
Broke: A Clone Wars Tale (Star Wars)

About the story: Clone trooper CT-4063 is a fresh and shiny trooper directly from the clone facilities in Kamino. He is also one of the thousands of clones that take part on the first battle of the Clone Wars. Go with him as he carves his path to the high comand. Important warnings: I had a sudden moment of inspiration, and decided to write it down. I am not doing this to became an author and I might stop at any time. Anyway I am very grateful to anyone who reads and gives his or her support. Also, I do accept suggestions. I don't have ownership over any of the pre-existing characters nor the cover, but I do claim ownership over the characters created by me. PS: this is a Star Wars fiction PS2: There will be no harem or romance whatsoever, essentially because it would be too different from the lore, and also because I don't like it very much. PS3: The protagonist won't have any Force powers. PS4: The first chapters are small, but it gets bigger as the novel go on. As such, the first chapters are in a process of revision to make them more adequate to the rest of the novel. However, the novel doesn't stop because of this. Also, don't forget to join our discord! https://discord.gg/Gdv2arS

Reis123 · Película
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359 Chs

Prison Break

"What will happen to the clones when this war ends, Dageer?"

The commander looked at Ragout stunned. The question had come out of nowhere, and he truly had no idea of how he could answer it. Turning back to the window, and the hyperspace outside, he didn't say anything for a long time.

Ragout had asked to speak with him alone, and he had supposed it had something to do with the reason why they left Sullust before the planet was conquered, but he was wrong.

"I... Permission to speak freely, sir?"

"Of course."

"I don't know. Clones... We were created for this war, and this war only. We were promised a real life after it is over. But I am not sure what that means."

The Jedi waited. He knew Dageer wasn't paying attention to him anymore, but was lost in thought. He had asked that question with the single purpose of seeing what the clone had in mind. For him - a Jedi - the creation of the clones was cruelty. Making copies of the same being, just to use it as soldiers...

He had never thought of that until a few months before, when Lieutenant Shield, a clone he fought side by side before, had said that by himself. Maybe... maybe he had been lying to himself, saying the clones had chosen their own destiny, and only when a clone - even though he was a traitor - said that, he realized what the truth was. That clones had never made a choice in their life, because they had never been asked a single question, only given orders.

"A normal life... All the life I have known is war, sir. I grew up preparing for it. I saw so many go... My sergeant, my original squad... There isn't a day I didn't lose a brother. I hate all this."

Dageer took a deep breath, knowing that he was overstepping his bounds, but Ragout only gave an encouraging nod.

"Clones... We don't know what to feel regarding the war. Without it, I wouldn't even exist. None of us would. But the very same thing that is the cause of my existence, took so many from me. The 303rd, Commander Keeli, and General Di. Shield, Berro, Fondor, all of them..."

The Jedi said nothing. There was nothing to say.

"They were, and are, my brothers, general. Uff... I don't know what we, clones, will do after this war is over..."

Dageer touched all the lines in his armor. They went from his shoulder to almost his elbow, and covered part of his chest. That was a reflex he had every time he remembered those who had died.

"But I know that while I have brothers fighting in the galaxy, I won't stop. I will make the seppies pay for every clone they killed."

Ragout looked at the commander, pensive. He had known Dageer for a long time, and he had learned a lot from him. Even if he didn't agree with the feelings the clone had, he wouldn't say anything for now.

"Are we sure they went to Felucia?"

"Yeah. Our ships were on their heels, and they headed to the nearest planet. The chancellor said that usually he would let Master Unduli and the 41st deal with them, but since Hell Squad and Hiigi have a history..."

Dageer shook his head. Five days ago, Ragout had received a transmission from the Jedi Order, asking him and Hell Squad to take part in a manhunt for several prisoners that escaped the Coruscant Maximum Security Prison during an attempt to escape by the Separatist leader Moralo Eval, and associates. They were still on the run, and, while most of the other prisoners had been caught, a group of six of them had managed to leave Coruscant, including Hiigi.

Chancellor Palpatine himself had requested that Hell Squad took part on the mission, although no reasons had been given, at least not to Dageer. The chancellor showed a lot of interest in the special units, especially on Hell Squad and Delta Squad. Although Dageer found it weird, he didn't think too much of it.


Hiigi closed his eyes, and listened. As a mon calamari, he was used to feeling the vibrations in the water, and listening to every little sound, since he couldn't rely on his eyes in the deep waters. That was now working to his favor, as he stood on a branch of a gigantic tree, waiting.

When the patrol of clones passed under him, he suddenly opened his eyes, and jumped. The first trooper, wearing the camouflaged armor of the 41st Legion, didn't even see what hit him before his neck was snapped.

Hiigi grabbed the blaster the clone had been holding, and used it to shoot two other soldiers on the back. The last clone had time to turn around, but before he could do anything, a hand grabbed his neck, and lifted him. He tried to free himself, but the hand was like a metal claw.

His world turned as Hiigi smashed him against a tree, making it shake, and causing leaves to fall. The mon calamari didn't even check if the clone was alive before moving on. That was already the fourth patrol he killed. Now, what he needed to do was find somewhere to hide for a while, and then, a way out of Felucia.


A Laat hovered above the jungle, waiting. Dageer, Ragout, and Hell Squad looked out of the open doors, to the ground, hidden by foliage, eighty meters below them. It was impossible to land on most of Felucia. Weirdly shaped trees and bushes covered the planet, and gigantic predators, like the Rancors, roamed in packs.

Metal and Three-four kicked a roll of cables out of the gunship, and they fell between the branches. With the calmness of someone who had done that many times, Hell Squad slid down the cables, landing softly on the ground, already alert to their surroundings. Not only did they have to worry about the escaped prisoners, but also about the Separatist. The entire planet was a battleground, and they could never be too careful, even if they were on friendly territory.

Dageer gave Ragout a quick confirmation that the area was secure, and a few seconds later, the Togruta joined them by dropping down, and ignoring the cables. The Jedi did a flip in midair, and used the trees to slow down his fall, before landing safe and sound. None of the clones were too impressed, since they were quite used to scenes like that. For the last few months, Hell Squad and Ragout had partnered most of the time, going on special assignments. They had been to Felucia more than once too.

"The last area any of the prisoners was seen was eleven kilometers from here. The 41st already captured one of them, and killed another, so we only have to worry about four. They are all extremely dangerous, especially Hiigi, so be careful."

"Roger that, general. Come on, lads, let's move!"

Break is going very well for now. I really needed some time to focus on some personal matters. Also, I'm glad I had a stockpile of chapters, so I can still upload regularly, even without writing.

I hope you liked the chapter, and, as always, stay safe, and may the Force be with you.

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