
Born in apocalypse

[Alternate Title: Born In Apocalypse With True Fusion] [Alternate Title: Endless Evolution In The Apocalypse] ********** The life where Dhruv had it all – a caring family, loyal friends, and a fulfilling job. Suddenly his life took an unexpected turn for the worse, and he lost everything in his life. His family was raped and then murdered, his friends left him, and he found himself in prison for crimes he wouldn’t have even dreamed of committing. He was falsely accused of stealing from his company and then in the heat of the moment killed all his family members. He couldn’t even die in peace and was constantly getting bullied and tortured… But like everything else even his situation evolved as the ‘COSMIC EVOLUTION’ arrived on his solar system. With COSMIC EVOLUTION comes the power to evolve any and everything. Swords and Magic lays in everyone's hands as they try to clear the quest. But in this contest not everyone was equal... In this new era of evolution, Dhruv became the Chosen One. With his immense magical power, he began his journey to conquer everything there is to conquer… Ahhh! And Yes, how can he forget about getting revenge…. ********** The novel is filled with evolution, and fusion while its worlds are filled with monsters, quests dungeons, and whatnot. Whatever you need to satisfy your addiction is all here.. so be sure to enjoy it. If you are still reading then be sure to check out... the first few chapters might appear as rough but I guarantee you it will only get better and better.

COSMIC04 · Fantasía
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376 Chs

Skill upgrading 


Name: Dhruv

Class: Magic Warrior

Level: 03/10

Title: First blood

Magic Affinity: Metal (S), Illusion (D)

Stats: Strength Lv. 65(71), Stamina Lv. 40(44), Agility Lv. 40(44), Magic Power Lv. 82(90),


Upon accessing his status, Dhruv's attention was immediately drawn to his impressive stats. Among these, his magic power stat stood out as particularly remarkable.

'Ahhh, what a satisfying number! It's at 90 now, just ten more points before I reach the first three-digit stat,' Dhruv mused to himself, appreciating his progress. As he reviewed his stats, he also became aware of the level increase that had happened due to his and the trio's collective effort.

At level three, Dhruv's progress might not seem extensive compared to the number of monsters that have been killed for this minor upgrade. But what can he expect? They were all just Tier 1 monsters. He would rather fight Tier 1 monsters to level up than deal with a hoard of Tier 2 or higher-level monsters.

It's not that he's afraid of Tier 2 monsters; he's just cautious due to the presence of the trio, especially Vexar. He knows that he could end up severely injured somehow. So, this is how he had decided to approach the battle, which held especially true until his guardians managed to reach Tier 2 status, at the very least.

With a thoughtful expression, Dhruv pondered the progression of his class's evolution.

"So, after reaching Tier 2, I need to reach Level ten to evolve my class further. I wonder if it will always follow this pattern of doubling. If that's the case, then the number of levels required for each evolution will increase quite rapidly," he contemplated with a mix of curiosity and a somewhat perplexed look.

'And I still haven't got another title. Receiving a title is certainly difficult and probably requires performing truly remarkable feats. And why shouldn't that be the case? It gives a remarkable upgrade after all' Dhruv mused, his thoughts veering into contemplation.

Before his mood could sour from overthinking, he shifted his focus back to his stats. This action sure brought a broad grin to his face. With an expression of contentment, he directed his attention toward a new tab that hadn't been there before:

A tab for exclusive abilities.

Within the exclusive abilities tab, there are four abilities at this moment. Not four exactly—as the first and his own exclusive ability hadn't bloomed yet.

'How long does it take for these abilities to bloom?' Dhruv wondered.

'I hope the wait is worth it for the time it takes to bloom.' He expected that the wait would be justified by the value of the abilities once they fully developed.

Gazing at the second ability listed — named [Soulbond] —Dhruv noticed that it was the same ability the trio possessed, albeit with some modifications in its description. The trio's soulbond created a connection that bound them to him as their master. On the other hand, his soulbond effectively made them his slaves.

Dhruv isn't exactly thrilled with the term "slaves" to describe their relationship. But he knows there is nothing he can do to change it, at least for now.

Letting out a sigh, Dhruv shifted his focus to the last two abilities listed – ones he had copied from Vexar and Alaric, respectively. With that matter momentarily settled, he turned his attention to his skill list, an area that had been in need of his attention for quite a while.


Abilities: Metal manipulation Lv.5, Illusion manipulation LV.3, True fusion Lv. ??

Skills: Basic mana manipulation Lv.5, Basic illusion resistance Lv.1, Minor mana absorption Lv.5, Adaptive Mastery Lv.1, Mana Drain Lv.2, Mana Infusion Lv.2, Basic heal Lv.1

Spell: Metal arrow, Metal shield, Metal Constructs, Mana bolt, Phantom voice, Elemental bolt, Tempest Charge

Cosmic coins: 32,500

<Cosmic store>

Skill point: 7


Satisfied with his progress, which reflected his hard work, he was pretty happy.

'So, there are three skills that need to be upgraded. And how many skill points do I have? Seven. Then what am I waiting for?' Eager to upgrade, he clicked on the Metal Manipulation skill. After clicking on the skill, three notifications appeared before him:

[Do you want to evolve the ability: Metal manipulation.]

[One skill point will be deducted.]


With determination, Dhruv pressed the "Yes" button. Almost instantly, a notification emerged:

[Metal manipulation has evolved into Advanced Metal manipulation.]

The moment he evolved it, information about numerous new blueprints flooded his mind, and these were considerably powerful. Opting to review them later, he continued upgrading his skills.

[Basic Mana manipulation has evolved into Precise Mana manipulation.]

[Minor Mana absorption has evolved into Faster Mana absorption.]

After evolving his manipulation skills, he could sense a distinct change within himself. Now he can control the mana more precisely, which would undoubtedly aid him in various tasks, such as infusing mana into his weapon, faster spellcasting, and things like that.

The evolution of his Mana Absorption skill yielded a comparable impact. While in the past his mana absorption speed had been sluggish, now he found himself capable of absorbing the mana necessary for casting a metal arrow in just half a minute. Although this improvement wasn't groundbreaking, Dhruv's knowledge that the skill had the potential to evolve even further filled him with a sinister grin, tinged with anticipation.

With four skill points remaining, Dhruv navigated to the skill purchasing section of the store and started scrolling through the options. Initially, he didn't hold much hope of discovering any valuable skills; as he had recently examined the list after evolving his class, only to come up empty-handed.

However, his expectations shifted dramatically when a certain skill appeared before his eyes—a skill he never would have dreamed of finding.

The skill that had taken him by surprise was none other than Fire Manipulation, accompanied by Water, Air, and Earth Manipulation.

Dhruv's initial reaction was one of disbelief. He rubbed his eyes, thinking it was his imagination, but he was wrong; it wasn't. It was as real as anything could be. Fire Manipulation, along with its elemental counterparts, was truly available for purchase.

'But how is this possible? Without the element's affinity, how could I buy its manipulation' He tried to wrap his head around it, trying to find the answer behind this absurdity.

Despite ruminating on the matter for a considerable time, he couldn't arrive at a rational explanation for why these manipulation skills were given. Eventually, he conceded defeat, his mind exhausted from attempting to solve the enigma.

Left defeated, he looked at his status one last time As he prepared to close his status screen, he spotted something that caught his attention—one of his spells, [Elemental Bolt.]


There had been some changes to the status screen.

For those who are wondering why there isn't any level in spells, the answer is... that you can control the strength of the spell by controlling the amount of mana you feed them.

That's all...

Enjoy reading :]

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