
death and rebirth......

opening my eyes and seeing I'm in a hazy and cloudy landscape with no one with me and not knowing what's happening (where am I?).

'your in my kingdom little one'.

oh ok..... wait who said that?.

I did...

who are you if I may ask?.

well dose that matter?.

ehm yes it dose and while you're at it can you tell me where this is?.

I don't really need to tell you anything about myself and I just told you, this is my kingdom.....

ehm ok whoever you are and why am I yeh and why can't I remember how I came here.

oh that's easy... coz your dead and according to my book you have a very valuable soul and you have gone through a lot in your life not even getting the opportunity to grow old.

wait I'm dead?.


HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? and how can I believe you for all I know you might be one of dose scammers trying to get to my savings.

well I don't really need you to believe me and you don't need to know how you died right now, what should be on your mind is what's next!.

what's next? what do you mean?.

there you go, so here's what's going to happen..... your going to get a new life to do with as you please and I'm going to help you in one way so you don't die ones your back to the land of the living.

hmmm ok but what's the catch?.

what do you mean by catch?.

if what you say is true and I'm dead then my would you give me a new life with no strings attached coz that's just stupid.

wow your really the first person to ask me that.




well most people just start worshiping me, calling me God, asking what powers there going to get.... etc.

just wow...

and you say most people call you God?.


and you think I'm going to believe that?.

I don't care if you believe me or not and I really don't see my self as a God but you can say I created the university came from.

....and you say that's not the work of a God?.

to me it's really not.


you don't need to know and we have wasted enough time on this discussion coz I have so many other things to do.

ok so what's the plan and you still haven't told me the catch.

yeh there's no catch but I do what you to do something for me ones I bring you back to life in a new world.

wait A NEW WORLD? like what's wrong with taking me back to my old world.

are you ok? I can't just take a soul back to where they came from.

why not?.

you don't need to know.

again with the hole you don't need to know.

that's coz you really don't need to know and your going to lean why in due time.

fine so how's this going to work?.

well that's what I was going to tell you be for you rudely interrupted me.

oh sorry about that.

well as I was saying.... I'm going to send you to a new world where you live out the rest of your life and I'll help keep you alive by giving you just one ability is not in that world at the moment.

ok so what am I going to do for you once I'm in that new world?.

oh nothing much just building a kingdom that can last the test of time.

and your saying that's easy?.

of course and I'm not really asking for anything else from you.

ok but just one ability is not enough to do that if I may add.

one ability is all your going to get.


coz I'm not going to break the balance of one of my worlds by doing that and you will understand why all you need is one when you get there.

ok so what ability will I be getting then?.

you don't need to worry coz your good to choose it for yourself once you get there.