
Blue Silver Energy Grass

A small change can cause some big repercussions. How? Let me show you. Follow Fan Lin. Once again. For like the third time. Except this time, he will get over his wife, with the reincarnated version of his wife.

God_Hand · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

Many things unexplained

Douluo Continent what

Eastsea City

Fan Lin's Home.

Fan Lin looked at the moon that was peering through the clouds while waiting for the informer.

An hour has passed since the time that the informer said and Fan Lin's paranoia was rising to the roof.

Moment by moment he was slowly releasing his killing intent.

"Sorry, I was a little late."

Fifteen minutes later, the informer came with a bagpack.

Fan Lin looked at the informer, then at the backpack that he had.

"Where is the information?"

He calmly asked.

"Here, take it. Be aware though, she has a weird temper with Evil Soul masters. I don't think she will accept anything you ask her"

The informer took out a package from his storage ring and tossed it to Fan Lin with a small smile.

Fan Lin's anger rose little by little as the informer explained about the broker he found. He couldn't help but ask.

"Why are you giving her info to me then?"

"Well... She is someone you can trust the most if you become her client. Don't mention about your Evil Soul Master status and she will not betray you even if she died."

The informer informed Fan Lin of his reason.

[You got that.]

Fan Lin stared at the informer for a minute without speaking.

"So you knew-"

"One of my colleagues sold you out. I can't say anything about that as I don't have any right to. Information broker is just that kind of job."

The moment Fan Lin spoke, he was interrupted by the informer who suddenly started his story.

After hearing the short story, Fan Lin threw down his emotions and forcefully calmed himself. He realised that the situation was bigger than he anticipated.

He thought that it was a common game of betrayal and being betrayed for better profits but since the informer came to 'him' while knowing full well that Fan Lin most likely had labelled him as the betrayer. Now that's not common.

"And you still came here to me?"

"Well... Here."

The informer gave the bagpack to Fan Lin.

Fan Lin looked at him and silently opened the bag.

It was filled with three severed heads that displayed their horrid expressions as they died.

Fan Lin looked back at the informer who was looking at him.

"The people he sold your information did this."

"And what are you trying to achieve for telling me all this?"

"Listen to me completely okay. So how to say, Sorry. My other colleagues have already escaped, I will as well by tonight. The person that's after you is one of the two bigshot of Skysea Alliance. The envoys he sent for you has gone missing just before they said that they have you and he is going to kill all of us. Talk about being unreasonable."


"I need money so I came to deliver your information, I can also give you the current location of Guang Biao and his brother for 4 million Federation coins. How about it?

Fan Lin looked at him without any emotions and prompted him to continue.

"Well, information broking is our job okay. You can't except us to not do that. We do it every day and I am not going to apologise for my job. I accepted your job at that time while knowing that you are an Evil soul master, you can't suddenly expect me to have a conscience about my job and my deeds. Take it as my professional need."

The informer started speaking his mind like he wasn't afraid of death.

"Hah, why do you think I would not make you disappear like the middle aged man?"

Fan Lin asked in amusement. To him, the situation was suddenly becoming conical.

"I don't have any choice and I trust my gut."

"And how do you expect me to believe that this all isn't something that you cooked up to save yourself?"

"I don't have any proof to prove that but you put your trust in me all those years ago. Do it just once more."

Fan Lin looked at the informer and then towards the moon. He really didn't want to use his poisons as it just makes his life easier but in this situation, he had no choice. He didn't have an inbuilt lie detector inside him.


He sighed and waved his hand towards the informer.


Few seconds later.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Fan Lin asked again.

"I am."

The informer spoke although his eyes were full and he seemed senseless. As if he has no soul in him.

"Why come here?"

"I needed money as my colleagues stole all of my savings. I also wanted to ask you to leave here as soon as you can."

"Why do you want that?"

"When I met you four years ago, I thought you were one of those trash evil soul masters who was searching for a new prey. I took your job as I wanted the things that you have plus reporting an Evil soul master gives a really good price. I even processed your house request for that since I wanted to know where you were going to stay."

"I waited for you to do something, to kill, to loot, or at the least just steal but you didn't do a thing. You opened a shop and started selling medicines. I thought that the medicines would be poisonous so I secretly brought a few of those and sent to check. The results came out to be normal."

"You blended with the crowd like a normal person but I didn't believe it. I have seen the blood on your clothes that day. I knew that you have killed before. So I asked my colleague to send the sample of your products to a higher apothecary branch."

"That was our biggest mistake. The report came normal. Nothing was wrong with your medicine. But the sample got into the hands of one of the people of that person."

"I didn't know about all of that. I waited for a year for you to do something but you didn't. At that time I realised that you might be one of those Evil Soul Masters that wanted to change their ways and live peacefully. Considering your age and the fact that you never cultivated or ate meat. I was convinced of it."

"So I stopped. But my colleagues got into contact with the organisation at Skysea Alliance and kept monitoring you for extra money. I didn't know about that."

"When my colleagues heard about his death(points to the heads in the backpack) and that the envoy had gone missing. They all spilled the beans and told me about it. I told them to leave here and went to get his body. When I returned, I found that they every penny that I had, be it in my account or cash."

"When I was desperately searching for them, I got your call and that's when I thought of getting some money from you."

"But on my way, his death and how you were living the past three years kept repeating in my mind. I didn't want to die like that. I want to live. I really don't want to die."

"And I felt pity for you. That's why I wanted to tell you to leave by tonight."

"So all in all, in a sense, it all started from you."


"What were you going to do with the money?"

"Two million Federation coins is enough to sustain for more than 10 years for a normal family. I wanted to leave this field and go to some rural place to live a peaceful life. As I was coming to you,, I remembered that if I have kids then I need to send them to school and all that stuff. You didn't go to school but I wanted to send my children to school. In case my children wound up have soul power, I wanted them to be a soul master and it requires a huge amount to support them. Just a hundred years old spirit soul cost a million Federation coins, and that was just the beginning of the things that requires money. I needed more money. Thoughts like that filled my mind and as I passed a mecha, I remembered about your and Guang Biao's matter. I immediately returned to my office and found out the place that they are in. I was late due to it."

"Hah, what do I do now?"

Fan Lin looked at the dazed informer. Fan Lin gave him one of his high tiered poison that. It's a semi hypnotic poison that lets him control the target for a few days depending on the cultivation.

In the controlled state, the victim will do everything that Fan Lin asks.

"You should leave here asap. Contact the lady broker that I introduced. Ask her anything and she will compile to your request. Just don't tell her about that you are an Evil Soul Master. She will happily help you."

The informer answered Fan Lin cuz he thought that Fan Lin was asking him. Fan Lin looked at the informer and took a deep breath and calmed himself down again.

His forcefully calmed self just broke down a few moments ago when he thought of the various possibilities that could occur.

"And what about you? How can I trust you?"

Fan Lin asked seriously. He needed the answer to decide what he was going to do.

"I will not tell of you even if I die. I can take an oath to prove that. And once I will this place, I won't be found, so don't worry."

"Open your mouth."

Fan Lin ordered the informer and the later followed it.

He took out it his earring and threw it inside the mouth of the informer.

'Here goes my last command toxin.'

"Forget everything about me. Take the card, it have 4 million Federation coins in total. Leave this place and go into hiding in some peaceful area. Leave your dirty jobs. Change your self. Become kind, merciful and loyal. Have a family and love them. Take this command till your death."

Fan Lin looked at the dazed informer and instilled a bunch of commands into him.

It was one of the poison of his. The Command toxin. Unlike it's not so fancy name, it was a high tier toxin that can literally control a person till his death.

It was like putting codes in a certain software for it to run a certain way except it was done on a human and forcefully at that.

Once poisoned by this, the victim brain will follow the command to the subconscious level.

The only limitation was that it did work for people above lvl 40.

Something that Fan Lin still haven't figured out as he didn't conduct any research on it.

While Fan Lin was in his thoughts, the informer left the place.

Fan Lin looked at the back of the informer as he disappeared from his sight and went towards his room.

He took out his earrings and put it inside the box.

"I really don't want to use these. I really don't want to repeat everything that happened in my past life once again. I really don't want to destroy a world again."

"What should I do? I know the answer, don't I. I just need to stop depending on these."

"Easier said than done."

"What do I do?"

"Let's leave this place first. I will think about it later on the way."

Fan Lin packed all of his stuff and decided to leave his house.

"I... forget it."

He looked at his house with a myriads of emotions for one last time and began to walk away from it.


Control toxin:

A toxin that can control others.

Limitations: Effects depends on cultivation. From a few minutes to weeks.

Command Toxin:

Instills total control on the victims which can be 're-programmed' however the user wants, be it memory wipeout, fake memories creation, fake thoughts, change in personality, habits, speech pattern or how they perceive the world.

Can cause instant death if commanded.

Limitations: Don't know why it doesn't work above lvl 40🤔. Need to research.

Used on two people till now.

Decay poison:

Intermediate grade:

Decays the targets from the inside, except the decay is in order of mental state (thought paralysis) and physical state (nervous system breakdown and paralysis and corpse decay (just normal cellular decomposition that occurs suddenly after 59 minutes.)

Limitations: still not confirmed but not usable above lvl 70.

Who thought of its name.