
Budding Demons And Gods

People often debate about the Gods origins. The tale told to our children follow a similar pattern. The tale I was told went like this; The first day the Gods were born from common birth. The second day the Gods invented new skills and magic changing the way people perceived the world. The third day the Gods stopped a war threatening billions of lives. The fourth day the Gods transcended mortal bounds and shaped new worlds. The fifth day the Gods created new species and gave gifts to the existing species. The sixth day the world bathed in centuries of light. Finally, the seventh day regardless of where you get the story from the seventh day is the only day never debated, never told differently and never changed. On the seventh day the Gods fought and, in an effort, to keep balance and peace one of the Gods was casted out creating the two Gods of light and the God of the dark. Most philosophers argue over each day, but none debate the seventh day. Why? Who said the seventh day was right and the others were changed? Who said the seventh day went as we are told? Paragraph taken from: The Seventh Day. Why do we agree? Written by Philosopher Rodriant

LordCJ · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The threat of night

When Daniel woke up, he was no longer by where the fight had taken place, instead he was in a bed presumably in the town where he was forced to join the army. Quickly opening his stats to see what was new, Daniel was pleased:

Name: Daniel Hatchid

Race: Lesser Demon

Titles: The Human Monster- only monster player who can reincarnate and retain monster evolution and powers (Also unlocks the Human Shapeshifting skill)

Level: 1/5

Core: 0%

Evolution Stage: 0

Health: 200

Mana: 200

Strength: 20

Constitution: 20

Intelligence: 20

Dexterity: 20

Wisdom: 20

Luck: 20

Stat Points: 0

Skills: Human Shapeshifting-Lvl Max(Can shapeshift into a human for an indefinite amount of time for no cost)

There were quite a few changes to the table in fact Daniel pictured in his mind what it looks like before when he started the game:

Name: Daniel Hatchid

Race: Human


Level: 1

Health: 100

Mana: 100

Strength: 10

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 10

Dexterity: 10

Wisdom: 10

Luck: 10

Stat Points: 0


Before Daniel could inspect the changes for himself more, the door to the room he was in was blasted open and entered a group of three. The man dressed in formal attire having a long curly moustache and a top hat approached Daniel's bed and pronounced "To the honourable citizen of the Lusian Dynasty I thank you for the services you provided and in return exempt you from taxes and military duty for the next 10 years. I also offer you the job of setting up a city further downstream helping the crown. The settlement will help in trading along the river and be an outpost in case of an attacks from the south!" Seeing this as a perfect chance Daniel quickly agreed despite only just waking up and in return this man offered him a group of one thousand people to aid him and basic supplies to begin construction. Wasting no time and wanting to explore more of this game Daniel stood up and prepared himself for the journey back downstream. This time instead of walking alone he was walking alongside a thousand people, well a thousand NPCs. About Halfway through their journey in the idyllic landscape a much more matured man approached Daniel, he wore a long grey robe and eyes with a deep amber colour, yet they had a deep profoundness and wisdom to them. "Hi, Daniel isn't it? I'm Quintin but most call me Quin. I do not know what plans you have but I do hope to be a loyal and efficient aide."

"Plans? I guess I would not mind becoming King. Well nice to meet you I'm sure we can work together effectively." Even though Daniel only said it in a murmur the older man picked up on the comment. To become a king. In this world becoming a king meant standing above all others, controlling the weather and the seasons. Building towers into the heavens and standing amongst Gods. With a gleeful smile Quin responded "I shall do my best! Long live the Hatchid family!" Daniel felt that this man was rather comical, praising his name and devoting himself to him. Regardless Daniel pressed onwards but the group soon had to stop and set up camp as night was quickly approaching, although Daniel could not tell why he felt as if everyone was getting tense so why not ask his devoted follower? "Quin, why is everyone so tense?"

"Do you not know? Where have you been for your entire live?" Realising a mistake was clearly made asking a question which was supposed to be obvious Daniel quickly thought of a way out of it "I don't know. I can't remember much since the battle other than my name and a few other things."

"I see. Well as I am sure you can remember monsters inhabit this world, but they become more active during the night; mostly non-intelligent monsters will attack so as long as we have simple defences it should be fine and for the night about ten or so guards should do but if an intelligent monster were to attack it would be catastrophic, most are much stronger, and some can even blend into society. Well, I did hear a rumour that the kingdoms strongest mage was in fact a monster."

"I see. Well, I need experience so I would like to take part in the defence but what would you do if a monster were living alongside us thousand people?"

"Truthfully if the monster were willing to contribute and protect us, I would accept them with open arms, not all monsters are evil, but I would rather keep it a secret as there are some fanatics out there who will slay all monsters. Some scholars even argue that the Gods are monsters and although there are a handful of different Gods there are only 3 main Gods humanity recognises. The two Gods of Light and the God of Darkness. If you are willing to help defend that is perfect, it will boost moral a lot." Daniel felt like this man, Quin, was a fanatic of his own kind. A rather peculiar but interestingly intriguing man. As the sun shrank behind the horizon and the moon rose in its full radiant glory Daniel quickly equipped the starter leather armor and blunt sword:

Starter leather armor set- Extra 10 defence (1 defence=1reduced damage)

Blunt Sword- 20 damage

Seeing the bonuses provided he was rather happy; sheathing the sword and stepping into the moonlight Daniel joined the patrol around the camp they had temporarily set up. As the moonlight attempted to shine on the patrol but was blocked by thick clouds the night was rather peaceful until… Awooo! "Wolves! Attack!" Not even knowing who, somebodies mighty shout resonated in Daniel's ear, but before he could even do anything a wolf stood before him. Quickly drawing his sword Daniel inspected the wolf as quickly as his mind could, noticing the thick grey fur and deep amber eyes, a large snout, and vicious teeth. The wolf pounced at Daniel so in response he quickly evaded by rolling to the left, [Evasion Lvl 1 acquired], feeling a mysterious power fill his feet he successfully dodged the wolf. Seeing the wolf was recovering from missing his prey Daniel quickly thrusted his sword into the wolf's side. Ripping the grey fur and blood spurting out like a fountain. [Sword Affinity Lvl 1 acquired] Once again feeling a mysterious power swell up inside him Daniel wasted no time and brought the sword up while it was in the wolf further shredding the fur and its side. Awwwoooo! The wolf made a loud, horrific cry of pain while it was not dead it was clearly injured. Daniel pulled the sword out of the wolf ripping its hide with it, with no time to even blink the wolf once again pounced at Daniel this time managing to scratch Daniel's ankles. Attempting to evade Daniel's ankle was swiftly slashed and likely pulled a tendon. Struggling to stand probably and staring down the zombie like wolf Daniel made one last strike bringing the sword down to the wolf's neck diagonally. Splat! The head of the wolf rolled down onto the floor allowing blood to seep into the ground [Level up!]. Feeling overwhelmed from one fight with a wolf Daniel had no time to bother looking at the level up and after making sure the rest of the patrol had the wolves under control, he returned to his quarters deciding to rest for the remaining part of the night.