
Emotions in turmoil


I felt like screaming with the way everything was going, who the hell was she, to be speaking to my father like that, she might be my blood, but there's no way we were related.

Andrea was going to have a field day over this if I told her.

The fight was getting bloodier by the second, Danica wasn't able to injure him before, but the moment she got through his skin, she kept on hitting the same spot.

I wondered if this was their everyday life.

"Tara, now!" Koala shouted, blood sipping from his stomach as he pushed Danica away again.

Tara went still, her eyes dropping to the back of her head as she fainted, exactly five seconds later, Danica stopped midway to push her fingers into the wound and froze, exactly like a statue, not even moving a little.

Koala stood straight immediately breathing heavily while the girl beside Tara tended to her.

"You need to feed, Koala." She said, ”your eyes are getting drowsy."

Koala didn't answer, instead he turned away from us and ran, but this time at a different speed than he did with Danica, this one faster and more precisely.

"Koala!" The beta shouted, sounding exasperated.

I was tired of everything, how did my life become this?

I looked at my father and saw him staring at Danica and then to Tara.

Why was I so angry at the three of them? Why didn't I care? They didn't act like they cared about anything Octavian said, not even showing any emotions, not even caring that their father was standing right there looking like someone that's in pain.

Well apart from Danica who reacted in the least expected way, I guess it was very hard to process the fact that all the things she thought she knew had been a lie.

What the hell happened to my life? One moment I was the daughter of a billionaire and now I'm the sister of three, both, mentally and physically unstable people. Didn't they care that they were hurting him? Couldn't they see his pain?

Finding out he had two other kids and a step kid was going to be overwhelming. Even the others didn't act like it was a big deal.

A particularly whole new world from the one I'm used to, a world where shifters existed, people who could turn to wolves and growl, were they vampires also? What other things were out there.

I stiffened as a sudden thought occurred to me, if the three of them were not normal what did that make me?

Oh my God!

Was my whole life a lie? Was my dad even normal?

I had to call Andrea, I had to call her now.


Josh kept on repeating what he saw, but I just couldn't understand.

"It's not a vampire...well, it's a vampire but not exactly."

I sighed, "I understand none of what you're saying."

"How do I put it?..hmm," he rubbed his chin. " So let's assume, someone has a vampire's teeth, not normal human teeth, he can bite into anything a vampire's teeth can and make it look exactly like a vampire's bite, but here's the catch, they don't drink blood."

I grunted, he had to explain it to me like I was a five year old. "So how did you know it wasn't a vampire?"

"I did test on all the people that got bitten, when a vampire bites, its either to kill or feed, but they did neither, all the people that was bitten didn't lose enough blood to assume they fed from them, even Hailey didn't lose a lot of blood, she just had cuts that were sipping blood at an alarming pace, and when the blood stopped coming it didn't heal, now there I was thinking why wouldn't her body heal, I mean, we are shifters we heal very very faster than the average human, so why wasn't she healing? And so I thought of what could cause it. I came up with either silver injected into her body, or poison, but it was neither." He took a breath and continued.

"Then I thought maybe something was done to her and then I remembered how the other victims had been, when they were attacked, they didn't remember anything but they kept repeating the same thing, that could be the work of compulsion, so I then went back to the pictures I took of Hailey's body before Danica healed her—"

"You took pictures of Hailey!" I cut in.

He waved at me, "I wasn't going to keep it, and it's not like I'm going to share it.

"So I followed the pattern of the bite, and guess what?" I didn't answer because I knew it was a rhetorical question and he wasn't even going to wait for me to talk.

"—the bites weren't just normal random bites but precise, and do you know what clue the bites gave me? It was a mythical creature."

I snorted, "right, so tell me detective Josh, what do I have that belongs to a mythical creature."

He scowled at me, "I'm serious, and I'm still figuring it out."

I sighed, "What do I own that can belong to a mythical creature Josh?"

"Maybe it's not the mythical creature that has a problem with you, maybe it's the person summoning it."

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe someone summoned it, Jerome, maybe someone in the pack is summoning it."

"Why do you say that?"

"We didn't find any trace of an intruder, no matter how much we searched, so how can someone from outside know exactly where and who to attack, we can also look at it this way, if it's not someone from the pack, then someone from the pack is definitely giving out information."

"Don't play jokes with me josh."

"I'm not playing, if Danica didn't come into your life and turn you into this, " he waved his hand at my face, "you would have taken this seriously, people are getting traumatized Jerome, I'm scared the next person would be my sister!."

I flinched, because it felt like he'd hit me, he was right, I was slacking on my alpha duties, not paying attention to what was happening in the pack, when was the last time I even called for a pack run? When was the last time I attended a pack meeting? When was the last time I spoke to the council? Does the pack even respect me as they did before.

Josh paled, when he realized what he said, he lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry Alpha."

But still, all I could think of was, what was happening to Danica?

This was enough, thinking and doing nothing, enough moping around because of Danica, it was time to face my pack.