

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs


I can't believe he said those things to me. I feel so weak after hearing what he said, what if my baby girl is alive, what if he is telling the truth, I need to see Smith.

When I got to the mansion I headed towards his office immediately but stopped when I saw Lisa sitting all alone looking lost in her thought.

"Hey Lisa, what are you doing here all by yourself" I asked her sitting beside her.

"Oh aunty you came, you must be here to check up on Bella right?" She asked

"Yes but am also here to see your father, I need to show him something very important" I replied

"Hmm, let me guess about Mr Stones"

"Yep about him"

"Can you belief me on what he has done this time around"

"He said he knows where Bella's twin sister is that I should give him every information about Mr Michael's business life " I said with a sigh

"Aunty hope you did not buy that, Mr Stones is very corny especially if he knows your weakness"

"I know but I did not come here to talk about him, what's wrong Lisa you look sad and empty"

"Oh you noticed" she said avoiding my glance

"You have always been the bright girl from little you know, your mom used to call you my little sunshine" I told her which left her surprised

"You knew my parents" she asked all surprised

"Yes your mom and I were good friends since high school and when we got married we found out that our husbands were business partners, we were like sisters until everything"

"You know I miss them so much, today marks the day they were murdered" she said

"Am so sorry Lisa, am sorry of what that man put you through" I said trying to calm her down. She has grown into a strong young woman.

"Nah am fine I just hope Bella is because her grandparent, I mean your parents were also killed today" she said

"You know am so happy faith brought the both of you together you don't know how happy I am that you both have each others back"

"Yeah me too, Bella have done a lot for me and am happy she is my sister"

"Lisa your parents must be very proud of you wherever they are, you are a strong woman" I told her before standing to leave

"Don't give up on Bella, she may look like a stone on the outside but inside she is an egg, she is very stubborn and I think she took that from her father" she said

"I know but do you think she is ever going to forgive me" I asked hoping to hear something positive from her

"Actually I know she will but it may take a while for her to trust you again"

"Thanks Lisa and am not giving up so fast" I said as I left.

I couldn't find Lisa in her room, she needs company at least. I headed downstairs but met my mom at the doorstep.

I wanted to pass because I have nothing to say to her.

"Isa how are you doing" she asked

"Its Bella and am fine" I said to her, she should not call me Isa I hate it.

"Am Glad you are getting better, take good care of yourself for me" she said before she left.

She looks sad, am surprised the anger, pain and hate I use to have for her is not there anymore but I still cannot see myself trusting her again.

I was about heading out when I saw Lisa coming inside she looks so sad, that's unlike her.

"Hey you got me worried I have been looking for you everywhere" I said immediately she approached me.

"Am fine sis, you worry too much" she said with a smile that did not reach her eye. Instead of saying anything I hugged her, I know she is trying to be strong.

"Let's go visit your parents later okay"

"You will come with me?" She asked wiping her tears

"Of course, your problem is my problem with that way we can also visit grandma and grandpa am sure they will be glad "

"Sis do you think my parent and your grandparent are at peace since they died the worst way anyone could die"

"I don't know Lisa but I hope so"

"Hey ladies there you are, we have been looking everywhere for you guys, we have a meeting" we turned only to see Mark and Ken heading towards us.

"Did you say meeting?" I asked Mark

"Yeah but wait Lisa what's wrong have you been crying?" He asked immediately he noticed the tears on her face.

"No am fine I...........

"Yes she has" I said not letting her finish what she has to say. Then she gave me the why did you say that look before Mark dragged her outside.

"How is she?" Ken asked referring to Lisa

"She will be fine"

"What about you how are you doing, feeling better I guess" he said tucking my hair behind my ear

"You guessed right, I feel better" after the kiss I thought things will get awaken between us but instead we are more closer.

When we got to the meeting room, my parent were both seated. A video was played it was the conversation between my mom and Mr Stones. How did she manage to do that without getting caught.

"How did you manage to take this video without him finding out" Mark asked all curious.

"I used an eye lens with more technology then we can ever imagine" she said

"Bella your mom have decided to be our eye and ears, that means she will take the offer Mr Stones just offered her" Dad said

"It is dangerous, you and I knows that" I said

"But is more safer that way he won't suspect a thing about us as long as I keep him busy with Mr Michael's business" mom said , I hate the fact that she has to put her life at risk. I may not be in good terms with her but I will never wish her dead.

"You and I know Mr Stones is not a fool he is very smart, he is going to use you just like he did before or even worse kill you" I said trying to talk them out of this

"Bella it might be the only way, he thinks she is still looking for you and it might be the best way to get what we want but don't worry I will try my best to see she is safe" Dad said before he continued.

"Meanwhile I have a small mission for you guys, that is Mr Jude he is known for his drug addict and he handles the drug business for Mr Stones down town but if we can get to him he will provide the others " he said pointing at a man on the screen of the monitor.

"So what actually are we doing with him" Lisa asked all excited

"Good question Lisa, we need to hack into his system but it is highly protected I will be needing you guys to drug him hack into his system and download all the files in it. I know you will be asking how you are supposed to do that but Mr Jude loves women especially beautiful ones, he also loves clubbing"

"You want us to find him, then drug him, why not just finish him off" I said as I felt my anger boiling, I know that idiot he has been reported many times of raping women.

"Don't worry Bella that time will come" Dad said

"So when are we starting" Lisa asked

"There will be a reopening of the all night girls club down town tomorrow and he will be there distributing his business, Mark and Ken are going with you guys just to make sure nothing goes wrong"

"Let me get something straight here you want them to drug a drug addict" Mark asked, here we go again Mark and his questions.

"Yes but with a drug that his body will not be able to hold" Dad replied him

"Let's go guys we have a club to attend"