

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs


Everything seems so strange when I woke up, I could not remember a thing that happened after I came back from the garden. The only thing I remembered was the little conversation I heard with my mom.

"Where is Lisa, she must have been worried sick by now" I asked Ken.

"She is fine, I just managed to make her go home with your father, so they can freshen up and at least have something to eat" he replied.

"They must have been worried, what about Mrs Michael is she okay?

"She is fine Bella she said she will be here this morning, she had to give her statement at the station"

"Ken what really happened, I can't remember a thing about the incident" I asked

"Bella please the doctor said you need more rest okay so please let's have this conversation at least when you feel a lot better" he said not making eye contact with me.

"I know I just woke up but tell me everything I can't help it the curiosity is too much"

"I will tell you later I promise, just rest please for my sake, for Lisa too you don't want to get her worried about you"

"But I don't want to sleep again" I said, I was a little scared of what if I don't wake up again. One of the nurses entered the room and injected me .

I felt weak and dizzy Immediately she injected me.

"Bella are you okay?" Ken asked

"Yeah just feeling dizzy"

"The doctor said she must rest now" the nurse said before she left .

"Promise me you will tell me everything when I wake up?"

"I promise, now rest" I heard Ken said before I passed out.

I watched her sleep, she look so peaceful how on earth are we going to tell her what happened. I checked the time and it was already 5Am, God am hungry I need to get something to eat and also get something for her too I think she might be hungry when next she woke up. I went to the nearest restaurant to get the food on my way back I saw Bella's mother heading to the hospital too.

"You are Bella's friend right?" she asked

"Yes I am" I said looking at her, she look so stress out.

"How is she, is she awake?"

"Yes she was but she passed out again"

"Can I follow you and see her now, ones she wakes up I don't think she will let me close to her" she said with a pleading voice. I really do pity her, she longs to have her close but I don't think Bella is going to make it easy for her.

"You can come with me ma" I said as I lead the way to Bella's room. When we entered Bella's room she was still sleeping. I watched her took a sit beside her and took her hand.

"Bella, my little Isabella mummy is sorry okay, if I have a second chance I will never leave you behind, I thought I was protecting you but I never knew I made the worst mistake of my life" she said, she was already crying. I decided to give them a space.

I went to the waiting room and met the doctor talking with someone.

"She will be fine, she just need to rest" he said to a woman who looked kind of troubled.

"Thank you doctor" she said to him

"You are welcome ma, I will see you tomorrow" he said before the woman left.

"How is Bella?" He asked sitting beside me.

"She is fine doctor, just resting" I replied

"Why aren't you inside with her, she might wake up anytime soon ones the injection wares off"

"Her mom is inside with her, she said she wants to be with her before she wakes up" I replied him since all the drama happened in front of him yesterday.

"And do you think that is a good idea from what happened yesterday they both don't have a good relationship, remember she hurt her head she doesn't need anything that will stress her both physically and emotionally" he said before tapping my shoulder then he left.

I was about going inside when I heard someone calling me.

It was Lisa, Mr Smith and Mark, I knew she will come without waiting for my call.

"Why are not picking your calls?" She asked

"Sorry I went out to buy Bella what to eat when She wakes up.

"She is still unconscious?" Mark asked

"No she woke up but the doctor said she need more rest, I have no idea the injection he gave her but she passed out immediately" I replied

"Wait do you guys hear that?" Mr Smith asked

"Hear what?"

"Is there anyone there with her?" Mr Smith asked ignoring my question

"Yes her mom" I answered but everybody was staring me

"Her mom, and you left the both of them alone, Bella is going to freak out if she sees her" Lisa said rushing into Bella's room as we all followed her.

I woke up only to see someone holding my hand, it Felt like a dream but it was not, what is this woman doing in my room and not only that she is holding my hands.

"Isabella you are awake" she said with a smile on her face

"Don't call me that my name is Bella, and what are you doing in my room" I said in a harsh voice to her and removed my hand she was holding.

"Isabella am sorry I just wanted to see you and make sure you are okay"

"You just wanted to see me and make sure I am okay wow what a caring mother you are, your children must adore you a lot but please leave my room I don't want you any where close to me" I said nearly screaming it on her face but them I felt my head and everywhere spinning.

"Bella" that Was Lisa's voice, I look up and saw her rushing towards me.

"Lisa make her leave I don't want her anywhere close to me" I said in a weak voice.

"Bella am sorry, Smith say something let her know that am sorry I just want you to hate me less Isabella" she said

"Smith?" I asked looking at my uncle what kind of relationship did these two have in the past.

"Bella please your injury is not something you should play with please rest" he said

"Play around, so you not telling me what is going on between the both of you is that am playing around, you not telling me what she is doing here and how on earth she knows who I am is playing around" I asked with anger boiling inside me.

"Bella please let's talk about this later okay, you need to eat and have a little strength in you" Lisa said.

"Oh you also know why she is here right and you aren't telling me anything Lisa, Ken what is going on you said when I woke we talk so here I am, awake, so talk" but instead of saying something he look away, I turned to Mark to see if he will say something since he loves talking but everybody has suddenly become mute.

My anger was increasing, I felt like I have a boiling volcano inside me .

"Fine since nobody wants to talk everyone leave my room I want to be alone" everybody should just leave I feel like am going to go mad. But instead of leaving they all stood there staring at me. Fine if they won't leave then I will. I started removing everything that was attached to my body.

"Bella what are you doing" Lisa asked but I just ignored her.

"Bella stop that you are injuring yourself" uncle said.

Immediately I removed all of them I turned as I started heading to the door, my head feels like it has a big hole inside.

"No don't go I will leave if that will make you happy? My mom said.

"Happy? Nothing about you makes me happy" I said to her

"Fine I came here because Smith told me to"

"What?" I turned staring at uncle for explanation

"Bella you were dying and you loosed a lot of blood and the doctor requested for your parent she was the only one I could think of" he said to me

"You could have let me die, I don't want anything to do with her ever in my life" I said leaving everyone surprised especially my mother but I didn't care I just want to go before I do something more stupid.

"Bella am your father" I heard uncle saying

"Yeah I know and am sure you already told her how you adopted her daughter off the street" I said.

"Bella you are being too harsh and disrespectful to your mom" Lisa said

"Respect? Did you say respect Lisa? My respect, my love, my trust they all died along with my grandparents so I don't have any left for her"

"Isabella am sorry forgive me I didn't leave because I want to, he threatened to kill you if I didn't go" she said

"You know I have a question for you, why him when you have a choice.