
Third (Nightmare)





"Alisa? Are you okay?" He asked the moment he entered, sensing that something must have been wrong cause he could hear her cry from behind the door. She didn't say a thing instead wipe the tears and looked like she wasn't.

"Alisa?" He calls after taking steps towards her, he tried to touch her but she moves back immediately smacking his hand. "Don't touch me, I am fine and why do you even bother" she hissed as she walks pass him, she got seated on her favourite sofa, the two seater while sniffing in.

"Here" he passed her a toilet roll, she took it from his hand as she blows of her nose and wipe the tears, she couldn't have believed a day like this would come

"What happened, why are you crying?" He inquiries, worries written on his face.

"It's nothing, it happens when I'm exhausted" she answered, he could tell that she was lying and he knows what has already happened, but he wants to know if she would trust him or not.

"Are you sure?" He demanded which pissed her off, "what is your freaking business, I let you live here not to question me and not to poke your nose in my life, you leave here" she says.

"Oh I'm sorry" he quickly moves away but still kept observing her. 'there is something different from her since I got here, she knows about Vampires and werewolves, but she doesn't believe'

Just as they were sitting in silence her phone rings from her pocket, she picked it immediately after seeing the caller, "Hello Valaria"

"A...alisa Mike" Mila sobs from within the phone. Alisa puzzled for a moment. "What happened to Mike, come on tell me" she begs until finally Valaria who was battling with words spoke. "Mike is dead"

Alisa puzzled as she went numb, the phone slides of her ears as she leans on the sofa motionless, Pervert was terified as he moved over to her. He has heard what the person had spoken but yet wants to hear from her.

"Alisa, come on, tell me, what did the person say to you on the phone?" He asked trying to make her speak but her eyes were already shading out tears unstoppable. "M...my friend Mike .... Is dead" she managed to say as another phase of tears came, he comes closer so she could rest on his chest as she cried bitterly while he pat the top of her head calming her down.

'Alisa Winslow, you are passing through a lot and will continue to pass through more' he mutters silently that she couldn't hear him.

The next morning, Alisa had gone to the burial ground, so confused but tried to act tough. May been crying on her shoulder as they stood before his white coffin, she couldn't cry, she has cried enough and what kept running into her was the thought of him, and the last word he said to her yesterday, he has always been a good man and very close to her, she tease him when he said he had a thing for May but he was never taken for guaranteed, he sees everyone as equals, his smile his presence. May must really miss him.

"May his soul rest I'm perfect peace" the priest concluded the prayer. "Amen!" The answered simultaneously. They drops him flowers while his coffin was been put into the grave, May couldn't help but to look away gripping Alisa really tightly.

Not long, everyone starts to depart. "Mike was a good man" Talon spoke, standing behind them. "Yes indeed" Alisa answered. "We will miss him, well May you take heart okay" he says patting her head before leaving along with Valaria who also consoled them both.

May sighted his parents at the gateway so she held on Alisa's hand and they walk towards the family. The woman who looks in her late 40s and her ash bum hair, wrinkles forming at the end of her eyes sobs, saying that her son was a very good man, May reached out to the woman to console her. "He was a very good man, he sees everyone as equal. Never get mad when his been annoyed. Mike is just mike" she says. "We wish him safety wherever he is" she breaks down but Alisa was in to supoort and calm her down.

His parent spoke about how well Mike talks about them and that he wants to invite them someother time for dinner but that time will never come. A young lady who has the same caramel hair as his but looks younger than him with a tan iris walks towards the mother. She must be his younger sister."mum we should go home" she says.

"I'm sorry for your lost Natasha!" Alisa sympathize, Natasha held on her tears as she nugbe her mom gently they left with a farewell bid.

Things aren't suppose to go like it, he was healthy yesterday, someone must have killed him, will it be the wolves or the Vampire! Her thought was diverting her somewhere else but just the light thought of May brought her back.

"Are you alright?" She asked, Alisa smiles at her then placed her hand on her shoulder. "I should be asking you that May, you should be brave, dont let little things make you weaker okay" May nodded and turns away.

"Do you think the Vampires did this?" She asked out of the blue which made Alisa turns to her perplexed. "May i..."

"Its alright, I hope not. I will be going, my aunt is here to pick me up" she says as she rushed to the Red car packing opposite the road, Alisa stood confused as she watch the car drive off.

The vampires?

She got back home when everyone has already left, she was so week that the thought of what May said might be true. May had told her that her mother died by the hands of a vampire at least to what her father had told her so she thinks Mike's death was caused but it.

Prevert sensed her presence as he walks out of the kitchen, "you're back",he welcomed but not even a nod did she send him. He tried hard to read her mind but it was blocked, he stared as she walks and seats in the sofa with a bit of disappointment. 'Strange'

The night has befallen and all creatures are fallen into their dead yet alive slumbler. Alisa keeps turning around and hearing murmurs while she sleeps, she tried harder to sleep until a fint voice whispers her name in her ears, her eyes shoot open in fright.

A pan fall from the kitchen which startled her, she couldn't go back to sleep so she drops from the bed, picked up a baseball bat from behind the door and silently opens the door. She met the kitchen light on and a growl coming from with in.

She tip toed inside and to her greatest surprise was a wolf eaten up a human's intestine, she gasped taking a step back as the bat fell from her hand, making the thud sound and the wolf turns around revealing the human Face of Mike.

He growls at her and then jumps to the table, he walks majestical on the table before he points his face at her, she yells and starts to run but everything vanishes when she suddenly yelps waking up with fright breathing all over, she looks around were she was seated just to realize she was in the sitting room, lying on the sofa on perverts lap, her gaze fell to his face who looks troubled. How did I end up here? She thought trying to recall how she slept off on his lap but the wolf she met in her dream pops up, she quickly wrapped her arms around him. "I'm scared?" She cries.

This is not the frist time she's having nightmares like this but she should come to believe that, those monsters exist. He gently rubs the top of her head as he stares out at the half moon. 'Three days and its full moon' He mutter.


All I wanted was for her to wake up with the Aroma of my pizza souce omelette and rest a sure she would want it. I heard her yawn as she shove off the blanket i had use to cover her last night, I could tell how terrified she was yesterday. But if she happens to ask me about the wolves I will just have to ignore her.

She took a sit at the table waving me a good morning with a wide grin plastered on her lips. She looks different like previous days. "Morning, how was your night?" I asked dropping the plate of Omelette.

I watch her twitch her lips like she was trying to telling me about her dream but i had seen everything, the only thing i fear for is the full moon, I wont want her to know who I really am. She tug a strain of hair behind her ear as she spoke. "I...it was scary while i was asleep but when i woke up, I felt relieved that you were there with me, I often have this starnge nightmares but thanks to you, Pervert!" She appreciates but her words took me aback.

She used to have this kind of nightmares, that's absurd! But if she really does then she's the one.... But that name I frown on it. "Do you still call me that?'.

She chuckles. "Until you admit you didnt come to steal or worse rape me!" I gasped immediately in shock, how did I not know she was thinking about that but its funny how she says it so straight foward, I starts to laugh at her audacity. "You are really funny, if i really wanted to di that, I would have done It like... Last night" I smirk. But she didn't argue back instead after sipping her coffee, she looks to my direction and smiled faintly. "Thank you"

T...thank you? For what exactly?

Anyways! "You are welcome" she continues to eat in peace yet i know she was battling with something that she need to share with someone. I felt the need to always be there for her at every cost. "Y...you called my name" she starts and i lean closer to hear what she had spoken.

"Do werewolves really exist?" She asked and I felt, where was it coming from? She doesn't need to know. I mean she has dreamt about it but not exactly now. She stared at me waiting for my answers but i just cleared my throat ready to reply her. "Why did you ask?"

"Because i had a dream about it, I mean i use to have it but this time was different, he was eating Mike. But what if the wolf actually killed Mike. He was at the edge where you are standing presently" she say pointing at the sink corner.

"A wolf, ha you must be in a state of brain lapsis or tumor"

"No, I saw it in my dreams"

"Yeah and that is why its a dream, you see all scary thing when the sleep is bad. They don't exist, it is not real" I had to lie to her to stop talking about this, we are not safe and not everywhere are we.

She leans back at the chair, rustling her hair backwards. 'No one will believe me' she whispers loud enough for me to hear. I looked away to complete washing the dishes as I heard the screech sound of the chair being pushed aside. She stood up leaving. "Where are you going? You are off work now" I spoke as she stopped in her pace and turns to me, shock written on her face. "H... How did you know?" She inquiries bit I just shrugged with a thick smile. "Well its obvious by the way you were really down yesterday before the news about Mike of a guy's death" I answered.

She breaths in then sent me a glare. "Don't bug" and with that she was out of my view, I stared at the kitchen door which she has already left and just then some kind of a picture of me in the dark falling on a lady half dead and all covers with blood. The sound of the running tap woke me from my little faint.

'What was that?' The thought hits me while i stood there trying to figure what exactly was that......




How do you think May knows about the Vampires?

What exactly is Pervert?

Is Mike really killed by a wolf?

Words count: 2134