
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


[3rd person POV]

"We know that Shazam is trustworthy due to his record, but can we trust this newcomer?" asked Diana

"We don't have much of a choice. We're low on forces and we should use any help we can get" said Green Lantern.

"I agree, we are currently desperate and running our forces thin. If giving this man a shot can provide us with an edge, I'm willing to take the risk." says Superman

Batman then argues, "What if he betrays us? We'll lose any hope of fighting back. The risk is not worth it"

Flash then speaks up, saying "I can just use superspeed to check underneath his mask, then we'll know if we can trust him."

"And risk antagonising him if he finds out? From what I've seen of his powers,the fight that would ensue would leave us too weak to do anything." Green Lantern shits down the plan.

"What do you think, Cyborg?" asks Superman.

"Me? I'm just here to help you… I don't know what to do" Cyborg states.

"You're as much a part of this as the rest of us. You are the one who is integral to our plan. Your opinion matters most, more than any of ours" Wonder Woman tells him.

Cyborg then waits and thinks for a moment, wondering how to go about this predicament.

He then speaks up finally having reached an answer, "The way I see it, the only reason I'm here is because you guys trusted me. I can't be a hypocrite and say we shouldn't give that guy a chance. I say he goes."

"Very well, I'll agree with you" says the Flash.

"Then it's four to two. We are working with him" says Superman.

After their conversation is over, they make their way towards the duo standing just a small distance away.

"We have decided to work with you, Shazam and Mr. Nostradamus" Superman tells both of them.

"Splendid. Then if I may be so bold, what is the plan of action?" Arnold inquires.

"We split up into two. The first team takes Cyborg to the invaders' base of operations, so that he can shut down the portals that are used to send parademons to earth. The second team tracks down the location of the civilians that have been captured by the parademons and frees them." Batman explains, speaking so fast one would miss the details of what he said if they stopped paying attention for even a moment.

"Very well, I assume that four people will be on each team. How will we divide our forces?" Arnold questions.

"Cyborg has to be part of team one. I'll also be with him." Batman says.

"I'll go help the hostages." says Shazam.

'I need to save Freddy' he thought, prioritising saving his friend who was also captured by the parademons.

"I'll join this Shazam guy, as well" says green lantern.

"Me too, I'd rather avoid Bat-scowl over here" jokes the Flash.

"I should join them as well, their group needs the muscle" Superman decides.

"Then I suppose I'm going with you, Batman." Wonder Woman says.

"It seems I'll be under your guidance, lady and gentlemen." Arnold says.

No sooner had they split their forces, than another horde of parademons started to rush at them. But this horde was different. Twice as large as any other wave before it. It consisted of at least a hundred parademons at once.

"Guys… get ready, there's a lot of them incoming" says Cyborg, seeing them on his radar.

All of the heroes brace themselves, ready to take on the incoming wave.

All except two, that is. Those being Shazam, who is already familiar with what is going to happen and Arnold.

"My my, how rude of them to interrupt," he says. He then taps his cane into the ground twice.

All the heroes then watch, as the horde of parademons coming towards them, that almost seems like a gigantic swarm of bees chasing someone that had dared disturb their hive, gets shredded. All of the incoming parademons on the first tap of the cane are cut perfectly into two symmetrical pieces. On the second tap the two halves are bisected further, cutting the attackers into four pieces.

All of this happens at once, and by the time the heroes can react, the remains of the parademons are already raining down on the street before them.

"Now then… shall we head to our destination" says Arnold, unconcerned by the scene.

[1 hour later]

"Surveillance shows that the hostages are being brought to this tower." Batman said.

"The father box is here as well." Cyborg confirmed.

They were standing along the Metropolis coastline, looking off into the sea. About 2 miles off the coast, a large alien structure, about twice as large as the Eiffel tower was floating in the air.

"Then that's our destination," said Green lantern.

"Can you jump there?" Shazam asked.

"Unfortunately, it seems that the distance will be a bit too much for me to cover in this state." Arnold replied.

"Then you're with me. Get it the batwing" Batman ordered.

"Very well" Arnold said, joining Batman as they made their way onto the plane.

The justice league then proceeded to make their way into the parademons headquarters.

As they were flying there, well everyone except flash as he was running, green lantern made his way towards Shazam.

"So what's the deal with that Nostradamus fellow?" he asked, intending to learn more about this person who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, that guy? No clue, I just met him a couple hours ago when the invasion happened. I was fighting off some parademons when he came and helped me. An hour after that, we met you guys." Shazam explained.

"So he's not with you either? Well then, what do you think about him? Y'know from what you've seen of him so far" he asked another question.

"Seems like a nice guy, I mean he's a bit carefree but he's pretty chill overall." Shazam answers.


A/N:I have just realised that Sukuna's technique is 'dismantle' and not 'slash'. I'll edit the chapters to fix this in a few days. I'll correct this moving forward.