
Bounty of The Stars

Join Kita, a young and brilliant scientist, as he embarks on an extraordinary journey through the vastness of the galaxy. Fueled by ambition and a desire to uncover the hidden wonders of the universe, Kita seizes the opportunity of a lifetime aboard the revolutionary THS Shore research vessel. Their mission: to study a colossal super structure enveloping a Blue Giant, a task that promises unimaginable revelations. As Kita and the crew set sail, they find themselves caught in a whirlwind of mind-boggling discoveries, each more astounding than the last. Some hold the potential to reshape humanity's future, while others pose unforeseen risks. Amidst the chaos, Kita's fate changes in a way he never imagined. Faced with the unforeseen circumstances, the choices he makes reshapes his future. Now bored with life, Kita sets out on a journey that leads him to navigating not only the mysteries of the cosmos but also the treacherous waters of interstellar politics, Kita strives to leave an indelible mark as one of humanity's greatest minds. His journey takes him to ancient ruins, unveiling long-lost secrets that redefine humanity's understanding of the galaxy. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Kita embraces the unseen, unearths the unfound, and ventures into the unfathomable depths of the unknown. Prepare to embark on a captivating expedition, as Kita pushes the boundaries of exploration and grapples with the extraordinary challenges that lie beyond the reaches of human imagination. Updates on: GMT 2:00 PM or 14:00

HalfPint · Ciencia y ficción
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149 Chs

JTW Jeager

Kita was having a good time observing an ongoing quarrel between 2 people while enjoying his meal. The quarrel was happening across the street from the café he was sitting at. He didn't really knew why they were yelling at each other. But it was amusing to see the two suited bodies of people yelling different curses at each other.

From their body language, it was clear that they didn't knew each other. But whatever the matter seemed to be, it was clearly serious as neither of them wanted to yield in front of the other. Kita enjoyed the show as he finished his meal. He paid for it and then stood up.

He began to walk towards the terminal. Osritch has finally contacted him last night. Saying that he may have found something for Kita. So after he had his breakfast, he quickly headed over there.

After entering the Building, He saw Osritch was waiting for him.

"Hello Mr. Thiels. Welcome back."

"Hello, It's good to be back. I assume you've found something suitable for me?"

"Ah. Yes. Please come this way.". Osritch said before leading him towards a private room.

After entering they both sat down as Osritch Began to fiddle with his comm.

"Have to say, Finding a ship that fit all of your criteria has been a bit difficult. But as I promised to you previously. I have found just the beauty for you. Please take a look at this." He said as the projections in the room lit up. A Ship was being projected in front of them.

"Before you is JTW Jeager. A state of the art heavy cruiser that fits all you needs." Osritch said.

The Projection was showing a white ship with navy blue accents. It looked to be a fairly big ship. At a glance, Kita could see it's most prominent features. Which was it's oversized Railgun. The Railgun took a prominent position at the frontal section of the ship. The pair of rails mounted at the front of the ship gave it a really scary look. The other two Laser Turrets were also Kind of big for a ship this size.

"What can you tell me about it?", Kita was interested. The ship looked fairly new and shouldn't be more than a few years old.

"As you can see from it's info. The Ship was built about 7 years ago. But it didn't saw much use as the original owner didn't really take it out on the voyage it was supposed to go on. So it didn't see any heavy use. And the main turrets are also mostly unused. They have been fired a couple of times in the past but that's it. So it's in really good condition for a ship."

"Hmm. It's almost brand new huh!?!"

"Yes. The original owner has decided to sell it off. After having it in storage for about 2 years."

"Any particular reason?"

"No, It seems to be some personal reasons for the owner."

"Okay, tell me more about the ship."

"Gladly. The Jeager has 40 decks in total. Two of which are transit Decks. The bridge is located at the frontside bow of the ship with a full 180 degree view of the surrounding space. It has 8 Sub light propulsion engines at the rear. Which, while working at the full speeds can allow the ship to cruise at a relatively decent speed for ship it's size. It's mainly classified as a heavy cruiser. But as you can see, many of it's parameters exceed the typical Heavy cruiser. Mainly the primary Railgun."

Osritch manipulated the projection that focused in on the heavy Railgun.

"The Railgun is one of the 3 primary turrets of the Jeager. It's a specially designed module from the Hyr Heavy Systems that specialize in Railgun systems. Although Hyr Heavy systems designed it for a battleship in mind. It manages to be just small enough to be mounted on a Heavy cruiser this size. Although the design the of the Cruiser itself has been changed to accommodate this beast. It's still capable of dealing heavy damages to anything it targets at."

"Quite impressive!", Kita said as he looked at the huge railgun. It brought good firepower to the table which was a plus in his book.

"The Other two laser cannons are no joke either. They are also really capable in their own ways. Although they might seem lacking when compared to their colleague. They by no means lack a punch. together these can reign down terror on any opponent in it's own class."

"Tell me about the power generation of the ship. Are they sufficient for keeping these hungry beasts fed?", Kita asked.

"But Of course. The Ship has 8 High Density reactors with redundancy to make sure that in a time of emergency, Power is the last thing you need to worry about. As long as they are fed their reactor fuel, they will keep the whole ship powered. And in a emergency situation, they can even be overdrive to a certain degree that would increase their energy generation quite a bit. But they can't operate under those conditions for long and should only be used in an emergency."

"What about the FTL drives? How many FTL drives does it support."

"Ah, Yes. As per your instruction. I made sure that the Jeager can support Upto 2 FTL drives. Although it currently has only one, But the power supply systems are beefy enough that it can easily handle an additional FTL drive."

"Good." With that the Jeager fit all of Kita's needs.

"Also, There's one more thing. you mentioned that it would be great if the Ship also had a Lab. The Jeager just happens to meet this requirement also. It has a somewhat spacious lab that should be enough for all your needs."

That perked up Kita. Having a Lab Onboard was one of the side requirements for him. Although it would be great if it already had a dedicated Lab area, But even if it Didn't Kita could just repurpose some area once he got his hands on the ship.

But already Having a lab meant that his work had been made easy.

"Tell me more!"

Hello everyone. Sorry about the unannounced Break. I was sick for the past few weeks and needed to take a break to go away for sometime. I hope you understand. But I'll be updating regularly again! Thanks for all the support you guys have shown during this time. Thanks for reading my work! <3

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