
Boundless System in Urban World

Kyo's a ordinary teen. Well until the accident happened, though Kyo wasn't badly injure. But just before Kyo could think about how bad things turned out he heard something. [Boundless System Binding] "Hmm?" ---------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, there will be mistakes no doubt and I'll try my best to be consistent, so let's journey this together. It's gonna be slow in the beginning as I'm trying to introduce everyone and set their statuses, but I will gradually pick up the pace.

oldmanwintr · Ciudad
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10 Chs

'Boundless System'

[Boundless System Bind]

'Boundless System?' 'Is this what people call the protagonist golden finger?' he thought.

'System Status'

A black transparent screen pops up and list all of his status.


Name: Kyo Winter

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 144lbs

Looks: 75/100

Money: 1,689.99

Talents: None

[Condition: Slightly bruised with minor cuts]


"Holy shit!" Kyo exclaims.

"What happened!?" Ryder quickly asked.

Kyo realizes he said that out loud, "It's nothing I thought I saw a snake but it was just a tree branch." he explains.

"Damn Kyo, don't shout that loud you almost gave me a heart attack!" Ryder exclaims. "Like you're one to talk driving us into this ditch, we could've been goners for all you know!" Kyo retorts.

They both look at each other and start laughing.

Kyo settle's down "So how do you plan on getting us out of this Ryder?"

"We can just call a 'Pick Me Up' and I'll call dad to explain about what happened. I doubt he's gonna be angry when I tell him you and you're parents are gonna be moving in with us" Ryder exclaims.

"Hahaha... wait me and my parents?" Kyo asks?

Kyo was confused, earlier before the crash he agreed to live with Ryder. "Can my parents also come along?" Kyo asks.

"Of course brother Kyo, if God Mom and Dad were not to live with us where will they live?" Ryder proceeds, "We have a nine extra rooms, it would be a waste if they stayed vacant." Ryder says smugly.

Kyo looks at Ryder in shock, tears start to form in his eyes.

Kyo rushes forward and hugs Ryder, "Thanks Ryder for everything you and your family are doing for us." Kyo says shakily.

Ryder was at a loss of words, he never seen Kyo this emotional, even when students would make fun of him he always had a steel resolution and ignored them. But now he was seeing his brother like this for the first time, he couldn't help but quietly sob.

{I cringed a bit leave me alone}

"Kyo from now on it's not 'your' family it's 'our' family." Ryder says while trying his best to not sound sad.

Kyo pulls away from the hug after a few minutes, he gets out the car and shakes off remaining shards of glass on his clothes, "Alright, I'll call the 'Pick Me Up' while you decide if you want to tell God Father and Mother about the news." he says.

Ryder gets out the car and shakes off some pieces of glass before walking over to Kyo.

"Let's tell them in person it'll be more exciting that way." he says while smiling.

Kyo nods, he pulls out his phone which seemed to be cracked after the accident. He puts in their current address before applying for a ride.

After waiting half an hour a white sedan pulls up, "Are you Kyo?"

"Yea, that'll be me."

"Alright hop in"

Kyo and Ryder hop in the white sedan before leaving the scene. Kyo couldn't help it, "See Ryder this is how you drive."

They look at each other before they break out into laughter.

*15 mins later*

Ryder looks up and says "You can stop right here."

They both get out the car and bid the driver farewell.

You can see a white 10 feet tall gate and on the top you can see 'Moonlight Meadow'. Before going to the gate they go to a booth near on the right, "Hey Booker can you open the smaller gate, we're not in a car this time." Ryder says.

The gatekeeper opens up a smaller gate on the right and they make their way towards their house.

After walking for a few minutes they arrive to a Mansion blocked off by another gate, Ryder pulls out his key and they both enter. They make way to the Mansion. Before entering, the door opens.

A man dressed in a black suit comes out a greets the two, "Welcome back home Young Master Allen and Young Master Winter."

"Hey, Alfred where's Mom and Dad?" Ryder asks while he and Kyo walks inside.

"They're both in the living room, and don't forget to take off your shoes. Last time you left a muddy trail." He frowns.

Kyo and Ryder chuckle, they take off their shoes and slip on a pair of slippers before making way to the living room.

When they get to the living room they see a man and woman sitting down watching a movie. Kyo goes to say hello but before he could walk in, Ryder pulls him over and whispers something in his ear. They smile and sneakily make way behind the couple.

When they get behind the couple they shout in sync, "BOO!!"

As soon as the couple heard that they both let out a scream, "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

When they got up and looked back all they could see was Ryder and Kyo laughing.

"HAHAHAHA, I never knew you were a soprano dad!" Ryder says, Kyo and Ryder laugh even harder.

Mr. Allen frowns before grabbing him in a headlock and giving him a noogie.

*Few mins later*

They settle down and after creating small talk, Kyo asks "Is Olivia in her room?"

"Actually she was just asking for you, she's upstairs with a friend." Mrs. Allen says.

Kyo says he'll be back and makes his way up the stairs which were in the middle of the corridor. But before heading to Olivia's room he makes a pitstop to the bathroom. He enters the bathroom and locks the door.

'System Status'


Name: Kyo Winter

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 144lbs

Looks: 75/100

Money: 1,669.00

Talents: None

[Condition: Slightly bruised with minor cuts]


'This is for real huh? Well shouldn't I get a beginner's gift or something?' Right after he mentions the gift, a sphere floats in front of him. 'Hmmm, open!'

[Beginner Gift Opening...]

[Beginner Gift Opened]

[Received: All Injuries Healed, Instant Comprehension, 10,000,000 Dollars, 51% Shares in 'Pick Me Up' and Body Reconstruction Tonic]


After reading it all in astonishment, Kyo receives a text from his bank informing him that he received 10,000,000 dollars. But before he even gets to dwell on the excitement of receiving such a sum of money, he receives a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" Kyo questions.

"Is this Mr. Winter?" The man asks.

Kyo had a weird precognition, he thought someone noticed that he received such a big amount of money out of no where and was calling to ask about it.

"That would be me, is their a problem?"

"No sir, on the contrary I would like to congratulate you on becoming the new Chairman of 'Pick Me Up' is their anything you would want us to change Mr. Winter?"

Kyo exhaled a sigh of relief, thinking that the system probably thought of any thing that could go wrong, "No just run the company like you always do and notify me if anything important is brought up."

The person on the other side of the phone was ecstatic as most people would want to change the flow of the company which would sometimes cause some long term problems, "Thank you Mr. Winter you won't be disappointed, my name is Lucas call me if you ever need anything!" he says ecstatically.

"Alright, I will let you get back to work." Kyo says before hanging up.

Kyo stands there with a look of disbelief on his face, he just received 10,000,000 dollars and became Chairman of 'Pick Me Up' which he just rode today.

"What about the other rewards? All injuries healed?"

He looks around his body for the cuts and bruises and surprisingly couldn't find none! Even the scar he got from falling at recess in elementary was gone. "This is too op." he shakily says. He looks at the last 2 rewards.


[Instant Comprehension - 3x a day]

[Anything you see or perform you can choose to comprehend to maximum efficiency]


[Body Reconstruction Tonic]

[The 'Body Reconstruction Tonic' will cleanse the body of any impurities and reconstruct the body to the peak of the human's race in all standards externally and internally (proceed with caution)]


"The 'Body Reconstruction Tonic' itself is worth at least a billion, but 'Instant Comprehension' even with the 3x a day cooldown is something money can't buy!" Kyo exclaims.

Before he could bathe in his excitement Ryder shouts, "KYO, STOP WANKING YOURSELF AND HURRY OUT!!"

'Sometimes I wonder if he lost a few screws.'

After washing up Kyo walks out the bathroom and heads towards Olivia's bedroom. He walks for a bit, and when he arrives in front of Olivia's door he hears giggling. Right before he knocks he hears Olivia say something, "Emma you're not allowed to hit on my brothers especially not Kyo!" Olivia states.

"Awww, why not I heard Kyo's pretty decent looking. I promise I won't bite." Emma says while giggling.

Kyo laughs to himself before knocking on the door, "Liv are you dressed, I'm coming in."

A few seconds later "You can come in now." Emma says.

Kyo opens the door and sees a girl sitting on the bed a few feet away, she has a slight smile on her face. Kyo mentally prepares himself.

"I know your behind me Liv. You can't scare me." he says while walking to the bed.

"This is what the eighth time? How do you always know?" she pouts.

"I have eyes in the back of my head." he says while yawning. "Who's your friend?" he then looks at Emma.

"You mean Emma? We've known each other since the start of Highschool freshmen year, now we go to the same University." she says while walking over.

{You can skip and read this in the Auxiliary Chapter or read it like a real reader.}

Kyo looks at Emma even though she was sitting on the bed you could see her curves in all the right places. She had curly red hair that was shoulder length and blue eyes which were both captivating, he couldn't make out her height as she was sitting down but if he had to guess she was probably around Olivia's Height.

On the other hand Olivia was just a natural born beauty her eyes which were green like a luscious garden were soothing to stare into while her wavy blonde hair was radiant. She was 5'5" and was curved perfectly, she could definitely pose as a model if she wasn't already doing dance.

"What do you major in?" he moves over while giving Olivia room to sit down.

Emma looks at Kyo and smirks, "We major in dance, I could give you a sneak peek if you wanted?"

Kyo looks over and smiles, "Not today but I will hold you up on that offer."

Kyo gets up and starts making his way to the door, "I'm gonna head back downstairs, wouldn't want Ryder saying the news without me, don't miss me too much."

"Awww won't you stay just a little bit longer?" Emma asks while smiling.

Kyo smiles before opening the door and heading downstairs.

Emma was confused, 'News? What news? I'll just ask later.'

Kyo gets to the living room where he could see Ryder talking to his parents, "Did you already start without me?"

Ryder looks back and smile wryly, "Maybe just a little."

Kyo rolls his eyes, he then turns to the couple and smiles, "Would it be okay with you guys if we intruded for a bit?"

Mr. and Mrs. Allen almost immediately agreed and got up to hug Kyo, "We're glad to have you in the family Kyo, you and your parents can stay as long as you need to."

Kyo doesn't hug them back, "What's wrong baby?" Mrs. Allen asks. {Don't make it weird their family btw.}

Kyo looks into her eyes than at Mr. Allen's, "It's just that my parents didn't want me to tell anyone before but now that you guys are accepting us with open arms I have to say something, I actually have a little sister."

He looks at Mrs. and Mr. Allen then the couple look at each other then at Ryder which he's as surprised as they are then they all stare at Kyo.

"WHAT?!?" they exclaim with shock.

I'm just as confused you lot are.

oldmanwintrcreators' thoughts