

A young girl once vowed to him somehow someday she would marry him. Even before Giselle knew the real concept of love she knew deep in her young not so innocent heart that there would be no other man she would marry but Gian. She made a vow to him but after making this promise Gian disappeared relocating to a different city with his family. Now after ten long years their paths crossed once again and this time Giselle intends to fulfill her promise. But will Gian return her affections or will Giselle break her heart once again.

SenseiGin0528 · Ciudad
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14 Chs



It's been three days after the party. Giselle couldn't believe the events during and after the party. She still felt as if she was walking on clouds. That pretty red dress helped her a lot. Gian couldn't keep his hands off of her. She felt so special that night. He made her feel special.

"You look stupid, smiling alone like that!" Kamea even threw a pillow toward her. "Am I supposed to call the psychiatric ward now? You're starting to creep me out."

I threw the pillow back at her. " Can you be a supportive friend and just be happy along with me?"

"I'm your conscience. And I'm telling you right now, there wasn't anything special about your night together in Gian's world. For the many years that he and my brother have been doing business, I've only known him as the player type. He's not going to take you seriously, just because you slept with him"

"Ouch!" Izzy came in and sat next to me. That's way harsh, Kam."

" It's harsh, but it's the truth! She needs to get her mind out of the gutter." Kamea retorted. "Has he even called you after that night?"

I smiled at her, "Well, duh, for your information, he did, just this morning. And he told me that he's on one of his business trips and that we would have dinner next Saturday."

Kamea looked surprised by my answer. "Really? He did do that? Or are you just making it all up?"

"Hey, I'm starting to get insulted by you!" I snapped at her. "Why won't you believe me when I say, that Gian is realizing that he needs me in his life. I'm the missing piece!"

"It's not meant to be an insult, I'm just worried about you. Since the day you guys saw each other again, you've been going on and on about how much you loved him and how you will eventually get married. It's borderline delusional for me since I've also known him for quite some time already." Kamea responded, "I don't want you getting hurt in the process, okay? From someone looking in, I don't think or feel that he's really into you."

People say that your close friends and family will notice little things about you and your partner and your relationship with them. But my stubborn self and I kept on denying the concerns that Kamea had voiced.

"Nope, I know that he's into me. He must have realized it that night at the party. You know what old people say, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe he had that moment when he looked at me in my red dress." answered confidently even if subconsciously I was also doubtful about my answer.

Kamea scoffed, "Whatever, don't go crying on me when he breaks your heart."

"You know what, you should be happy with me because I'm making headway with him. You're all gloom and doom!" I said getting irritated with her.

"I'm your cynical friend, and I'm seeing something you don't. So you can be a bitch there, or you can take what I've said with a grain of salt and think about it."

I just remained quiet. I admit I was a little hurt by her pessimistic thoughts. I have my doubts as well, she doesn't have to insist on what I already know as well. My mind is a mess these days.

"Let's just go and party okay? I mean we don't have work today. So let's just glam up, go to a club and forget our worries." I said.

But Kamea, my petite friend, was not done being snarky. "It's not our worries! It's your worries!"

If I knew I wouldn't get in trouble with her arrogant brother I would have smacked her head, but instead, I just threw another pillow at her.


Meanwhile, on another part of town,

"Fuck! I shouldn't have done that!" I said to myself, pulling at my hair.

I hear somebody laughing and I looked at the opened door to my office, "You look and talk like you have a huge problem." his mentor and friend Icen, remarked.

"Fucking huge!" he answered.

"Does this problem involve that red haired bombshell that you snuck off three days ago?"

"You could say it like that," I answered vaguely.

"How and why is this an issue?" he asked curiously.

"Knowing Giselle, she's going to expect so much more than what I'm capable of giving her. She's gonna expect for me to wife her up." he answered exasperatedly.

Icen sat down on the visitors' chair, "Well, yeah, that could be a concern." he chuckled, "But you're good at evading anyway. So you can just ignore her. Except of course, if the sex was too good then I know you wouldn't be able to ignore her. I know you like to keep your favorites for quite some time."

"Didn't you here what I said, she's going to expect a lot of things. Confessions, rings and proposals, marriage kids and all the things I don't want to have with her."

"Then play with her for a while, I mean that's what you're good at also. She's hot and willing, I can see that you're still enjoying her, get the most out of it and cut and run if it gets to be too much,"

I looked at him with exasperation, "You sound like an asshole right now, you know that!"

He just laughed at me, "Oh, come on, Gian! I've known you for a long time and I know that's what you're thinking right now, I'm only saying them out loud."

I huffed and looked around the room thinking. Shit! All the things that he said, were what was actually running through my head. I like Giselle as a bedmate, I just have to make sure that she understands that's the only thing between us. I'm not ready to give up the hot sex that we've shared three nights ago. I still want more. I just knew that she would be willing to cater to all my sexual needs. Thinking about her right now made me hard I had to discreetly adjust my pants.