.

"Oh yeah you're right." I laugh.

"The car by the way.. Well it isn't mine actually." He uttered.

"So who owns it?" I asked again.

"Alex." He replied. "It was a gift from his father. It's just that he doesn't like to drive so he always asks me to drive for him." He added.

"Oh." I responded.

We took a bite of our last pizza and Drew called the waitress for our bill. I handed him some money for my share but he insisted to pay for the whole amount. 'He's so sweet.' My subconscious tease.

"Thanks for the treat." I smiled.

"You owe me one." He smirk and I rolled my eyes. He just laugh.

We went outside and walk towards the car. He grab the car keys and just when he was about to turn the car on, it won't start. He tried to turn it on again but it would just shut off immediately.

"What's wrong with this godamn car?!!" He screamed.

"Hey that's fine. We could call a mechanic for help." I said.

He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. The number ring and after a few minutes, the someone answered the call.

"Sup dude." The guy said.

"Hey Mike. I need your help. Alex's car won't start. I'm at 337 West Side Ave Jersey City, NJ O7305." Drew replied.

He hung up the phone and minutes later, I was surprised to see a Ferrari 488 GTB sports car coming towards us. A guy came out and I think this is the one who Drew called earlier.

"Sup dude?! Long time no see." He beam as he extend his hands to fist bump with Drew's hand. "Is this yo' girl?" He asked.

"No. She's just a.. friend." Drew replied and I nod in agree to his remark.

"Oh is that so. Well then I guess it wouldn't be a problem if I will ask you out on a date tonight." He winked at me and I just smiled in response. He keeps on staring at me and it sucks.

"Thanks but I have other plans tonight." I uttered.

"I think we should better be going. Just call me if the car is already okay. Thanks ahead bro." Drew interrupted. He walked out of the car and so did I.

"No problemo. See you later, Drew and my lady." He winked at me again and I just rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't mind if we'll just walk right? It is just blocks away though." Drew asked me.

"Oh no. It's okay." I responded.

We started to walk when suddenly, Drew grab and took a grip of my left hand. Heat is coming all over my body. Why is he doing this? It's very awkward and unusual. I tried to let go but his force is very strong. 'Is this for real?' I asked myself. 'Just enjoy the moment.' My subconscious tease. I can't deny it though. My heart seems happy about it.