

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


When we got to the club it was not difficult finding him, actually he found us.

"Is he the one? Lisa asked referring to the man looking at us like his life depends on it.

"Yep is too obvious" I replied

"How come you know him but I don't" she asked all curious

"Well like father said he works for Mr Stones, I used to see him back in those days"

"Wait you know him from when you were being held by stones?" Lisa asked all surprised

"Yeah I saw him a few times"

"Sis he is heading our way, this is going to be more easy than I expected"

"Hey ladies, mind if I join the table" he asked

"Yeah you are highly welcome" Lisa said with the sweetest smile ever.

"So you guys are here alone, with all this beauty" he said looking at us from head to toe licking his lips unknowingly.

Well I don't really blame him, any man will be at our mercy with what we are wearing we only made it this far because of the cold shoulder we gave those men coming our way.

"We are not, you are here with us" Lisa said placing her hand on his chest. She is so good at acting but me, am too cool, I hardly express myself.

"Yeah you are right, why don't we book a room and finish all of this"

"Why book a room when you have a house or don't you have a house?" I asked using the sexiest voice I could imagine. I probably sound stupid.

"You are right blue eye beauty, I have a house and I will love to take you both home with me" he said before he lead the way.

"Wait, hope you have a bottle of champagne because I wanna get high" Lisa said

"I have a lot of bottle and also there are many ways to get high" he replied her before we left.

Meanwhile we had a change of plan Ken and Mark will wait for us near his house ones we are in and we have him under our control we let them in.

When we got to his house I was surprised like the house was so ugly on the outside but the inside was something else everywhere was equipped. It looks like he has everything locked with either his identity or his thumb print.

"Make yourself comfortable" he said

"Sure we will, now where can I get a champagne" Lisa said

"Down the kitchen sweetie help yourself" he replied.

"You know am surprised, but why all of this" I asked as I scanned the whole room looking for a clue.

"Forget about the house, you know I find you more attractive than your friend especially those blue eyes, are they fake" he asked sitting so close to me which made me fill so uncomfortable.

"What do you think?" I asked pretending like I don't want to punch him in the worst place you could hit a man

"I think they are beautiful, you are very beautiful" he said placing his hand on my exposed laps.

"Hey guys I found the drink but I think I might wanna use the bathroom before we get down to business" Lisa smiling at him. He took her hand and then pecked it.

"Okay I will be waiting"

"Oh you are so gentle" she said before leaving. Okay she is good at this.

We have been waiting for Lisa and Bella to give us a sigh or a call but none have come through for hours now. Am really worried, what they are wearing could make any straight guy not to think properly again.

"Ken am worried about them, like you saw what they were wearing right, what if something happens I don't trust that drug addict of a guy" Mark said like for the fifth time now.

"Am also worried but we can't make a move without them telling us to, besides they are fighters Mr drug addict can't beat them both" I said trying to convince myself they are fine.

Lisa took long than I expected and left me with this psycho. He was smart or should I say he was being careful. He refused to take the drink without me doing the same with him. I knew that Lisa already drugged it but I had to take the drink with him. I kept him talking until took almost half of the bottle of wine. He passed out not too long after that, am guessing Lisa left to notify the others.

Am beginning to feel dizzy I need to get to them before I pass out. I manage to walk to the door and opened it, they were standing outside the door waiting for me.

"How did you leave me alone with him"? I asked Lisa

"Well because I knew you could take care of him" she replied

"How did you exit the room?"

"There was a back door and it was open but when I got back to use the same door it has entered alarm"

"Guys I think I found his laptop but is locked" Ken said

"Try his thumb print, it might work" I replied. I felt so dizzy and weak.

"Sis are you okay?"

"Yes am just a little dizzy from the drinks I took"

"You what!!!" Mark shouted all surprised

"Mark quit screaming like that" I said to him. I turned to look at Lisa but she was also wearing a surprised face.

"Sis why would you take the wine knowing fully well it was drugged"? She asked all worried.

"How do you feel"? Ken asked me

"Guys am fine we need to focus on getting the files and getting out of here and I also have a feeling he has a CCTV around here somewhere"

"Hmm, I was able to open the system and the files are downloading already" Ken told me .

"Lisa you and Mark should look for the CCTV footage"

"Hey how are you feeling?" Ken asked after Lisa and Mark left.

"Apart from everything spinning and feeling weak I think am okay" I was struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Are we supposed to leave him like this and go"? He asked referring to Mr Jude.

"No I already talked with my father he will send people that will deal with him"

"Sis we found it"

"Okay, copy the footage"

"We already did"

"Ken how is the download going?" I asked.

"Its almost through" I heard him say before everything went blank.