
death and rebirth 2.....

ok so what ability am i going to get?.

don't be impatient coz right now you need to understand more about the world your going to.

oh my bad, I was just excited to learn about want is going to happen, so please continue.

that's good, so where do I start.... well I just need to tell you the world your going to is called "Aspen" and it's a world of magic and sword in which the the strong fight against the strong for power and the weak are massacred in droves.

ehm ok that's a lot to wrap my head around but I think I get the gist of things and I'm willing to bet it's going to be a very corrupt world where the strong oppresses the weak.

and your not wrong for thinking that and impressed you thought of that.

well I've been reading a lot of novels when I was alive and for the most part that's what happens.

yeh I figured that's the reason, so can I continue?.

yes please.

good, so yeh it's a world we're might makes right and the strong are looked up to with an intricate system that makes it possible for anyone to be as powerful as there talent and constitution can make them.

ok so basically your sending me to a dog eat dog world with only one ability and nothing to protect myself and not only that I really don't know how the so called intricate system work's and your asking me to not only survive but also build a kingdom.

yes that's basically it.


it's going to work coz I'm going to give you a body with the highest potential for both magic and the sword but it's up to you how you use the gifts I give you.

oh ok that doesn't sound bad I guess.

yes so do you think you can be happy in a world like that?.

ehm if I say no well that change your mind oh sending me to that world?.

of course not.

then yes I think I'll be happy but only if you give me an overpowered ability.

hmm sure but I'm not giving you anything that's good to really brake the world's balance.

sure why not, so what ability am I going to get coz I'm asking you again?.

don't worry I'm getting to it.

ok I'm all ears.