
Bloodlines Of Destiny: Interstellar Convergence

50years ago, Earth witnessed the arrival of beings from distant galaxies, ushering in an era of both wonder and apprehension. Just as humanity grappled with the implications of their presence, the sky above was pierced by the sudden appearance of three portals. Humans discovered that these three portals were connected to other worlds, and at that time, robots were introduced to this world. Subsequently, various races and species intermingle with humans, resulting in marriages and unions that alter human DNA, granting individuals supernatural abilities. However, as these unions continue, human DNA becomes increasingly scarce, making it rare to find individuals with purely human genetic makeup in the present time."

Apya · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Yeowon meet a girl

As the morning light illuminated the tranquil neighborhood, a sleek car glided to a stop in front of Jangmi's house. The gates swung open gracefully, revealing the arrival of Chen Yuan, a prominent businessman, and his wife, Soo-jin, flanked by a retinue of imposing bodyguards. With practiced elegance, Chen Yuan emerged from the driver's seat and opened the back door for Soo-jin, who exuded an air of sophistication.

Together, they traversed the path towards the house, their presence commanding attention. Arrived the house front door, Soo-jin pressed the doorbell, and Jangmi open the door, her eyes widening in astonishment at the unexpected visitors.

Invited inside, Chen Yuan and Soo-jin took their seats on the plush sofa, their demeanor poised yet purposeful. Chen Yuan say

Chen Yuan's voice rang with authority, slicing through the air, "Jangmi, you have but two minutes to reconsider resigning. Fail to offer a satisfactory explanation, and the consequences will be dire." Soo-jin's gentle tone followed, a comforting contrast, "Darling, take a moment to ponder. Reflect on the ambiance of this place and the repercussions of your actions. We extend our condolences for your loss, but if you require time to deliberate, you're always welcome back at the company. And may I ask, how did he died?

Jangmi say, what on earth are you talking about? And what happened here?" Soo-jin's voice quivered with a mix of confusion.

"Soo-jin, my dear! I think you've lost your...!?" Chen Yuan's sentence trailed off, his eyes widening in disbelief.

The sudden entrance of Yeowon left Soo-jin and Chen Yuan dumbfounded, unable to grasp that Yeowon was alive. Yeowon say

"Jangmi, what's going on here? And why are Aunt and Uncle here?" Yeowon's voice dripped with curiosity.

Jangmi struggled to find words, her mind in turmoil. "Young mas...?"

Soo-jin interjected swiftly, seeking to ease the tension. "Nothing's amiss, Yeowon. We simply wished to greet you. That's all," she said, her thoughts racing with questions about why Yeowon hadn't died and why they hadn't killed him yet

Yeowon say "Anyway, Auntie Soo-jin, I have something to ask if you don't mind," Yeowon said, his tone calm but resolute.

Soo-jin's heart skipped a beat at Yeowon's unexpected request. "What do you want to ask?" she replied, trying to maintain composure while her mind raced with curiosity and apprehension. "What could he possibly want to ask now?" she pondered silently.

Yeowon say "Aunt, I want my mansion property papers, money, and my belongings," Yeowon stated matter-of-factly, his expression unreadable.

Soo-jin's mind reeled in astonishment at Yeowon's demand. "How does he know that I have all those things? I didn't even tell my husband," she thought to herself, bewildered by Yeowon's uncanny knowledge of the mansion property papers being in her possession.

"Yeowon, Aunt! Aunt!..." Soo-jin's senses snapped back into focus, her mind spinning with confusion.

"Yeowon, Aunt, is something the matter?" Yeowon's concerned tone cut through the air.

Soo-jin swiftly composed herself, trying to divert attention from her inner turmoil. "Nothing, I think... I'm just pondering when I need to arrange the paperwork. her words a deliberate attempt to change the subject but.

Jiyeon shuffled into the room, her hair tousled, and directed her words to Yeowon, "Young master, why are you here? Do you realize the time? If you're not ready on time, they won't let you into the academy. I'll go get ready." With that, she swiftly departed.

"Yeowon," he said, addressing Soo-jin, "Aunt, don't forget the paperwork. After the academy is over, I'll come for the papers and money. If I can't make it, I'll send these two in my place," Yeowon declared before exiting the room.

Soo-jin fixed her gaze on Jangmi, her voice unwavering, "I understand your attitude now. You're emboldened because he's backing you up. But what happens if he doesn't return to Korea? What will be your stance then?"

Chen Yuan's voice sliced through the air, his words sharp and menacing, "Huh! I almost forgot to mention something. If he overstays for more than ten days, his time will be cut short. Put simply, he'll meet his end because of you. Keep that in mind." With those chilling words, Soo-jin and Chen Yuan took their leave from the Jangmi mansion.

In the guest bedroom

Yeowon swiftly changed into his academy uniform when a woman materialized at the balcony window, clad in ninja attire.

"Master, I've taken care of them all," she announced with a bow.

"Excellent work, F4. Your dedication is commendable. I'll ensure you're rewarded once I return to the organization," Yeowon acknowledged with a nod.

"Jiyeon gently tapped on the door, but as it creaked open, the mysterious woman vanished into thin air. Yeowon, adorned in his crisp academy uniform, welcomed Jiyeon inside. With a twinkle in her eye, Jiyeon remarked, 'Young master, you look positively enchanting in that uniform. The girls at the academy won't stand a chance against your charm.'

Yeowon chuckled softly, 'You're reading too much into it, Jiyeon. And please, refrain from calling me 'young master' while we're at the academy. Understood? Make sure Jangmi knows too.'

Jiyeon nodded obediently, 'ok..ay, i understood. But then, what shall we address you as while at the academy?'"

"Yeowon, you two just call me by my name."

Jiyeon's eyes widened in disbelief. "By your name...? Whaaaatttt?"

Yeowon quickly silenced her with a finger to his lips. "Please, Jiyeon, lower your voice. And don't ask any more questions. Keep my family background under wraps, especially from the academy headmaster. Let Jangmi know as well and why are you here?"

"Jiyeon, I totally forgot. Before you attend the classes, you have to meet the academy headmaster.

As Yeowon spoke, his phone began to ring.

"Okay, I'll meet him. You go first," Yeowon instructed Jiyeon, who promptly left the room.

Yeowon approached the ringing phone with determination, picking it up swiftly and answering the call.

"Master AK, we went there, but they didn't leave a single trace or clue," the person reported.

Yeowon's gaze hardened with resolve. "Search for more evidence. Even the most cunning individuals leave behind some sort of clue. Leave no stone unturned, and do not fail me again."

"Understood, Master AK. We will not falter again, Master AK!"

Ten minutes later, Yeowon sat in the car, his gaze drifting to the window. Outside, a cake shop caught his attention, evoking memories from his childhood. He reminisced about playing with a boy in the park, lost in nostalgic reverie.

Glancing at Jangmi, he asked, "Do you recall the boy I used to play with as a child?"

Jangmi she replied, "Young Master, he's no longer there in earth.

"Yeowon, what happened to him?"

Jangmi hesitated before responding, "Actually, his parents perished in a space war. Afterwards, a relative of theirs adopted him, but they don't reside on Earth anymore. They live in another solar system."

As Jangmi looked ahead, a girl suddenly appeared in front of the car. Reacting swiftly, Jangmi slammed on the brakes and swerved the steering wheel, narrowly avoiding a collision but crashing into the nearby streetlight. Yeowon and Jangmi emerged from the car unharmed.

Yeowon glanced at the girl, then turned to Jangmi. "I'm sorry, young master," she apologized. "The car is no longer operational. If you'd like, I can call Jiyeon to come pick you up."

"Yeowon, no. I'll walk from here to the academy. You go and repair the car, then pick me up in the evening," Yeowon declared firmly.

Jangmi hesitated, but Yeowon interrupted her, saying, "Don't ask any further questions." With that, Yeowon approached the girl who had been in front of the car. "Are you okay?" he asked. She raised her hand for assistance, but Yeowon walked away without accepting it. Jangmi caught up to Yeowon and handed him a slip of paper. "Young master, this is the academy's address," she said.

Taking the address, Yeowon began walking towards the academy. The girl walked beside him, voicing her discontent, "You hit me with a car and you don't even say sorry? What kind of man are you?"

As the girl pondered, "That boy must know that I'm acting, which is why he's behaving this way. But I need to test him to see if he's truly aware of my actions." She resolved to confront him, but before she could utter a word, a car pulled up nearby, and a man emerged. Addressing her as Mi-kyung, he said, "Hello, Mi-kyung. I've given you more than five days, but you haven't paid a single Won. If you don't pay by this evening, as stated in the contract, if you're unable to pay the money, you'll have to marry me and I'm going to marry you,"

Mi-kyung pleaded, "Sung-woo, please give me one more day. I'll pay the money."

Sung-woo shook his head. "I can't give you any more time. You've had enough."

Just then, Sung-woo noticed Yeowon's presence and addressed him, saying, "Hey, hello there. What are you doing with my future wife?"

Yeowon ignored the situation and began walking away. Sung-woo grew increasingly irritated by Yeowon's disregard. As Sung-woo prepared to attack Yeowon, Yeowon swiftly stopped the punch with his hand and countered by kicking Sung-woo's foot, causing him to fall to the ground. Sung-woo's bodyguards reacted by aiming their guns at Yeowon, but Yeowon calmly continued walking away as if nothing had happened.

The bodyguards fired their guns, but every single bullet missed Yeowon. Shocked and fearful, Sung-woo's bodyguards quickly rushed to pick him up and escorted him into their car, which speed away from the place.

Mi-kyung rushed over to Yeowon, her eyes wide with awe. "How did you do that? Does it mean you have alien species DNA? Am I right?"

Yeowon regarded her with a serious expression, causing Mi-kyung to retract her question. "Why are you giving me that look? I'm just curious. If you don't want to answer, then don't. But I need to warn you about something. You just crossed paths with the second branch of the Seongmin family. If his father discovers that a stranger attacked his own son on the street, he'll come after you."

"Yeowon say , you don't need to worry about me. You have worry about yourself " Mi-kyung cautioned, her tone serious.

Mi-kyung cautioned, her tone serious. "What do you mean I should worry about myself?"

"Yeowon say, they're not coming for me; they're coming after you," Mi-kyung insisted.

Mi-kyung say Why would they come after me? You're the one who beat Sung-woo. I have nothing to do with you," Mi-kyung countered.

Yeowon say Because you were with me at that time. You're their first target, and then it's me," Yeowon explained calmly.

Mi-kyung say What do we do now?" Mi-kyung asked anxiously, her voice tinged with concern.

Yeowon say "Don't worry about me. I can handle them. Just think about yourself," Yeowon reassured her with determination.

Mi-kyung say But..." before she could finish her sentence. They both of them arrived at the academy