
Burst to power

Muperi_T · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


*8 years later* [END OF PROLOGUE]

Down at the base of a seemingly bottomless pit that was as wide as a middle range pool, there were seven trees sprouting to unbelievable heights. Their branches were like twisted arms reaching towards the surface and some were twisted together with so much intricacy as to resemble living tendrils.

Their roots burrowed deep enough into the rocky soil to create the perfect natural platform for a sprawling forest to grow in. There was no mistaking that the forest was alive and flourishing and yet, there wasn't any sound other than what could be heard by a human.

No insects or bugs buzzed about on their way to or from the many places they needed to go. No birds chirped in their morning songs. It was silent all around.

At the center of the floor was an unnaturally formed hill made up of large boulders and debris. From the many cracks like spaces on it, came out a green light that was humble at first in its brilliance.

However, it just suddenly started to increase its glowing intensity. The air which was once calm promoting a peaceful atmosphere at the place started getting wild. The trees and the waters started moving in the direction the wind blew without resistance like slaves.

The boulders that comprised the small hill started cracking and the screes fell to the ground leaving space for more of the green light to come out. As more and more time passed, the violence intensified and sudden yellow balls which were rich in lightning energy appeared out of nowhere.

They looked beautiful and mesmerizing upon sight. They buzzed with beautiful yellow lightning as they levitated, however...….


A thunderous rumble reverberated in the large pit when only two of them came into contact. The small hill which had been slowly weathering was turned to very fine particles of dust that polluted the air of the entire place.

In the thick curtain of dust, a green light shot up heading to the mouth of the pit like a shooting star. It neither increased nor decreased its velocity as it flew up.


Somewhere on the other side of earth, there was a large farm almost about twenty kilometers squared. It had many crops growing and from the many animals grazing on the other parts of the farm, it was clear that they practiced agriculture to its fullest extent.

On one of the small farming landscapes on the farm, an elderly woman was looking at a young boy who was busy doing some dance like moves. His body however was too stiff that the attempted dance moves did not come out right. Sometimes, he would even fall but determination continued to burn in his heart like an immortal flame. He was so stubborn so much so that he did not want to be a failure.

The old woman felt her heart ache seeing the small child persistent and hurting himself. When she saw him about to do it again, she moved swiftly and caught him in her embrace. She felt his body shaking from the cold and hugged more of him. She kissed his forehead and continued to embrace him.

"Grandma, am I a failure?" he asked in a voice mixed with hiccups and a small cry he was trying so hard to not let out.

The old woman felt like all his pain was affecting her twice as it was the boy. she then opened her mouth and responded:

"No, you are not a failure" she responded to the boy with soft words tr she responded to the boy with soft words trying to calm him down "it takes time to fully master water bending or any other element. Just be strong and good and before you know it, the Ela academy will be chasing after you"

Hearing his grandmother's sweet words, the boy's mood and liveliness returned. His eyes once again sparkled with determination.

The two then broke the hug. The boy looked at the sky and then spoke:

"The night today suddenly feels beautiful grandma, can you show me your technique once again?"

The old lady smiled when she saw that her grandson had returned to his lively spirited self. She then walked Infront of him and spoke:

"Watch carefully"

The small boy squinted his eyes with seriousness as he intended to take note and learn from the old woman's actions.

She started to dance elegantly. It was as if she was being controlled by the wind itself and her dancing moves looked like water at the centre of the sea, calm at the core but impactful at the shore. As she continued to dance, small droplets of water started forming.

The small droplets then started to get bigger and denser as she continued to move. She then swirled and stomped the ground hard.

All the water rained on the small section of planted ground. She wiped a little bit of sweat that had formed on her forehead and looked at her grandson.

"Wow grandma, you are amazing" praised the boy as he ran into his grandmother's arms. He was now determined and wanted to be able to do it too one day.

"Easy now, you will be able to do greater things in no time" said the old lady while patting her grandson's head. She truly felt relieved that her grandson's stress of failure had been erased and was now at ease.



A destructive explosion took place close to their vicinity throwing them a long distance away. If the explosion had happened just a few meters closer, their bodies would have been torn to pieces and burnt to ashes. What they only got were several injuries which was more of a fortune for them than dying.

They both fell unconscious as they could not take the pain and the shock.



The old woman's eyelashes moved a little which was a sign of her consciousness returning. She slowly opened her eyes but she could not see due to the blurriness that had been caused by the moisture in her eyes mixed with a little bit of dust.

She rubbed her eyes and opened them and saw a clear vision. In a distance, there was a large crater with a lot of smoke coming from it and all the planted crops were nothing but ash. The animals that were close were reduced to ash and only left small pieces like horns, bones, etc as evidence of their existence, otherwise, they would have never been considered to have existed in the first place.

She shifted her gaze a little and saw her grandson lying helplessly on the ground. She hurried to him and saw that he had been badly injured, even more than her. Fortunately, he was not dead and was still breathing, though barely.

"Hold on" she spoke as she took off a beautiful necklace off of her neck. It comprised of a golden chain and a small purple diamond shaped stone. The small stone looked magical and beautiful so much so it even had a slight aura, though not visible to the human eye.

She kissed the small diamond and adorned it on the neck of the boy. As if by magic, the wounds that were on the boy's body started to disappear while on the other hand, the small jewel started to shrink until it had completely vanished.

"huuuuuum" the boy took in a large breath as he awoke. He breathed heavily as he tried to bring in more air into his lungs which had been deprived of it for more than three hours.

His grandmother hugged him while crying as she was happy of his survival. He was the only family she had left, she didn't know what she would have done if she had lost him.

"I am your champion grandma, what can a mere explosion like that do to me" said the boy with a weak smile before falling asleep. Though his physical injuries had been healed, he still needed rest.

"Silly boy" the elder woman carried him like she was carrying a princess and headed to the house so that she would put him on a proper bed so that he would sleep comfortably.


After putting her grandson to sleep, the woman headed to the site where the explosion had taken place. Her heart squeezed as she saw the fruits of her labour having gone to waste along the way. Almost half of her agricultural products had been incinerated.

One had to know that she was an old woman and had injected a lot of capital into her agriculture but now, she could only cry in her heart for her loss alone.


She arrived at the crater and saw that it wasn't really deep but still, a depth of over six meters would make one question what had really caused the explosion moreover, the wideness of it was shocking. She guessed that it was at least twenty meters in radius.

At the centre, she saw a green light in the shape of a human being. She became curious and walked a bit closer to get a better view of what it was. She then saw slight cracks appearing on the green humanoid light.


More and more cracks appeared which made the old lady nervous and started backing away.

A bright and ominous light protruded from the spaces between the cracks. Suddenly, the green light broke like a glass and its shards flew into the air and disappeared. A bright light shone and damaged the old woman's vision for a little while.

She cleared her vision and saw a floating person who looked to be in his early teens. His eyes were closed and he gave the vibe of a safe person given the expression that was on his face.


This chapter marks the end of the story's introduction and our main character is going to be on the spotlight in the following chapters. Those who love my story, please like and support me along the way while giving me advices and insults or whatever comments whenever I mess up. As for those who love me, the author personally, you can send your love by liking and adding positive comments.

English is not my main language so please bear with me and give a comment on every mistakes sited.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!