
Boku no Hero Academia: Rise to Greatness

This is a simple rewrite of the awesome anime series that is My Hero Academia. Unlike the anime, or to make it different from the anime, I have made the personalities of each character different. One for All Izuku.

LOTS_Fiction · Cómic
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8 Chs


Deku and Kacchan rushed each other with a ferocity that shocked the rest of Class A. They each landed a hit on the opposing jaws before staggering backwards.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Deku. And then the rest of all you extras." He activated his quirk as he surged forward at Deku. The green haired boy took on a stance but before he could react, Kacchan maneuvered himself easily with his quirk and nailed Deku with a left hook.

"You think you're better than me huh Deku?!"

Deku staggered to his feet as he took on a stance. His mask was partially burnt and his mouth guard was destroyed. "I never tried to be better than you Kacchan. All I did was try to be someone that you could one day acknowledge. You had this amazing quirk and I had nothing."

"I don't believe you. You had a fucking quirk all this while and you said nothing. You lied!" Kacchan surged forward again.

"I didn't. The quirk just developed on its own." He decided to fall back as Kacchan approached, taking a right at a corner. As Kacchan approached, he was met with a fist to the face. He staggered back, letting explosions escape his palm. Deku avoided them as he tried to pin Kacchan down.

"Let go of me Deku," he said with anger as he flipped himself on his back, landing on Deku. The green haired boy grunted but sent Kacchan down to his knees with a kick. He used this opportunity to gather himself as he stood to full height.

"Deku... I want to ask you a question." The green haired boy just stood in a fighting stance as he nodded his head. Kacchan got up rather eerily as he and Deku got in a staring contest.

Uraraka and Iida

"Deku, I've found Iida," she said into her earphone. "Should I engage him?" There was a pause as Uraraka waited for Deku's answer.

"Okay, I'll approach with caution." She slowly opened the door and peered in at Iida.

He was currently pacing back and forth as he mumbled to himself. The next thing he was laughing maniacally. This sudden outburst caused Uraraka to laugh slightly.

"I know you are there Uraraka. And I've pretty much taken the liberty of clearing the entire room, so there's nothing here that you can use with your zero gravity quirk."

"He's good." She glanced around the room... Iida had followed through and she was at a disadvantage. He was fast and would catch her before she got to the bomb.

"Deku, what should I do? He's cleared the entire place and has put me at a quirk disadvantage." There was a long pause before she spoke again. "You think it'll work?" Another pause. "I'll give it a try."

"What are you planning?" Iida asked as he stretched. He noticed her take out something. It was the capture tape that All Might had given them.

"I guess this is what it means to be in the heat of the moment." She took out the tape as she touched it with all her fingers and eliminated its gravity.

Deku and Kacchan

After an eerily long silence, Kacchan spoke up. "If truly you wanted me to acknowledge you, why is it that a quirkless bastard like you would try to help me when I was in trouble?"

"Don't you see it Kacchan. How were we supposed to be heroes if I couldn't even help you, my best friend?"

Kacchan reminisced a little.

It was when he was leading his little troupe on a little forest expedition. They were currently marching over a little wooden bridge when all of a sudden; the area where Kacchan is standing on gives way.

"Aargh!" Kacchan screams as he plunges down. He lands in a little Creek, but before he could get up, he heard a couple of splashes.

"Are you okay?" It was Deku; he had his hands outstretched towards Kacchan. That was a nasty fall and he was concerned. This pissed off Kacchan to no end.

He also remembered when Deku stood up for that boy with a weak quirk, going against Kacchan. Although he knew that Deku was trying to stand up for someone just like All Might would. Huh? He never thought of it that way.

"Another question Deku; why did you fuckin' lie about your quirk?"

Deku flinched a bit at that one. "I didn't lie. I suddenly developed it before I went to the U.A. Entrance exam. That's why I can't control it well. I was kinda happy that you'd even finally acknowledge me as someone you can count on in danger."

"Final question; you better answer correctly. What do you think of me?"

Deku tensed a little as he unclenched a fist that he didn't even know he had clenched. "Despite all our fights, I think of you as my best friend. Someone I acknowledge as one of the best fighters I know. Even when you were attacked by that Slime villain, you held on longer than I did. I couldn't even last a minute yet you held on far longer than me."

Kacchan's chuckle soon filled the room. He had tears in his eyes as he spoke. It was as if he was a madman. "I've gone and heard you Deku but I don't fucking believe you. You think you can psyche me with your little emotional talks, huh Deku? I'm gonna fuckin' kill you." He propelled himself forward with explosion as he drove an elbow into Deku's stomach. Deku felt the wind knocked out of his lungs but before he could topple over, Kacchan grabbed him by his hand as he caused it to explode.

Deku forced himself out of Kacchan's grip as he clutched his elbow which was now bleeding. He narrowly avoided another explosion before kicking Kacchan in the face, sending the blond reeling backwards.

"Now I've had enough of this nonsense. He held up his right hand as he held his grenade gauntlet. "If those wannabes actually designed my suit the way I wanted then that means these gauntlets have been storing my nitro-glycerin sweat all this time we've been duking it out."

"Bakugo if you do that, you're gonna fail and you'll never be a hero, ever!"

"It won't be a fatality if it is not a direct hit," Kacchan said as he removed the pin and caused it to explode. He aimed the blast to Deku's side, but made sure that a little would still graze Deku.

"Bakugo, No!" All Might shouted as he let loose the explosion.

The explosion rocked the entire building as it caused a hole on the opposite side of Katsuki. As the dust and debris cleared, Deku was still on his feet but his right hand was bleeding. He had used One for All at the last moment to redirect the blast away from him.

"Deku!" Kacchan shouted as he rocketed forward. Deku ran.

Uraraka and Iida

"That Bakugo," Iida muttered as he focused his gaze on Uraraka. The girl now had the entire capture tape floating in the air, just like Aizawa-sensei when he used his quirk. She charged Iida and the boy responded by rocketing out of the way with his engine.

She hurled the capture tape at his direction but he jumped to avoid it. She seized the opportunity to run at the bomb, but Iida intervened. That was a mistake on his part as Uraraka jumped up. She used the tape to catch Iida's leg and trip him. She proceeded to use this opportunity to tie and restrain Iida and recover the bomb.

"SUCCESS!" she yelled loudly while Iida sulked in defeat.

Deku and Kacchan

The green haired boy groaned in pain as he clutched his right hand. It was broken and so was Kacchan's pride.

"Uraraka has secured the bomb and has captured Iida-san. Hero Team A wins." It was All Might's voice and he was glad.

Kacchan collapsed to his knees just as Deku began to sway. His vision became blurry and he fell backwards only to be caught by All Might.

Iida ended up taking Deku alongside Uraraka to go see Recovery Girl, and Kacchan, was pretty much reprimanded. "You need to know the difference between a friend and foe. I will not chastise you because he also went along with you. Even as this is a training exercise, you went too far. Personal vendetta must end when at the forefront of a battle."

Kacchan was in slight tears as his pride was badly damaged. He had lost to Deku of all people and some wannabe girl that could negate gravity. He left the class to reminisce a little.

"You know Katsuki. You really are a wimp who just got lucky with an amazing quirk. Imagine you had ended up like Deku. What would you have done? You may have even given up on life."

That was his mother, Mitsuki. She had told him after he and Deku had one of their fights.

"I've seen the kid lots of times. We and his parents go way back and still I don't understand why you'd give up on him because you have a quirk and he doesn't. After all, you guys did great things when you didn't have quirks and you stood up for each other every step of the way."

He let more tears roll down his cheeks as he sobbed. He actually couldn't explain why he had come to hate Deku. The guy was his best friend and they had fun a lot. Why'd he have to change so much because of his quirk? He silently wished things could go back to the way they were.

"Huh? Are you crying?"

"Go away or I'll fucking kill you."

"Give it your best shot," the voice said.

Bakugo hurled his hands forward as he tried using his quirk, but to no avail. He realized that it was Aizawa-sensei that was in front of him. He let his hands flop to his side as he became quiet.

"As much as I hate this, part of my duties as a teacher here is so that you guys become awesome heroes. So... Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing... Go away."

"Tell me or I'll expel you... Or are you scared?"

Bakugo sighed in defeat as he took in a breath. "It's just that I wish me and Deku were a little bit like we were back in the day. It was the two of us kicking ass all day and all night."

"So why are you here crying? That isn't hero material. Man up and talk to him."

"It's not freaking simple. Since I developed my quirk and I was praised, I kinda felt above this fucking world. I was kinda jealous that a shitty nerd like Deku had the amount of courage in him and he was without a quirk."

"So... That's it. You really are a sissy. You act tough to hide the fact that you are scared..." Bakugo shook his head. "... or is it because you are protective?"

He nodded his head as he looked away. Aizawa smiled as he continued his little talk. He had pretty much deduced everything. "You want to be able to protect those around you, but you also wanted Midoriya to back you up doing it. Finding out that he didn't have a quirk broke your dreams and you took everything upon yourself."

"Midoriya still behaved as he did even without a quirk and that pissed you off and you went on a bullying spree."

Kacchan clenched his fist as he got up. "Man up and tell Midoriya."

He didn't say anything to Aizawa and just walked off, probably to think some more.

The day went by and soon came to an end. Deku had apparently become the topic of the day because of the way he fought with Bakugo.

"Has anyone seen Kacchan?" He asked.

"Who cares," Mina responded. "He's too grumpy and likes to blow things away. He can take care of himself."

"Still..." Deku trailed off as his eyes wandered to the window. He shot off, leaving his classmates a bit shocked. He soon left the building and was making his way towards Kacchan's retreating form. Apparently All Might was talking with him.

"Young Bakugo, you still have much to learn about being a hero. Stop trying to fight your heart and let the sun shine bright upon it. You won't make a hero with that uncaring attitude."

"All Might let go of me. Like hell you know how I feel."

"Aahh! But you feel wounded, not on the body but in the heart and the mind and the soul. It's okay to not be in the spotlight always as long as you try to be the best. Midoriya stood up to you and it hurts even though you have a powerful quirk."

"Isn't that how the fucking world works. Those with powerful quirks are superior. Those with weak quirks are inferior. And those without quirks, like that shitty Deku, should without a doubt behave like the insects they are. Fucking, quirkless people."

"I must disagree with that logic. We are all human and we were even before quirks came into play. That should not cloud one's judgment and base them off of stupid assumptions. Midoriya now has a quirk and he is one that you should be happy to call your rival. The journey to be number one is tough, and if you let it consume you, you will lose yourself." With that All Might sped off. His time was reaching its limit.

Before Bakugo could walk further, a voice stopped him. "Kacchan..."

"What?" He paused to wipe off the tears on his face before answering. "What the fuck do you want?"

"To talk," Deku said as he stared at his once best friend.

"What about?"

"What are we doing? We've become cold to each other over the years. It pisses me to no end at that bitter fact especially since we were the best of friends."

Kacchan turned his head, shifting his gaze from Deku to the huge academy building.

"For Pete's sake, we were once partners in crime. It was the two of us against the world and then suddenly, you began to drift. I'm not leaving until you speak up Kacchan. We've being hurting our parents with our constant fighting and we need to end this."

Kacchan grunted through grit teeth. "You know what you fucker. Aizawa and All Might have even tried talking to me about it today and it seems this fucking world is against me." He tensed a bit as tears began to form in his eyes. "Ever since I developed my quirk, it was as if you, a quirkless bastard, was looking down on me..." Izuku cringed at the tone. "... And it was even made worse when you developed that quirk of yours and you think you are equal to me." Tears rolled down Katsuki's cheek as he let out his emotions.

"Is that what you feel? I never tried to look down on you and I always admired you..." He grit his teeth as he thought over what he was about to say next. He honestly didn't want to say it but if he wanted to build his friendship with Kacchan back he had to say it. "... I'm quirkless."


"All Might transferred his quirk to me..."

"Don't you dare lie to me Deku." Bakugo's tone was low. "There's no such thing as a transferrable quirk."

"... I have no idea how it fully works but you were right. I wouldn't have being able to be a great hero without a quirk. How would I have being able to compete with you and the others..."

Kacchan nodded. He didn't quite believe it but Deku continued. "There's something you need to know about All Might."

"What?" Kacchan asked, apparently interested in what Deku had to say.

"All Might... All Might is dying or something like that."

"What do fuck are you saying? All Might can't die, he's All Might."

"... It's just that he received an injury five years ago from a villain that is pretty much classified as a secret to the public. Because of that injury, he can only work as a hero for three hours a day and it is reducing. He initially came to U.A. to scout for a successor to his quirk and he chose me."

Kacchan was dumbfounded. He didn't doubt Deku because even though they had their differences, he knew that the green-haired teen was telling the truth.

"But… why you?" Kacchan asked.

"I don't know... But what I do know is that we must work together and put aside our differences for a better world. Someone that could cause a large amount of damage to All Might is roaming free. We need to be ready for anything."

Kacchan looked deep in thought for some seconds as he thought about Deku's quirk. It seemed to have the same destructive capabilities as All Might's, albeit on a smaller scale.

"So what do you say?" Deku said. "Friends?" He held out his hand.

"I won't make any promises. But I'm gonna fuckin' prove that I can surpass All Might by taking down his protégé. Even though I admire him, I'll be number one." He took Deku's hand with a grin.

"Oh my!" Both kids were pulled out of their musings by a familiar female voice. They turned their heads to see Izuku's mother Inko, and Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki. They were both standing there and were smiling deeply. After how many years, their babies had finally worked out their problem, if only a little.

"Mom!" Both boys called. Their faces clearly asked a question 'What are you doing here?'

"All Might called us and asked us to come here and sort you guys out. So what happened between you two?"

"I'd rather we talk about this at home." It was Deku who said it with Kacchan agreeing to it.

The Next Day

The entire class was so surprised that both Izuku and Bakugo had walked into the class at the same time.

"I think I'm seeing things," Kirishima said as he rubbed his eyes to see if he was actually awake. Deku was smiling and Katsuki was making his own equivalent of a smile. After they had gone home, they had apparently had a long talk with their moms and both mothers were happy to see the once childhood friends settle. Deku had also told his mom and Bakugo's mom about One for All. He was kind of relieved after they accepted it. He was actually quite scared about the way his mother reacted to the news, but after some words from Mitsuki, she agreed. But not after making Izuku promise not to keep any secrets from her.

The green haired teen had also called All Might and had told him everything that he had said to Bakugo. It took a lot of convincing on his part before All Might accepted it as the symbol of peace was quite pissed, but he softened and accepted.

"Homeroom is about to start," Iida reminded everyone. Bakugo took his seat behind Deku as both teens prompted to remain quiet throughout the ordeal. Basically, they were back to their right year old selves in terms of their friendship. It had been roughly seven years since Deku and Kacchan had their falling out, and since they had fixed their friendship, it was best to pick up on where they left.

"Good morning," Aizawa said as he entered the class with his sleeping bag. They responded to his greeting with their very own. "Today, for homeroom, I'd like you all to pick a class president."

"Huh?" The entire class asked, a bit put off by the statement.

"I don't care how you do it," he said as he crawled into his sleeping bag. "Just make sure it is done before this period is up." Aizawa shut his eyes as he went to sleep to regain energy.

The entire class began to clamour I've the fact that each one of them wanted to be presence.

"Quiet!" A voice yelled. It belonged to Iida. "I don't think we are going about this the right way."

"Oh yeah," a boy with blond hair said. "I think I just saw your hands up. Definitely you are also interested in being the class president."

Name: Denki Kaminari

Quirk: Electrification

"You are correct Denki, but I was thinking of us taking a democratic approach."

"How so," Tsuyu began. "We don't even know each other."

"Four eyes is right," Kacchan blurted out. "It is true that we are still not familiar with ourselves, but that would also mean that there would be no way we would be fuckin' biased in our choosing..." They nodded at that option. It was certainly true, the way that the ash-blond boy had said. What surprised them was that Kacchan had the closest thing to a smile they had seen on his face. "... Unless, neither of you shitty extras is able to compete with me." He let out small explosions.

At this, Aizawa had apparently woken up at that moment and also, for some reason, he had also heard about their thoughts on the democratic process. He handed out pieces of paper to them, most likely to be used for the voting process. "You have ten minutes."

Name: Shota Aizawa

Quirk: Erasure

Ten Minutes later

"According to the votes I tallied up, your Class President would be Midoriya with five votes…" said teen was shocked at Aizawa's revelation. "… and your vice president will be Yaoyorozu with four votes." The girl didn't even look surprised. It was as if she knew that they would vote her in.

"That's it for now. It's about time for lunch and I suggest you hop to it. After that, we will be having a special class." It was as if the grin that Aizawa was spotting belonged on the face of the devil himself.

Some Time later, At lunch

"Wow Deku. How'd you get five votes? Everyone pretty much got one vote or none. It seems I went for the right choice."

"Uraraka-san, you voted for me?" the green haired teen was surprised. He was at a table with Uraraka, Iida, Kacchan and Yaoyorozu.

"Mhmm… you were pretty much the only one I had spoken with, so I had to."

"It's a shame you didn't get any vote huh Kacchan," Deku said rather smugly.

"Forget about that," Mina said as she butted into their conversation. "Did you guys see the reporters that were outside of the academy today?"

Name: Mina Ashido

Quirk: Acid

"I saw those fuckers," Bakugo said with a huff. "Apparently they don't even have respect for the symbol of peace."

"They really caused such a commotion today," Iida said as he got up.

"I heard that they even destroyed the U.A. barrier," Toru said.

"The nerve of those guys," Iida said. "Anyways lunch is pretty much over. We should be heading back to class."

They all nodded and ate hastily as they anticipated what their next class was pretty much going to be.

"I want you all to change into your hero costumes. Our next class is going to be outside the school in a place all of you pretty much know about." Aizawa was addressing them in the class. He wore the same… uhhh… how would Katsuki put it… right, a shitty grin. "Meet me outside the building. I have a bus ready to transport all of us to the location of the class."

They were pretty much assembled outside the school building and as he said, there was Aizawa with the bus ready to transport them to the location of the class.

Deku was the only one who was not dressed in his costume due to Kacchan destroying it while they… repaired their broken friendship… yep that's it. After all they were once like brothers, all for one and one for all, just like his quirk and the… guy who had almost ended… All Might's hero career. He shook those thoughts from his head and got on the bus.

He was seated at the back and was close to the girls, so he it was not his fault that he kind of… purposely eavesdropped on their conversation.

"… You mean to say Deku blew up that zero-pointer with a single punch?" Mina asked Uraraka.

"Yeah, the boys of our class pretty much have amazing quirks," Uraraka said.

"That is true, and they are pretty strong," Tsuyu said as she was deep in thought.

Name: Tsuyu Asui

Quirk: Frog

"Most likely the strongest quirks are those of Bakugo and Todoroki-kun," Momo said. "And it is also fortunate that they have great control over their quirks."

Name: Momo Yaoyorozu

Quirk: Creation

"That's true," Hagakure said as joined the conversation. "Todoroki-kun just froze the entire building during the battle trial."

Name: Toru Hagakure

Quirk: Invisibility

"Yeah, but it's a shame that Bakugo won't be at all popular because of his attitude." It was Tsuyu.

"Why don't you say that to my face, you frog monster?!"


"It's a shame that Midoriya-kun can't control his quirk if not he would have been amongst the top three," Mina said as she looked at the green haired teen who was catching up with Bakugo.

"Since Deku is kind of out of the loop, who would you say is the strongest?" Uraraka asked.

"I'd say it's between Kirishima-san and Iida-san. Even Shoji-san, or Tokoyami-kun, preferably."

Before they could continue further, Aizawa spoke up. "That's enough chit-chat for today. We have arrived so I want you all on your best behavior."

"Yes sir!" was the reply that he received from all the students.

As they stepped out of the bus, Aizawa spoke up. "Welcome to U.S.J." They took in the sight of the massive building with pride welling in their hearts.

"U.A. truly is the best," Kirishima screamed. "But wait… what does U.S.J. stand for?"

Name: Eijiro Kirishima

Quirk: Hardening

"I can answer that," a voice said. They turned around to see a person in a space suit. The person gestured for them to walk up to him as he lead them inside the building.

"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" Uraraka exclaimed as she grew hearts in her eye.

Name: Thirteen

Quirk: Black Hole

"Where's All Might?" Aizawa asked as he got close to the Space Hero.

Thirteen responded by holding up three of fingers and the Pro Hero nodded. Izuku seemed to understand the situation and so did Katsuki.

"Well we must proceed even without him," Aizawa said. "The U.S.J., short for Unforeseen Simulation Joint. This building is equipped with simulations of every possible rescue scenario you can come across in the real world. Earthquakes, floods, fire outbreak, damaged buildings, you name it. The U.S.J's got it. And that's why we will be spending the rest of today practicing in the various rescue situations. Thirteen…"

"Now, I am sure you all know about my quirk, Black Hole?"

On seeing the students nod, he proceeded. "While my quirk is a pretty helpful quirk and one that has many uses, it should not be neglected that my quirk is one that can basically kill those around me, if I use it wrongly. Even against villains, I don't want to kill them. And that is why it is important that a hero has control over his quirk. One slip up, and someone dies. Well… I'm getting carried away so…"

Aizawa turned to the side as he felt a chill run down his spine.

There near the fountain was a swirl of very sinister energy. The swirl expanded and Aizawa could very well make out a pair of golden eyes.

"What is that?" Mina said as she observed the swirl.

All of them watched as a hand gripped the end of the swirl and a face was seen.

"Thirteen protect the students," Aizawa said as he put on his goggles and approached the swirl. The figure that was seen stepped out of the swirl and was followed by a number of other villains. He stepped out and studied the scene before letting his eyes trail on Aizawa.

"Hey scruffy, where's All Might? The schedule we received said that he would be here."

It clicked in Aizawa's head. These were the guys that had destroyed the U.A. barrier. "Well sorry to disappoint but All Might is not here."

The figure looked clearly pissed and it was there that Aizawa noticed that the figure had hands all over his upper body. "And I thought I was going to kill All Might today… anyways, there's no need crying over spilt milk." He turned to face Aizawa as the swirl kind of materialized to be somehow humanoid and looked somehow like a waiter and had a metal plate covering.

"All Might isn't here," one villain said, clearly pouting.

"Why did the alarm not go off?" Thirteen asked no one in particular.

"They might have someone that can jam signals," Momo pointed out. Deku nodded more to himself than to others. Someone with an electricity based quirk could do that without difficulty.

"I guess we'll just have to settle for the kids," the figure that teleported all the villains said. "Tomura, don't let them get to you."

"Yeah Kurogiri. We are the League of Villains and we are going to kill All Might."

Aizawa nodded. Tomura and Kurogiri looked like high level villains while the rest were pretty much grunts.

"Iida, use your speed and run back to the school for backup. Thirteen try to evacuate the students."

"Yes sir," Iida said as he activated his quirk and began his run.

"Kurogiri," Tomura shouted as the villain used his quirk to teleport just above the students and before they can attack, he teleports them to various areas of the U.S.J. Meanwhile Aizawa was busy defeating all the minor villains, with them recognizing him with the way he defeated them.

At the Flood Zone

Izuku, Tsuyu and Mineta arrive at the flood zone and as soon as they landed a villain tries to strike them. Tsuyu came to his aid as she wrapped her tongue around the villain and threw him overboard.

Name: Minoru Mineta

Quirk: Pop Off

"Thanks Asui," Deku said as he caught his breath.

"Please call me Tsuyu," she said as she casually consoled a panicking Mineta.

"Okay… Tsuyu," Deku said as he tried to think of something. 'They want to kill All Might.' While he tried to convince himself that they couldn't kill him, a part of him was scared because All Might was growing weaker.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as villains climbed onto the ship. "Tsuyu, can you jump from this ship while holding both me and Mineta?"

She nodded and Deku smiled as he waited for all the villains to successfully climb the ship. He turned to see Thirteen and Kurogiri facing off against each other.

Thirteen is taken out as Kurogiri warps Thirteen's quirk against the pro. With Thirteen out of the way and his downfall occupied by Uraraka and Ashido, he makes his way towards Iida. Before he reaches the teen, Shoji bumps into him and stalls him long enough for Iida to escape.

Deku decides to face his own challenge. He gives Tsuyu the signal to escape with them. She holds Deku in her tongue and Mineta in her hand before leaping with all her might. After they achieved a good enough distance, Deku holds his right hand in his left before flicking one of his fingers and generating enough force to cause the water to spread and converge at the center.

"Mineta throw as many of your balls at the center."

With Aizawa

Aizawa has successfully defeated all the minor villains before charging at Tomura. Aizawa wraps Tomura before he can react and sends the villain into the ground. He places a foot on his head as he tightens the hold on him.

"What do you guys want with All Might?"

Seeing that his quirk was not working, Tomura smiled. "Eraser Head, you are as formidable as I hoped… but will it be enough? Nomu!" Tomura barked and Aizawa was sent flying by the punch he received.

Deku cringed as he watched his teacher get hit by that punch. He came to watch the fight after he, Tsuyu and Mineta where lying low as they watched Aizawa face them.

Aizawa staggered to his feet as he watched the new addition to the fight.

Tomura got up as he took off Aizawa's bindings. "How'd it feel to be on the receiving end? By the way, this is Artificial Human "Nomu", the key to All Might's end.

Kurogiri warps in front of Tomura and proceeds to warn him that Iida had escaped. "That's fine with me," Tomura said as he pats Nomu and laughed ever so sinisterly. "He'll call All Might and then when that sorry excuse for a Symbol of Peace shows up, Nomu will kill him. Now Nomu, attack."

Nomu shot off at Aizawa as he held back a fist. Aizawa's eyes glowed red as he erased Nomu's quirk… or so he thought.

The fist that drove itself into Aizawa's back sent the Pro Hero into the ground, the impact creating a crater in the ground. "Hey Eraser Head," Tomura said as he walked up to the pro and held out his hands and cupped the Pro's face, but nothing happened. Aizawa's eyes glowed red as he fought against the pain and erased Tomura's quirk.

"It seems you haven't learnt your lesson yet," Tomura said as he observed the pro who was bleeding heavily. "Nomu." Tomura backed away as Nomu took Aizawa's head and repeatedly slammed it into the ground.

"Let him go," Deku said as he bust out of the water and ran after Tomura.

Before he could reach the villain, Nomu appeared in front of him. 'This would be a good time to smash this villain and it's a good thing I know his quirk.' His arm welled with One for All as he punched Nomu. The Nomu took the full brunt of his attack without budging, but before he could attack Tsuyu caught Deku and pulled him back.

Tomura made to move as Kurogiri warped him just in front of Tsuyu as he held the boys hand, causing it to peel as the skin fell off.

"Let him go you bastard," Kacchan yelled as he sent an explosive blast at Tomura who just retreated by entering back into Kurogiri's warp gate but it closed and he was met with Kacchan's explosion and was sent flying into an ice pillar.

Kacchan and Todoroki took a defensive stance in front of Tsuyu, Deku and Midoriya. "Anything we ought to know Midoriya?"

Deku looked at his skin that had apparently disintegrated. He was in deep thought for about a minute before he came up with something. "The guy that looks like a sociopath can disintegrate the things he touches… come to think of it, he is the most likely candidate to take out the U.A. Barrier."

"Yeah, and what about the big fucker," Kacchan hissed.

"… he has two quirks."

The majority gasped at what Deku said. That was downright insane as there was no way a person can possess two quirks.

"Are you sure about this Midoriya?"

"He's sure. Deku can't be wrong on this… but that doesn't explain why it makes no sense."

"Yeah… he has super strength… like All Might and also shock absorption."

"Nomu… after them," Tomura ordered.

"Here he comes," Todoroki said as he let loose a wall of ice that slammed into Nomu's hand. "DIE!" Kacchan yelled as he blasted the hand that was separated with multiple consecutive blasts until the hand is withered. Nomu pushes his body away, causing his hand to fall. He proceeds to regenerate a new one. Taking advantage of everyone's shock, Nomu destroys Todoroki's ice wall and knocks Kacchan out of the way. Todoroki tries another attack, but Nomu dodges and attempts to pummel him but is stopped as the door burst open, revealing a very pissed and angry All Might.

"Do not fear. For I AM HERE!"

Deku looked up at his idol and apparently noticed something. The Symbol Of Peace was angry as his trademark smile was replaced with a frown.

"Normally, I face every villain with a smile, but… but you lot have invoked my anger. I ran into young Iida who told me that villains had attacked the U.S.J. and here I am… seeing that you have not only trespassed, but you have also desecrated my students and my friend." He blurred out of sight, and the next moment, Tomura was sent flying into Kurogiri.

"Take care of Aizawa," he said to Deku and the rest.

Before they could protest, he slammed a fist into Nomu who was still able to absorb the impact. "His quirk is super strength, shock absorption and regeneration." All Might didn't even bother to look surprised as he had an idea who was behind this. 'Guess I'll just to attack faster than he can absorb. There's always a limit.'

He engaged Nomu in an exchange of blows as he countered the villain's attacks and took some. They continued this exchange for a long period as All Might landed blow after blow after blow. All Might clenched his fist as he held Nomu's hand and proceeded to deliver the final blow. No one was expecting to see All Might stop as smoke began to escape his body.

"Kacchan, create a diversion." The blond understood what Deku was saying and let off multiple explosions to create a smoke as Deku went to fetch All Might and take him to a safe place. Without bothering to pay attention to All Might's warning, Deku rushed back in the fight.

At that moment, the rest of U.A. appeared and they began to assist the students take back the remaining villains. Cementoss made his way to where Deku, Kacchan and Todoroki where.

"Cementoss-sensei, please keep him busy, that guy can disintegrate anything he touches."

Cementoss nodded as he encased Tomura and proceeded to fight Kurogiri who came to his aid.

"All Might has already weakened him so-"

"We can end this fight," Deku said as he joined them. "I have a plan."

"We're all ears," Todoroki said as he watched Nomu come closer.

"Deku, are you sure?"

"If we miss this, we might die," Todoroki said as he readied to attack.

"Yes. He doesn't respond if Tomura doesn't give him any commands, so we will take advantage of that." As soon as they could no longer hear Tomura's command, they attacked. Todoroki used his ice to freeze Nomu from his leg to his shoulders.

"Phase one complete," Todoroki said as took a step back for Bakugo to begin his attack.

"Die you bastard," Kacchan said as he released multiple explosions from his palm continuously unto the face of Nomu and without warning, Deku smashed into Nomu's face with a powerful Detroit smash that sent the villain flying out of Todoroki's ice prison and a wall, never to get up again.

Just when Cementoss thought he had Kurogiri, the villain opened a gate and pulled Tomura inside as they escaped.

The rest of the teachers appeared at the sight of the battle with Deku clutching his broken arm.

"Where's All Might?" Principal Nezu asked. Deku pointed to where he had taken the Symbol of Peace to and held up three fingers. Nezu nodded as Midnight came up to him and whispered in his ear. He nodded as he turned to all the teachers.

"Round up the students. We're going back to U.A. and any villain left should be taken to Tartarus.

"This has never happened before," Present Mic said as he came to Nezu. "The Ambulance is outside. Anyone injured should be taken there, especially Aizawa."

After the students were taken back to the school, Aizawa and All Might were taken in the ambulance back to the school.

Unknown Location

A television was pretty much the only source of light in what appeared to be an empty room… oh wait, there were two people in the room.

"Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki," a figure said from the television, with only what appeared to be a shadow-like version of him.

"Sensei… I failed," Tomura said as he bowed in front of the figure. Kurogiri was just standing there in complete and utter silence as he watched the both of them interact. "I couldn't kill All Might, I'm so sorry."

"Do not apologize Tomura. You may have not killed the Symbol of Peace, but you have surely dealt the Hero Society a huge blow and they will have to be wary of us from now on, and truly you have shown how much you have grown as you were able to deduce when you had lost and didn't struggle against Kurogiri as he warped you back here. I am proud of you."