
Burst to power

Muperi_T · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Long black about four meters that covered his well-toned body. His skin was fair and beautiful that any female whether a goddess or a mortal would be filled with a burning desire to suck the life out of him. He had a perfect and straight jawline and a straight nose which added to his handsome features.

Since most of his body was covered by his long hair, not much could be seen of his lower body. However, the most attractive feature on his face was the long black eyelashes framing his eyes as he was in a deep state of unconsciousness. They were black at the base however, upon closer inspection, one would see a beautiful blue colour at the edges which added to their beauty.

In the moment, his eyelashes fluttered gesticulating the return of his conscience. Slowly, his eyelids opened up giving a clear view of his dark black eyes which were as clear as crystal.

What welcomed his vision was a plane old looking white roof. He looked around with a confused face as he did not remember that particular type of environment. The room wasn't anything special. The white paint on the walls looked clean but worn out, the little furniture which was inside was clean but also worn out.

He removed the hair that was covering his body and got off the bed. He then wobbly walked to the mirror which was situated at the conner of the room.


His former expressionless face turned into one of confusion upon seeing his reflection on the large mirror. His body was full of athletic features while on the other hand, his face had handsome features, calling it peerless was not an over exaggeration. His hair was long and looked healthy as it shone beautifully. His height was 5.4ft tall.

'What is this?'

The last thing he remembered was a bright light damaging his vison when he had fallen into a pit. From then on, he could not remember anything else. It was like he had been asleep the whole time.

He then walked to the door side and opened it. He, for some reason, felt no shame in walking naked. He saw a long passage way stretching to two directions from which there was light at the end. He chose to go to the one in the right side as he could hear some noises like those of people talking.

Along the way, he saw how clean the house was despite being old and worn out. It really looked well maintained and taken care of.


Upon reaching the exit of the passage, he saw a large expansion of land filled with agriculture. There were many areas filled with crops of different varieties. He walked out and started taking a stroll while dragging his hair along without caring about its beauty. But for some strange reason, the hair did not get dirty.

He saw a small orchard with many fruit trees which piqued his interest and he headed there. He did feel too hungry but the scent of the fruits was like a magnet that lured him to them.

The orchard consisted of a small variety of trees. However, the trees were well looked after showed by their healthy and ample amounts of fruits they had. Some of the fruits were close to the ground even.

He plucked an orange and started peeling it revealing its rich and juicy insides. He was about to take a bite when suddenly....


A voice yelled in a direction. He tilted his head and saw a young boy with magma red hair which matched his eyes. His looks were ordinary and so was his height.

The small boy walked closer to him and spoke:

"You should not eat it" he made an X with his hands "we just sprayed some high-quality pesticides on every fruit and if you eat it, your tummy will hurt"

He shifted his gaze to the fruit then to the boy and repeated that action several times. After contemplating a bit, he chose not to listen to the boy and devoured the whole orange. This caused the small red head to be gobsmacked and anxious.

"Spit it out!" he yelled but his words were like a passer-by, easily ignored. He even went as far as taking more fruits within his reach and ate them the same way he had eaten the orange.

The small boy seeing that the guy was not even paying any attention to him dashed in a direction while screaming:

"Grandma! Help!"


On the other hand, the young teen continued eating the fruits without slowing down. He enjoyed the rich taste coming form their juicy flesh and did not even feel any discomfort like the boy had anticipated.

Several minutes later, the boy returned with an old woman following behind him. The old woman had midnight black hair which flowed over her shoulders and had rapture blue eyes. The rest of her characteristics were pretty much ordinary. Her face and body were filled with wrinkles due to old age however, she could still walk straight and see just fine.

She wore a worn-out work suit and black mega boots designed for field work. From the many mud stains on her, it was evident that she had been doing some serious field work.

The teens eyes glinted with alertness when he saw her coming closer to him. He bent over and took a small stick about half a meter in size and slightly thick. He then got into a fighting position while looking at her like he would at an enemy.


The old woman saw the teens actions and was confused for a second. She then walked closer but with her guard up as she did not want to get hit by the stick.

"Let me help you" she spoke with a worried expression on her face. The teenage boy however did not seem convinced, rather, his face twisted with anger so much so veins bulged on his head. He looked like he would kill her if she even tried to take a single step forward.

"Get away from me" he spoke with a deep voice filled with hatred. He applied a little bit of more force on the stick and something unbelievable happened....

The stick disintegrated into small particles of light which disappeared in less than two seconds. His eyes shone slightly with green light which would not have been noticeable if she weren't looking into them.


Small yellow orbs buzzing with lightning appeared out of nowhere and started floating in the air. The old woman's hair stood to its ends as fear enveloped her heart. she could sense great danger in the orbs. From the corner of her eyes, she spotted her grandson looking at one of the orbs curiously while raising his hand with the intent of touching it.

"DON'T!" she stopped him right in the nick of time and pulled him closer to her so as to make sure he does not touch them under her supervision. She then looked at the naked teenager and saw him surrounded with the orbs but did not seem affected. He only kept his predator like gaze on them with the same angry expression on his face.


She took a large gulp and opened her mouth to speak:

"Young man, please, we wish not to harm you. We only want to help"

The expression of the teenager relaxed a little but still looked scary.

"Help? As if. All you people ever care about is bringing harm to others and self-satisfaction" he spoke while pointing his finger at her "Especially you women, all you do is party and take others' positions while faking everything like witches. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT MONSTERS!!!"

He yelled the last part of his sentence with fervour and the orbs grew in size responding to his anger. They grew and matched the size of a basket ball and the electrical energy intensified. Small bolts of the electricity stroke randomly. Everything they touched instantly turned to ash and completely disappeared.

The old woman's fear increased upon seeing the danger behind the orbs and she spoke:

"Please young man, we would not dare harm you. We are nothing but humble farmers with low level blessings that aren't even a threat to your power. All we want is to help"

Looking at her sincere expression, the teenager calmed down and the orbs disappeared. He then glanced at his hands for a moment while thinking 'what just happened?'

Even he himself did not know what had happened to make those orbs appear.

He looked at them and spoke:

"My name is Arnour and I'll be in your care, sorry for scaring you"

Despite apologizing, there was not even a bit of sincerity on his expression. The old woman just sighed seeing this but she did not pursue the matter. She was at least happy they had not been harmed.


Somewhere in the infinite space of the universe, a small planet about half the size of earth sat peacefully. Its atmosphere mostly clear without pollution or any other pollutants such as oil or gas emissions, the weather perfectly pleasant and balmy. The sun hung low over a grassy plain, the sky blue with fluffy white clouds.

There was not a single habitable structure on the entire planet. A handsome man with long silver hair that was at least a meter long and silver eyes sat in a lotus position on the magical grasses. The trees slightly swayed under the influence of the wind and so did his beautiful long hair. His face was well sculptured and looked a little feminine like that of the ancient immortals.

Beside him, a dragon with white scales lay with its eyes closed. It was at least 20ft tall with a giant tail.

Suddenly, both the immortal like man and the dragon opened their eyes simultaneously. They both saw a small yellow orb trickling with electrical power heading to their planet.


The man bolted towards it with crazy speed. He stood on empty space on its path and extended his hands which were covered in blue energy which resembled water but was glowing.


The small orb pushed him without being hindered heading for the planet like an unstoppable hurricane.


His dragon companion came to his aid and tried to give him support, however, the orb did not even slow down. The man did not want to give up and channelled every ounce of strength he had into his arms. They bulged and veins with clear silver substance flowing in them bulged.

Unfortunately, even with all he had, the orb did not stop. He was left with no choice but to jump aside with his companion.

The small yellow ball went and penetrated into the planet. Suddenly, the atmosphere which was once beautiful started getting chaotic and large bolts of thunder started hitting on the planet. Large cracks started to appear and an enormous energy field formed around it, which grew with every second until it was almost two times larger than earth. it began to hake violently and then...….


The whole planet exploded. It was like a volcano. It crackled and roared as it turned to nothingness.


The immortal like man witnessed his planet exploding with malice and resentment in his eyes. His face twisted and he roared like a crazed beast from anger: