

A young girl once vowed to him somehow someday she would marry him. Even before Giselle knew the real concept of love she knew deep in her young not so innocent heart that there would be no other man she would marry but Gian. She made a vow to him but after making this promise Gian disappeared relocating to a different city with his family. Now after ten long years their paths crossed once again and this time Giselle intends to fulfill her promise. But will Gian return her affections or will Giselle break her heart once again.

SenseiGin0528 · Ciudad
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14 Chs



I was busy preparing myself and silently laughing as well. I could just imagine Gian's annoyed face waiting for her outside this afternoon. The guard on duty who had become a close friend had told me that the annoying guy and waited for over an hour before asking the security if I was still inside the building.

Oh well, it's not my fault that he assumed that I would meekly follow after him after all the things that happened between us. This time, it's his turn to wait. I know I will eventually forgive him regardless of the things he said. I just wasn't the type to hold a grudge on someone over long periods of time. It's too much negative energy which will only cause her unnecessary stress.

"Well, see you later, Squirtle." I bid my little tortoise goodbye.

I was flabbergasted when I opened the door to see Gian attempting to knock too.

"Why are you dressed like that?" he asked, looking at her up and down, staring at my boobs a little too long for my liking.

"I know you like what you see, but eyes up here, Gian." I answered dryly. "What are you doing here? Don't you have anything better top do? Women to bed, hearts to break?"

He smirked, "None at the moment."

"Oh, good. Well then, excuse me, but I have somewhere else to be."

"Do you have another date?" he asked following me down the stairs.

"As I have told you earlier, me going on dates is none of your business. So inf you don't mind, and if you don't get it by now, I don't really want to be around you."

I kept on walking towards my car, I felt him following behind me.

"Can you just give me even a minute of your time. I really need to talk to you." my eyebrows raised by the pleading tone that crept on to his voice.

"As I have said, I'm going somewhere, and I don't want to be around you. So the answer is a resounding no."

Before he could answer I went inside my car and drove away from him. My friends and I are meeting with some mutual friends, and we are going to party the night away like people our age do. My friends were already waiting for me when I arrived. We all entered the club together with Kirk and his friends, also.

"Just moment girls, I need to retouch." I told my friends after we sat back down from dancing.

"I'll go with you," Izzy told me.

When they were finished with their business in the bathroom, Izzy looked at me from the mirror. I should have known this simple trip to the bathroom will end up being an interrogation.

"Giselle, do you have a problem that you're not sharing with us?"

I feigned innocence, "What would I worry about? You know me, I'm all with go with the flow and chill vibes…"

"That's why I'm asking if you have a problem, you know we're here to listen to you and support you. You, going on vacation on a whim without telling any of us is already a red flag,"

"Girlfriend, if I have an issue, and that's a big if, I can still handle it." she finished retouching her make up. "Don't worry, if I can no longer carry it on my own, I'm going to pass it on to you. As of now, the only thing heavy on me, are my breasts." she ended it with a joke.

Izabella just rolled her eyes at me and went out ahead. I sighed before collecting myself and going out of the club's bathroom.

"And here I was thinking you drowned inside the bathroom already." a familiar voice uttered to me.

I was startled to see Gian standing so close to her. I thought that he had already left. It looks as if he followed her earlier.

"What are you doing here?" I asked cattily. "Are you peeping?"

"I'm not a peeping Tom, I followed you." he confirmed what I already deduced.

I waved my hand before turning my back from him, "Well whatever!"

I heard him harshly let out an exasperated sigh, and before I knew it he was already dragging me out of the establishment.

"Hey! What do you think are you doing, huh?"

She was about to call out the security but instead of stopping him, the big guy only opened the door for him.

"Good to see you again, Max!" Gian even knew his name.

I was hitting him by this point, but he still wouldn't let me go. The only time he did let me go was when he was buckling me to his car.

"Where the heck are you taking me, you crazy bastard?" I was so furious by all his manhandling.

"Somewhere where we can talk and where you can't run or hide from me," he answered shortly before driving the car.

They drive towards a familiar place for both of them. "Hell. No. I'm not sleeping with you!" I yelled at him when I saw that he was bringing me to his place.

"Not now, maybe but soon enough," he said confidently, which only added to my irritation.

"I hate you!" I said folding my arms under my breasts like a petulant child.

"No you don't, you still love me…I hope." he added the last phrase almost in a whisper, although I heard him clearly. "We're just gonna talk, Giselle, I told you to wait for me yesterday, but you didn't."

He stopped the car in the building's car park, but they didn't make a move to go out.

"I got tired of waiting," I said simply, "I mean, I have waited for you for so long already, I'm allowed to get tired."

"I know, and I'm sorry." he answered quietly. "I took you for granted and I said those spiteful words to you, I can't take them back, and I regret that. I know I'm selfish, but I want you back, Giselle."

"That's right, you're selfish!" I answered not looking at him. "I no longer want to be with you. I'm done!"

"Well, I'm not!" he said rather forcefully. "I can't lose you."

"You can't lose something that you never had, Gian." I answered softly.

"You were mine, and you'll forever be mine, Giselle. Even if it takes me years to ask for your forgiveness I will."

He took my hand and held it tightly I had no choice but to look at him and look t the hand he was holding, "Whatever you saw that time, it was just that, it was just a meeting. I haven't slept with anyone other than you, Gis. I couldn't even if I want to.

I looked at him closely. He was shaking a little as he was holding my hand.

"I couldn't get you out of my mind! Everywhere I went, every time, you are always on my mind. And then, Icen told me that I might be falling for you and I just panicked. I didn't want it to be, but I couldn't fight the feelings that I have had since we were kids. My mind might have denied those feelings for the longest time, but my heart knows I love you and that you're the only one for me."

To say that I was astounded was an understatement. Is she hearing a confession from him? Did he just say he loved me? What the heck? After all the tears I cried, he's telling me that he loved me now?

"You're an asshole!" I said. "You say you love me, yet you hurt me so much ion a short period of time that we spent together,"

He hanged his head in shame, "I know, and I know that I'm sorry will not erase all the pain I caused you, but I'm begging you, Gis. Take me back, I promise I will do everything in my power to make you happy. To make up for all the pain I caused you."

Did his voice just crack? Is he crying? I touched his face and sure enough, my Gian was crying.

"You hurt me so much," I told him.

He held my hand on his face and looked at me, "I know, and I will always be sorry for hurting you unnecessarily because I was the coward who couldn't handle his own feelings."

I could feel the sincerity on his declaration and all I could do was wipe the tears on his face.

"Okay." I finally said and he looked at me shocked.

"What do you mean okay?"

"Okay, I forgive you." I clarified,


I shrugged, "And you can start making up for hurting me."

"That's it?" he asked astonished.

I shrugged again, "I'm an easy girl, I guess. I'm giving you this one chance to make things better. I still love you and if I get to have the chance to have you again, then I will take that leap of faith on you. But this will be the last time that I will allow you to hurt me, you do shit like this again, and we're done. I'm never going back to you even if it hurts."

He chuckled and pulled me towards him. Our lips met, and we lost ourselves to each other.

"I love you…"

I closed my eyes, "Say that again."

"I love you, Giselle Tagg," he said kissing me again. "Marry me."

I pushed him in shock, "What did you say?"

"Marry me…" he repeated

"We have just made up, Gian. Don't you think it'too fast."

"We've known each other for years, and if I remembered correctly you already proposed to me when we were younger, I should say this was a long time coming." he replied.

Before taking out a small box from his pants pocket, "I had bought this the day after we fought, and I've been carrying it around with me for almost a couple of months already."

I could only cover my mouth with my hands in shock, "Are you serious right now?"

In answer, he opened the box and took out the ring, "Marry me, Giselle, make an honest man out of me just like you promised when we were young."

This time it was my turn to cry and nod at him, "Yes…" I croaked in between tears.