
ability acquisition and send off...

ok now that you know more about the world your going to, it's time for me to give you the list of abilitys that your going to be choosing from.

ok.... can't wait.

skill list: Tier 1 skills: mana body, fire magic, water magic, earth magic, wind magic, sword ora.

Tier 2 skills: lightning magic, ice magic, ora body.

Tier 3 skills: gravity magic, sword intent.

dose are the skills I'm willing to let you choose from.

ok so what am I supposed to do coz I really don't understand what's the differences between them?.

how about I explain it to you.

yes please.

the world your going too is a world run by mana quality not quantity.

and so?.

meaning no matter how high your level is you will never be able to beat someone with the higher tier then you because your mana quality is not high enough.

ok so that means a tier 1 can never beat a tier 2 and so on.

that's right.

so why did you even border with the other tiers in the list cause anyone with a brain would understand to go for the highest level abilitie in the least.

yes your right but having the ability doesn't mean you can use it.

what do you mean?.

I told you a tier 1 can never beat a tier 2 but why didn't you think of the question of Mana quality?.

oh I see, it's the quality of Mana.

yes, cause a tier 1 warrior mana can never be able to power tier 2 skill and so on.

oh I get it but if that's the case then what's the difference between tiers and there quality of mana?.

well it all starts from tier 0: the common Man with not a drop of Mana In there body's, then theres tier 1: in which your body starts producing mana but in a gaseous form, then theres tier 2: where mana condenses into a liquid form and ones your at that level your almost at the peak of mortality, then tier 3: where mana solidifies into a solid form and is also the dividing line between metals and those who are said to be extra ordinary, then we get to tier 4 but that's for when you get to Aspen and get to that level of power.

ok so I think I understand how the tier system works but what about the leveling system and with what you told me doesn't it mean haven't more mana is meaningless?.

yes but only if your thinking of fighting someone in a higher-tier than you.

oh so that means mama quantity does matter?.

yes you can say that but it's not a necessity.

so what if someone at a higher tier want's to kill me?.

well that's what weapons and equipment are for.

ok so how can I get those?.

well you get them from an artisan to make it for you but if you feel you have the ability then you can make your own weapons and equipments.

ok I'm really interested in stuff like that but for now I need to pick a skill that I'll need in aspen but how will I know what skill is best for me?.

well you will just need to trust in yourself because I've giving you all the information you need.

ehm ok if that's the case then I'm going to go for .....

are you sure about that?.

yes I'm very sure.

then I wish you luck in your journey and hope to see you again at the end of it.