
Boruto: Rise Of Senji With A Devil Fruit

Senji, a young man living an ordinary life, is tragically killed in a brutal attack by thugs while grocery shopping. However, as he takes his last breaths, he is suddenly granted a second chance at life and is reborn into the world of Boruto as a baby. Growing up in the Hidden Leaf Village, Senji discovers that he has a unique ability - the Tori Tori no Mi, a mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a phoenix. As he grows older, Senji becomes determined to become a ninja and use his powers to protect those he cares about. However, there is a catch. After being reborn, Senji has hardly any memories of his past life, and he struggles to come to terms with his new identity. With the help of his friends and mentors, Senji slowly begins to learn about the ninja world and his place in it. As he trains to become a ninja, Senji uncovers a sinister plot to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village, and he realizes that his unique powers may be the only thing that can save his home. Along the way, he must confront powerful enemies, make difficult decisions, and face the truth about his past. With his friends and allies by his side, Senji sets out to stop the villains and save the Hidden Leaf Village. Will he be able to overcome his own doubts and limitations and become the hero he was always meant to be? Only time will tell.

Yahiko_1 · Cómic
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5 Chs

Training (2)

As the pace of the wolves slowed, Senji knew he had to finish the fight. With only one wolf left, Senji's kunai was in no condition to fight.

He decided to gather all of his remaining chakra in his fist and launch himself towards the wolf.

With one powerful punch, he knocked the wolf unconscious and then proceeded to strike it until he was sure it was dead.

But little did Senji know, an even greater challenge was about to present itself.

The herds of wolves came again in greater numbers, more ferocious and organized than ever before.

Senji realized he was nearly out of chakra, but he couldn't give up.

He summoned the last of his energy and used his Lightning Blade technique once more, striking down two more wolves.

With one final burst of strength, he pushed away the wolves that had jumped towards him and sprinted away from them, weaving through the trees as he made his escape.

Breathless and exhausted, he finally collapsed on the ground, his body shaking with adrenaline and fatigue. He knew he had pushed himself to the limit, but he also knew that he had to keep training if he wanted to become a powerful ninja.


"Senji-sama, you have completed your system mission. Congratulations on completing your mission."

"System Extraction: from 5% to 15%."

"Congratulations, for unlocking Mere Phoenix (blue) flames."

"Show me the panel," mediated Senji silently in his heart, and a blue panel appeared in his mind.


"Host - Senji the Phoenix."

"Age - Unknown."


"Zoan Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan type, Model Phoenix."

"Mere Phoenix Flame."

"Enhanced physical abilities - strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, and durability."

"Regeneration and healing abilities due to the Phoenix Zoan fruit."

"Can transform parts of his body into flames and control them."

"Can fly using his Phoenix powers."


"Phoenix Form - A transformation that grants him enhanced physical abilities and regenerative powers."


"Phoenix Talons - A powerful strike using his talons in Phoenix form."

"Blue Flames - Senji can control blue flames and use them offensively."

"Flame Healing - Senji can use his flames to heal himself and others."

"Phoenix Firebird Star - A powerful attack where Senji can transform into a giant phoenix and charge at his opponent."

"Other Techniques:"

"Falcon Claw - A powerful strike using Senji's talons."

"Falcon Beak - A powerful strike using Senji's beak."

"Falcon Dive - Senji dives from the sky at incredible speeds, using his talons to strike his target."

"Falcon Vision - Senji uses his enhanced vision to spot even the tiniest of details, such as an enemy's weak spot."

"Falcon Ear - Senji uses his keen hearing to detect the slightest of sounds, such as an enemy's footsteps."

"Falcon Flight - Senji can fly at high speeds and with great agility, making him hard to hit in combat."


After resting for a while, he made his way back to the village. The sun was starting to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky.

As he walked, he reflected on his day's training and his encounter with the pack of wolves.

He knew that he had a lot to learn and a long way to go, but he was determined to become the best ninja he could be.

As he approached his house, he noticed that his mother was waiting for him outside, looking angry.

"Where have you been, Senji?" she demanded. "I told you not to go out!"

"I'm sorry, Mother," Senji replied. "I got caught up in some training and lost track of time."

His mother's expression softened a bit, but she still looked displeased.

"Well, your father and I have been worried sick. You need to be more responsible and considerate of our feelings."

Senji nodded, feeling guilty for making his mother worry. "I understand, Mother. I'll try to be more mindful of my actions in the future."

His mother sighed and walked back into the house. Senji followed her inside, feeling a mix of emotions.

He was happy to have proven himself as a ninja, but he also felt ashamed for causing his mother to worry.

After taking a much-needed shower and resting for a while, Senji joined his family for dinner. They chatted about their day, exchanging stories and laughter.

But even as they talked and laughed, Senji's mind was still focused on his training. He knew that he had to keep pushing himself if he wanted to become a great ninja.

After dinner, Senji retired to his room and pulled out his notebook. He flipped through the pages, reviewing the jutsus and techniques he had learned so far.

Senji was also excited to practice his new blue flames, which he obtained from the system of Tori Tori no Mi.

He had always been interested in exploring the limits of his abilities, and this new power only fueled his curiosity further.

He began by focusing on the basics, learning to control the blue flames and direct them with precision.

He studied each one carefully, trying to identify areas where he could improve. As he studied, he felt his mind start to drift, and he began to daydream about his future as a ninja.

He imagined himself leaping through the trees with ease, using his chakra to run faster and jump higher. He imagined himself fighting off enemies with swift, powerful strikes, using his jutsus to take them down one by one.

He smiled to himself, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that he still had a long way to go, but he was on the right path.

As he drifted off to sleep, his mind filled with dreams of his future as a powerful ninja.

He knew that he had a lot of work to do, but he was ready for the challenge.

Over the next few days, Senji worked hard to make amends with his mother.

He helped with the cooking and cleaning, and he made sure to check in with her regularly to make sure she was okay.

Slowly but surely, his mother's anger dissipated, and she began to see that Senji was making a genuine effort to be a responsible and caring son.

In the end, Senji learned an important lesson about the importance of responsibility and consideration.

He realized that being a ninja wasn't just about mastering jutsus and fighting, but also about being a good person and a valuable member of his community.

He promised himself that he would continue to work hard and be the best ninja he could be, both in and out of battle.

With that, he knew that he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Senji grew up, he continued to train hard every day, honing his skills and striving to become the best ninja possible.

Senji trained with other children his age, practicing their jutsus and sparring with each other. Senji quickly proved himself to be a natural leader, often taking charge of training exercises and helping his peers improve their techniques.

Senji's friend was clearly envious of his natural leadership abilities and wanted to prove that he was just as capable. So, he challenged Senji to a spar.

At first, Senji was hesitant to fight his friend. He didn't want to hurt him or damage their friendship. But his friend insisted, and Senji knew he couldn't back down.

The two boys faced each other, and the spar began. At first, it seemed like the two were evenly matched, but soon Senji's training and experience began to show.

He quickly gained the upper hand, blocking his friend's attacks and countering with lightning-fast strikes. Despite his friend's efforts to keep up, he couldn't match Senji's skills.

As the spar continued, Senji's friend grew frustrated and angry. He lashed out with reckless attacks, but Senji easily dodged them and countered with a powerful strike that knocked his friend to the ground.

Senji stood over his fallen friend, unsure of what to do. He didn't want to hurt him or cause any permanent damage, but he knew he couldn't hold back forever.

In the end, Senji's friend got up, defeated and humbled. He apologized for his behavior and acknowledged Senji's natural leadership abilities.

And they got to know each other very well, and his name seem to be Boruto Uzumaki.

From that day forward, he worked harder in training and looked up to Senji as a mentor and role model.

The spar taught Senji an important lesson about the responsibilities that came with being a leader. He knew that he had to be patient, understanding, and willing to help others improve.

He also realized that his natural abilities came with the obligation to assist others who struggled to keep up with him.

From that day forward, Senji redoubled his efforts in training, not only for his own sake, but also for the sake of his friends and teammates.

He knew that his leadership abilities would be put to the test again and again, and he was determined to be ready for whatever came his way.