
Blue Silver Energy Grass

A small change can cause some big repercussions. How? Let me show you. Follow Fan Lin. Once again. For like the third time. Except this time, he will get over his wife, with the reincarnated version of his wife.

God_Hand · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


Douluo Continent

Eastsea City

In a private room in the Red light district.

The middle aged man stood up from his seat. Behind him, six soul rings were floating. He was a Soul Emperor.

The female was flung to the window without any care.

"Are you threatening me☺️?" Fan Lin spoke to the man in a cold voice although his face was full of smiles.

"What do you think?" The middle aged man asked Fan Lin with a smirk.

He wanted to create a better impression on Fan Lin since if he worked with them, he would easily rose in position in their organisation and could very well become boss's favourite as well.

Having good relations with a person of that calibre would have been helpful to him as well but since Fan Lin has declined the polite way, he had no choice but to capture him forcefully.

"Just asking, how many soul beasts survive from this soul beasts gladiator?"

Fan Lin casually asked, completely ignoring the middle aged man. The smile on his face didn't change, not did the coldness in his voice. It was as if he wasn't even putting him in his eyes.

"Huh? Are you genuinely asking me about that kid? Or is it your way of stalling for time? Waiting for others of your kind or are you trying to set up something?"

The middle aged man calmly said with confidence in his voice. He was a one word battle Armour master.

Even though Fan Lin was an Evil soul master but he wasn't even a level 3 scholar. That alone instill confidence in the middle aged man.

As for the fact that Fan Lin could have really strong toxins of some kind of extremely powerful heirloom which he would use it in times of need.

That was already thought off and rejected idea since the middle aged man knew about Evil Soul masters and their tendencies.

More so that if Fan Lin did had something like that, he would not have been living like that.

He would have used it to raise his cultivation to as high as he could since cultivational strength was regarded as the truest and the most reliable power in the whole of Douluo mainland.

Wouldn't it be stupid if an Evil soul master didn't use any means to increase his cultivation.

"What if I have some ways to hide my cultivation? You know fantasy stuff?"

Fan Lin asked nonchalantly.

"Ahh, the door has a sensor that checks the spirit power and soul power leakages and I am a Auxiliary Soul master that excels in spirit power... Eh? how-?"

The middle aged suddenly realised an error in his situation.

How did the kid knew what he was thinking?

He tried to focus on the kid and he was met with the sight of the ceiling.


"You are still alive? It took 1.97 seconds to get you poisoned and around 7 more seconds to completely destroy your inner immune and nervous system. 2 more to destroy the connection of your mind to your body. You are still alive after all that. Impressive."

The middle aged man tried to look at the silhouette of the boy with an emotionless face and equally emotionless voice. His voice was still the same. He really didn't put him in his eyes.

He couldn't fathom what had happened. His thoughts becoming dull by moments.

From a corner of his eyes, his sight finally went towards Fan Lin's face..

"Ahh so that's wh- ugghcc"

The middle aged man couldn't even complete his thoughts as he died.

Fan Lin also got up from beside the woman who was flung aside.

Fan Lin was giving her the antidote from his earing and checked her condition.

He went near the middle aged man and started stripping him.

As for how did the situation changed so much in a matter of seconds, well here's how things went:

The moment the middle aged man threatened him, Fan Lin released the poison in earing and asked the first question to divert his attention.

By the time he completed his sentence, the middle aged man was already poisoned and Fan Lin left the middle aged man who began murmuring to himself and went to check on the female.

He thought the female was a part of the group and hence, released the poison without any qualms.

Now he was saving her since he still needed to know more about the soul beasts gladiator and other stuff about the place he was in and who didn't like free information.

He also needed to know if the broker betrayed him.

By the time, he took out his earing, took out an appropriate amount of antidote and fed it to the woman, the man had gotten out of the thought paralysis he was in due to the poison.

Fan Lin calmly wore his earing.

Fan Lin complimented the middle aged man and started looting his body.

That's how we came to the current situation.

"Should I take care of them as well? Was it even a question?"

Fan Lin checked his clothes and opened the door.

"The boss asks for you all."

Fan Lin said with a smile.

Goon1 found it wierd but still chose to follow the other goons.



"..." [Silent death]

The goons died a few moments after they entered the room.

"It took 2.54 seconds for the goons to die from the leftover poison. I have seriously rusted in my skills."

[Is he complimenting himself?]

Fan Lin said while closing the door to the room. He went to sit on the chair that the middle aged man sat and decided to wait for the woman to wake up.

He still needed his answers!

Half an hour later.

The woman showed Fan Lin the private path to the outside.

Fan Lin got what he wanted and she would live a few more days, a win win for both.

"Thanks for saving me."

"Don't mention and nothing happened here. There corpses would melt in 30 more minutes and won't leave any trace behind so I say you leave that job. The one behind him will send someone to investigate."

"Thanks for the warning but I can't. I signed the contract. "


*Awkward moment*

Fan Lin bade her goodbye and left for his house.

He had a broker to deal with.


"I need the contact of a broker connected to Spirit Pagoda."

"It will be pricy. You know 😏 everyone needs the pagoda for many things? What do you want?"

"It will be pricy. Want to know?"

"2 million Federation coins."

"For the broker or my want?"

"The broker."

"Okay. Send me her details."

"Okay, I will deliver it in an hour. Same address."

"Same address."

Fan Lin closed the soul guide and put it inside his storage ring.

He bent down and took two more vials from the small box that was under his bed.

He took a last look at the small box and closed the lid and slid it down the bed.

"I hope, I would never have to use the second layer in this life."

A storm was coming.

Since it was that kind of season.