
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Cómic
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63 Chs


[3rd person POV]

"You heard him guys" Green Lantern spoke into his communicator.

"So he's essentially an enigma." commented Diana.

"We'll deal with it after we save everyone. Now focus, we're here" Superman said.

The Justice league landed on the stronghold, and Batman and Arnold jumped off the batwing, landing next to them.

"The civilians should be present on the left wing. You can find them there. Take this drive. Install it on the computer placed there. It should release them from their cells." Cyborg says, handing him the drive.

"Got it" says green lantern, as the two teams head their separate ways. As they head towards their destination, Cyborg approaches Arnold.

"So Mr. Nostradamus, what do you do for a living?" said Cyborg l, trying to break the ice.

"I'm an artist." he replied.

Hearing this cyborg asks again "Well how's business, I assume you're successful since you can afford the 'superhero business' as a side gig."

"Well business right now is under threat, with the end of the world and all… But usually, yeah it's enough to get by" he replies

Batman then snaps at them, annoyed by the discussion "Both of you! Focus! They're approaching."

Another wave of parademons suddenly storms the halls, trying to stop the heroes in their tracks.

"I'll take care of this," says Arnold, taking initiative.

He once again taps his cane on the ground, causing half the parademons to instantaneously split into pieces.

But the second tap doesn't come, and instead.


Arnold suddenly coughs up blood and his nose and eyes start bleeding as well.

'Seems like I overdid it, huh' he thinks.

"Are you alright! You're bleeding!" Diana asks, clearly worried.

"It's alright,I've just overworked myself. I'll be fine in a moment… please, focus on the incoming forces" Arnold said.

'So this is what it feels like to exhaust cursed technique. Can't say I like the feeling' Arnold thinks.

While he recovers the others jump into battle, starting to tackle the remaining parademons.

Batman quickly throws his batarangs, incapacitating two parademons, before using his grappling gun to make another crash into the walls of the hallway.

Cyborg uses his jetpack to fly up ramming a parademon into a wall, before using his blasters to shoot down many more.

Wonder Woman also takes charge, using her sword to slaughter the parademons, taking out dozens in just a matter of seconds.

This fight continues on for a few minutes, as Arnold pondes on the next course of action.

'It looks like «Dismantle and Cleave» are out for now. I'll have to switch tactics.' he decided as he put his cape in his system storage.

'El how much would «Zenin Maki's cursed tool mastery» cost?' he asked the system.

[Host it would cost you approximately 5000 points or $5,000,000.]

'Fine then, just buy it. Take the funds from the SKS'

[Processing transaction… Confirming payment… Ding! You have obtained «Zenin Maki's cursed tool mastery»]

By this time, the others kill the remaining parademons and return to tend to Arnold.

Cyborg questions Arnold "What happened to you back there?"

"I merely overexerted myself a bit. I'm fine now, thanks for your concern." Arnold answers.

He then stores his cane in the inventory and pulls out the «Dragon bone».

He then says to the Justice league "This will serve me well for the rest of our mission. Now then, let us continue."

The heroes continue to move through the base, heading towards their destination.

"Do you know how to use that?" questions Wonder Woman.

Arnold replies "I consider myself a novice at the craft, but yes, I am capable of using this weapon."

Cyborg then speaks up "Oh yeah, it seems we'll be testing your skills soon… There's more incoming."

Another wave appears, as the team rushes into battle.

While Cyborg guns down parademons from afar and Batman engages in hand-to-hand combat with a pair of parademons, Wonder woman and Arnold rush forth ripping into the main bulk of attackers.

Wonder Woman skillfully uses her sword and shield to rip through one of the parademons, after which she throws it at one of the parademons impaling it in the head.She then rips out another parademons head with her bare hands, before using her lasso to grapple the parademon she had previously impaled into another.

She then rushes towards that parademon, crushing it's head in a single stomp, before taking out her sword from the other parademon's corpse.

Meanwhile Batman, who has dealt with the parademons attacking him, throws another pair of batarangs at the parademons who were getting too close to Cyborg. The batarangs blow up, taking out their intended target.

While this happens, Arnold takes on half a dozen parademons as they charge towards him.

He slashes at the parademon closest to him, cutting it in half instantly, after which he blocks a blow from another parademon, using his sword. He then proceeds to make excellent use of «Itadori Yuuji's physical prowess» jumping up in the air, dodging a parademon that was attempting to tackle him, causing it to tackle one of its companions instead.

He then stabs another, straight through the jaw, into the parademon's brain.

He then gets into position and lines up a blow, as he finds four parademons lined up in a perfect line. He then activates the «Dragon Bone» as it's thrusters roar, tremendously boosting the thrust behind slash, causing the blade to tear through all the parademons in a single slice.

He then proceeds to tear into another parademon, hacking his blade straight into its shoulder, before launching himself into the next parademon, thrusting the sword straight into its throat.

He still doesn't stop, as he proceeds to head towards another two parademons, this time channelling cursed energy through his body as he cuts through both in a single motion.


A/N: For the people asking about the other two brothers,this arc is just the first one, we'll be focusing on Arnold for now. We'll be reading about the other two soon as well, I just want to focus on one character first before adding more and making the writing of each chapter more complex. But do not worry, as I'll introduce the others and their abilities after a couple of arcs.