
Boundless System in Urban World

Kyo's a ordinary teen. Well until the accident happened, though Kyo wasn't badly injure. But just before Kyo could think about how bad things turned out he heard something. [Boundless System Binding] "Hmm?" ---------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, there will be mistakes no doubt and I'll try my best to be consistent, so let's journey this together. It's gonna be slow in the beginning as I'm trying to introduce everyone and set their statuses, but I will gradually pick up the pace.

oldmanwintr · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Kyo Winter


An alarm was going off in a small apartment. The apartment was on the smaller side, the bed, kitchen and living room were all in the same room. The bathroom was separated, as if it were to be in the same room... god knows what.

A mildly handsome youth wakes up near a few light novels, he looked like he was 16, he was 6'0", though he was quite tall his body was on the skinnier side.


Kyo yawned and said "What time is it?"

He grabbed his phone and watch then immediately got dressed, "Shit I'm gonna be late, why does this stupid alarm not work right!!" he exclaimed.

Kyo dashed towards the bathroom, he washes his face and starts brushing his teeth vigorously.

He puts his shoes on that are all beaten up, but nevertheless they get him from point A to B.

He rushes out his apartment while locking the door behind him.

He saw the public bus about to drive off but luckily waves him down.

"Another successful mission." He says.

He looks around for a place to sit down at and finds a corner in the back where no one is sitting.

'This is getting tiring' he thinks, 'I'm stressing out and I'm not even an adult yet, I wonder how ma and pa are doing?'

Kyo stares out the window and slowly drifts off.


Kyo jerks awake, "Ugh, arrived already?" he mutters.

"Nevermind that." he says while sprinting towards the door.

He passes by a girl that gets startled than agitated by how sudden it was she exclaims, "YOU ALMOST MADE ME FALL OVER, UGH!!"

Kyo couldn't care less, the clock was ticking. There was only little less than a minute before his Teacher started attendance.

He enters the school, and increases his speed while running towards the classroom, he glanced at his watch "Shit, shit, shit, I only have a little less than 30 seconds. But the classroom is right there, URGH"

He uses the last bit of stamina he has and dashes towards the door.


A door opens and he runs straight into it, the momentum from hitting the door also makes the door hit the person on the other side.

"OUCH, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?" they exclaimed. When the door closes, Kyo found a girl that has heavy makeup on rubbing her forehead. You can obviously see a patch of makeup gone from her forehead.

'This isn't good, is this not Leigha the queen bee of Year 3?' he thought. "I'm sorry I'm in a rush." He scurried off to class before Leigha could see his face.

"BASTARD, YOU RUINED MY MAKEUP!!" she yells in the halls.


Kyo arrives in class just in time as the bell rings, 'I really dodged a bullet there, she could make my school life even worse than it already is.' he murmurs in his heart and sighs.

While Kyo is making his way to his seat, the door opens. You can see a beautiful woman walk into the classroom, she walks gracefully with long strides as she appears at the podium in the front of the class.

'That's Ms. Lin she's probably the prettiest teacher in the whole school, but all that's for naught as she also has a nasty discriminating personality.' Kyo murmurs in his heart.

"How was everyone's 7 day weekend? I hope you didn't forget anything we learned." she giggled.

A girl named Linda was the first to answer, "My Mom and Dad took me on a trip to Hawaii, look I can show you some pictures!" she gets up and shows her phone to the class.

"Your so lucky, your parents actually took you on vacation!"

"Tsk, that's Linda her parents own a Pharmaceutical Company"

"I heard it's worth more than 100 Million Dollars!!"

"Guys keep your voice down, remember Kyo's parents aren't even able to buy him new shoes!"


The class bursts into laughter. Kyo folds his arms onto the desk, and buries his face trying to fall asleep obviously not caring what they have to say.

"Why don't you shut up, look at your stomach before you try to make fun of others!", Ryder exclaims.

The class immediately quiets down, knowing that Ryder would beat them up if they didn't.

Ryder was Kyo's bestfriend since they were 5, they both met when Ryder was trying to buy ice cream at the local park but was still lacking 1 dollar, Kyo went up to the Ice Cream man and bought two Oreo Ice Creams and handed one to Ryder. Kyo and Ryder went up to a near by bench to eat their Ice Cream. Coincidentally Kyo's and Ryder's parents started approaching the two at the same time. One thing led to the next and Ryder enrolled into the same school as Kyo after begging his parents for days and nights, and they were brothers since than.

The teacher chuckled before switching back to her normal demeanor, "Alright class, I'm going to start attendance you know the drill, when I call your name say here." she explains.











"I'm up what's the hassle?" Kyo tiredly responds.

Ms.Lin exclaims, "This isn't a place for you to rest if you want to do that go home!".

"Mhm" Kyo leisurely responded.

Ms.Lin looks like she's about to exploded, but calms herself down. "Is that everyone?", nobody raises their hand "Alright we will begin with Algebra...".

*1hr 30mins later*

"That'll be it for today, remember to study your integers."

A few students verbally respond while some nod their head, "Have a good day, and Kyo don't come to class if all you are going to do is sleep." Ms.Lin says.

Kyo lifts his head up and looks her in the eyes, and starts making his way out of class. Ryder annoyed by Ms.Lin ignores her and catches up to Kyo.

"Yo Kyo, wait up!", Ryder shouts down the hallway. Kyo looks back only to see Ryder's body about to collide with his, "Slow down!" Kyo shouts.


Ryder slams into Kyo and they both fall over, 'Second time today my body was physically abused!' he winces in his heart. "Jeez Ryder ever heard of no running in the halls?"

'Not like I'm one to talk.' As he remembers the events of earlier in the morning.

"Haha, sorry about that couldn't stop myself in time." Ryder says while rubbing his head.

Ryder gets up first and helps Kyo up as well, "Wanna go out for Lunch, I heard about this new restaurant that opened 10 mins away?" Ryder asks. "Sure, You're paying tho." Kyo Replies.

The duo walk out of school heading towards the parking lot, when they see Kyo's ex-girlfriend Ashley with Connor, Connor is short and stubby he looked like a miniature sumo wrestler. While Ashey being the goddess of Class 5.

"Let's go the other way." Ryder suggests.

"Why? It's not as if I have feelings for her anymore." Ryder replies.

Ryder hesitates but in the end keeps walking, they were about to pass the two when Connor caught a glance of the duo, "Isn't that your Ex-Boyfriend Kyo, the one who lives in the slums?" Connor laughs. "Hmm?" Ashley looks back with disgust and sees Kyo and Ryder walking past.

"No wonder why it got so smelly all of a sudden, it seems that the garbage man forgot a piece!" Ashley said while laughing.

"Don't take it too far Ashley! You two were dating not even 1 week ago!" Ryder retorts.

Ashley snorts, "Who told that trash to not have enough money to support me, even if he walked for a thousand years he couldn't walk on the ground I walk on!"

Connor settles down a bit and says, "Kyo, if you are willing to get on your knees and kowtow to me, I'm willing to accept you as an underling!" Connor says while laughing.

"You better accept his offer, even his underlings make more money than your parents!"


You can vividly see a red handprint on Ashley's face, "I don't care what you have to say about me, if you dare to slander my parents name, I will make you regret living." Kyo retorts.

"HAHAHA" Ryder starts laughing. "Who would wanna be an underling under this fatty, I bet all his underlings are ranked as bread shuttles." Ryder says. Kyo and Ryder burst out laughing.

"YOU!!!" Connor is red in shame and anger, "You dare slap my woman and slander me?!?Just because Connor's family are wealthy and rich doesn't make you invincible!" Connor shouts furiously.

"If you dare to try something, I will make sure you both get kicked out of this school." Ryder retaliates.


Kyo looks at the two before saying, "Let's go Ryder, every time I talk to them I lose a few braincells" he chuckles.

After the duo walks off, Ashley says, "How dare that trash put his hands on me, Hubby you have to take revenge for me!" She cries softly.

"Don't worry, I'll make that bastard wish he never attended this school." Connor retorts. "Now where were we" he places his hand on her bum and gives it a squeeze. "You rascal!" Ashley exclaims with a smile on her face.

(On the highway)

You can see a BMW 430i Gran Coupe speeding off into the distance, that's Ryder's car his father gave to him on his recent birthday.

"Hey Kyo how are you're parents doing?" Ryder asks.

"They're doing better I guess, my Father just got a job as a Mover for a small company. He said it's not much but it puts food on their table." Kyo replies while yawning.

Ryder glances at Kyo "You know my offer still stands, you can move in with us until you can support yourself. My parents are also aboard with the idea, they treat you like another son, heck they treat you better than they do me!" Ryder grumbles.

Kyo laughs, 'Is this not his millionth time asking this?', "Thanks again for the offer but I wouldn't wanna intrude, my place isn't too shabby." Kyo explains. "Tsk, shabby my ass. If I'm not wrong I once seen a cockroach climb eating some leftover pizza." Ryder scoffs. "This time I'm not taking no for an answer, you either come live with us or I'm boycotting!"

"Hahaha, you won this round." Kyo laughs. Ryder looks his direction "Wait really?!?! You'll really come live with us?!"




Ryder couldn't grasp control so he chose to slow down into a ditch, "HOLD ON TO SOMETHING, WE'RE GOING DOWN!" he exclaims.


*A few mins later*

"KYO WAKE UP!" Ryder yells as he shakes Kyo.


"HAHAHA, were still alive aren't we?" Ryder laughs.

Kyo rolls his eyes at Ryder and looks around, except for a couple cuts and bruises from the broken glass they both seem to be alright.

Kyo takes a breath of relief, "Remind me to NEVER tell you something important on the road again!" he exclaims.

While Ryder laughs, Kyo hears a voice in his head.

[Successfully survived an accident.]

[Binding 'Boundless System']

"Ryder? Do you hear a voice too?" Kyo asks. "Hmm? Did you get brain damage or something? Shit Mom won't be happy!" he exclaims.

"No you dimwit, probably just a ringing in my ear." Kyo explains.







[System Successfully Bind]

'Boundless System?'

I'm 16, I'm pretty sure I made some mistakes but bear with me won't you? This is my first webnovel, I hope you enjoy reading it as mush as I enjoyed writing it. (If you have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.)

oldmanwintrcreators' thoughts