
Boku no Hero Academia: Rise to Greatness

This is a simple rewrite of the awesome anime series that is My Hero Academia. Unlike the anime, or to make it different from the anime, I have made the personalities of each character different. One for All Izuku.

LOTS_Fiction · Cómic
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8 Chs


It was the final week of June and it meant only one thing for the class, "the end of term test". With the events of the Hero Killer and the little awkward moment they had at the police station and hospital, especially with the Pro Heroes.

Izuku, Shoto and Tenya all wanted to put the events behind them and focus all their attention on the end of term test.

Class 1-A was particularly rowdy this time with talks on the upcoming tests and all that and with no one to make them hush, they forged on with their discussion. But before anything about the tests, they had to talk about their internships.

"Deku-kun," Ochako called as she waved at him.

"Uraraka-san… How are you? How was your internship?"

The brunette smiled. "I'm fine. My internship was awesome. Gunhead's training was nice. I learned a lot and…" she made a few punching motions. "It was a nice experience."

Izuku could feel chills go down his spine and so where those that were nearby… Ochako had an aura around her that just made them feel weird. Nevertheless though, he smiled at her not even noticing his face beginning to turn red.

A snicker or two pulled him out of his fantasy land and rather than him regain his senses, he got even redder. He just wasn't good with girls that was for sure. Before anything could go on, he was pretty happy to hear Mina change the subject of the discussion.

"I can't believe the term is about to come to a close and my grades are not good," Mina said as she cried rather quietly. She was joined by Denki.

"I don't blame you. So many events have occurred and I haven't had time to study as a result."

"Must be tough," Minoru said as he sniggered slightly while ogling at the same time. How he did it no one knew. And frankly no one seemed to care, save for Denki who was pissed at him.

"You traitor!" he yelled as he pointed a finger at him. How was he supposed to know that Minoru had been studying all this while? It pained him to know that he was left behind while the purple-haired bastard had good grades.

"That's a lame ass excuse if you ask me," Katsuki said as he got up from his seat. "Oi Deku, guess I am topping you on this one." Sparks flew off of his hand as a sadistic grin made its way to his face.

Izuku sighed and frankly didn't know he was going to respond to this before Tenya interrupted with his usual chopping motion.

"Bakugo's right. That is no excuse for the poor grades that you guys have. It is because you just haven't made out the time to study."

"That shouldn't be a problem. As a class and future heroes, it is our duty to ensure that we all pass and by that I would like to propose a study session after school."

This tiny or rather short remark was met with different responses. The ones who were lacking behind were grateful that Izuku would come up with something like this. The calmer ones merely raised an eyebrow at this and expressed gratitude. The rowdy ones or rather the rowdy one let the sparks go off in his hand as an even wider grin appeared on his face.

"I will make sure to tutor these bastards till they bleed."

Mina, Denki and the others who were a bit behind felt somehow scared.

"Yaoyorozu-san, you will be in charge of planning the study session."

"I promise to do my best," she said with an air of humility around her.

"Slight problem," Shoto said and soon all eyes were on him. "Where are we going to meet?"

Izuku held his chin as he thought for a moment. "Well the only person I know that might just be able to accommodate for all of us is Yaoyorozu… what do you say?"

"It shouldn't be too much trouble for me to make that arrangement."


Having come to a conclusion as pertains the preparation for the end of term test, with an easy mind, Class 1-A are having their lunch.

"Wait… I have a question," Mina said as she interrupted their general eating. "We know how we are going to do in preparation for the written test, what about the exercise test."

Realizing this, the entirety of Class 1-A, save for Katsuki, Shoto and Fumikage, were a bit surprised.

"That shouldn't be too much of a problem right?" Denki asks but Tenya shakes his head at this.

"In one way it might not be a problem, but from another angle it can be quite frightening. Without the knowledge of how the exercise test will be, all necessary preparations towards it might be proved to be naught because it might turn out to be completely different from our preparations."

"That's a very bad reason. I don't see how it might not be a problem, so why did you say that it might not be a problem?"

"It might not be a problem if the written test accounts for more of the overall grade," Shoto said before Katsuki could blow up.

"Well if it isn't Class 1-A," a cocky sounding voice said. It belonged to Neito Monoma and boy was somebody upset to see him.

"Copy bastard," Katsuki said as he growled. "What do you want now?"

Without even flinching at Katsuki's imposing presence the blond boy replied. "I just came to check out our sister class was up to. Wouldn't want to see you guys fail the exam…" His tone implied otherwise. It wasn't the kind that curtailed caring.

Before Neito could continue further, a chop landed dead center on his head. It was from Itsuka, someone that Izuku perceived might just be their class representative. Behind her were the rest of Class 1-B. It seemed as though they were just coming out for lunch.

"Please forgive me for Neito's behavior," Itsuka said as she shook Neito by the collar.

"No harm done," Momo said as she waved it off.

The rest of Class 1-B spread out as they went to get their food until eventually one person was left. She smiled as she walked up to them and sat beside the green-haired class representative.

"I'm really hungry," was the only warning she gave as she delved into Izuku's food.

"Izuna!" the teen said in shock.

"I'm surprised that you forgot how big a glutton your sister is Deku," Katsuki said as he grinned rather maliciously.

"It's been years since I last saw her. I wouldn't have expected it."

This threw the entirety of Class 1-A for a loop mainly because Izuna didn't look the slightest bit fat. Did it have something to do with her quirk was what they wondering and perhaps that little theory might be correct.

"So how are you preparing for the test?" Ochako asked Izuna.

Izuna paused as she appeared thoughtful for a while. "I know very well that I should be pretty smart enough to handle anything on the written test."

That statement alone told the lot of them that she might be pretty smart enough if she views herself this confidently. That begged another question. Who was smarter? Izuna or Izuku? The look in their eyes was a clear giveaway and before the question could make itself known, there was an answer.

"Izuna's way smarter than I am… I am in no way trying to downgrade myself but when it comes to book smarts, there's no way that I am beating her."

Realization hit the room. There was a genius in Class 1-B.

The group continued the lunch with occasional talks here and there. The rest of Class 1-A took the opportunity to try to know everything that they could about Izuna. Obviously she didn't reveal anything about her quirk, saying that she wanted to leave it as a surprise up until when it really mattered. Heck, both Katsuki and Izuku knew nothing about her quirk because it must have developed a lot over the years.


Class had ended and there was only one thing on the minds of the students of Class 1-A, the study session at Yaoyorozu's place. They had all agreed to meet by six-thirty and would study until sometime before ten.

The doorbell to the mansion rang throughout the entire house, alerting them of the guest or perhaps guests that were at the door. Momo ran down with excitement. It would be the first time that any of her friends from U.A. would be visiting her, even though it was for a study session.

As the door opened, she was greeted to a messy green hair.

"Midoriya… you're pretty early," she said as she held the butler's hand to check the time. It was about fifteen minutes past six o'clock.

"I know… but you looked like you were expecting us at any moment. Besides, I am the Class Representative and I would like to be here early as a way to kind of keep up with appearances."

Momo giggled. "Spoken like a true head. Come on in." She pulled by the hand but he stopped as soon as he got inside and started to look around.

"I knew the place was pretty big, but it looks even bigger from the inside."

"Oh please, you're being too kind. If you want I can show you around the house. My parents aren't home so I don't think that we would be disturbing anyone in particular."

"Hmm… I'd love that."

Momo showed him around the house or rather mansion, making sure to pause every now and then to make sure she gave a proper explanation of the place. It didn't take them long before they reached the study area of the mansion where their little study session would take place. Momo was pretty efficient when it came to maximizing her time and she didn't have any plans on wasting anything.

They arrived at the study where their study session would be taking place. Izuku could see that she had arranged the place to suit all of them, including Hitoshi, though Izuku doubted whether he would actually show up. One couldn't be entirely sure with him. He could also spot a pair of glasses… probably Momo's he concluded to himself.

"So… what do you have planned for the evening?" he asked her.

"Well… the tutoring is going to be between me, you, Katsuki, Tenya and Shoto. We'll take turns tackling the major subjects along the way, or at least the ones that we feel we would be best suited for. I have already informed the Butler and he would be directing anyone that comes to the house."

"Easy enough. And now we wait for their arrival." The doorbell rung immediately.

"Speak of the devil," Momo said as she prepared herself and wore her glasses.

Izuku sat down and made himself comfortable… the evening was going to be long.


The previous evening was very fun and pretty long. Katsuki proved himself to be a very capable tutor, but he was a bit rather loud and explosive to say the least. Shoto was quite shy. They could hardly hear him explain the subjects to them and they had to force him to speak up along the line.

Tenya was a bit forceful, using insane motions and hand movements to make his points, at times even confusing Mina and Denki who were finding it most difficult to follow his train of thought. Momo was arguably the most balanced of all of them and they could easily tell that she had experience on the matter. Izuku was a totally different matter seeing as he didn't actually surprise the class with his lectures. He just kept rambling and rambling and rambling ahead, forcing Katsuki to keel over in laughter at times when he began performing at high speed.

There were a few odd times, like when Katsuki and Shoto almost got into it at the Mansion. They hadn't actually reconciled and it didn't look as though they would be reconciling anytime soon. They both had one of the worst compatible attributes in the entire class. Katsuki was explosive, used a lot of language that a kid his age wasn't actually supposed to use and he was pretty much hotheaded and didn't listen to the shit anyone said. Shoto on the other hand was quiet, rarely spoke and usually kept to himself, opting not to interact with anyone if it was possible.

The language that Katsuki had used was pretty rough. If not for the intervention of Momo, they might have actually fought and surprisingly, she was able to quell the tension, at least for the moment, between the both of them. Momo actually knew a few things about taking charge, despite her overall timid appearance. She didn't even flinch as she pushed the both of them back, something that even Izuku wouldn't have outright done.

It was a fun night and surprisingly Hitoshi also came. He was smart on his own, but he agreed that he still needed some brush ups here and there.

They were all seated in class and they were in for a treat.

"Good morning," Aizawa said as he walked in, for once without his sleeping bag.

"Good morning," they all called to him as he walked in. He had a weird smile on his face and they could tell that he had something to share with them.

"I have a little gift for you all but that is dependent on whether you pass your final exams." He paused. "That came out wrong, but the second part still holds. Your end of term exams are approaching as you are all aware and if you all pass, you will be in for a treat."

"What kind of treat?" Tsuyu asked.

"Hm… Think of it as a bootcamp. A joint bootcamp between Class 1-A and Class 1-B. Everything has been planned but attendance is dependent on whether you pass your final exams."

"Is there any other thing sensei?" Izuku asked picking up on something. Aizawa was definitely flustered.

"Yes. But I have someone who would better explain this to you all."

"And who would that be?" Denki asked.

"Who better than me?" a voice said and Midnight walked into the class.

"Midnight-sensei!" Mineta screamed as he began drooling. "This is way better than some treat," he said as he was about to jump out of his seat. Before he could though, a hand was planted firmly on his head.

"I'd advise you seat down." Mineta looked up to see Katsuki with a wide grin on his face. Mineta gulped down saliva and slowly sat down, after the events of the Sports Festival and Katsuki's beat down of Shoto, he didn't want to anger the blond.

"Alright settle down everyone," Midnight said as she cracked her whip. "We are here for a different matter, one that your Homeroom Teacher forgot to have with you guys some days back." As she said this, she turned towards the Pro Hero who looked away as he sighed.

"This matter is of great importance and how it escaped his mind baffles me to no end. It is concerning your Hero Names and you should have done this before going on your Hero Internships."

"Why are we doing this now?" Tokoyami asked.

"So that you all can grow into the names. These names are the names that you will be called whenever you put on your costumes and I advise that you take them into consideration because you might never have a chance to change the name again." Aizawa sighed as she said that part that was what he thought about, his name.

"Names have to be iconic," she continued. "Think of All Might's name. It has to be something that can be easily remembered by people and something that symbolizes what you stand for as a hero. You have fifteen minutes to brainstorm over your names and you will present it to the class."

The names the students came up with here pretty odd here and there like Yuga's "I Cannot Stop Twinkling." Then came along Mina with her "Alien Queen", and Tsuyu came up with "Froppy". Most of the names flowed in freely and smoothly.

Red Riot, Earphone Jack, Cellophane, Tail Man, Tentacole, Creatie, Invisible Girl, Pinky, Chargebolt, Sugar Lord, Tsukuyomi and Anima.

Hitoshi opted to go with the same name as his quirk, "Brainwash" the "Blackout Hero". Tenya went with the same name as his brother. With his brother hospitalized, he would have to be the next "Ingenium" afterall it was his legacy or something like that. His brother handed the name over to him after he was assaulted by the Hero Killer.

"Zero," said as he showed his name to the class.

"What the hell kinda name is that?" Katsuki asked. This little question was met with reverberations from the class and Midnight too.

"Why that name?"

"I was slightly stumped, finding something that kind of made sense with both ice and fire and would also be symbolic enough in people's everyday lives and then I thought of zero. It is the number that divides the temperature scale in two: the heat scale and the cold scale and I can pretty much manipulate both so I thought… why not?"

Izuku seemed thoughtful. That seemed to be a pretty solid name seeing as from zero you could either go up the scale or down as you so wish.

It was now Katsuki's turn and his name was a show stopper. "King Explosion Murder!"

"No way," Midnight said as she rejected the name. "Revise it."

"Okay… Okay. How about Lord Explosion Murder? And don't fucking tell me to revise it."

"You're a hero, not a serial killer. Rejected… Revisit it and please that kind of language isn't suited for a gentleman such as yourself."

"Huh?" Katsuki said as he blinked, words couldn't even come out of his mouth. The class laughed and for good reason. Katsuki wasn't someone that was known to stutter or be at a loss for words. He looked at her as she winked at him. He had been called many things before, but not even once had he been called a gentleman. "Uh-hum… those are the only names I could come up with." He walked back to his chair without even bothering to think of a new name.

It was Izuku's turn and his name was something the class already knew pretty much, but was he willing to go by this name all the rest of his life.

"Are you sure Midoriya?" Kyoka asked the green-haired teen.

"I am pretty sure. I never liked the name but someone made me see the beauty of it and plus it came from one of my oldest friends so I think it should be pretty much okay with me. This is the name that I would want to go by."

Katsuki was smirking slightly and Ochako had a smile that she couldn't hide for the life of her.

On the board was the common nickname that both of them had for him. Deku.


Tomura was pacing back and forth in the bar where the League of Villains usually met. His day had been surprisingly hectic. After the capture of the Hero Killer, many rogues had risen claiming to share the Hero Killer's ideals about destroying the current society.

There were four new people in the room with him and Kurogiri and needless to say, he wasn't happy about the entire matter. He would have outright opposed everything but his Mentor would have said otherwise.

Dabi, a young man with black hair and a patched up face. Tomura suspected that he must have been burnt pretty bad to have gotten this damaged. Himiko Toga, a blonde-haired teenage school girl. Muscular an extremely bulky guy with blond spiky hair. He had a scarred left eye and a crazy grin was worn on his face. The other was Spinner, a guy that tried his best to look like Stain.

The room was tense. They were to be comrades essentially but it looked like a fight would break out immediately. Kurogiri was trying his best to calm the situation down.

"Why are they here now?"

"Master ordered it."

"And what of it? He should have at least informed me of the situation."

"… You'll understand soon enough. He wants to reward you."

"But why though?"

"Don't tell me that we're his reward…" Dabi said as he tapped the counter with his left hand.

"Stop that… it's irritating."

"And if I don't?"

"Mind if I join in on this?" Muscular asked as he flexed his muscles.

Himiko smiled widely as she made a weird gleeful sound.

"Alright settle down all of you…"

The Television in the bar came on. They could see the person clearly. He was the most notorious person in all of Japan. They could make out his clear and raspy voice.

"Welcome to the League of Villains."


"Hush Tomura. I see you've met your rewards. Aside from the Nomu, I want to give you an army that can think for themselves."

"I didn't agree to be part of anyone's army," Muscular said as he got up from his stool. "I am out of here."

"Hush now. What I am about to say pretty much concerns the lot of you and trust me, you will be rewarded."


The study sessions following that where pretty much the same. The entire class spent their time trying to get Shoto and Katsuki to tolerate each other with no visible sign of success. They just decided to let them be especially after Shoto challenged Katsuki to a fight, promising him that this time he would use both his ice and fire. Katsuki turned down the request and proceeded to just ignore Shoto.

The study session proved useful as the tutees were hammered left, right and center by their tutors and when the final exam came, they were pretty much happy to see that they all passed the exams. Denki and Mina were especially grateful to the class tutors.

Finally it was the day for the Practical exams.

"Like I said earlier, if you want to make it to the bootcamp, you better not slack off."

They nodded their heads. They knew he wasn't kidding.

"The exam will be a mock battle between you guys and your teachers."

Everyone gasped loudly, save for one person.

"Hell yeah!" Katsuki yelled as he let off explosions on his palm.

"The pairings are as follows:"

Eijirou Kirishima and Rikido Sato vs. Cementoss

Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui vs. Ectoplasm

Mashiro Ojirou and Tenya Iida vs. Powerloader

Momo Yaoyorozu and Shoto Todoroki vs. Eraser Head

Ochako Uraraka and Yuga Aoyama vs. Thirteen

Denki Kaminari and Mina Ashido vs. Nezu

Kyoka Jirou and Koji Koda vs. Present Mic

Hanta Sero and Minoru Mineta vs. Midnight

Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo vs. All Might

Izuku gulped. He was going to fight All Might, the Number 1 Hero. Katsuki on the other hand was grinning from ear-to-ear. The rest of them weren't all that worried about the teachers they would face but they were all visibly feeling sorry for Izuku and Katsuki, though the latter didn't even seem as though he was scared.

"You pass the exam only if one or both of you escape the zone of the exam by making it to the gate or if you restrain the teacher in question with a pair of handcuffs that will be given to you at the exam site."

"What about Shinso?" Mina asked.

"His performance during the Sports Festival would be used to grade his practical exams."

That seemed convenient enough.

"In addition to that, we will be wearing weights that have been developed by Mei Hatsume of the support course. The weights will be calibrated to take up half of our body weight and slow us down."

"You'll be transported to different fields where the exams will take place simultaneously. The field will be to the advantage of the teachers in question. The campus busses will take you to the various fields where the exams will take place so get changed and get a move on now."


The entirety of Class 1-A made their way to the busses with one thought in their mind. How the hell where they supposed to beat the teachers?


Izuku and Katsuki came down from the bus fully geared and ready to go.

"How do you propose we go about this?" Izuku asked this. "I have a strategy in mind."

"I also have one in mind."

"We fight/we run."

They both looked at each other each trying to think about what was going on in the other's head to make them come up with a thought like that.

"Why run?" Katsuki asked Izuku. His face was one of total confusion laced with anger.

"Because he is All Might," Izuku said as if stating it was obvious.

"That's exactly why we must face him head-on. We will place the handcuffs on him."

"You must be pretty dumb if you think that," Izuku told him. "I am heading for the Gate. We only need one person to pass anyway."

"Fine by me. I can hog all the glory."

"What's wrong with you Kacchan?"

"I'm fine. You are the one with the problem. All Might gave you his quirk, you should at least try to fight him with it, plus you have that electric quirk."

"Even with all those, he still has the edge over us. He is the Number 1 Hero for a reason."

"Number 1 or not we have to fight."

"Passing the exam is priority."

"Beating All Might is priority."


"I AM HERE!" All Might said as he punched forward sending a huge gust of wind towards that destroyed a lot of the surrounding area and slammed into both Deku and Katsuki.

"What the-"

"Now young ones. Even if it is just an exam, you must know and understand one fact… I am a Villain and you must either stop or get away from me." His trademark grin was spread wide on his face as he flexed the arm that he had just used to punch.

"Kacchan, let's hurry."

"You go," Katsuki said as he ran towards All Might. As he did this, Deku was also making his way towards the gate.

All Might watched them before a thought came to mind. Despite the fact that they had pretty much reconciled their relationship, they had different views on matters. Deku wanted to win without making any moves and Katsuki wanted to win by domination as he usually did.

All Might grinned widely. They were both underestimating him and he would ensure that they regret their actions. His mind had already being made up and he was going to let them pass only if they worked together.

"All Might!" Katsuki screamed as he launched himself towards the pro with intents on blasting him. All Might just lifted his hands as he made measures to block the attack.

The blast made its mark on his hands but it didn't do any damage against him. Seeing that Katsuki was letting up on the blast, he stretched forth his hands and grabbed the blond by his palm. Katsuki went wide-eyed and the next thing that happened would have made his eyes bulge out even more.

All Might kneed him in the stomach but didn't let him go. He held the blond as he leapt forth towards Deku and stopped directly in front of him

"Young Midoriya!" he yelled as he saw Deku in front of him. He tossed Katsuki at the green-haired teen with immense force.

Deku yelped as he turned to help his friend. He caught the blond but the force sent him flying until he slammed into a building.

"Remember. I am the villain and you are the heroes. Escape me or stop me, the choice is yours. You can't do it alone young'un." As he said this, he walked forward.

Katsuki was stirring as he tried to get a hold of himself.

"We need to lose him," Deku said as he got up.

He tensed up as he used One for All: Full Surge. "I have a plan but it depends on you." Deku knew the meaning behind All Might's words. If they didn't fight, they wouldn't be able to escape him. They had to fight him without actually fighting him.

All Might was soon within distance and he began to run at them. Katsuki and Deku had attained a fighting stance and were awaiting him. As soon as he was within striking distance, Katsuki leapt forward with his arm in front of him. The plan was for him to use up all the sweat that he had stored in his grenades.

All Might ignored the blast that may come at him and continued his assault with reckless abandon. Katsuki's palm lit up as he let the attack loose. The entire area was soon covered by a blinding light. "Stun grenade!"

All Might tried to shield his eyes but soon he felt a jolt of electricity enter his body. He smirked on knowing what it was. By the time his eyes went back to normal, they were no longer there.

"They were wise to regroup."


"He's not going to let us escape and we pretty much can't fight him. I am sure you've realized that by now."

Katsuki stood up to look Deku in the eye. No matter how much he would have wanted to refute the boy's statement, he was right. With the way they were they wouldn't even amount to much against him.

That however, didn't mean that he wouldn't try. He was no coward and he one hundred percent wouldn't back down from a fight. Deku knew that and that was what his plan centered on, the bonus was that he was a lot subtle than Katsuki and faster too, so he wouldn't be noticed quickly.

He would have Katsuki draw out All Might and he would make his way towards the gate. It was a really simple plan but it would have been a lot more effective if he had fought All Might and Katsuki had made his way for the gate stealthily, and that's why they had other traps laid out for the pro.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked the ash blond boy in front of him.

The grin on Katsuki's face was all he needed as confirmation.


"Should I start looking for them?" All Might asked himself as he punched forward and laid waste to the buildings in front of him. "This is taking forever." He was about to jump up when he saw a figure in front of him.

"All Might! This ends now," Katsuki said as he launched himself forward with his explosions. They were a lot louder than usual. All Might ran to meet him with equal vigour and as soon as he neared the pro, he blasted himself out of harm's way and continued blasting the pro.

All Might blocked the blast and punched forward only to miss. Katsuki was using the smoke created from the explosions as a smoke screen to make avoiding All Might very easy. All Might punched forward this time, the wind created from the force picked Katsuki up and slammed him into a building.

All Might ran forward and held him by the face, completely ignoring the blasts that were hitting his body. "Young Bakugo, it ends n-"

He heard something and his eyes widened. He turned towards the direction of the gate not losing his grip on Katsuki as he jumped to the top of the buildings and spotted a figure jumping on the rooftops.

In an instant, he righted himself with the wind pressure from his punch and started rocketing towards the figure. As he got closer, he saw Izuku shrouded in the electric green of One for All and Surge mixed together.

'Good thing I noticed. He is almost at the gate. This was their plan and I didn't even notice. That was why Bakugo was using the explosions as cover so that if there was even a slight chance that I should hear Midoriya, it was nullified. I wouldn't have heard him if it wasn't for the yelp he gave.

Deku turned back to see All Might hot on his trail. 'He must have heard the yelp I gave from almost falling. Damn it.'

Luckily they had a backup plan. He could see the gate already.

"All Might!" Katsuki yelled at the pro.

All Might turned to look at the boy but widened his eyes at what was in front of him. A sphere of light was in his palm and he wore a shitty grin on his face.

"Damn," he muttered as the sphere of light flashed brightly and engulfed his vision. Katsuki had used up the sweat in his second grenade and the result was obvious. The stun grenade detonated in front of him and All Might's face and they both descended as All Might was stunned.

Deku was tempted to go back and save them but Katsuki had made him promise that he wouldn't do that. He kept on leaping from building to building and soon an alarm rang throughout the exam area.

"Team Midoriya and Bakugo have passed the Final Exam."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

LOTS_Fictioncreators' thoughts