
Blessed by Luck

Adam is born differently than any other human and is raised inside of a lab where he would do what he was told to do until he was given a chance to be transported to a 'random' world by a Goddess of Balance. He isn't given anything to do in return so he spends his days preparing for an inevitable future and growing as a person along the way. A/N: Most of the time when I write chapters I try my best to make stuff make sense but it's very difficult to do so if something doesn't make sense that's my bad. I am writing this story out of fun with most everything being wish-fulfillment. So if you're looking for a story filled with only plot and character development then this isn't the story. I will still try and write some character and plot development but since this is the first time I attempt to write anything like a story so It will probably be bad. I'm mostly writing it since I randomly came up with an idea for it so doesn't be too hard on the criticism. Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim any of the existing characters as mine. Only a couple of characters in the MC's arc will be mine.

eeclime14 · Cómic
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31 Chs

New Life

As soon as Adam's consciousness came back to him he realized he was laying down in something comfortable. Slowly standing up he realized he was in an empty room that only had a large white bed. Exiting the room he noticed there was only an empty living room.

As he was exploring the empty apartment he came to a stop when he passed the mirror in the bathroom. He looked exactly how he has always looked, the only difference was that he looked a bit younger than he used to be.

While examining himself in the mirror he froze when he remembered that the Goddess gave him a system. Once he started to think about this he heard a mechanical voice in his head.

[Host has received a letter from Goddess of Balance]

[Does host wish to open it?]

Having gotten over the fact that there's now a voice in his head he replied with a simple "Yes". Immediately after this, a paper popped into existence spooking him. It didn't take long for him to calm himself and start reading the letter.

" Hello, Adam I hope you've adjusted enough. I am writing this to let you know that you are now in Japan. Don't worry, all your documents and ID's are under the white bed. There is also 500,000 yen in your bank account to start with. Now that I am done explaining this I'll leave you to enjoy your life. Make sure to enjoy yourself goodbye!!"

Once he was done reading the letter it simply vanished leaving Adam standing in the bathroom with a grateful expression on his face. 'Thank you very much for this opportunity!!' he exclaimed in his mind.

Now that he was done thanking the Goddess he immediately started to think about what he should do now. Once he made up his mind he imagined the system and right after a screen appeared in his mind with 3 different options.




He then imagined his status and a new screen popped into his head with a bunch of numbers and words.

[Name: Adam Lochner

[Age: 9

[Race: Human

[Title: Blessed by Luck, Overall Genius]

[Str: 10 ] [ Agl: 15] [Int: 500] [ Vit: ∞] [Luck: ∞] [Mana: ∞]

[Skills: Gate of Babylon, Immortality, Eidetic Memory, Intantanous Regeneration, Luck Manipulation, Golden Rule, Master of Arts, Master of Sciences, Universal Language]

Adam was reading his 'Status' and short-circuited when he saw his skills. Well, he had a hunch that he had something like these skills but confirming it made him realize how blessed he was. Seeing how he had a skill that let him manipulate luck made him contemplate for a bit. It was a seriously overpowered skill and he knew that if used correctly it will help him a lot. His Golden Rule would make getting money and valuables easier so he only needed something to start off his never-ending wealth.

Not getting anywhere with thoughts he decided to put the matter in the back of his head. But before he could try thinking about something new he heard the mechanic voice in his head once again

[New Quest: Write a manga and earn enough money to begin your path to infinite wealth.]

[Rewards: 2 Gacha Tickets]

Now that he has an idea of what to do he didn't need to think about it too long before coming to a conclusion of writing a manga. He chose one that is long enough to last for a good amount of time. The manga is one of the longest he had ever seen.'One Piece' is a great choice since he was caught up with all 870 chapters and he would be able to continue writing afterward since it wouldn't be that hard for him to continue the plot and make his own ideas.

Having made up his mind he decided he would draw this mange but needed equipment to start writing so he would take a trip to the store later. He still needed to check how Gate of Babylon worked.

He imagined a vault filled with treasure and not too long after an abundant amount of information flooded his mind. There was information on weapons, art, treasure, and a bunch of random things.

Once Adam was done processing all the information he imagined summoning a Rank E noble phantasm and the next moment a watery golden ripple appeared next to him with a blade hilt in the middle of it. Once he was done gawking at the extraordinary sight in front of him he grabbed the hilt. As soon as his hand made contact with the hilt information on the noble phantasm's unique power came into his head. It apparently restores mana by 10 every 1 hour.

Adam completely pulled the sword out of the ripple. Once it was completely out the ripple close itself not leaving any evidence that it was ever there. He immediately started to swing the sword around as he saw in anime.

After he was done swinging the sword like an amateur he imagined the sword return to his vault. The sword quickly dissolved into particles and returned to his vault, he knew it returned because he felt it enter his vault.

Done viewing the weapons inside the vault he went towards his room to check under his bed to check what documents were there.

Once he was inside his room he immediately grabbed the documents and saw things like citizenship, insurance, and bank account information and noticed that there was a laptop there as well. He decided to check out the laptop later and see if he can find information on manga publishing companies. But he first needed to eat something because he was starving, and as if on cue his stomach made a sound that resembled that of a dying whale.

Deciding that he needed to eat something he made his next step be to go outside and see if there are any convenience stores nearby.

As he stepped outside he was greeted by a bright sun high in the sky and multiple gazes aimed towards him. Some were filled with curiosity while others had a small amount of pity. This confused him for a while but then he realized it was probably because he was by himself. Not caring about the situation anymore he just shrugged his shoulder and made his way north in hope of finding a store.

After 2 minutes of walking, instead of finding a convenience store, he found a large supermarket. Once stepping in he saw various people in there but what caught his attention was the variety of colors he saw. The hair that people had were ranging from orange to green to dark blue. He continued to examine everyone in there without minding the people that were trying to walk

A worker that saw a young child standing at the entrance of the store blocking everyone else from entering walked towards him and was about to ask him if everything was alright but before she could ask anything she was shocked at how cute the kid in front of her was but shook her head from her to get rid of her thoughts tapped the child in the shoulder and faked coughed to get his attention.

Hearing a cough Adam turned to his left and saw a woman with an apron around her and a cap on her head and was about to ask what she wanted but realized that he was still standing at the entrance. Understanding what it was that she was about to tell him Adam saved himself from embarrassing himself by bowing to her before making his way through to the aisles.


Once he was back home after his quick shopping trip he took out his food from Gate of Babylon's treasure vault but what he saw shocked him. Out of the golden ripple came out perfectly cooked fish with a mix of vegetables around it decorated perfectly. It seemed that he wouldn't need to worry about cooking anymore.

After enjoying the delicious meal he made his way to his room to use the laptop that was left on his bed. Opening it up he had to make an account and do everything he needed to use it. He found it weird that he already had wifi set up but ended up shrugging it up while thinking 'another thing I have to be grateful to the Goddess'

He quickly looked up publishing companies and found that there were quite a couple of them near him so he decided to remember the locations and phone numbers for each of them for later.

Being done with his internet surfing he decided to go to sleep and go to the store tomorrow for his equipment. Also, he wanted to start some basic training to make sure he was able to get enough muscle to use the weapons inside his vault how they were meant to be used. While it would be fun to just continuously spam weapons towards your enemies he also wanted to use the weapons he had.

With those thoughts running through Adam's head he took a shower and made his way towards his bed to go to sleep.

I hope this chapter is enjoyable. Tell me if I can improve on something. Next chapter I am going to introduce a new character from a very popular anime. There will probably only be a little bit of action for the next 2 chapters. It will be mostly about him growing up and developments like that until the main story starts in high school 'cause that's were most slice of life take place' :)

Thanks for reading!!! Review it if you have time.

See ya

eeclime14creators' thoughts