
Second (suspension)





Today that I came so early we were sort of customers and everywhere was just too dry and quiet, I enjoy doing multiple task but then today I wasn't. I and May are in charge of service while Mike and Talon are in charge of the dish while Valeria is in charge of the book marks and the accounts.

I went on to help her with a hand winch May is around Mike and Talon, she has been dating Mike for the pass three months but they look really close. "Mind if I help, Valeria?" I volunteered as she crane up from the desktop and looks up to me."oh I don't mind!" She agreed and moves so I could seat beside her, she has this dark Tan hair which is packed in ponytail and her eyes where light brown and looks pretty, we have the same skin color and in her personality,she's very quiet and smarter than us, opposite May.

She showed me the list of those who pay per cash and those who pay by transfer, so she was to copy them from the check book. So I was to call out their names while she types it as records, she types really fast as I watch her at the same time adjusting her medicated glasses.

"You're very fast!" I compliment when I found that we've almost reach the end, she giggles still not letting her face of the screen."do you spend time on screens this much?" I asked as she lean back with a sigh

"Well I do, I love gadget you see" she spots as she explained how addicted she use to be while she was in collage and she wasn't born with faulty eyes, she gains them through screens which at the end she warns me to be careful.

While in the middle of discussion, May met up with us, looking so bored and tried, frowns giving me the puppy looks. "What's up May?" I asked.

"I'm so bored, would you escort me to the mall opposite, I want to buy a new sneakers" she pleads pointing at her sneakers which looks almost worn out, I felt bad for her but we can't leave during work time.

I tried to explain that it's not possible, I asked valaria if she'd go she decline saying she had bulk of records to save and so I had not choice but to go with her. "I promise we would be back on time" she winx taking my hand as I tried to pull off my Apron and then with a bid wave from Valerie we were out.

I won't lie but really this place looks so astonishing, the sparkles and all the designer. The sneakers there were so pretty and other hills. I wanted to buy some but then I had to save some for food stuffs and we haven't been paid yet.

She asked if the Nike sneakers was pretty when she tried it and it looks so nice on her and so she checks it out, she drags me further as we starts to try some outfits together even when we weren't buying.

When I wore a loose less knee length off shoulder dress, she commented and begs me to buy it but it was too expose so I toss it away. "May we have to go!" I held her but she insisted that she try some jewelries and ended up buying some.

One thing I taught myself was that I need to save in other to live, I can't use my money extravagantly, I know for sure they have nice things but I just didn't put myself to try in some.

Checking my phone if we have been called, I found that the time has ran real fast, we had spend two and a half hour almost 3. "May we need to go, it's almost closing?" I dragged her and just then she clicks and begins to rush at the que, if we had left earlier after buying the sneakers we won't meet so much que. I didn't buy anything so I let her stand by the que.

The line wasn't fast at all, but when it finally reached her turn I found her rushing the woman as she put them all in the back, paid through her ATM and we were ready to go, I help her hold a bag while she holds the remaining two.

On getting out, I met the most annoying moment in my life, stopping a cab but neither stopped for us. May starts to panic and its my turn to calm her down. I asked if we would walk further maybe we would get some cabs but all the same.

We then bumped into some guy, he was actually walking on his own lane but I happen to stumble over him but he caught me right handed. "I'm sorry!" I apologize immediately not turning to see a clear version of him.

"Excuse me?" He calls as we both turns to him, he beam innocently and that's when I took a clearer view of his looks, he has jet black hair and an ash eye lenses and 7feet taller than I am, he wears a white shirt along an open button blue and white strips shirt and a black jeans.

"And what do you want?" May asked hoarsely out of annoying and just then I gasp at how she replied him it's unlike her, his just called for attention, she shouldn't be this harsh.

"I'm sorry for just coming out of nowhere in such manner, pardon me" he apologies, I was about to say a word May cuts me off. "It's okay, you don't have to be too innocent" she blunts flipping her hair and turning away if she'd sight a Cab but still none.

"You guys are just coming from the mall?" He asked, and what's with this guy, he should just get going, May has insulted him already. "And what if we are?" She blunts and this time I have nothing to say to him, I watch him chuckle and then stood beside us, their was a Cab from the far top of the road and the way he speeds I swear he wonts stop and just when the guy strech out his left arm and whistle, the Cab slows down and stopped before us.

Both I and May looked perplexed and our Jaw dropped. I could tell we have spent 10 minutes here just waiting for a cab. "Here you go" he beams revealing his left single dimple.

"I noticed you were rushing to somewhere and I decided to help out, I wonder why they just passed on like that, you may go in" he says as I watch May rush in without even appreciating him.

"Thank you and sorry for my friend's behavior, she was just really annoyed" I apologize on her behave also. "My pleasure" he stood there and watched as I got in, May grunts asking me why I was speaking to him. "You may not know when you need help May!" I said and she just rolled her eyes and look out the other side of the window. I shut the door and waves him when the cab was starting to move.

Upon entering the cafe, she stopped in track to see three gloomy face and an angry one which belong to master, when did he reach here?

Valeria, Mike and Talon stopped respectfully behind him, I'm pity to what he might do to us, this is the frist time i default his rule. I glance at May beside me and she looks so terrified, her braveness is being shattered because I was part of it. I need to find a way out.

"Master I can explain" I quickly spoke breaking the silence but his raised arm was enough to make me go shut. "Who gave you the permission to leave?" He questioned and we both kept quiet fixing our gaze innocently to our feet. When we didn't say anything he barks. "I asked you two a question?" Which startled us, I've never seen master this angry and tempered before.

For defaulting his rules, we might be fired or suspended. We took him so lightly. I took a step to say a word but then Talon signal me to be quiet and I was. I need to do something, I need to save us both, I can't afford to lose this one job, I left my city just to come here and then I will lose.

I clench my hand into a tight fix, it's not going to happen. "I... I am sorry master but I observed that we don't have much customers and my sneakers had a fault so I wanted to get a new one, I asked May to accompany me, I didn't know we would take this long, please forgive us sir" I pleaded lowering my head to not look into his eyes.

"So you default my rules leaving them to do your duty, if you two girls aren't determine then you shouldn't have begged to be employed. I am disappointed in both of you, especially you Alisa" he says pointing at me.

My body went cold blood as my eyes pops out, this is the very frist time someone is disapproving me,I didn't say I am perfect but I try my best to the hardest, do I have to pass through this?

My vision turns blurry by the tears from my glands. "Forgive me" i manage to say under my breath, I wish he had heard me but Instead he continues. "For that, I will teach you both a lesson. Alisa... You are suspended from this work for a month" he voiced before hissing and walking into his office.

My heart beat slowed for a moment before it continues to beat, May placed a hand on my back rubbing it softly. "Why did you have to lie Alisa?" May asked sobbing. "...and now you are suspended from work because of me, if I had not..." She cried.

"May..!" I called out and turns to face her with my already red eyes, I placed my both palm on her soft cheeks and wipe the tears. "If I had not say a thing, we both will be suspended but at least you'd be able to stay, it's not your fault so please don't blame yourself, no one knows this was going to happen" I said trying so hard to hide my tears.

What I have feared the most has already come, she pulled me into a hug as Mike, Valeria and Talon walks over to console you. "It's okay, don't pity me much,I hate this moment" I pulled away from the hug and wiping my tears to show that I careless so they won't bother. I put up a wide grin.

"But you aren't coming back?" Talon spoke.

"I am, infact I'll come visit soon okay" I looks over to Mike. "Hey Mike I keep May in your hands, protect her"

"Are you seriously leaving?" He asked. What else should I do stay? I chuckled. "Of course now don't worry about me and get back to work, I will see you soon" I bid before walking out, they all followed me and watch that I get into a cab, and when I did they got in and I was driven home.

The moment I got into the elevator, my phone starts to ring, I quickly sniff my tears and try to not sound sad over the phone. Checking the caller it was mum, my heart skipped a bit seeing her call so I quickly picked. "Hello ma"

"My baby, how are you doing? How is your new city and your work?" She asked sounding sweet as ever, but the thought of work hits me. "It's fine ma, just got back, where is Dad and Rico?" I asked of my younger brother. I miss him so much, the time we spent growing together.

"They are really go, I just called to know that you are okay and to hear your voice, take care okay. I love you" she says.

"I love you too mum" and I ended the call. The elevator reached my apartment and so I walked out, unlocking my door before entering. Everywhere was dark so, I switch on the light as I walk straight to the kitchen dropping my back on the table. I picked up a glass cub and fetch the water from the running tap. I drank up before placing the cup in the sink.

I am disappointed in both of you, especially you Alisa

especially you Alisa

especially you Alisa

His words rings in my head countless time as I found a seat to sit, I couldn't hold the tears any more and since I am alone, I let it out, I cried really out loud that my eyes starts to ache me alongside my head.

When the tears where coming to dry off, I respectfully went to wash of my face in the sink, I was about heading to my room when I found a sticky note strick to the fridge and reads.

I am off for a stroll, becareful as your alone, take cover and take care


I hissed and tossed the note to the floor leaning on the table, buried my faced into my plans and sobs silently.

"Alisa? Are you alright" Came pervert from the door.




Who do you think the guy who stopped the Cab is?

How do you picture May? Do you like her or Valeria?

Do you think Alisa and Pervert will get along?

Word counts: 2294