
Business-Man Naruto

Ken a multitalented businessman and scientist transmigrated into Naruto's body when Naruto was severely injured then their soul and memories fused together. As Ken's soul was stronger and powerful then Naruto his most of the characteristics remains and a new being gets born.

Shaikh_Tohaa · Cómic
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45 Chs


William Ken was your everyday small businessman who is the owner of the biggest electronics company on the planet.

There is almost nothing that his company doesn't make which is operated by electricity.

Ken's company is known as Vines makes from simple light bulbs to Spaceships which runs with electricity and other energy.

'Wait shouldn't he be a small businessman? 'the author thought confusedly looking at the sight in front of him.

Whatever moving on...

Ken also owns his personal search engine like 'Google' but it's not as popular as 'Google' because of 'Google' still the world's number 1 search engine.

While his search engine is the world's number 2 search engine. Which is also known as 'Help' and in only 5 years it came from the very bottom to number 2 position but Ken has a lot of hope from it. After all, he is the one who made this by himself.

The reason for him making his own search engine is because Google did something he didn't like and decided to make his own.

Enough about all of this let us see what is Ken doing right now…🤔

A 24 years old young man with blond hair who is known as Willian Ken is currently starring in front of a monitor and using something like two mechanical hands while doing something with them with very seriousness on his face.

" Henry takes Eagle DNA then put it in Tiger's DNA and I will mix human DNA into it, ok do it when I give the signal. " the blonde said with a low volume.

"Focus more on it we are about done with it." Henry who was 36 years old man replied back.

"Serina put more pressure in the reaction chamber now. " Ken told another lab member

"Yes sir, I am doing it. " this time an old lady above 40s replied.

After some time the machine started to shut down.

"We succeeded finally. " Ken finally left his position from where he was standing

"Yes, we have successfully created a new kind of life form. Hahaha, we have made a life form. Which might be stronger than humans and could fly at the same time. " Ken said with a grand smile on his handsome face

'"Sir, sorry to break it to you but it will take more than 2 years to get the creature to come out of its egg and after it comes out we should be getting happy. " Serina replied after coming back from the station while cleaning her glasses and Henry nodded in agreement with her

"I can't believe your crazy idea really worked. "this time Henry said like he was trying to indicate Ken as a mad scientist

(A. N: Wait, What was this bastard was doing. Don't tell me they were doing what I think they were doing. These bastards were doing some kind of human experiment. I need to take a break.

Hof..... Hof..... Breathe out in. Out in. ☠️)

Hof, now I think I could continue...


12 days later…

I again found him and from what I gathered about Ken, he is like Tony STARK from a technologically advanced family but he is a business maniac.

Ken only cares about perfection and hates to lose against anyone even to someone who is an expert in a certain aspect which led him during so much knowledge in such a small age.

This is also another reason for him to become worlds some of the most leading company CEO and in every company, he holds over 70 to 80% of shares by himself.

So, in a way, he is quite a despicable person from my opinion because he thinks everything as a business deal in his life and never does anything from his heart.

So, he uses his mind in everything that he needs maybe something happened to him when he was using his feeling.

Today he is going to space with his own 23 members team to fix Vine's space station because he is the one who designed this station and the current problem is very big. So, he has to come personally to fix it and add something to it but.....

"Sir the nuclear reactor is about to explode it looks like something went wrong in the nuclear reactor core, but we don't know what it is. " the rockets 3rd engineer and copilot Makaron said while he was panicking.

"what do you mean it's about to explode.

I designed it myself there is no way there could be any problem in the Rocket and why didn't you checked it before you…  " When Ken was about to say something with anger the rocket exploded


With that one of the world's best scientist or filthy businessman lost his life or so, everyone thought.


Konoha ...

Konoha ninja Hospital...

"Lord 3rd, Naruto is in a critical condition. From everything, I think it will be hard for him to recover and he is about to lose his life. " the doctor said while he was looking at Hokage with a very serious expiration.

"No, he can't die. Do whatever you can to cure him, this is an order.  " 3rd Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen said this in a tone like it's an order of life and death for the doctor to cure Naruto, from Hokage.

"Understood but we can only try our best and nothing more. " After telling his words the doctor quickly entered the cabin.

As the doctor left Hiruzen had a serious face while thinking 'Those bastards.… what were they doing when Naruto got into such a critical accident???

What will we do if Naruto die and the Kyuubi strikes us again???

Shit, we don't even have any Uzumaki in the village within whom will we put the Kyuubi or who will seal the Kyuubi inside even if we find a host for it???

But the most important thing right now is how the hell am I spouse to subdue Kyuubi???

Yes, it is good that I punished those worthless Anbu by death as punishment. ' with an ever-changing face drained of any kind of emotions.


After about 3 hours of operation, the doctor came out of the room a little hope in his eyes….

As soon as the doctor came out Hiruzen went to him with fast steps then asked with a serious tone "How is he??? "

"Lord 3rd I think he might make it this time. " Doctor said with a sigh of relief as though he got back his life.

"Speak clearly??? " Hiruzen said with an expressionless serious tone because of his worry.

"Yes, lord 3rd" Upon hearing the serious tone the doctor also became serious again and started explaining after a short break "While we were trying to heal him from outside, there was also something which was healing him from inside and when we used one of the Hyuga doctor's Byakugan we found out that might be the Kyuubi which was healing him from inside. "

"That is a positive thing but I think there is more right??? " Hiruzen is still serious as ever without any expression on his face.

"Yes and after some scan, we found there might be some changes in his personality as well. " The doctor with a low tone and fear of getting punished by the Hokage.

"What is it? Is there anymore problem? Don't stop while speaking be clear…" Hiruzen scolds angrily because of the news.

"After a depth analysis of his brain, we found that he might have a little personality disorder. " The doctor told him with a little fear because of how Hiruzen is looking at him while thinking 'Why did I have to come and explain again??? '

" I am listening??? " Hokage asked while looking even sharply at the doctor as if he wants to see through him which scared the doctor shitless.

"*glup* You see lord 3rd there was a little damage in his brain and when the new cells were generating which we didn't have any hope to happen but thanks to some Miracle it happend.

So, we don't know what will happen once he wakes up from the coma.

That is why we can only think of some possibilities here… " The doctor said and looked at Hiruzen if he wants to ask anything.

"Just say it already before I get too much impatient with you??? " This time Hiruzen asked with announcing and worry because when he heard Naruto got his brain-damaged it shows just how much of an accident he got into and thought 'I should punish those civilians as well how dare they trying to kill Naruto for no reason??? ' with a far on.

"Yes, the things that could happen are…

First, he might lose some of his memories permanently.

Second, he might become a dumb, stupid and idiot. with no intelligence and even if he can stay normal he will become even more foolish than he was before.

And this one might not happen because it shouldn't be possible but still, I will say it.  

3rd he might become smarter than before or something similar and he might even unlock some chakra nature or Kekkei Genkai or Kekketota and he might even unlock his hidden potential because of coming back from near-death situation. " the doctor said with a little bit of fear because the Hokage in front of him is acting kind of weird right now.

'No matter what happens to him I will not let him suffer anymore and if he becomes even dumber than before then or one of the first 3 conditions occur I will make him a Sarutobi clan member by adopting him as my grandson but if he becomes smart or the 4th condition really happens I will do as he asks me for his forgiveness ' the Hokage made his decision.

"I understand now go back to your duty. " Hiruzen said as the doctor prepared to leave.

"Yes lord 3rd. " The doctor turned around.

"Also before you leave remember to remind the doctor and everyone that anything that happened today is an Sss-rank secret any words from this is forbidden from speaking anywhere. " Hiruzen said with a dark deep fearful tone.

"Yes lord 3rd… " With that, the doctor left hurriedly.

After the doctor left the hallway it again became silent again when a black shadow arrived behind Hiruzen…

"Dog did the punishment of those Anbu guards carried out??? " Hokage asked with anger and rage in his tone.

"Yes, Lord 3rd it's done. " dog masked Anbu replied with a serious nod because he didn't believe someone from the anbu would let Naruto getting into such an accident even though it was there duty to protect that kid.

"Good... " Hiruzen said with a satisfying nod then asked "Go any capture everyone and their families that hurt Naruto then execute them all. "

"But… " Dog argued because it meant to execute whole 10 families from the civilians.

"Enough that is an order… " Hiruzen said with dissatisfaction.

"Yes understood. " Dog said with a nod.

" Good now Dismissed " with that once again the hall became silent and Sarutobi stood there alone as the shadow disappeared from that spot as if he was never there.

Improved and a little better...

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts