
BNHA: Singularity

MC throws himself on a grenade and gets transmigrated to the world of Boku no Hero Academia with a barebones but exceptionally powerful System.

Einlion · Cómic
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230 Chs

Chapter 149

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by Murderous_Gaming.)




"Don't worry. No matter what comes, I'll keep you safe..." whispered Izuku, standing behind Inko with his hands on her waist, providing her physical and emotional support as a presence steadily near them, eventually emerging from the mist as a Level 72, club-wielding Hobgoblin.

Though she shut her eyes, Inko pushed outward with both hands, an invisible force surging outward that, upon interacting with the Hobgoblin, violently arrested its momentum. It didn't sustain that much damage, but no matter how it strained its body or tried to resist, it was steadily pushed back at a slow but accelerating pace.

"It's okay..." whispered Izuku, bringing his hands around to cradle Inko's stomach, deliberately pressing his bulge against her ass as he asserted, "You're an amazing woman, Kaa-chan, and your Quirk is just as incredible. Open your eyes..."

Doing as she was told, albeit with some hesitation, Inko was surprised to find that the terrifying monster that came charging at them was nowhere to be seen. However, she could still sense it, moving away at a high speed before abruptly stopping.

"It stopped..." muttered Inko, prompting Izuku to gently push her as he responded, "Let's go see..." in a faint, guiding tone. Inko allowed herself to be guided forward, but she purposely measured her steps just enough that Izuku's bulge would poke and prod her ass as they walked.

"Kaa-chan is so naughty..." mused Izuku, feeling an almost overwhelming urge to push Inko down but suppressing it as they were supposed to be training, not fooling around.

Reaching where the Hobgoblin had stopped, Inko's eyes widened as they found it pinned against the surface of a large boulder. It wasn't dead, but its arms and legs were splayed in resignation as it struggled more for each successive breath.

"Do it..." whispered Izuku, handing Inko a titanium sphere roughly the size of a cue ball. An incredibly anxious look marred her face as she started to tremble, but Izuku when Izuku added, "It's for our future..." while placing his hand over her lower abdomen, she immediately sent the sphere flying forward, its movement slow but sinking deeply into the Hobgoblin's chest.

*You have received 275,284 Experience for killing Dravarok(Level 72)*

Seeing the Hobgoblin disappear after being slain, leaving behind a long green ear that plopped to the ground, Inko breathed a sigh of relief and allowed her body to slump against Izuku's. She wasn't sure how effective her Quirk would be in combat, but now that she knew her weight limit was tied to her mental and physical strength, she felt embarrassed for thinking it was fairly useless before. In reality, she had simply been negligent...


Name: [Inko Midoriya]

Title: Forbidden Fruit(Vitality + 100 and personal Luck + 1 each time you cum inside her)

Quirk: Attract and Repel

Bond Leve: 100

Current Level: 44

Effective Level: 77


Strength: 47

Agility: 51

Vitality: 272

Intelligence: 100

Dexterity: 130

Luck: 170

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Stamina Queen], [Mother's Intuition]

[Stamina Queen]: You do not tire easily, particularly when exercising or performing routine acts.

[Mother's Intuition]: You have a sixth sense that lets you know when your children are in danger or trying to deceive you.


Though Inko wished she could crawl into a hole and die when she first learned she had experienced something as amazing as an 'Awakening' in the middle of an orgasm, she now regarded it as proof that she and Izuku were meant to be together. Thus, as the two of them stood there, staring at the aftermath of what she had done, Inko activated her Quirk, causing Izuku to nestle his bulge deep between her ass cheeks.

"Not now..." said Izuku, kissing Inko's head before whispering, "We can't be fooling around while the others are working hard. Come, let's find the Goblin or Hobgoblin. Once you can defeat them without tensing up or me having to walk you through it, then you may have your reward..."

Punctuating his statement, Izuku slid his hand down Inko's abdomen and tentatively rubbed her pussy through the fabric of her leotard. The two of them presently had a very sex-focused relationship, but Izuku didn't mind in the slightest. Inko had worked hard to sculpt her body into a form that didn't just appeal to him but was perfectly suited to his cock. The woman had literally slept with a near-perfect replica of his penis inside her for the better part of three months, training her interior walls to provide as much stimulation as possible, so as strange as it sounded, whenever Izuku was inside Inko's pussy, he felt like he was exactly where he was supposed to be...almost like he was home...




"And, how did he respond~?" asked Nemuri, beaming, as, while the two of them were gossiping and killing anything that came at them with almost ludicrous ease, Anan revealed that she had proposed having Izuku's child.

Before responding to Nemuri's enthusiasm, Anan pointed her right index finger at a group of six Goblins that had succumbed to the former's Quirk, falling asleep mid-charge. A mote of hazy black darkness appeared from the tip of her finger, rapidly spreading to encompass the entire digit as an overwhelming suction force drew everything she pointed at toward her at extreme speeds, compressing and atomizing it without a trace.

*You have gained a combined 852,072 Experience for killing...*

Ignoring the system notification, Anan extinguished the black haze from her finger and turned to Nemuri, smiling as she mused, "He said that my mommy energy was 'astronomical' and that if I kept acting adorably, he would give me ten."

Nodding approvingly, Nemuri used her [Pheromone Control] to intercept a  Hobgoblin trying to ambush them, manipulating her sleeping pheromones in the form of a gaseous pink snake that caused the roughly 2m tall green humanoid to go limp mid-leap before crashing face first into the ground at her feet.

Suppressing the urge to step on the Hobgoblin's head with her modified stilettos, Nemuri stepped aside and repositioned her pheromone serpent behind her, remarking, "He's right, you know? You give off a very motherly aura. Ten might be pushing it, but I can easily see you having three to five kids."

"I'll be satisfied with just the one..." replied Anan, waiting until she had disposed of the unconscious Hobgoblin before revealing, "I'm thinking of joining Kazehana-san if she turns her house into a daycare. Even if they're not mine, I want to ensure that each of Izuku's children can grow happily and healthily..."

Causing Anan to frown in discomfort, Nemuri, unable to control herself, promptly glomped the slightly taller woman, rubbing her cheek against the former's with great enthusiasm as she exclaimed, "You're so freaking cute, Anan-chan! And you're already using Izuku-kun's name without any honorifics! You must reaaaaaally like him, hmmmmmmmm~?"

Instead of responding to Nemuri's words, Anan extended her right hand, the entire thing becoming a black haze as she began pulling everything within a 100m cone toward it. Trees, rocks, magical mist, monsters, and even the forest floor were drawn in and atomized by her Quirk's incredible power, garnering the Party more than 8.3 million Experience in a single go. More importantly, at least to Anan, she succeeded in stunning Nemuri into silence, sparing her the need to respond...




With everyone reaching Level 60 and his own reaching 61 by lunchtime, Izuku was in a great mood. Uncleared breaches, especially forest types, had between a thousand and ten thousand monsters, depending on their size. Tomoko had approximated the Redcap's Enchanted Forest to be at least 30km in diameter, so, on the low end, they were dealing with around 3,000 Goblins, Hobgoblins, and elusive Redcaps. With their EXP multiplier being 55.92x and increasing, clearing the entire breach should net them a minimum of 429,000,000 Experience.

Though 429,000,000 Experience seemed like an astronomical sum, it was truly only enough to get everyone present to Level 63. Reaching Level 70 required well over a billion, so it really went to show how hard people like Historia and Henry had worked to acquire Levels in the 80s, necessitating they start entering A-Rank Dungeons just to keep growing.

Nezu had managed to get his hands on a single A-Rank breach for Izuku's group to enter, but the downside was that most of the monsters had been cleared out. The only one that remained, as far as anyone was concerned, was the Boss, an intelligent, flame-breathing Dragon with fiery red scales known as Wilnas. Its Level and stats were unknown, as no one who faced it was strong enough to [Read] them, but unless they ignored its warnings and antagonized it, it would let anyone who trespassed its domain escape so long as they promised to bring it a 'real' Hero.

Since Wilnas was one of the few monsters that had been discovered to be capable of speech, Nezu had to pull a lot of strings to get Izuku access to its lair, the Vermillion Palace. He believed Wilnas might be able to provide some insight into the 'Convergence' and the foreign entities threatening to conquer or destroy their world. Izuku felt similarly, but since his [Intuition] told him it wouldn't be wise to meet Wilnas carelessly, he intended to wait until just before his return to Japan. Before then, he had...other priorities...




As a reward for them scouting out the Redcap's lair, obtaining information on their numbers and the structure of their above-ground tree home and below-ground tunnel network, Izuku was giving Tomoko and Ryuko their thrice-daily dose of 'baby batter,' alternating between them as they made out at his behest.

Releasing the majority of his third and final shot into Tomoko, as she was currently in her dangerous period, Izuku discharged the rest onto Ryuko's full and shapely ass, commenting, "That's gotta be the fifteenth load I've emptied into your pussy in the past three days. If you're not pregnant, I'd be extremely surprised..."

"It's only the fourteenth..." Tomoko responded, hooking her feet around Izuku's thighs as if to say, 'But we can change that right now.'

"I still need to see to Nemuri-sensei and Momo," said Izuku, wiping his semen from Ryuko's ass, smiling as he added, "But don't worry. We'll get that number to at least thirty before you return to Japan. If not, the next time I see you, and you're ovulating, we'll go at it a full twenty-four hours to 'ensure' you're pregnant..."

Imagining being at Izuku's mercy for a full twenty-four hours, Tomoko's pussy clenched, ejecting a large volume of semen as a powerful shudder wracked her body. At the same time, Ryuko, feeling a little left out despite actively leaking semen, wagger her butt as she poutily protested, "It's not fair if you only make such a promise to Tomoko..."

"I don't recall mentioning her specifically..." countered Izuku, spreading Ryuko's ass and pussy to allow his semen to form a stream that drizzled onto Tomoko's. It was an incredibly erotic sight, but as he felt like he had been neglecting Momo a bit since the other girls arrived, he didn't want to keep her waiting. In reality, she had willfully taken a step back to give the others a chance to be with him as, come the following weekend, everyone but Yu, Nemuri, and Mei would be returning to Japan. Still, as it would be a waste if they didn't capitalize on the benefits her [Sexy Secretary] Title provided, Izuku made sure to seek her out at least twice a day to cum in ass, mouth, and pussy. An increase of 2-3 Luck might not seem like a lot, but when you received it each and every day, it quickly added up...




(A/N: Here, there be dragons...)