

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 5of5 Tasted Death

Anna opened her little eyes and saw it was already morning, she stared at the ceiling smiling at herself remembering whatever little events took place last night, his lips were so soft and good, she can't believe she actually went ahead to kiss him and he kissed her back that he even held her waist deepening the kiss, Anna hid her face with her little hands smiling widely. sitting upright she wondered where he was? she quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up and went back to the room, she saw her clothes perfectly folded on the couch but she didn't want to change into them, she still want to spend more time in his shirt that smelt really like him. After a short while Skylar came into the room and saw her sitting on the bed innocently," good morning." Anna smiled sweetly," morning." Skylar simply said in his serious tone," your clothes are clean you can change into them and hand my shirt over." he added, Anna stood up and tiptoed to him," can I have breakfast first I'm starving." she said sweetly and Sky could only sigh," fine." Anna clapped her hands together turning around to walk away and accidentally missed her step falling over, Sky caught her creasing his brows," do you always have to be this clumsy?." he asked but she heard nothing of it cause her attention was on his lips, he followed her sight of line before he too stared at her pink plumped little lips, last night they kissed it almost led to a disaster and he won't make that mistake again," Xander has already prepared breakfast for you so come down." he said before walking out, Anna smiled slightly following him behind," looks like somebody had a great night." Xander gave a naughty grin," we had a fantastic night." Anna smiled taking a seat and Sky just rolled his eyes," eat before the food gets cold." he simply said and Anna nodded taking a bite out of the pancake with honey," Hmm this is so yummy you're the best cook Xander I credit you for that." Anna kissed the tips of her fingers and releasing the invisible kiss at Xander which he simply caught with a smile," thank you." he said smiling, Anna was happily enjoying her breakfast when she suddenly stopped seeing Zach descending the stairs, she hesitantly stood up rushing to Xander and hid behind him like a little kitten, Sky just kept a straight poker face on while Xander had a brow raised. Zach glanced at the little woman hiding behind Xander before staring back at Skylar," Elriel request for your presence." he simply said," why can't you go instead?." Skylar calmly spoke," because she speaks and listens to no one but you." Zach said before walking out," I can go," Xander volunteered," I mean I can try to speak to her." he added, Sky didn't say a word which he took as a positive response," see you around beautiful." Xander said before walking out leaving only the two of them In the house," if you're done eating can you change so we can leave." Skylar spoke and Anna nodded going upstairs without arguing, after changing into her clothes he dropped her off at her apartment," would you like to come in for coffee?." Anna offered and Skylar could only look at her lazily," I have a lot of things to do." he simply said," only for five minutes, please." Anna said in a flat tone which made him sigh helplessly," look here, I'm running late but I promise to come in for coffee next time." he told her, no..he in fact promised her, something he doesn't usually do that he too was surprised after spouting it out, Anna nodded and she watched him walk away majestically into his car and drove off



Xander knocked on the door before going inside and saw Elriel sitting near the window staring outside," hey ." Xander greeted, Elriel looked back and saw a different man who's not Sky," who are you and what are you doing here?." she firmly said," I'm Xander, Skylar's friend remember me in the cell." Xander said," yes, but I only wish to see Skylar and no one else." Elriel said," am aware but he had an urgent matter to take care of so I came in his place, I hope you don't mind?." Elriel didn't say a word she went and sat down on the sofa near the window, Xander also sat down to the opposite," she's alive isn't she?," Elriel spoke still looking out the window," I'm able to sense her energy, I feel her close." she added staring back at Xander," why hasn't she come back home yet?." Elriel creased her brows confusingly waiting for him to say something, Xander sighed ruffling his hair," she goes by the name Leah now, and not Luna." he simply told her," meaning?." Elriel creased her brows even more," she's not the old Luna you used to know, when she reincarnated back she lost all her powers and past memories, in short she's fully human and she doesn't possess those gifts anymore, Leah is completely human now." Xander explained," how can this be? she can't lose her abilities it's part of us that's what makes us different from the rest, Luna and I are connected and I can feel her energy surging inside me." Elriel said," you don't have to worry about Leah, she's in safe hands." he assured her," is, is she still with him?." Elriel said in a flat tone," Lucian has always protected her she's in safe hands."

" if she was really in safe hands she wouldn't have died in the first place would she?." Elriel said with grit teeth which made Xander sigh softly," you know what happened thousands years ago wasn't his fault." he simply said, Elriel turned to look at him with her foggy eyes and said," my people has a different perspective." Xander nodded knowingly standing up," I will be on my way now, take care of yourself." he told her," Leah, can you bring her next time you visit, I would like to see her please." Elriel said," Lucian will bring her to you when she's ready." Xander said before walking out and left.


Leah was having a peaceful relaxation in the living room snacking while watching her favorite TV series, it was a Saturday and she was taking this advantage to do nothing but relax, a tall woman walked into the living room and Leah thought she has seen her somewhere before, right the first day she slept in Lucian's hotel room, the red haired woman. Louise stared at Leah with a boredom and calm face before Mr Williams approached her," Master will see you in his study Ms Louise." Louise simply turned her high leather boots going upstairs," PSS, Mr Williams." Leah called out to him like a sneaky cat," yes Ma'am." he approached her," that sexy woman, who is she to Lucian?." Leah asked," Ms Louise works for Master."

" Oh, and what type of work is that?." Leah asked," that I do not know Ma'am." he answered," alright thanks." he simply bowed and left, Leah didn't know why but she was relieved to know there was nothing going on between them and she continued with her show. Louise walked into the study and went to take a sit on the leather couch opposite," mind explaining to me what she's doing here?." she spoke in a calm yet serious tone," are you jealous? don't make me think you've started falling for me." Lucian raised a brow at her, Louise scoffed softly," don't get high of yourself, I'm not interested in men." she said," thank for that cause you would have fallen deep." he gave a slight smirk which made her roll her eyes," any updates on the Ravens?." Lucian spoke in a serious tone," they're aware she's alive and they also know you have her, but it doesn't mean they will sit around doing nothing, she needs to remember Lucian and talk to them or it will get bloody, and I won't hesitate to feed." Louise simply said," she needs time." Lucian said," time is something we don't have remember that." Louise said getting up and left the study, Lucian sighed leaning back in his chair closing his eyes.

Leah and Lucian didn't see each other the entire day today that's because he was busy with work in the study and she didn't want to disturb him so she stayed away in her room also going through work, it was already dark out when a knock echoed inside her room, she went to open the door revealing Mr Williams," good evening Ms, Master asked me to give this to you, he's waiting downstairs, excuse me." he gave her a long black flat box before leaving, Leah closed the door walking to the bed, she opened the box revealing a strap long black sparkly dress with a long slit in front of her left thigh with black heels, Leah smiled going to the bathroom to freshen up, after taking a quick shower she got ready by getting into the dress and the shoes, let her blonde hair loose and went downstairs where she met Lucian dressed in his casual clothes looking so damn hot, Lucian gazed at her from head to toe, her body and shape driving him insane, her white smooth skin alluring, she was a goddess he would lay down his life for, Leah blushed by his intense stare, he stretched out his hand to her and she took it as he drew her into his arms," you look beautiful." he smiled," thank you, and you look handsome as always." Leah smiled, Lucian led her to the car and drove off," where are we going?." Leah asked excitedly," it's a surprise." he simply told her kissing the back of her hand while his eyes stayed glued on the road, soon they arrived at a fancy restaurant, Lucian simply got out of the car opening the car door for Leah and took her hand leading her inside, it was dark inside only lightened by small candles around and the path to their table, the sound of violins began to play a soft romantic harmony which Leah found warming to the ears, Lucian pulled out a chair for her and she sat down while he sat on the opposite side," you did all this?." Leah asked with a smile," do you find it to your liking?." Lucian asked," it's beautiful." she said," I didn't know you were the romantic type." Leah teased," I'm not, thought of putting a smile on your face ." Lucian smirked opening a bottle of champagne pouring in the two glasses," well I will toast to that." Leah said lifting her glass colliding their glasses together taking a sip, he took her hand and unexpectedly put a diamond ring on her third finger which shock Leah with her eyes wide open staring at the ring on her finger," will you do me the honor of becoming my wife Leah Ansh? will you marry me?." Lucian spoke in a calm yet serious tone, Leah looked into his eyes, she could see the seriousness in them, that it wasn't a joke or prank or pulling her leg, but it was damn serious, he was serious about her wanting to marry him, she didn't know what to say or feel about this sudden question, for the first time ever she was stuck, not knowing what to do at that moment, different emotions were building up inside of her, anxiety, confusion, happiness, butterflies, nervousness and tears threatening to burst out like waterfall, Lucian furrowed his brows slightly waiting for her response but it never came instead she asked something he wasn't expecting," why me? why do you choose me to wed? Lucian stared at her through his thick dark lashes, most women would jump up and down with excitement seeing a ring and instantly agree, but she instead began asking him questions," what an interesting kitty cat she was." he thought to himself," you've known me for only a few weeks now, are you only trying to marry me because my family thinks I should get married?." Leah stared into his dark eyes," not because of your family, but because I want to, don't you think it's time we get married?." Lucian simply said, Leah blinked at his last statement," what does he mean it's about time they get married as if they've been together for that long?." Leah said to herself," I...I will need to think about it, but I'm keeping the ring." Leah said, Lucian chuckled in agreement. it was 11pm when they decided to drive back home," this ring must have cost you." Leah said staring at the diamond on her finger," you deserve all the diamonds in the world kitty cat." Lucian said," why do you call that?." Leah asked curiously, he called her that when she approached him in the bar and he's been calling her by that name ever since, it's rare for him calling her by her actual name," because you're stubborn as kitten, brave, cute and determined." Lucian gave a slight smile," I see." Leah giggles. the next thing she heard was a loud bang hitting the car and her being in Lucian's arms, her face hitting his hard chest as if he was protecting her from something, Lucian saw a target missile heading their way, he reacted quick to pull Leah in his arms switching seats giving the target his back while he held the little woman tightly in his arms, covering her head with his hands as if that would be enough to protect her from hurting herself, everything was in slow motion coming to a stand still, the car went flying over into the woods catching fire, Lucian was so damn worried when he couldn't feel any movements from her," Lu... Lucian." he heard her tiny voice call out his name and he slowly loosened his arms around her, Leah looked up at him to meet his gaze and was horrified to see the sight of him, he was covered in blood half of his face and neck, Leah's eyes widened with tears and horror seeing him in such a state, her eyes felt heavy and could no longer keep them open," shit, don't fall asleep Leah." Lucian cursed, the car was badly damaged and the doors were stuck to open, but Lucian managed to kick it open one time with his Vampire strength getting them both out of the burning car," open your eyes Lea." Lucian spoke, they were in the middle of nowhere, even though he was super fast to reach the hospital it might be too late for her," fuck think Lucian." he cursed himself, two women dressed in black cloaks appeared in front of them," can you help her?." he coldly asked the two women," I can only breath life into her for a few hours but I can't stop her from dying, her chance of survival will be her decision." one of the women spoke placing two fingers on her lips and murmurs some words, she then placed the two fingers on Leah's chest," don't let her leave us again, save her." the woman said to Lucian before they disappeared, Lucian leaped away and arrived the hospital in matter of seconds, Leah was taken into the operation theater at once," Sir you're bleeding let us clean and cover your wounds." a nurse said," it's not me you should be worried about but her, focus on saving her."

" our doctors will do their best but now-

" their best is not enough woman, save my little kitty cat or else." Lucian said before walking away, he called Skylar on the hospital phone and told him to come to city hospital with Xander, a few minutes later Sky and Xander arrived at the hospital and their eyes widened seeing Lucian in such a state," what happened?." Skylar asked in a calm voice," Leah is inside there being operated on, stay here and look after her till I come back." Lucian instructed and they nodded, he left the hospital taking Sky's car driving back home to clean up, he went upstairs taking off the bloody clothes and hit the cold shower, the water swept off the blood on his body, he went back to the room wrapped in a small towel around his waist line, the wounds on his head, back and chest were slowly closing and healing, he poured some whiskey in a glass gulping it all down, his face was dark with danger and lust for blood to whoever pulled such a stunt to even try to hurt his little kitty cat, his eyes turned red, his sharp fangs elongating, his sharp claws scratching the wooden table with anger, but he wasn't going to attack now, not when his little kitty cat is fighting for her dear life, he won't let his demon inside consume him, at least not now, he will wait till she wakes up and feels better, then he'll hunt for his prey. Lucian got dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and a black t-shirt with sneakers before going back to the hospital," any updates?." Lucian spoke approaching Skylar and Xander in the hallway," the surgery was a success, she's been transferred in the recovery room." Sky calmly said, Lucian went to Leah's room and saw her lying there motionlessly, her head was bandaged up and she had small visible bruises on her face and arms, even though in her current condition she still looked beautiful and peaceful which put Lucian at ease, he approached her bedside and sat on the chair beside her holding her little hand," remember you still have to give me an answer kitty cat, so recover quickly and start planning your dream wedding." he said kissing her hand, Lucian didn't leave Leah's side the entire night and the next, he had informed her family and they were devastated to see her in such a condition, Anna also visited her best friend and stayed with her till sun down. Leah stayed in the hospital for three days and she still had not open her eyes, Lucian stayed by her side every single night while her family and Anna would visit day time. the next day Leah could hear voices speaking but couldn't open her eyes, it was an unfamiliar voice but felt very connected with," sister, sister! Sister! Luna wake up! Leah's eyes snapped open as if waking from a nightmare, she scanned her surrounding and by the smell of it she knew she was in the hospital, the door opened and she tilted her head slightly to see who it was, Lucian gave a slight smile seeing her wake up," you're awake." he said approaching her bedside," my head hurts." Leah said, Lucian opened up a bottle of pill and poured a glass of water, Leah swallowed the pill followed with the water," thank you," she smiled," what happened?." she asked not remembering what quite happened that night," we collided with a truck cause the damn driver was drunk." Lucian lied to so not stress her," are you okay, I saw you were deeply hurt and bleeding endlessly, it was horrifying to see?." Leah said In a flat tone," I'm alright, just focus on recovering okay."

" I was afraid Lucian, afraid of dying, I tasted Death, the thought of not seeing your face again as the darkness swept over me, I was afraid of losing you Lucian." Leah teared up, her voice cracking, Lucian wipes the tears off her face kissing her forehead," I won't let you leave me that easily kitty cat, now get some rest and I will have someone bring you something to eat." he told her about to leave but she held his wrist stopping him," don't leave me alone, stay with me." she whispered creating space on the bed, Lucian laid next to her on the bed while she rested her head on his chest, her favorite spot. at sun down her family visited her and she was happy to see them," oh my sweet child." her mother kissed her forehead with a smile," I'm happy to see you mom, granny and grandpa." Leah smiled leaving out Cassandra and her daughter, in fact she pretend as though they weren't even there," I'm glad you're quickly recovering, Lucian here didn't once want to leave your side." Mr Greg said which made Leah smile," what can I say, I'm one lucky girl." Leah giggles," is that what I think it is." Mary spotted something shiny on Leah's finger, Leah completely forgot about the ring on her finger, Mary took Leah's hand smiling at her daughter," is this an engagement ring?."

" well, Lucian asked me to marry him." Leah said," and did you say yes?." her grandma asked," am saying yes now," Leah said staring at Lucian who stood further away in a corner, he smiled hearing her agree to marry him," oh wow, congratulations you two." Mary smiled," I'm happy to see one of my granddaughters finally settling down." Mr Greg said, Nia rolled her eyes staring elsewhere but them," tell me I'm going to be your maid of honor." Anna said on the door way with a wide smile approaching her bedside, Lucian left the room giving them some family time, Sky and Xander were seated lazily on the couch outside," so you're getting married huh." Sky calmly said," it's about time he settle down anyways." Xander added looking the other way, Zach was approaching the guys with a straight poker face on and stood in front of Lucian," and how is she?." he calmly asked about Leah's condition," she's much better." Lucian simply replied," so who's going to be your best man between the three of us Lucian?." Xander asked with lit up eyes," best man?." Zach furrowed his brows at Xander," Lucian proposed to Leah, they will be getting married, back to you Lucian...who will be your best man on your wedding day?." Xander patiently waited for his response, knowing perfectly well that he would choose him cause he was the cheerful one of all of them, Lucian simply shrugged and said," Non of you." he calmly said and walked away from them, Xanders smile broke down," I can never understand that guy." he said while Sky and Zach kept shut.

Leah insisted to go back home after her family left, she no longer wanted to spend another minute in the hospital, Lucian agreed to take her back home with him," well I should also head back to my apartment and freshen up." Anna said to no in particular, Skylar and Xander stood beside her staring at the retreating couple," I can drop you off if you want." Xander said with a smile glancing at Skylar," well I don't want to be a bother." Anna said," you can never be a bother beautiful, let's go." Xander said and began walking away when Skylar's sudden words stopped him from proceeding," I will take her." both Xander and Anna stared at him surprisingly, clearly no one was expecting him to offer a ride, Xander furrowed his brows slightly," no way I offered first." he complained, Skylar stared at him with a boredom expression," fine, you can drop her off on one condition." Xander gave a mischievous grin, Sky raised his brow slightly," you gonna have to pay me $50." Skylar creased his brows," $10." he said," $20." Xander said," 10$." Sky narrowed his sharp eyes at him, Xander sighed stretching his hand waiting to get paid, Sky brought out his wallet taking out $10 giving it to him," thank you very much." he smiled simply walking away, Anna was astonished to what just happened, did Xander just make a $10 off of her? she said to herself," let's go." Skylar calmly said as if nothing happened just now," do I look that cheap to you paying me off at $10?." Anna frowned," a $10 is all I had, I forgot my card at home." he simply said, Anna's face went back to it's normal cheerful self," so you mean to tell me if you had your card with you I would be worth more?." Skylar raised a brow, he couldn't believe she was actually happy knowing she was worth more, this girl is really weird. he thought to himself, he could only nod in agreement and she smiled widely walking besides him, he dropped her off at her apartment and Anna invited him in," would you like to come in?." Skylar didn't refuse or make up an excuse not to go inside, he simply went inside which made Anna smile," may I offer you anything?." she asked going into the kitchen," Wine." he simply said and she grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, her apartment wasn't that big but was really fancy and warm, Anna handed Sky a glass as she sat down next to him, there was silence between them which was awkward and suffocating to bare," so you stay here on your own?." Skylar decided to break the awkward silence between them," yeah, definitely." Anna nodded her head staring at his beautiful face and smooth white skin, her eyes trailing to his slightly red thin lips, Sky turned to look at her and caught her staring at him, Anna jolted accidentally spilling the red wine on her shirt when she was caught red handed," shit I'm so sorry," she apologized getting up," I'm so clumsy, I will clean up real quick please excuse me." she stood up going to the bathroom to take a shower, she stripped off her dirty clothes hitting the shower letting the warm water splash over her naked tender body. she turned off the shower turning around to step out of the shower when her foot hit something hard, the edge of the tub," Ahh, it hurts." Anna crutched to the floor holding her now swollen toe. Sky was looking at her pictures on the walls when he heard a scream, he quickly ran over barging into the bathroom crutching onto the floor," are you okay?." he simply asked and Anna shook her head," I can't get up." she said, Sky was about to help her up but paused realizing she was completely naked, her flawless white skin was just perfect, Anna felt her cheeks burn up with embarrassment noticing his intense stare over her naked body, Sky grabbed the towel wrapping it around her and help her up to her bedroom," is that you're always this clumsy or you only get this when I'm around?." Sky asked curiously, he wanted to know how someone can be this clumsy naturally," mostly when you're around, I guess you're bad luck for me." Anna said rolling her eyes, indeed she always gets clumsy when he's near that wasn't a lie, which also made her wonder why? Sky scoffed softly," then I will stay far as possible from you." he said turning to leave, Anna anxiously stood up forgetting about her twisted ankle and slipped once more falling into Skylar's arms," If you keep this on I'll start to think you're actually starting to fall for me Ms Clumsy." Sky raised his brows," definitely...not." Anna said staring into his light brown eyes, Sky's grip around her waist tightened staring at each other's lips, he could hear her pounding heartbeat inside her chest, Anna slowly leaned in to kiss his soft lips, Sky didn't step back or stop her, his hold around her waist tighten holding her closer deepening the kiss, Anna wrapped her arms around his neck letting the heat inside her consume her with desire, Sky pinned her down on the bed, his lips moving to her neck to kiss and tease her a little, Anna bit her lower lip stopping a moan from escaping, he let his free hand to trail down caressing her thigh while kissing and teasingly biting her collarbone," Ah! Anna moaned running her fingers through his smooth soft brown hair, her body was arching for more, more pleasure, more heat, she hasn't felt this way for a really long time, in fact this was more intense, more thrilling and exciting that it drove her mad. Sky unwrapped the towel around her body exposing her beautiful white skin, her round milky breast and perfectly curved body made the now awaken monster inside him grin at her exposure, he captured her lips, his hand moving to her clit teasing and slowly injecting a finger inside her kitty," Ahh! Anna gave out a loud moan as he did his sinful act on her," faster," Anna moaned moving her waist and Skylar increased his pace," mmm faster..." she urged and he decided to use two fingers thrusting in and out," Ahhh! yeah." Anna moaned kissing him hungrily, she was at the highest to touch the stars, she was near to burst and Sky could feel it," almost there." Anna whispered biting her lip. she gasp lying on the bed breathlessly and tiredly staring into his eyes with admiration, she smiled kissing him passionately," I want you." she said onto his lips, Sky kissed her pinning her back down on the bed," I'm not gentle, I will consume you and leave you breathless." he warned," what if that's what I want," Anna gave a slight smile," besides I'm not a virgin so I can take it." she added, Sky paused for a while staring into her beautiful eyes, he kissed her lips for a short while before getting up," what's wrong?." Anna asked sitting up," nothing I just remembered I have an urgent matter to attend to." Sky calmly said with his serious voice and unreadable face," right now?." Anna furrowed her brows," yes." he arranged his shirt nicely before going out of her apartment, Anna bit her lip painfully falling on her back helplessly

Sky pinched the skin between his brows as he drove back to the house," how did it go?." Xander spoke when he saw him enter the house, Sky said nothing and proceeded upstairs to his room," and some times I wonder how I became friends with these guys." Xander said to himself with a sigh

Lucian was in his study when a knock echoed inside and opened," Master, you have a guest." Mr Williams informed stepping aside revealing two gorgeous women dressed in tight long sexy dresses, they were from the Ravens clan, the one dressed in a black dress with dark long smooth hair was Hazel, the leader of the Ravens clan who's also Leah's mother, the woman standing next to her dressed in silver dress with brown hair was Elena, Leah's elder sister. Hazel and Elena went inside and Mr Williams slightly bowed closing the door behind him," good afternoon to you Lucian." Hazel simply greeted," I could have least gotten a message of your sudden visit Hazel, I don't like surprises." Lucian calmly said," if you agreed to see me sooner I wouldn't have barged in unknowingly, you left me no choice," Hazel gave a slight smile," the people who wanted to kill you, or should I say who wanted to kill my daughter are your kind, the rogue vampires, I thought you would take care of them by now but clearly you don't seem bothered." she added," I already know there hideout, but I can't leave my little kitty cat alone for a second till she fully recovers." Lucian simply said," and what if they escape?." Hazel said," they wouldn't get far even if they tried." he said followed by silence," and my Elriel, I want her back home surrounded by her family not by bloody thirsty vampires."

" she's safe that I assure you, now if you may be on your way I wouldn't want my little kitty cat setting eyes on you and have a lot of questions." Lucian said," will be seeing each other soon, good day." Hazel said getting up and walked out with Elena," Mother." Hazel came to a stand still when she heard a soft familiar voice, she would recognize that voice from a mile away wherever in the world, it's been decades since she heard her call her mother and this made her tear up, she tilted her head to the side where she heard Leah's voice and saw her standing in one of bed rooms," mother I said I'm alright do you always have to treat me like a kid?." Leah said on a call, she was on a call with Mary who sounded really worried," Lucian Is here and he's talking good care of me don't you worry, tell grandpa and grandma that I love them and not to worry, bye." Leah hang up the phone with a sigh," we should leave mother." Elena said," she's beautiful." Hazel whispered staring at Leah," yes." Elena agreed, Hazel wiped her eyes going downstairs and they left. the sun was setting and Anna decided to pay Leah a visit," wow this place is huge and beautiful, I feel like a queen." Anna said spinning in circles," you act as if you're not from a rich wealthy family." Leah shrugged," this house is bigger than my father's house, it surpasses everything." Anna giggles," can you pause your admiration for a while and update me on Sky when you two left the club." Leah said excitedly, they went and sat in the living room on the couch," well he took me back to his house and took care of me when I was terribly drunk and couldn't stand on my two feet, he bathed me -

" he bathed you! Leah widened her eyes," well we were in the shower together to support me but I didn't strip off my underwear cause he didn't let me, but I went ahead and kissed him he just couldn't resist me and kissed me back, it was magical before it cut short cause he pulled away quickly." Anna puffed her cheeks," awwr." Leah blinked her eyes," and today in the day he offered to drive me home and we shared a kiss again, a passionate one this time around and more." Anna continued," did you guys have sex?." Leah leaned in as she whispered," unfortunately not, he just pleasured me the other way around," Leah's cheeks flushed red understanding what she meant cause Lucian loves doing that to her before they make love," damn it I wanted him so badly Leah but he suddenly stopped when I mentioned to him that I want him and I wasn't a virgin, do you think that's why he left me hanging? that he couldn't sleep with a non virgin?." Anna creased her brows," he would be a total jerk if that was to be his reason for leaving." Leah said," totally, and I don't want such a guy, but damn he's so freaking sexy." Anna rolls her eyes," I totally agree, he's damn hot." Leah agreed," and who's my little kitty cat referring to?." Lucian stood a few inches away with Sky and Xander," no...no one." Leah rushed to say," are you admiring somebody else other than me?." he raised a brow with a smirk," of course not, Anna and I were just talking about Uhm -

" about an upcoming movie we so badly wanna see, the male lead is just hot and Leah was agreeing with me." Anna said and Leah nodded her head," I see." Lucian said approaching her and sat on the arm of the couch," how are you doing beautiful, I missed you." Xander smiled at Anna," I'm alright thank you, I missed your sense of humor am not gonna lie." Anna smiled before staring back at Sky who was looking else where but her, Xander opened up a bottle of champagne pouring in five glasses handing each one of them, Anna stood up approaching Skylar," can we talk."

" talk about what exactly?." Sky coldly said," not here, somewhere private." Anna said," we have nothing to talk about Ms Young, if it's urgent you can say it right here." he simply said with a serious expression, Anna felt like kicking his balls but held back the urge to do so, she simply walked out going upstairs to the balcony in anger and range," Anna, are you okay?." Xander looked at her worriedly, Anna threw herself in his arms bursting into tears, Xander stroked her back slightly," it's okay I'm here for you." he assured her, that was the scene Sky witnessed when he stepped on the balcony floor, he furrowed his brows," Xander." Sky called out not in a flat voice but clear to hear, Anna pulled back staring through the dark space, Xander simply gave Anna a reassuring nod before walking out giving them privacy, Sky walked to the rail standing next to her, he had his hands in his pockets staring through the dark space, silence enveloped the air," I'm sorry," Sky broke the silence, Anna didn't even throw a glance at him she pretended to hear nothing," you're different from me Anna, that's what scares me." he added, Anna turned to look at him, he actually said her name for the first time and it felt good and different when he says it, what caught her ears mostly was the last words he spoke which made her heart skip a beat," wha... what do you mean?." Anna creased her brows," I'm not a gentle man, I'm not kind, cheerful or loving, I'm cold, heartless and I'm afraid to hurt you, that's why I'm keeping my distance from you, I can't control myself when you're close to me." he said, Anna widened her eyes at his words, she still couldn't understand what he was saying," Sky." Anna stretched her arm to touch him but he took a step back," try to understand Anna, I don't want you close, I want you to stay away from me for your own safety." he told her before walking away, Anna felt weak in the knees and let herself fall on the marble floor. Sky sighed leaning on the wall as his hands formed into tight balls, seeing her sitting on the cold floor helplessly. when he left her apartment earlier he didn't leave because she told him she wasn't a virgin, but because he suddenly felt the urge to bite her, the monster inside him awaken from it's slumber after a long time and he wasn't going to risk killing her just to satisfy his thirst, he simply sighed going back downstairs. everyone returned to their homes and Lucian took his darling soon to be wife upstairs to their room, Lucian was simply arranging the bed when Leah spoke across the room," does Sky have a girlfriend?." Lucian suddenly paused tilting his head," and why is my beautiful lady asking about another man's status?." he raised his brow," because the way he treats Anna isn't right, I don't understand." Leah simply said innocently," we shouldn't middle in their issues." Lucian simply said," but Anna is my best friend and when someone is hurting her feelings of course I need to do something." Leah said, Lucian sighed approaching the little woman sitting on the couch," Sky is complicated and has a lot going on, your friend just need to understand him a bit, that's if she really cares for him." Lucian said gathering her in his arms and laid her down on the bed," time for sleep now." Lucian added lying next to her," I'm not sleepy, let's talk about our wedding instead." she pouted," and what's your dream wedding?." Lucian asked stroking her hair as she laid on his chest," have always wanted a fairytale wedding, simple yet beautiful, not a lot of people, wearing that victorian dress with a corset top inside holding my waist firmly, I want to be the most beautiful bride." Leah said looking up at Lucian with a smile," I think your waist is beautiful with or without a corset." he placed a kiss on her lip," can I get this bandage off around my head, I don't look good." Leah whined," we can get it off tomorrow at the hospital and do some check ups ok." he told her and she nodded snuggling onto him like a little kid closing her eyes, Lucian gave a dry chuckle switching off the nightlight and went to sleep.

The next morning, Leah rubbed her eyes slightly sitting up, Lucian was not lying next to her and figured he must be in his study or downstairs, she got up heading to the bathroom to freshen up, after getting ready and wore her oversized black hoodie and blue shorts she went downstairs," good morning Ms." Mr Williams and the others greeted," morning, where's Lucian?." Leah asked," Master went out an hour ago Ms." Mr Williams informed," Leah just nodded asking no further questions cause she knew perfectly well Lucian doesn't like informing of his whereabouts, she went to the dining to have breakfast which was warm and tasty, the door bell rang and Mr Williams went to open the door," hellooo and where's the beautiful bride?." Leah heard a sharp male's voice, two men walked in with wide smiles on their faces, they acted like girls and by their dress code you could tell they were designers slash gay," you must be the gorgeous bride to be." one of them smiled approaching her," hi, I'm Leah." she introduced," I'm Banny and this is my assistant Miguel, he sketches your dream dress and design while I bring it to reality girlfriend." Banny said," did Lucian hire you?." Leah asked," oh that sexy dashing handsome man yes of course, you're so lucky girlfriend, if I were you I wouldn't let him out of my sight." he fluttered his lashes cutely which made Leah chuckle," you're funny."

" fun is my little name, enough chitchat and lets put that dream dress into work shall we." he said and they went to the living room, Leah described her dream dress, not just one but three dresses, her engagement dress, her church dress and last but not least her wedding dress, Miguel sketched them down and Banny took her body measurements later on," perfect, honestly I can't wait to make them and seeing you wear each one, I will deliver them to you as soon as they're ready, take care gorgeous." he hugged her before leaving. later in the day Lucian returned home to pick his little woman for her check up and get the bandage off around her head, after doing the necessary checks they went back home," where did you go early in the morning?." Leah asked when they settled in the living room," I had an urgent matter I needed to take care of at L.Z.S.X." Lucian simply said," will your family attend our wedding?." Leah asked staring into his dark shiny eyes," we will still get married with or without them here kitty cat." he gave a slight smile placing a kiss on her forehead but that wasn't enough for Leah, but again she didn't want to ask further questions

Days went by and Leah was happy to celebrate these three special days, it was her Engagement party and it was held in their backyard, everything was decorated beautifully, the backyard was huge and could occupy many people but since Leah had no other friends apart from Anna or Lucian having no other friends apart from Zach, Skylar and Xander, many people came from Leah's side, mostly friends and relatives to her family and Anna's sister, Leah wore a single strap silver mermaid dress and gray high heels, her long blonde hair tied into a bun with simple make-up on, she looked beautiful and Lucian couldn't get his intense eyes off of her as he stared at her from a distance, he wore a black suit with a pure white shirt inside with black leather shoes, same goes for the other three guys, Anna wore a luxurious sexy red dress that reached her thighs, with black heels, her long dark chocolate brown hair was tied into a ponytail, her lips red matching her dress, she looked damn hot that both Xander and Sky kept staring at her, on the other hand both April and Zach had only one question in mind," so both of them actually knows the bride and groom." Zach was surprised to see April at the party but he didn't show it of course, he kept that serious porker face on, Leah introduced April to the guys being Anna's elder sister and as always Xander was the most cheerful one to greet her, Zach stared at her outfit, she wore a fitting beautiful outfit that covered most of her body, long yellow office pants, a white top and a yellow jacket with white heels, her dark hair tied into a back ponytail, no doubt she looked beautiful in whatever she wore," well hello, Leah aren't you going to introduce me to the rest of your friends? Nia gave a cocky smile insinuating to the guys," no worries I'll do it myself, hi I'm Nia Ansh, Leah's half sister." Nia stretches out her hand but no one took it, Anna gave out a dry chuckle of course both Leah and April wanted to burst with laughter but held back, Xander felt bad for the young lady and took her hand in his," nice to meet you Nia, I'm Xander, this is Sky and Zach, you already know your future brother in-law." Xander smiled," nice to meet you." Nia smiled, Lucian took Leah away to a table for some alone time, Zach and Skylar also walked away," let's go Xander." Sky simply said going to grab a drink," I will see you later Anna and her beautiful sister." he winked walking away, Nia was so damn furious glaring at both Anna and April before turning her heels and walked away, both Anna and April stared at each other," spill." they both said," spill what?." they both said again, Anna lifted her one finger in the air wanting to start first," what's going on between you and Zach?."

" what do you mean?." April said," acting dumb doesn't suit you, I saw how he looked at you and how you looked at him like you knew each other." Anna folded her arms over her chest," of course we know each other he bought the house from our company and I was the one who attended to him, we're bound to stare at each other." April simply said," right, let's say that was the reason." Anna said before walking away. A tall slender sexy woman walked into the garden catching everyone's attention, she has long dark smooth hair that was tied into a ponytail, her dark flawless smooth skin was beautiful, she wore black leather pants, a red top and a leather jacket on top with black leather boots, with red lipstick on. she looked damn hot and a badass," no fucking way." Xander said through his glass of wine staring at the woman, Sky followed his sight of line before a frown made it's way to his face," Lucian, congratulations to you..a simple gift for the two of you figuring I might not make it to your wedding." the woman said handing them a gift box," Uhm, thank you." Leah said staring at Lucian with a questioning gaze," who's that? is she one of your relatives?." Leah asked after the woman left them," no, she's Skylar's Ex girlfriend." Lucian simply said," Skylar's Ex.. girlfriend?." Leah repeated staring at the woman approaching the guys, she had to admit the woman was really pretty and intimidating," Zach, Xander..Kai." she smiled sweetly at them," Caroline." Zach nodded his head slightly while Xander just looked the other way, he was the one being cold now and both Zach and Skylar understood him, he began to dislike her after what she did to poor Skylar years ago, Sky was a mess when she broke up with him and left him, he was like a mad man who would destroy anything that got in his way, he loved Caroline but she chose to leave him and now she's back," Kai, a word." Carol turned to Sky, Kai was his middle name and that's how his family and people closest to him call him back home, Sky didn't say a word and kept sipping on his drink, Zach simply left the table followed by Xander who glared at her before walking away as well," Xander, who's that woman talking to Sky?." Anna asked," that's Caroline, Skylar's Ex girlfriend."

" Ex girlfriend?." Anna repeated staring at the woman sitting next to Sky," all of us are surprised to see her cause she left Skylar a long time ago, excuse me." he said excusing himself to leave, Anna couldn't stop staring at the two of them, she wondered what they were talking about," what if she wants him to take her back? would he actually take her back? she is his ex after all, they once shared a strong bond once upon a time, not to mention she's damn sexy what would stop him from getting back with her?." all these thoughts fought inside her head and it drove her crazy

" why are you here?." Sky simply asked, his voice was cold as his face when he spoke to her which sent shivers down her spine," I wanted to see you, and because I miss you." Sky scoffed glaring at her," you shouldn't have come here Caroline, you shouldn't be here and pretend everything is normal, you left me remember."

" I had no choice you know that."

" of course you had a choice everybody has a choice and you chose to walk away from what we had, you chose to leave me Carol." Sky furrowed his brows," Kai." she stretched her arm to touch him but his next words made her halt," leave, now..I don't ever want to see you Caroline." he told her getting up and walked away, Carol held back her tears, she gulped down the whiskey that was in the glass and left

night fell and everyone returned to their respectable homes in preparation for tomorrow's big day, the wedding day. Leah and Lucian went straight upstairs to get a good night sleep," I feel sorry for Anna." Leah said taking off her heels, Lucian stood behind her holding her arms," they will work it out." he simply told her, his lips caressing her neck," I want you." he whispered kissing her neck, Leah moaned closing her eyes, his hands trailed to her back unzipping her dress letting it slide down to the floor, Leah turned around to face him and he captured her lips kissing her passionately, she wrapped her arms around his neck, Lucian carried her to the bed touching her naked body, caressing and teasing it with his soft lips," Ahh." Leah moaned biting her lip, he took off his trouser making love to his darling little kitty cat leaving her breathless, he carried her to the bathroom to shower and went to sleep after.

Anna arrived at her apartment feeling all gloomy and depressed, she took off her heels going into the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of wine gulping it all down and poured another gulping it down, she stared at her phone, it was 8 O'clock and April was delaying with those snacks, they plan on watching a movie to help her clear her head and forget Sky, the doorbell rang and she went to open it," finally I -.

Anna paused when she saw Sky standing there with his hands in his pockets, he stared at her with his brown eyes intensely," Anna." he said her name in the most softest tone he could master, he stepped closer pulling her waist into his arms, his face buried between her neck and shoulder, Anna had her eyes wide open not knowing whether to hug him back, he looked like he was in a lot of pain, suffering in his loneliness and drowning in his sorrow, he needed someone he can express this Side of him and he chose her, Anna slowly hugged him back closing her eyes, they stayed like that for a long time before he slowly let go of her," come in." Anna invited him inside, they went and took a seat in the living room, they didn't speak to one another for a while and Anna took the initiative to kiss him, she's been dying to do this again, to taste his soft warm lips, to have him in her arms, she slowly pulled back staring into his eyes, Sky held her chin kissing her back more passionately," I missed you Sky, I want you." Anna whispered onto his lips, he pulled back caressing her cheek," I'm afraid I might hurt you."

" Sky please, I trust you I know you won't." Anna didn't know what he meant by ' he might hurt her' but she had a feeling he wouldn't hurt her, Sky captured her lips kissing her hungrily, he carried her to the bedroom pinning her down on the bed, he kissed her neck adding teasing bite over her neck and collarbone, she moaned arching her back for more, he ripped off her red dress exposing her flawless white skin kissing it, Anna unbuttoned his shirt while kissing his lips and threw it to the floor going for his pants, she took them off and he didn't waste time entering her and began banging her, the room was covered with her sweet crying moans, he flipped her over hitting from behind while kissing her, Anna cried out for more and he gave it to her. the only thing that was heard was their heavy breathing and heartbeats, they entangled in bed before going for another round, at least five rounds for that matter, Anna was left weak and her eyes couldn't stay open anymore and passed out, Sky carried her to the bathroom to clean them up and brought her back to the bedroom lying her down, he covered them both with the quilt going to sleep, Anna rested her head on his chest falling into a deep slumber.


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