
Boy, bye!: His Wife Is Hot Like Fire

With Pepper Hart, you can count on two things - She always get want she wants and you will most definitely cry yourself to sleep after encountering her. Her life is perfect. She got class. She was fun. She is the boss…Kind of. After draining her life savings to buy a beautiful house at the right side of town with hopes of a promotion, Pepper was passed over. Now she has two missions, making the man that got her promotion cry as often as humanly possible and getting the perfect roommate. Except her grandparents were board certified crazy and are going out of their way to set her up with a man...or woman, If Gigi and Gramps can find a hermaphrodite they would set Pepper up with them. Now, Gramps is dying and all he wants is a son in law and Pepper has to pull a one in a lifetime miracle…find the perfect man. But the perfect man wasn't Pepper's dream; all she wanted was the perfect roommate. But after her best friend jokingly suggests she enters in a contract marriage with her roommate in exchange for a reduced rent. Pepper hart jumped on the offer. It was the perfect solution except there was a teeny weenie problem. Pepper Hart forced the wrong person into marrying her and now he wants a real marriage. Can Asher tame the wild beast or will Pepper burn him to crisp? *************** "Asher!" "Honey… I am home" The man Pepper got married to earlier said with a big old smile. Pepper screamed louder. Asher watched the woman in front of him and he watched his wristwatch. Great! It's been two minutes and her mouth was still open and his eardrum was about to be damaged. He grabbed her shoulders and he rubbed his hand in a parallel motion on them. "Stop. Screaming!" He begged her but Pepper just kept on screaming. Taking a deep breath, Asher pressed his mouth into hers to shut her up. It was night and people might call the cops if she kept yelling like she just saw a cockroach in her oatmeal. Pepper’s eyes were wide open as the shock of being kissed without permission went through her. She simply stomped Asher's foot as hard as he could and he stopped kissing her. "Ouch! That really hurts" Asher complained while he hopped on one foot. "You don't kiss me without prior permission, pervert or touch me or breathe. In fact right this moment, you should minimize how much air you take in, in my expensive apartment" Pepper waved her hand as she talked. "God! You must have been a general in the army in your past life. That or you were Cinderella's stepmom" Asher finally stopped hopping. "What are you doing here?" Pepper asked him. "Yeah! I think we got married...for real" Asher whispered to her like it was a secret he was trying to keep from getting out. "I know I was there" Pepper yelled like she was disgusted. Asher waited about two seconds for her to feel whatever she was feeling before he made his proposition. "I want an annulment, darling wife. Staying married to you will reduce my lifespan considerably" Asher had a straight face and he nodded like it made perfect sense. Pepper clasped her hand together as she thought of a solution to their dilemma. "Annulment...no, I can't give you that until Angel Michael let's my Gramps into heaven. Apparently, he is unfulfilled and…" pepper was interrupted by Asher. "Wait! Gramps is still alive?" Asher asked her. Cover is not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner and if the owner wants me to take it down, just say the word.

King_Starr · Ciudad
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204 Chs

Chapter 10: Is my new mommy crazy?

Chapter 10: Is my new mommy crazy?

Starr stared at Pepper with curious eyes. This relationship was going to be more hectic than she expected and they were off to a bumpy start. She turned and looked at her father.

"Dad, is she going to keep screaming like that? I have a headache" 

"No, she is shutting up right now or I will kiss her again" Asher turned to look at pepper. His face showed that he wasn't joking.

He moved closer and Pepper covered her lips with her palm. 

"Get away from me, you pervert!"

"Hey, our daughter doesn't need to know that" Asher purposely said to drive her crazy.

"She is not my daughter!".

Starr pushed her way inside Pepper's apartment and made herself at home.

"It is not like I imagined but it will do, Dad"

Asher was next to come in dragging their bags. Pepper was dumbfounded at first but she quickly got over the shock but not the little girl's statement.

"What do you mean by that? This is an expensive apartment and you are lucky you are...get your tiny dirty legs off of my expensive couch, Stan!"

"The name is Starr or stardust like Dad calls me" The little girl corrected her.

"Who cares what your name is! Take your legs down, now" 

Starr obeyed her. Asher went to the kitchen to grab a glass of juice.

"Where are you going?" Pepper asked Asher when he stood up but he ignored her "Where is your father going?"

"I don't know" Starr shrugged and pulled out her iPad from her backpack.

"How come you can afford an iPad when you are homeless?" Pepper asked the little girl.

"Stardust, do you want some cold juice. This refrigerator is like a dream come true, we have juices, eggs, veggies, carrots...uh we have meat" Asher said from the kitchen.

Starr decided to answer one question at a time. She answered Pepper's question about the iPad and then she answered her father.

"I guess Dad stole the iPad" she turned her head towards the kitchen "Daddy, can I have a glass of milk?"

"Sure, sweetheart. Pepper, can I bring anything for you?" Asher asked.

"Get out of my kitchen, you psycho" Pepper made her way to the kitchen to find Asher ransacking her refrigerator.

"How are you able to afford an iPad for Stace?"

"Her name is Starr and I stole that from an Italian guy a week ago. I am actually a very good thief. I could burgle this place and you won't be able to tell that I was here. So, believe me when I say I am a good thief"

"You are crazy, Asher!"

"Me...no! Your grandmother in law was bipolar actually, so, whatever. She was a sweet old lady unlike your grandpa who refuses to die"  Asher poured a glass of milk for Starr and left Pepper in the kitchen.

He gave it to Starr and she took it.

"If you don't like it here, we can leave Sweetheart" Asher told her.

"I like Pepper. I like it here. I have never seen anyone talk to you the way she does. I want to stay" Starr replied and took a sip of milk.

"How are you feeling? Have you taken your meds? Do you feel funny?" Asher rubbed his face repeatedly. He was worried.

"I think I am alright" 

Asher kissed her hair.

"Thank you for taking me out of the hospital. I like it better here. I want to be normal. Normal is good" Starr smiled at him.

"Normal is good" Asher repeated after her.

Pepper came out of the kitchen into the sitting room after she put away everything Asher took out of her refrigerator. Good lord! The man was messy. If he keeps up with his messy attitude, this roommate thing might not work.

"Here are some ground rules" Pepper sat down and made sure that they were listening to her.

"No one apart from my grandparents needs to know that we are married. If anyone in this building asks you who you are, tell them that you are my roommate, Asher and she is your niece that is visiting, okay?"

"She is my daughter not my niece" Asher was firm.

"Fine, she can be that. We are just roommates. This is not a real marriage. You will stay out of my way and try not to annoy me. I will require you to follow me to my grandparents house where we are going to put on a show for them. To them, we are going to be madly in love and you are a businessman from out of town" Pepper told him.

"Oh!oh! Can I be a CEO?" Asher asked her.

"No. You are in construction and if they tried to pry further into that, just tell Gramps and Gigi that you were laid off. They won't mind. They just want me to have a husband, you can be crippled and they would still love you. Good lord! Tell me that you are not a serial killer!" Pepper blurted out 

"Dad is not, he is just a workaholic" 

"How can he be a workaholic if he is jobless?" Pepper was puzzled. Something fishy was going on and she intended to find out.

Starr looked guilty.

"You didn't have to tell Pepper that, Starr. I am sorry, my daughter meant that I am an alcoholic. I almost drank myself to death last year" Asher said and blinked.

"Explains a lot!" Pepper stood up from the chair she was sitting on "I am going to bed. My bedroom is off limits to both of you. If you try to break in, you will be electrocuted"

Starr turned around to watch her.

"But where is my room, mommy? Aren't you going to tuck me in?" Starr followed her behind.

Pepper stopped and got down on one knee so she could be the same height as the seven year old.

"You little cute...cute donkey, did nobody tell you that I am a bad mommy? Boop!" Pepper stood up from the ground and touched her nose. She entered her room and double bolted her door.