

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs


"How is the search going,any result"

He asked the man standing behind him in cold voice.

"No sir not yet, we have tried to see if she is living in fake identity but we can't seem to find anything at all" he replied

"That is not possible, is it that am picking the wrong people for this job or that she is hiding too well " he said more to himself than to the man behind him

"Sir we are doing all our best " the man replied him even though he was not sure if he should

"Say a word again and I will slot your throat and feed your meat to my dogs, you know they are quit hungry these days and you also said you are trying your best "he said coming close to the man who was shivering with fear "no sir i... i did not say that "

"Are you saying am lying or that something is wrong with my ears " he asked

"No sir I mean I will never say that again am sorry, please spare me " the shivering man said and went on his knees with is head slightly bowed.

"Very well, now get out and have it in mind that your best is not helping so do more than your best " he said as he went back to his seat

"Enjoy while you can because ones I find you am coming for you"


Lisa's laughter filled the whole room as ken told him what he went through on the interview room with that woman.

"So you mean sis did not help you out " Lisa asked

"Nope she totally ignored me like the both of us were not meant to help each other out in the time of trouble " ken said looking at me

"Come on Lisa, he is a grown man okay, I mean how can I help a grown up man over a woman that have probably allowed herself to be bewitched by him" I said surprising everyone on the table.

"Bewitched, I don't understand "ken said fixing his glance at me

"Come on that girl have already offered herself to you and she is our gate way to Mr Michael " I said

"How is she our gate way" asked mark that has been surprisedly quiet for some reasons I don't know

"Oh God, do I also need to explain this too " I asked hoping he will get the ideas

"Yes you need to "he replied

"Okay fine since we are not the only one that want this job and they are other people that are as good as we all are then that's where ken comes in, all he need to to is to promise our inside woman a date since she has already asked him that but he will ask for a favour in return " I said to mark and was surprised to see ken and Lisa looking at me like I have lost my mind.

"What "I asked

"Sis how is ken going on a date going to secure the position of work we want "

"Yes how and what favour are you talking about "ken added

"Guys come on, is it not obvious already "I said trying to see if they will get what am saying

"What is obvious " mark asked looking at me like a lost puppy. I sighed in frustration.

"Oh now I get it, you want ken to tell that woman that he will go out with her only if she agrees to secure our position for us " Lisa said

"Bingo, that's exactly what am saying "

"Wow that might work though but I really wish it was me " mark said in a dreamy voice.

"Mark, seriously " ken asked

"What, who wouldn't like to have fun with a beautiful woman just to secure a job "

"Mark you want to know who, well is me if is possible for me i will ask you to do it " ken said looking at mark like he was the one that came up with the idea.

"Don't look at me like that, it was not my idea but hers "mark said pointing at me.

"Bella is there no other way " ken asked.

"Do you have any other ideas " I asked in return

"No I can't believe am doing this, fine I will call her after the interview " ken said in a frustrated voice

"Then since we are through with our breakfast let's head out we have a big day ahead of us " Lisa said and then left with mark

"Shall we "ken said as he lead the way to the garage while I follow.

Just like Lisa said we passed the skill interview with others, since we all are not being interviewed in the same place but they later called us all together to pass a message to us. "Hi everyone am just here to pass a short message to you all Mr Michael will like to see all of you in person while you are shown to your department so good luck" said the lady that just dropped the message before she left.

"Is she the one "Lisa asked me immediately we were dismissed

"Nope that's not the one " I replied

"Where is she we are dying to see her "mark said

"Well why ask me ask ken "I said

"I would have done that if he is here but I can't seem to find him " mark complained but what does he mean he can't find him, where is he, I started looking around for ken and it did not take me too long to find him, he was talking with the lady from yesterday.

"Guys she is the one " I said pointing at the direction where I saw ken and the lady.

"She is not that bad" Lisa commented

"Did you say she is not that bad, she is hot for the first time in years I wish ken and I will switch bodies " mark said staring at the lady with a dreamy eyes. But too unfortunate Lisa did not like that statement so she hit mark very hard on the head.

"What did you do that for"mark asked in a surprised tone

"Must you voice out everything that goes in your head out of your mouth " Lisa asked in an angry voice as she left.

"Lisa wait, I just can't help it okay but the lady was really hot "mark said childishly as he went after Lisa. What is going on between this two, anyways let me just be watching and see what happens.

I can't believe they talked me into this, going on a date with this lady, I don't even know her name. Now she has passed out from drinking, I need to book a hotel for her at least coming here was not in vain because she agreed to my conditions after talking to her this afternoon and to my surprise she called her boss who told her to send in our details. "Hey miss " I said slightly shaking her to see if she will wake up but we am kidding she did not. I called a taxi and carried her to the back of the sit.

Why is this lady I don't know frustrating my life. She turned and almost fall but I was Fast enough to hold her and then she removed my hand placed her head on my laps, like seriously am not a bed nor am I a pillow.

Finally we are at the hotel, I paid the driver and took her out of the car supporting her with my body while she carried all her weight and place on my body.

"Hey I booked a room here can I get the keys please "I asked the door attendant

"Are you Mr handsome" the attendant asked with a confused face.

"Yes I guess I am" I said as I collected the key to the room and left before I will disgrace myself the more, the attendant is already laughing about the name I booked the hotel with. Well I better get this over with.