
BTS: The 7 Mr.Right Idols J.JK

BTS the boy band who is now worldwide famous. Billboard's No.1 singers .. Many girls Heartbeats.. and heartthrobs. Every Army's dreamboys. But Did you ever imagine if you will be with them what will happen, will you be able to hold your feelings and go with flow or you will lose the chance? Romance,comedy,Targedy everything is okay But what about if this will happen between you and your idols..? Are you ready to go on this unbelievable thriller? The story is based on the author's imagination, all the characters in novel has nothing to do with the real life, it's all imagination and fan-fictional just for a fan's reading. copyright belongs to DDevil.

Ddevil_Staeswife · Combinación de músicas
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117 Chs

Why does it look like god hates me ? 1/3

Here is Kim Alice finding a way to escape from this bunch of girls she know that there will fans waiting outside the company but she didn't thought it would be this early and this much .....But no matter what happens she still have to report on 11 am and currently it's right now 10.54 am as she looked at her watch her eyes gone wide and she again started the struggle if she will be late for this job also her brother would never allow her to do a job again ....Thinking about something she thought about an idea she looked her left and right picked out her phone and turned to her right side opposite side of the building and she yelled "WOAHHHHHHHHHHH IS THAT BTS JEON JUNGKOOK OH MY GOD WAIT FOR ME OPPAAAAAAAAA" she yelled as loud she could while making her hand raise up in the sky all girls turned towards her and they also yelled "WHERE WHERE " she just signaled them to go to right side of the building and they turned there way as they were about run Alice took the left turn and 123 LETS GO she ran as fast she could towards big hit entrance and yup that actually worked ....Few girls saw her going inside and said "HEY WHERE IS OPPA ?" she looked back at them and said "SORRY GIRLS BUT I DONT KNOW " she yelled back and entered the building as she reached the desk in front of her "Hello miss how can we help you ?" The lady asked her with a smile "oh yeah this is my appointment letter am here for my interview " she said while panting and hoping that she wasn't late "Here miss go to the 4th floor take a left and 3 room " The lady give the paper and she thanked the lady with her best smile and went towards lift and she gone in but as the lift was about to close someone came running towards it it was boy wearing mask and a black Coat "Hey Stop it " he said as he almost reached the life but before it was closed half Alice said " Am sorry mr.but am already late "

Ding the lift got close and the boy was left there ....She felt sorry for that boy but she haded no choice she needed this job this badly .....ding the lift opened on 4rth floor Alice stepped out of it and turned left and there was the 3 rd room she knocked on the room and waited for response "come in " A middle aged man voice came from the cabine she went inside and closed the behind her and there she saw the CEO bang PD she bowed to him 90° And "hello sir my name is Kim Alice and this is my appointment letter " She said still standing and smiling like and angel with confidence but only she knowed inside she was almost about collapse..."Oh hey sit first" He offered sit and Alice took it "So you have studied management system ?" Bang Pd nim said while looking at her "Ohh yeah I did but it wasn't here I done it in USA " she said in a low but hearbel voice "Ohh so where are you from exactly I mean Your surname is Kim and name is Alice ?" He said while looking confused "Ohh my Dad is korean and my Mom is American so that's why !" She said while smiling "ohh good so are you an army ?" He asked while looking at her "hmm oh yea I am but just a normal one " she said with fear "normal one ? what will you do if you will see them ?" Bang Pd nim aksed while Raising his left eyebrow "I will take a picture with them ,there autograph and leave" she said calmly "Are you sure ?" He once again asked "yea but why are you asking these? " she said while looking at him "Ohh nothing so fill this form and submit it to me and wait outside" he gave a her a form and she took it and started to fill what what type of questions are this what is Bts ? what do you think of them as ? Do you like any of them ? as she read the questions her mind went blank oh my god what is this where did I got my self into am here for job right and not for looking for an husband for me anyways she answered the question in her ways and submitted the form and went outside she sat on the bench as she looked at her left she saw a boy coming towards her she ignored it as thinking maybe he is going somewhere but then when she saw his shoes ohhh god it's the same boy whom I left on ground floor what to do he is coming towards me Be patients Alice talk in English so He will think you As a forener "Hey how could you live me there " He said still wearing his mask Alice stood up and since her height was not that much she picked her head up and said "See mr. I already sorry and again am saying sorry and after all you came where you wanted to so what's the matter ?" she said and sat down again waiting for him to live atleats that's she thought "what do you mean sorry will your sorrymake up for the scoldings that I will get " he said looking down at her Alice had inuf she again stood up and said "look mr.its not my problem okay I was also late and you were also but at least am talking in a manner way not like you and I already said sorry for the 3rd time now so please will you leave me alone am already in tension so please" she said looking at him "okay miss.late but listen don't show up again in front of me " Alice looked at him and said "I also dont wanna see you again " as he was about to say something again Bang Pd nim came out of his cabine "hey Alice I think you can work here" he said as he looked at her smiling but then he looked at her side "what are you doing here jungkook go to practice why are you late again? " He said in a scolding way "Pd nim it's because of her "he said pointing at Alice who was in a big shock did she just raised her voice at Bts jeon jungkook the golden maknae what if his fans had saw this ohhh god now what will I do she thought, looking at her reaction made jungkook smile "so I will get going now think about what I said missy " and then he went away "So Alice tomorrow there will be a meeting with the boys and you can join from today " he said while smiling "But what post am I at?" Alice asked happily "Manager of BTS"he said smiling "what....?" Alice was about to pass out but she held it and said "sir can't you give me any other job like any other staff am ready to be a watchman also but please not this " she said with pleading eyes "Look Alice I understand that it's all new to you but My boys need a new manager cause there manager is leaving soon so if not this job then no other job the choice is yours " he said waiting for her answer While Alice felt like she was between water and fire if she will decline this job then no other job but if she get this job then its sure that not only army but now jeon jungkook is also going to kill her But atleats water is better the fire..."Okay sir am ready " she said getting energy"okay then we will sign the contract tomorrow but right now you can have a look over the building and this the copies of all the informations than you need to know dear " he said while patting her shoulder while giving her a file it was filled with at least 30 papers that what she thought...."All the best Alice do your best I don't want any complain !" Alice bowed to him after hearing it and then a lady came towards her to show her around "so what's your name dear" the lady asked her "Oh my name is Kim Alice nice to meet you "She said slightly bowing "Ow no formalities dear and am Lee saeron Am Makeup and dress stylisti" The girl said while smiling "Yea sure you look older than me so can I call you eonni? " Alice said with puppy eyes "Sure dear"

It was now 7.45 PM Alice had looked all over the building and got the file that PD nim gave her and she left the building and got in her home !

Big hit building 5th floor 4th room

All the boys were panting hard after the practise of there new coming album Bang PD nim came in the room and they greeted him "sit boys I have something important to tell you guys "pd nim said while sitting on chair "what is it pd nim" the leader asked looking at there Boss "your new manager is coming tomorrow so we have a meeting on 12 am so be good guys " he said as he looked at everyone as if a mother teaching there children's to behave when the guest are coming in there home they all nodded and Bang PD nim went out and they all started talking "who do you think it will be girl or boy ?" elder one jin said while looking at there dongsaes "obviously a boy hyung " Jhope said while drinking water "but I think it will be a girl this time " the maknae said with confidence

"and what makes you think that kook" the leader asked the maknae "nothing I just think but lets see tomorrow " he said as he smiled remembering the girl from the morning ...."ohhh kook are you okay ?" the leader asked again "yea I am let's go now we have meeting tomorrow " the maknae said as they all went to their dorms ...