
BTS: The 7 Mr.Right Idols . K.SJ

Kim Seokjin A famous idol ,who is really successful, worldwide handsome and really cute,almost every girls and womans wants him as there husbands . But deep inside his real life ,he's scared of many things ,and the no.1 is immortal world. "Do I really have to do a job ?" "How can you always appear without making any noise " "Am your manager not your maid " "Am the idol not any normal person " What will happen when a unbelievable person comes in his life ,His trying his best to not fall for her but in the end.......? copyright belongs to Ddevil.S

Ddevil_Staeswife · Combinación de músicas
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34 Chs

I Need To Find That Handsome Human.

Kim seokjin's POV

Before she can open her eyes again I ran away from there and inside my car and locked it immediately "gosh that that was so scary " suddenly my phone ranged loudly "ahhhhhh that scared the hell out of me gosh " I sighed and looked at it ,it was namjoon "hello?" I said as I picked it up and started my car "hyung where are you it's already late ?" I sighed and said "am on the way ,namjoon ah message bang PD to arrange a new manager for me ASAP " he said "yea hyung now come home fast everyone is waiting for you " .

Han Y/N's POV(The great Vampire)

I opened my eyes after changing the colour to normal ,well the man was nowhere to be find I sighed and thought about it "I have to find that handsome human soon " I sighed and my phone rang I picked it up "Great vampire ?" it was Angel 1 "yes ?" I said as I started walking towards the address "you have to go for the interview tomorrow " the angel 1 said and I sighed and said "but I don't have clothes, and accessories " Angel 1 sighed and said "Great Vampire everything is ready in that girls house ,And please read the file that I gave you it contains all the detail about the girl, and her behaviour, please act like her " I cutted the phone after Angel 1 was done blabbering...I came in the house by blinking my eyes "hmm the house is not that bad, well but she's not rich " I sighed and gone towards my favourite place closet as I opened it "wait what is this ?" I said as I looked at the clothes "plain tshirts ?skirts ?why does it look like a ajuma was living here instead of a girl " I looked at the makeup cupboard only a compact and a creams and lipgloss???????

I closed my eyes "Angel 1 " I yelled and soon angel 1 was standing right infront of me "what happened great Vampire I was about to sleep " he said annoyed "what the hell are you sure the girl lived here and not a ajuma?" he looked around and said "yes why ?" I sighed and said "how am I supposed to wear this ajuma clothes ?" Angel 1 laughed and said "it's not my problem though" he was about to disappear but I held his collar "even if I don't have my fangs I have my power which is definitely more than you angle 1 " he smiled and said "please check the credit card in the purse of the girl " and vanished away ....

I checked it ,yup there was a card and the password too I sighed and decided to search though the file ...

Han Y/N

hazel eyes,Pale skin,height 167 and weight 48.

Innocent, simple and kind hearted .

I sighed and kept the file away oh my hell lord how am I supposed to live this girls life when am totally opposite of her well I wanna know how she died so I closed my eyes and called her name "Grim reaper Lee " and she appeared infront of me with a panty in her hands ? I laughed so hard "what's that ?" I said not controlling my laugh "what the hell girl ?" she said and I looked at her again the yellow panty"what a great colour you choose grim reaper Lee " I laughed again she just vanishes her hand and the panty was gone "what do you want?" she said annoyed "well I need to know about the girl called Han Y/N, who died just 2 months ago " she nodded and blinked twice and a file appeared in her hands and she gave it to me "here and remember, don't ever call me like this ,maybe be next time I might be only wearing that panty "

Grim Reaper Lee and Great Vampire are besties in hell world..

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