

The next day, in the morning Arbaaz Baha al Din, a trainee member of 'elite masters' barged into my room shouting,"Master Akane, there is trouble." and I woke up asking,"What is the trouble?". Angela, who had forced herself upon me last night, had slept with me without committing adultery. She woke up and we both were not naked but Arbaaz kinda felt embarassed about barging into the room at the wrong time.

"Sir, I'm sorry for barging into your room at the wrong time. But we have a major problem" Arbaaz said.

"What is it, Arbaaz?" I asked him.

"There has been an outbreak in the city." He said panickingly.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I said to him angrily and got up from the bed changing into the outfit which I wear on my missions. "Where is Aryan?" I asked Arbaaz while holsting my weapons.

"Sir.Aryan Raj left for the capital at mid-night." He said and took out his pistol after we heard the sound of an explosion. Angela got up from the bed and took my spare weapons which were, a katana and a pistol. She took my spare pistol hoster and tied it to her right thigh. I held my pistol and crouched down to avoid attention of infected. Arbaaz first went out the room and he was shocked to see that a mage from the outcast group had taken out a group of three monsters which had broken into the floor by breaking the wall. I went out out the room rolling side ward and pointed my pistol at the outcast's head.

"I haven't come for a fight." he said and continued,"I'm here to work with you guys to get my life safely out of this shit." while moving his arms upwards. I took my pistol down and said,"The moment you betray us, I myself am gonna kill ya. Got it." in a cold tone. Angela came out the room in an cautious manner holding the katana saying,"Dad contacted me and said us to buy some time for people to evacuate from the city. There is no way left but to abandon this city." and shot a zombie in the head who was behind the mage.

"My name is Giovanni Gorge. Je suis 20 ons(I am 20 years)." the mage said and asked,"Comment tu't appelle, amie?(What is your name, friend?)

"Nice to meet you Giovanni. Je m'appelle Akane(my name is Akane). C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer(It's a pleasure to meet you)." I replied to him. Giovanni was fair man with brownish-blonde hair. slim build and was 5'12" in height.

"Enfin une personne qui parle français.(Finally, a person who can speak french)." Giovanni said jovially.

"S'il vous plaît parler anglais, le reste ne peut pas nous comprendre.(Please speak english, the rest can't understand us)." I told to him.

"What language are you speaking, Akane?" Angela asked me and I replied," French" to which she was shocked. "How did you learn french?" she asked me. I replied,"Let's dwell on the details later. Now we've gotta help in evacuation of citizens."

"L'armée royale est ici aux portes de la ville(The royal army is here at the gates of the city)." Giovanni said.

"Is the royal army really here?" I asked him.

"Oui(yes)." He replied and I commanded them," Arbaaz, go help in escorting the citizens out of this city by killing any infected which may be in the way of their city. Giovanni, cherche tous les civils qui n'ont pas pu se rendre à la deuxième porte et les garder en sécurité. Si vous rencontrez des mages, demandez leur aide.(Giovanni, look for all the civilians who could not get to the second door and keep them safe. If you meet mages, ask for their help), I will go the city's gate's fort and take out the royal army with the cannons."

"Yes, sir." Arbaaz said and left. "Oui, monsiuer(Yes, sir)" Giovanni said and left.

"Will you able to man the cannons?" Angela asked me.

"Well, it's not my first time to man them." I replied to her and jumped out of the building and went down as the beside building was broken down in a slope. I touched the ground only to see that Tatsukichi was waiting for me down there. "I want to fight you again" he said as turquoise aura was glowing around his clenched fists. He came forward to attack me but I dodged it by doing a backflip.

"Why won't you fight me? Do you not have guts?" He asked me irritatedly.

"No, I don't have time." I replied to him and he came forward to punch me with his left arm but I countered it with my right arm. I had to unlock the second skill, which I call,'core Y', which grants me the ability similar to that of 'mage terminating gloves' but glows a red aura around my fists.

"What are you, a mage?" he asked me.

"No." I replied and continued,"Not a mage but the immune."

"Interesting." he said and turned back and so did I and both our fists clashed each other while we were not facing each other. Then, I used my right elbow as he used his left elbow but I hit his upper left arm and he turned to punch me with his right arm but I countered his attack with my left arm.

"You're trustworthy.." he said as he went back and continued,"I am going to help you guys called 'JOULES'." As he threw me a key.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked him.

"Its yours, not mine. I stole it from you yesterday while you were held captive." he replied and continued,"But man, your motorcycle sure is awesome. Its out there to your east." in a casual way.

"Thanks and try to find survivors and keep yourself safe." Is said to him as I got on my motorcycle and started it.

"Yes, yes, as your order boss." he said as I drifted the motorcycle and drove it to the gates. I drove to the gates but was attacked by an incoming missile but I somehow dodged it by jumping from the motorcycle. Unfortunately, the motorcycle was destroyed and I was about fifty meters away from the fort. The infected were roaming were roaming in front on the blocked entrance. The entrance was blocked by obstacles but luckily, there were cracks on the fort's wall which can make it easy for climbing to the cannons. I took cover behind a vehicle holding my pistol. There were totally fifteen infected, 13 passive class zombies and two level 4 monsters. I used 'mode X' and killed all the zombies with my sub-machine gun and then used 'core Y' to finish off the monsters with a single punch.

As I killed them more had come, my special abilities required to cool down for a while after I lost a lot of blood in my previous mission. I ran and climbed the blockade and then I started to climb the wall and reached the cannons. The cannons were being manned by none of the mercenaries who were supposed to keep the gates safe. They royal army had it fortifications done and were firing using cannons and missile launchers. I took out down ten of their units to buy time for people to escape through the second gate, which had a secret path. The first cannon broken down, then I used the second cannon to take down whole of the units of the royal army.

I ran toward the second gate from the fort as the fort was attached to the gate itself. I saw the political leader of Mythica, August Berdy entering through the main gate shouting,"You JOULES are nothing more than a bug that has to be exterminated. Kitamura tried to kill him by an air assassination but failed as the target dodged it and countered it by stabbing him in the neck with his dagger. I watched Kitamura's death in horror not being far from him, but I had no choice left rather than to get of the city safely through the secret path of the second gate.

I leaped down into a haystack as it the gates were in the farming area. I got out the haystack and ran toward the second gate, as there were a few guarding the path. I went out of the city from the secret path to a small deserted town in which we kept refugee. I met up with Angela, who was with Arbaaz and Giovanni along with Tatsukichi. John was with them also. I had decided to go to the capital to kill August Berdy.

"I have decided to go to the capital"I said to John and the rest.

"We will come with you." Angela said.

"No." I replied to her and she asked me,"Why?"

"I want you and the others to make the city as it was." I replied to her.

"As your wish." John said.

"Boss, we will be of help to you." Tatsukichi said with a smile.

"Vous pouvez nous faire confiance, maître.(You can trust us master)." Giovanni said.

"Will you be departing now?" Angela asked me.

"Yes, I've got a personal motorcycle to depart." I replied to her and went to my motorcycle which was parked in the garage of an empty homw which I use as a rest house after tough missions. I started my motorcycle and drove out of the town to the cruise which was owned by pirates whose captain was a very good comrade of mine and an ex-JOULES member. As I drove, I started to get dizzy and passed out not knowing what would happen.