
Bloodlines Of Destiny: Interstellar Convergence

50years ago, Earth witnessed the arrival of beings from distant galaxies, ushering in an era of both wonder and apprehension. Just as humanity grappled with the implications of their presence, the sky above was pierced by the sudden appearance of three portals. Humans discovered that these three portals were connected to other worlds, and at that time, robots were introduced to this world. Subsequently, various races and species intermingle with humans, resulting in marriages and unions that alter human DNA, granting individuals supernatural abilities. However, as these unions continue, human DNA becomes increasingly scarce, making it rare to find individuals with purely human genetic makeup in the present time."

Apya · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Yeowon hate his sister

Yeowon and Mi-kyung stood in front of the academy, watching as students streamed inside. The air buzzed with excitement and energy, with some students demonstrating magic while others showcased their supernatural powers and strength.

Yeowon thought to himself, So this is the academy for hunters. Everyone here has some kind of special ability.

Mi-kyung, noticing his distraction, nudged him. "Are you even listening?"

Before Yeowon could respond, a boy called out, "Hey, Mi-kyung !" He approached them quickly. "Why are you late? I've been waiting for—" He stopped abruptly, noticing Yeowon. "Who's this guy?"

Mi-kyung began to explain, "Well, you see..."

The boy interrupted her, turning to Yeowon. "Hey, thanks for saving Mi-kyung. I'm sorry if she caused you any trouble."

Yeowon, with a stern expression, corrected him. "I think you misunderstood. I didn't save her. That asshole wanted to pick a fight with me, so I defended myself. Got it? And don't talk to me unless you want to end up dead." He then walked away, leaving them stunned.

Both the boy and Mi-kyung stood there, confused. "Huh, what the...?" Mi-kyung thought to herself, I need to discuss the situation with Sung-woo's family. If this isn't resolved, my big sister and my mother will be in big trouble. They might even kill us all.

At the academy headmaster's front door, Yeowon knocked twice. Receiving no response, he opened the door and entered the room. It appeared empty, but suddenly, he sensed danger from behind. He turned swiftly to find a woman standing there.

"Who are you, kid?" she asked, her tone challenging.

"My name is Yeowon. And you are?" he responded, wary but composed.

She walked over to a chair and sat down. "You're Yeowon? I can't believe it when I heard you came to Korea." She gestured for him to sit down. Yeowon took a seat, the atmosphere thick with tension.

"My name is Anastasia Nightshade," she announced, her voice cool and commanding. "I'm the headmaster of this academy."

Yeowon's thoughts raced. Anastasia Nightshade... I remember her. She's one of the top vampires in the world. And... she's my sister. Memories flooded back. Her father was my father's friend. He died in a monster hunter portal, and her own family rejected her because she wasn't born with fangs. My father had no choice but to take her in. We grew up together, but we never liked each other.

Anastasia's expression was icy as she looked at Yeowon. Aja.... I mean "Yeowon, you need to take the entrance exam to join this academy. But the exam is already over, which means there's no way you can be admitted. There's no record of your name, and you don't have any supernatural powers or abilities. You don't fit in here. You need to leave now."

Yeowon stood up, his eyes flashing with defiance. "Fine, I'll go," he said, his voice steady. "But remember, when we were kids, I beat you not just once, but multiple times."

He started to walk away, then turned around with a smirk. "You never won against me, not even in your dreams."

The tension in the room crackled as he left,

Anastasia sighed, shaking her head.

This boy never changes, she thought.


Nighttime at Anastasia's House:

Anastasia recalled the call she received from Jangmi earlier that day.

"He wants to join the Hunter Academy. That's why he came to Korea," Jangmi had said.

"Okay, first tell him to come to my office," Anastasia had replied. "Based on his attitude, I'll decide."

"Alright, I'll tell him to come to your office," Jangmi had agreed and call ended.

Anastasia sat alone, her mind racing. India has a Hunter Academy too. Why didn't he join there? I think Father and Mother didn't allow him to go. I have to call Father to confirm.

She picked up the phone and dialed her father's number. The call connected, and a familiar voice answered.

"Hello, Father. How are you?"

"Who is this?" her father asked, his tone gruff.

"Father, it's Anastasia."

"Oh, Anastasia. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize your voice."

"Father, are you doing well these days?"

"Yes, I'm fine. And you?"

"I'm fine too."

"Father, I want to talk to Brother. Can you give the phone to him?"

Her father sighed. "I'm sorry, Anastasia. He's not in India. He went to America to study. If you want to talk to him, I can give you his number."

"No, I don't want to disturb him with his studies. And don't tell him I called to speak with him, okay?"

"Okay. Your mother and sister want to talk to you."

"It's okay, Father. Please give them the phone."

30 minutes later:

Anastasia sat back, her thoughts in turmoil. He told them he was going to America to study. He lied to Dad and Mom about going to America, but instead, he came to Korea. Why didn't he go to China or Japan? There must be a reason he came to Korea.

Returning to the present, she sighed deeply. I'm very worried about his future. With his attitude, he'll never make friends or get a girlfriend. If this continues, he'll be single forever. Just like me.

Knock knock.

"Come in," Anastasia called.

The door opened, and a girl walked in, her steps confident. "Old hag, I want to skip class tomorrow. You have to arrange it so we can go out. If you don't, you know what my father will do to you."

Anastasia stood up, suppressing her frustration. "I understand, young miss," she said with a resigned tone.

Knock knock knock.

Anastasia and the girl turned around, curious about who was at the door. They saw Yeowon entering the room. He walked straight to Anastasia, leaned in, and whispered in her ear, when we meet again. Don't forget."

As he started to walk away, the girl stood in front of him, blocking his path. "Are you ignoring me?" she demanded.

Yeowon ignored her and continued walking, but she lifted her hand, ready to slap him.

"Young miss, no!" Anastasia interjected. "You can't do that."

The girl glared at Anastasia. "You don't give me orders!" She was about to slap Yeowon, but he swiftly caught her hand and twisted it behind her back.

"Anastasia, bro..." Yeowon warned, If you go any further to hurt me, I'll have to take action. And I won't hesitate, even if it means killing you."

Anastasia's "Yeowon, let her go. We don't need any more trouble."

Yeowon smirked as he released the girl hand and walked out of the office.

The girl touched her arm, visibly frustrated. "Who is he?" she demanded, turning to Anastasia.

Anastasia sighed, "That's Yeowon, and he's someone you shouldn't underestimate." Miss please Remember this.

Meanwhile, Yeowon strolled through the academy garden. As he walked, he spotted Mi-kyung standing nearby. He approached her and said, "Hey, can you come to my house this evening? I want to discuss the morning incident."

Yeowon ignored Mi-kyung's approach, started to walk away, then abruptly stopped. Turning to face her, he said, "Don't come near me. I'll take care of that problem. Goodbye."

Mi-kyung stood there, puzzled, trying to comprehend his words. "What did he mean?" she thought. Shaking off her confusion, she reminded herself, "Let's forget about it for now. I have to bring him to Sung-woo's family."

Meanwhile, in the headmaster's room...

Hey, you bitch! Why were you just standing there watching when I was getting hurt? If you don't do anything and teach that bastard a lesson, I'll tell my father about this. And you know what my father will do!"

**Meanwhile, in the headmaster's room...**

Anastasia stood silently in the corner, her mind racing. *Hah, let her rant, but she never listens,* she thought to herself. With a furrowed brow, she finally spoke up, "Okay, young miss, I'll teach him a lesson."

She turned on her heel and left the room, the door closing softly behind her. As she walked down the corridor, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over her. *I'm sorry, Father, but I don't have a choice... she thought, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision she had to make. *I'm sorry, Father...

In front of the gate...

A sleek supercar pulled up, its engine purring softly before coming to a stop. The door opened, and a tall, imposing man stepped out. His name was Zhi Yu. He glanced around briefly before making his way towards the front gate of the academy.

As he entered, he and Yeowon crossed paths. He eye met for a brief, tense moment before they continued walking in opposite directions, neither saying a word. The air was thick with unspoken tension, hinting at the complex.

Yeowon, accidentally kicked a small rock as he walked. The rock skittered across the pavement and struck the supercar, causing the door to swing open. A lady stepped out, her fashionably elegant dress catching the sunlight.

She fixed her gaze on Yeowon and said,

"Hey, kid, Do you have any idea know what you did? ... Kid, I'm talking to you, black-haired boy!"

Yeowon stopped and turned around to face her.

"You finally stopped." She walked briskly up to Yeowon, her heels clicking sharply against the pavement. "Kid, you're going to pay for what you did to my car."

Yeowon glanced at the car briefly, his expression unreadable. Without saying a word, he turned and started walking away, leaving the woman standing there in disbelief.

She stepped in front of Yeowon, blocking his path. "I'm not going to let this go. I'll tell my boyfriend, and he'll come and kick your ass, no matter who you are!"

Just then, another supercar arrived nearby. The door opened, and Jiyeon and Jangmi stepped out, They walked towards Yeowon, stopping beside him.

Jangmi and Jiyeon bowed apologetically. "We apologize for the inconvenience," Jangmi spoke softly. "We were on our way to Miss Soo-jin's place to inform her that she and Mr. Chen Yuan have sold the you're mansion to other buyers. The deal has been finalized."

Their words conveyed a sense of regret, acknowledging the unexpected turn of events.

The lady's tirade was interrupted by a sudden realization. Her demeanor shifted from anger to astonishment as she recognized Jangmi and Jiyeon.

"W-wait a minute... you're Miss Jangmi, the one who won the competition against Yuanyuan, and you, Miss Jiyeon, you're the 5th strongest in the world and a renowned beauty pageant winner," she stammered, her voice filled with awe. "Not to mention, you both serve the Hyeonwoo Seongmin family, one of Korea's top three power families!"

She request for autographs and photos hung.

As Yeowon and his companions prepared to leave, Jangmi addressed the lady with a polite smile. "I'm sorry, but we have to go attend to our duties," she explained gently.

Yeowon hurriedly got into the car, urging the driver to start the engine. "We're going to my aunt's house," he instructed, his tone urgent.

The driver nodded, replying, "Okay, young master."

Observing the exchange, the lady couldn't help but voice her confusion. "Why are you two listening to this boy, and why do you even call him 'young master'?" she questioned, perplexed by the deference shown to Yeowon.

Jangmi and Jiyeon exchanged a glance, their expressions shifting to convey a subtle but unmistakable aura of authority. However, Yeowon intervened quickly, sensing the tension.

"Stop that. We have more important things to do," he instructed firmly, urging them to let the matter go. With that, the three of them settled into the car and drove off, leaving the lady behind.

As the car disappeared from view, the lady was left to ponder the encounter. "What the hell is wrong with these people, and why do they even call him...?" Suddenly, realization dawned on her. "Wait a minute... he's the young master of the Hyeonwoo Seongmin family," she muttered to herself, connecting the dots and understanding the deference shown to Yeowon.

I'm sorry late update. my final exams start that i can't upload now my exam is over now. so i start to wirte and I'm writing other please support me and I'm very sorry

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