
By Chance by Anjelica Doone

Emma Smith didn't want to leave New York. There were so many beautiful yet tragic memories she just can't leave behind. But she knew there is more to explore and she wants to have a better future. Opportunity knocks in and a door was ready to open for her. New Jersey wasn't really her plan but she doesn't have much of a choice. Going to a big university, maintaining a scholarship, looking for a new place to stay in, applying for a part time job and meeting new faces makes it more hard for Emma to adjust. Just when everything is about to go smoothly, Drew Payne steps in and changes went in to Emma's life.

Anjelica_Bernales · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: Meet Andrea

I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. It's like I'm floating on air. We just kept on walking while our hands are still tied together. Suddenly, a lady came over us. She is a little taller than me. She has a dark brown hair and the curly waves on her hair looks perfect on her.

"Hey Drew." The lady smiled.

"Andrea." Drew responded.

My heart stopped beating for a moment. My body is stuck like glue on the ground. My mind is frozen and I can't think well. I could see the way Drew looks at her and it breaks my heart into pieces. But why should I be hurt? After all, we're not together. We're just friends. And he's just helping me out because of Alex. Now I get it. This is why he was holding my hand the whole time. To show Andrea that he has already found a new girl and that he have moved on. How could I be so stupid? I didn't see that one coming. I really didn't. I tried to let go of his hand but his grip is just too tight. I just smiled to Andrea who was staring at our hands for like the past few minutes.

"I should be going." Andrea said.

"Oh yeah, we should too." Drew replied.

"Nice seeing you again Drew. And..." Andrea looks at me. I can tell that she's not so happy about it.

"Emma. She's Emma." Drew responded immediately. It seems like he doesn't want me to talk.

"Nice meeting you, Emma.. And Drew." She grin as she walk towards her way. Minutes after she left, Drew let go of my hand and I stood infront of him, blocking his way. Why does he need to use me over his way of moving on? If he hasn't really moved on, he doesn't need to pretend. I think I really need an explanation.

"What the hell was that?" I screamed. I don't care if my voice is too loud. I'm just really mad about what he did.

"What are you talking about?" He stopped walking and turned his head around to face me.

"Oh c'mon! Stop pretending Drew. Stop acting like you didn't know what happen for the last few minutes." I yelled.

"Just get over it." He continued walking. This jerk is back again to his rude, obnoxious, old self. I'm really angry right now that I just want to throw a rock over his big diluted head to stop him from walking.

"Jerk!" I shouted. I feel like I'm about to cry. I walk back to the street. 'You're so stupid Emma! Really fucking stupid!' I said to myself as I started wiping the tears in my eyes. Just when I was about to call a cab, I hear the footsteps of Drew running towards me.

"Hey Emma. I'm sorry. I know I was being a jerk earlier." He uttered. I don't want to look at him but I can't help it. I turned my head to face him and I can tell by his eyes that he's worried.

"I'm going home." I responded as I wave my hand to call a cab who was recently passing by.

"I'll drive you home. I'll call Mike to check if he's done fixing up the car. I was the one who drag you to this mess so let me make it up to it." He pleaded.

"Just please. Go away Drew. I don't have any words to say." I said as I went inside the cab.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Rodeway Inn." I sob.

The driver drove on and the road was full of silence. I can tell that he's a lil' bit curious about me crying and Drew standing outside the car. He must be thinking that we have some sort of relationship problem. 'That's nuts.' I groaned to myself. He turned the wheel and went for a stop on the gasoline station. Minutes later, the driver drove again. Finally he turned the radio on. This silence is killing me. I need some music to help me forget about what happened earlier. The music played and it was Teardrops on my Guitar by Taylor Swift. 'Seriously? This isn't helping.' I blurted to myself. I should stop crying. My mom would literally freak out if she sees me crying again.

Not so long after we stopped on the gasoline station, my phone vibrated and I opened it only to find James' picture on the screen, calling me. 'Should I answer it?' I asked myself. 'I think you should.' My subconscious replied. I took a deep breath for a second and answered the call.

"Emma." He sob.

"James?" I asked. Why is he crying?

"I.. I miss you." He replied. Hearing his voice again crumbles my heart into bits.

"Please not right now James. I'm still not in the mood for things like this." I blurted.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. These past few day just seems to be so hard for me. I can't live without you, Emma. I love you so much." He sob again.

"You should have thought twice before doing it James." I said.

"I know. I know." He said. I can hear him punching the door.

"I'm gonna hung up now." I groaned.

"Wait." He sniff.

"What?" I blurted.

"I'm in New Jersey right now." He responded.

I was so shock that my phone almost fell off my hands.