
BNHA / MHA : The Musketeer Hero

When a random John Doe wakes up in a popular fictional world where currently most of its population has developed superpowers called "Quirks", of which allowed the rise of heroes and villains. He finds himself reborn as someone who eventually will have the ability to mimic the quirks of others. This gives him the potential to be the most versatile hero ever in existence, due to the fact that he can have multiple powers at any point and can always copy more. Deciding to prove that the one who was once considered a joke character will have the last laugh and take his place as the joker of the deck. Getting stronger on his own, while still taking every chance he is presented. Might not be one for the path of nobleness, but he will follow it nonetheless. Mimicking our idols isn't enough. You have to aim above and go beyond PLUS ULTRA! And as the chivalrous swordsmen who fight for justice once said: UNUS PRO OMNIBUS, OMNES PRO UNO! AU. Harem. +18 just to be safe. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

Accepting the call and meeting the mentor

The world's most popular hero!


Age? Around 48-49 I would say.

Quirk? One for all.

He broke into the hero scene around twenty-five years ago and was an immediate hit thanks to his abilities and charisma.

Ever since he appeared, crime rates have drastically decreased.

His very existence had deterred many would-be villains, but indirectly pushed some into villainy.

The world is technically a safer place.

I'd argue that at least the U.S.A and Japan, I'm so sure about the rest of the world though.

People don't just call him the symbol of peace.

They believed he was.

And now.

This pillar of might had said to me...

"Young man, you too can become a hero!"

'I've awaited you to tell me those words ever since I awoke in this fictional reality.'

When I found myself as the most underrated character in the story that had been delegated to the role of the annoying clown was hard news for me.

But then I noticed I was sharing classes with Mydoria, and it was then that I knew it was my chance to become the undisputed number one.

I hope all the fame and glory I've been striving for so long, won't disappoint my expectations.

"I deem you worthy of my power. My quirk is yours to inherit." Said the number one hero.

Okay, back to pretending to be very confused.

Perhaps I will go with Nick Young's confused meme this time.

But I won't keep pretending confusion for much longer, don't wanna make him think I am dimwitted or something.

I think he found it amusing though, because he began laughing out loud before remarking.

"...Hah, I know it is a lot to take in so out of the blue... don't worry, the ultimate choice is yours only to make.

But as I mentioned before, I watched you jump into action as the rest only stood idly by.

You may not exactly have a quirk of your own, relying on mimicking the quirks from others, but you were an example to be "copied" when you rescued that kid.

You didn't have a license, so you refrained from using your quirk, but that just proved how capable you are even without them."

He began walking towards me.

"So listen well young man, I am offering you my awesome quirk! Are you gonna take it, YES OR NOT?"

He announced before emphasizing my options.

"I don't fully understand the meaning of your words. But if it will somehow aid me in saving those in need and stopping whatever threat that might arise... then..."

I stated before posing in the classical superhero pose.

I stood with my legs spread apart, arms on my hips, elbows bent while showing my best impression of All Might's aura projecting as much power as he did for the cameras.

And smiling, cannot forget about this detail.

I gave him my answer.

"I accept becoming your successor! But know that I will surpass you!"

Fortunately, he completely bought my act and proudly remarked my statement in his enlarged form.

"That's the spirit! I knew you were special from the moment I saw you sprinting from the crowd towards that villain."

After his compliment, he deflated to his skeletal form and continued.

"There are a couple things you should know about my abilities."

He then began explaining to me how everyone thought his quirk was some kind of strength enhancement or invulnerability.

He justified he wanted the world to believe that the symbol of peace was a natural born hero like everybody.

But then, he "revealed" to me that was not his case.

He then spread his arms and looked up.

"I wasn't born with this power, it is a secret torch passed on to me from someone else."

The wind began blowing from behind him, and I could even see a glimpse of the scar in his chest when the shirt was briefly lifted by it.

"And now you are next! I will give you my abilities! And that is just one facet of them. The true name of my power is one for all!"

I didn't let my excitement at his words affect my heroic portrayal. But damn, this man knows how to hype his offer.

He lifts his hand as pretending to grasp the air and begins monologuing again.

"One person improves the power and then hands it off to another person. And it continues to grow as it paces along. It is this cultivated power that allows me to save those who are in a need of a hero. This is the truth behind my strength!"

Following his epic tone, I lifted my arm as if I was shaking his hand or expecting to receive a gift.

Keeping my smile while answering with determination.

"I Neito Monoma, future number one hero, accepts to be the next holder of One for All. Thank you for trusting me to become the next pillar responsible for peace and justice. I will not disappoint you!"

He smiled and replied. "No reluctance. I respect that."

And so he continued.

"And please, I am the one who should be thankful. I was in a long hunt for a worthy successor until I found you."

After he told me about his secret and I accepted, he inspected my body condition and was impressed I had a very athletic body.

It was only natural, given I had to be inhumanly well fit to actually pull off some amazing stunts I copied from some movies.

And since some of those moves weren't actually real, I'm glad to say that I successfully adapted them to be more practical.

Oh yeah, passing his second test with flying colors granted me his hair right there on the spot.

I didn't eat his entire hair, only the hair follicle at the base of it. I already knew that the hair itself didn't contain even a speck of his DNA.

Despite my intelligent move, it was still gross as fuck.

But man, it was worthy.

Since receiving his DNA, I became perfectly capable of controlling One for All.

I theorized it was due to this new power boosting my quirk, that I gained the original user's quirk prowess over the copied one.

So, in other words...

I'm literally the new All Might.

And so.

First thing I did was jump all over the city, like he did when Izuko grabbed his leg in canon.

Fortunately no one saw me geeking out up there.

And with this boost, every physical task became child's play, even the parkour crazy flips were as simple as walking.

My stamina increased absurdly. To be honest, I had to actively calm my self to sleep at night.

All Might almost cried.

"Monoma-Shonen, you just received my quirk and already mastered it. Like me, you are a natural user of One for All. It's really... nostalgic."


Dagoba Municipal Beach Park

Two days after receiving One for All

It was already late evening, and on the infamous beach, I met again with All Might.

You might be wondering why I hadn't already cleaned the beach before he asked me.

But I wouldn't simply throw away this precious chance of bonding with the number one hero.

I made sure to take with me safety equipment like special gloves to not get cut by any sharp edges or dangerous objects.

"So, sensei. This task you gave me, its purpose, is it for me to become more familiar with my new quirk?" I questioned already knowing his answer.

Giving a thumbs up, he said. "You got it! Even if you are already capable of lifting as much as I can, I need you to show control in performing simple tasks without blowing everything away with a swift punch. You need to be capable of restraining yourself. Remember, not everyone has an endurance quirk."

"I understand. Thanks sensei."

He smiled back and began walking around the sand. "You are most welcome my dear disciple. Plus, there is another reason too. I did a little online research yesterday, turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful. But it has been a total mess for the last few years." He finished right after knocking a large fridge as if it was a door.

His simple touch bent the area on the large domestic item.

'Yeah, I definitely need to learn how to restrain myself. Imagine shaking someone's hand and unintentionally breaking their bones.' Was the unspoken lesson he gave to me without realizing.

"You are right, because of the ocean's current anything that is dropped in the water eventually ends up here. And some people take advantage of that when they are illegally dumping their trash. Now all the locals avoid this place." I added, gaining more points with the hero. Thanks Izuku, I guess.

All Might then walked around the previous fridge and continued his teaching.

"Heroes these days are all about showing off and capturing flashy villains." And then he proceeded to casually squash the fridge as if all that metal was made of paperboard.

"Things were different before quirks, service was what mattered. Back then, heroes were those who would help the community..." He continued while treating the large and heavy object as if it was an aluminum can.

"...even if it was boring." Just after completing his argument, he completely flattened that piece of junk.

At that instant, because of his raw power, a whirlwind blew a lot of the remaining trash away.

'Geez. I thought you were trying to teach me restraint. Losing points with all that misdirection.' Was the first thing that came to my mind.

But then the sunlight finally reached me, and I saw the amazing view he was talking about earlier.

And I don't even like being at the beach.

'Ok, you got those points back for your presentation.'

"You will restore the coastline for this entire section of the beach. That's the next step on your path young man, towards becoming a true hero." Was his instruction.

Not wasting my cue I responded enthusiastically. "Right away sensei!"

And I started my task.

All Might was expecting a bit of hesitation, but seeing none from his new disciple he mused. 'You got a lot of spirit, young hero. Keep this up Monoma-Shonen, and there will be nothing that UA can launch at that you can't handle.'

And just like that, ten months of surprisingly awesomeness went by.

Every morning I headed from my empty house towards the beach.

After cleaning enough for the day, I took a shower and went to school.

Thankfully, as I stated before, I just simply didn't get tired.

Most days at class were me pretending to be learning new things while accepting all the words of admiration from my classmates.

It seems that the fact I risked my life for Bakugou, whom I've called out for acting villainously on the same day, gave serious weight to my efforts in portraying myself as the next All Might.

Even Izuku began hanging with me. Sharing his notebooks about heroes and quirks.

'What an honor Mr. protagonist.'

As days went by, All Might learned that my parents lived far away and the both of us began hanging out as well. Talking about school and the life of being the number one hero.

He gave me some tips on fighting crime. And boy oh boy, he does know his stuff.

'Wait. Have I somehow copied Izuku's plot armor just by spending time with him?!'


'Whatever, at least Toshinori isn't a pedo.'


'Now sleeping just became a lot harder for me. Shit.'


No matter whether it rains or the sun shines, I adamantly followed my task and went beyond.

I gained swimming experience, besides just copying the famous swimmers on tv.

Eventually, my routine had gained some attention

People began connecting the dots, and unsurprisingly, I was labeled as All Might next protégé.

This will complicate things down the line.

The immediate effect was that people began aiding me with cleaning the beach, it was almost like some sort of daily event.

And when I thought All Might wasn't liking his test being thrown out the window like this, he just smiled at me and said.

"Not even I was able to motivate so many people at such a young age. I better bring out my A game soon or I will become the student here."

'Oh yeah, I definitely have plot armor.'

And so, despite my expectations, the task proposed to me by All Might became rather fun.

I found a lot of valuable stuff among the filth.

Like some impossibly well preserved old school video game and an ancient sword.

After cleaning, disinfecting and repairing them thoroughly, I will sure put them to good use.

And eventually, I've completed my task.

But not just that.

I've brought life back to it.

And after so much effort put into it, not just by me or by the locals, but even some people from other parts of the city that came and followed my exemple.

We've even cleaned the other areas of the beach.

As All Might was the biggest name around here, the city constructed statues of All Might and even me in our hero poses right in front of the beach

That didn't help me in dealing with my ego, but all in all it was a hell of a semester for me.

Yeah, you heard me right, as like only six months have passed.

There are still four months until the UA entrance exam.

I just really didn't want to enter by recommendation, as I've told All Might.


Having so much time to spare, I decided to help Izuku a little.

After all, the dude just kept helping me when we geeked out talking about strengths and weaknesses of popular quirks.

And so I motivated him to enter the Support course in UA.

I've used my best mimicking of famous scenes to pep talk him into becoming the symbol of reference to the 20% quirkless population.

Show that even without superpowers, they could stand against injustice and protect those in need.

I've tried to mold him to follow Mei Hatsume's steps.

What can I say! I want my omnitrix!

Other than Izuku, I've tracked the petty criminal seeking to spread his name across the media.

Danjuro Tobita, the gente criminal.

And his sidekick... La Brava... I don't know her real name.

The two had just finished robbing a store, with La Brava filming the scene with a bunch of heroes defeated on the ground and the store wiggling like a jelly

Had to admit, he is tough. But refined as well. I dig it.

"Hey, mister gentle." I said after falling from the sky a few meters beside them.

Both of them turned towards me.

"Oh, It seems we have a fan my dear."

He whispered to themselves.

"You are right mister gentle!" Giggled the tiny woman.

"You understood me wrong sir. I'm not here to get your sign, but I'm here to help you."

This got their attention.

"Help? Well I'm afraid your offer isn't needed dear... what you said your name was again?... Wait, I know you!"


"You're the one that made our latest video not get enough views! You... you are the protégé of All Might!"

Lá Brava responded to his remark while still stunned. "You mean that boy?! So... isn't him a hero? Is he here to fight you mister gentle?"

"I'd assume so. But from my knowledge, he isn't authorized to act as a hero yet. And he stated his intention to offer help. So let us hear this young man."

Geez, alright with the mannered words.

"Thanks, glad to be remembered."

Danjuro visibly flinched at my remark. Good.

"I am here to redeem you into becoming the very best you can be. Why strive to live only for yourselves? I've made my research, you were someone who wanted to be a hero out of despair. A despair to be remembered. know you could have been more..."

I offer my hand for dramatic effect.

"...You CAN be more!"

La Brava looked up to her idol. As her role model, and as of right now literally.

Gentle wasn't having a good time after hearing those words.

"How do you... you don't understand hero boy...to carve my name in history, for future generations to remember me! So that going forward, someone out there... will give a moment's thought to the way I lived, and aspire to it. And this dream is no longer mine alone. My dream would be trifling indeed if your words could move me to abandon my course!"

After waiting for his heated rant I simply answered him.

"You might want to throw away shame, honor and eventually your way of doing things to be recognized... But I'm here to help! I WILL become someone who can show everyone a brighter future. That's not my dream, that's my goal. I will help those lamenting their lives... and I will save the WORLD!"

I've ended my speech flicking my finger downwards, provoking a desired whirlwind that helped me to make a physical manifestation about my determination.

They just stood there speechless. But I didn't relented.

"As of now, I see you are a great inspiration for this lady accompanying you. So I ask you, what kind of future do you want her to strive for? This bleak and cynical world you are building? Or will you join me in my journey to save the world from apathy and superficiality? The choice in the end will always be yours to make."

After this low blow.

I turn my back to them without looking away. Not letting them respond I finish with...

"If you wish to aid me with saving the people in need, then meet me at the dagoba municipal beach park... if not, I wish you good luck. For both of you."

And I take off with a single jump, carrying a lot of wind with me.

I hope my plot armor is real.



*Hey there! Thanks for reading my work! I hope this chapter is of your liking.

Any ideas for powers, equipment, girls and anything else that might be a good match with my fic is more than welcomed. I might not use anything, but you will have my gratitude for trying.

If this chapter is a mess of grammatical errors, please wait that I will promptly try to fix it. But for that I need your feedback.

Thanks as always for your time, hope you have a fantastic day and please stay safe. Bye.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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